Marriage Of Convenience

Marriage Of Convenience Is A Relationship That Is Convenient For One or Both Partners And It Usually Involves Some Kind Of Personal Gain Instead Of Any Real Love Or Genuine Intentions Of Forming A Family

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Marriage Of Convenience:

A marriage of convenience is a marriage that is more like a contract or understanding between two people, for reasons other than that of love or affection. Such a marriage is entered into for personal gains such as for personal or financial benefit.

Main Characteristics Of Marriage Of Convenience:

A marriage of convenience is just another form or branch of arranged marriage. The main characteristic of this type of marriage is that it is based upon something other than genuine love and affection. Instead, such marriages are arranged for some sort of personal or professional gain. Marriage of convenience exists in almost every culture and society. In fact, it has historically existed for centuries. The main reasons for these types of marriages are usually kept secret and are often not disclosed to the open public. But, things are generally pretty apparent, and it doesn’t take much time for people to come to know the real truth behind such marriages. Some people call such marriages as sham marriages because there is some element of fraud or scam present in them. Marriage of convenience as the term itself suggests marriages that are executed because of mere convenience or personal gain instead of the genuine intentions of forming a family out of love and affection for one another.

Following are some of the forms of marriage for convenience:

To overcome an unwanted pregnancy out of wedlock where a couple is forced to get married due to the inability to abort the child or some religious reasons. Such marriages usually are more common in the more conservative part of society.

To showcase heterosexuality and cover up homosexuality and presentation to the community that a person is straight, especially in societies where it may be punishable to be openly gay or lesbian. Such marriages, also known as lavender marriages, may have one heterosexual and one homosexual partner or both gay partners.

To exploit some legal loophole of some sort such as to get special privileges that only married people can understand. Such marriages are commenced to game the legal system and are hence not considered lawful.

To gain legal immigration status of countries that grant legal residency or citizenship to anyone married to a legal resident or citizen of that country. Such marriages are usually against the law, but people still do them to gain legal immigration status.

To strengthen ties, peace, harmony, safety, security, probability, networking, and for a strategic and political alliance between kingdoms in medieval times. Such marriages are also sometimes called the marriage of the state.

To form a partnership between individuals or groups of people for their mutual and lawful benefit that is otherwise deemed to be unsuitable to work jointly. They use the same phrase metaphorically to showcase that their alliance is one that is reached by compromising to demands and situation of each party involved.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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