Love Vs Crush

Main Points Of Differences And Distinctions Between Love And Crush

Read This: True Love And True Relationship

Love and crush are somewhat related, but they have totally different meanings. Love in a romantic relationship is a profound feeling, but a crush is an immature or temporary feeling of being attracted to someone without any true feelings.

Following are some of the main points of differences and distinctions between love and crush:

Love is a feeling filled with genuine emotions and care for a person; whereas, a crush is more superficial in nature.

Love is a feeling that goes very deep and is very strong; whereas, a crush is a very shallow feeling that appears only on the surface.

Love is usually a more permanent feeling; whereas, a crush is just a very temporary liking for a person where one gets carried away in a matter of seconds.

Love usually doesn’t dissipate very quickly; whereas, a crush often goes away as fast as it sets in.

Love is a strong attachment to the other person; whereas, a crush may not involve any attachment.

Love is usually purer and goes far beyond any superficial attributes; whereas, a crush is often due to good looks or any other physical characteristics of a person.

Love is a beautiful feeling and can last forever; whereas, a crush is usually short-lived and goes away pretty fast.

Love may be one-sided or both-sided; whereas, a crush is usually partial.

Love takes one to a higher level of relationship; whereas, a crush tends to end without any progress unless it transforms into something more meaningful.

Love is a meaningful emotion; whereas, a crush is nothing more than a secret admiration for someone.

Love cannot transform into a crush; whereas, a crush may transform into love.
Read This: Too Much Excessive Love
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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