Expression Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Expression

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I had always loved expressionist painting, like every European. In fact I admired it all the more because these were precisely the paintings despised by my father's generation.
~By Georg Baselitz ~

That cry of the soul to be lifted out of the bondage of the narrow circle of life, which carries up to God the protest and yearning of suffering man, never finds a more sublime expression than where humanity is oppressed and religion is corrupt.
~By Hall Caine ~

It's just someone has labelled us as having a different label to do what you do. I find that labels are the worst thing in the world for artistic expression.
~By Ornette Coleman ~

From a person standpoint, the old expression of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is somewhat true.
~By Vince McMahon ~

You are talking to a man who can only play a plastic keyboard. Give me anything weighted and I've had it. I haven't got the strength in my fingers to push them down. So I don't get a lot of expression on the keyboard.
~By Midge Ure ~

We should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. ~

What Christ gives us is quite explicit if his own words are interpreted according to their Aramaic meaning. The expression 'This is my Body' means this is myself.
~By Karl Rahner ~

The key thing is, even if you only have a couple of hours a month, those two hours shoulder-to-shoulder, next to one student, concentrated attention, shining this beam of light on their work, on their thoughts and their self-expression, is going to be absolutely transformative, because so many of the students have not had that ever before.
~By Dave Eggers ~

Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith.
~By Gordon B. Hinckley ~

One of the most feared expressions in modern times is 'The computer is down.'
~By Norman Ralph Augustine ~

Almost all crime is due to the repressed desire for aesthetic expression.
~By Evelyn Waugh ~

You must first spend some time getting your model to relax. Then you'll get a natural expression.
~By Norman Rockwell ~

I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.
~By Yves Saint Laurent ~

The combination of domesticity and wildness - that's a deep expression.
~By Tracy Kidder ~

It makes no difference whether a work is naturalistic or abstract; every visual expression follows the same fundamental laws.
~By Hans Hofmann ~

It has to be able to play at the maximum expression and communication in every style, and the only way you can do that is - like Verdi said - working with a file, every day, little by little, until the orchestra's collective qualities emerge.
~By James Levine ~

An idea can only be materialized with the help of a medium of expression, the inherent qualities of which must be surely sensed and understood in order to become the carrier of an idea.
~By Hans Hofmann ~

I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular, the most practical, the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.
~By Yves Saint Laurent ~

In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action.
~By Louis D. Brandeis ~

Expressions of disapproval are on a level of vulgarity that cannot be tolerated. The way to express disapproval is to do without applause.
~By Rudolf Bing ~

Freedom of expression - in particular, freedom of the press - guarantees popular participation in the decisions and actions of government, and popular participation is the essence of our democracy.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

The desire for self-expression afflicts people when they feel there is something of themselves which is not getting through to the outside world.
~By Fay Weldon ~

Exaggerated sensitiveness is an expression of the feeling of inferiority.
~By Alfred Adler ~

The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle.
~By Marcus Aurelius ~

All interest in disease and death is only another expression of interest in life.
~By Thomas Mann ~

I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.
~By Henry Miller ~

Every mind which has given itself to self-expression in art is aware of a directing agency outside its conscious control which it has agreed to label 'inspiration'.
~By Norman Lindsay ~

Because there is so little room for expression otherwise, a lot of people love cinema because they find it a way of expressing themselves.
~By Mohsen Makhmalbaf ~

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
~By Albert Einstein ~

In the final analysis, the incident is seen as originating from an emotional expression of the frustration and anger of the proud people of China who had been subject to ever increasing oppression from without and decadent corruption from within.
~By Chen Ning Yang ~

And that Newman wasn't, and yet to me Pollock is just as radical and unlike Expressionism as Newman.
~By Donald Judd ~

A maverick feels like he has no choice however difficult his choice of expression. In my case, it was going backwards into tonality. It seemed so wrong. The idea that progress is going into the past in a new way is very strange, even though there are precedents.
~By David Del Tredici ~

You have to take strength from the people that love you and the people that love Barbara and the huge number of expressions of sympathy and compassion and support. That has been extremely moving.
~By Ted Olson ~

Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

Religious poetry, civic poetry, lyric or dramatic poetry are all categories of man's expression which are valid only if the endorsement of formal content is valid.
~By Salvatore Quasimodo ~

Caresses, expressions of one sort or another, are necessary to the life of the affections as leaves are to the life of a tree. If they are wholly restrained, love will die at the roots.
~By Nathaniel Hawthorne ~

The censor's sword pierces deeply into the heart of free expression.
~By Earl Warren ~

The eye of genius has always a plaintive expression, and its natural language is pathos.
~By Lydia M. Child ~

In a novel, my feelings and sense of outrage can find a broader means of expression which would be more symbolic and applicable to many European countries.
~By Antonio Tabucchi ~

Singing your own songs is all about individual expression.
~By Lyle Lovett ~

The early expression of my youth was filled with all the aspects of art.
~By Felix de Weldon ~

For me art and chess are closely related, both are forms in which the self finds beauty and expression.
~By Vladimir Kramnik ~

Creativity is the greatest expression of liberty.
~By Bryant H. McGill ~

Every art expression is rooted fundamentally in the personality and temperament of the artist.
~By Hans Hofmann ~

All that's left now is purely poetic work, putting more life into individual places, as I've made so sure of the fundamental mood and dimension of expression that it won't leave me groping around in uncertainty any more.
~By Oskar Kokoschka ~

It is only after years of preparation that the young artist should touch color - not color used descriptively, that is, but as a means of personal expression.
~By Henri Matisse ~

Challenging the meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human.
~By Viktor E. Frankl ~

Imitation is being rewarded. They're learning that if you fit right in the mold, you get rewarded. Music is no longer a form of expression - it's a means to a lifestyle.
~By Mike Watt ~

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion, just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth.
~By Publilius Syrus ~

But please know, whether you believe campaign contributions are speech or property, that I learned to love very dearly the right of free expression when I lived without that freedom for a while a long time ago.
~By John McCain ~

Once you've established where you are, you go to the character and elaborate on expressions and action.
~By Sergio Aragones ~

I was intelligent enough to make up my own mind. I not only had freedom of choice, I had freedom of expression.
~By Amy Tan ~

How beautiful maleness is, if it finds its right expression.
~By David Herbert Lawrence ~

It is almost impossible to reconcile self expression with the creative act.
~By Charles Eames ~

The most important precedents deal with the whole idea of symbolic programming - the notion of setting up symbolic expressions that can represent anything one wants, and then having functions that operate on both their structure and content.
~By Stephen Wolfram ~

Viewed narrowly, all life is universal hunger and an expression of energy associated with it.
~By Mary Ritter Beard ~

At the present moment, with little or no detail to hand, it is difficult for me to make any comment, beyond the expression of horror at the shameless haste with which the government appears to be pressing for our liquidation.
~By Ethel Rosenberg ~

Lyric writing is an interesting process in Sonic Youth. There's three people writing now, and we've all had a lot of interest and involvement with expression through words.
~By Thurston Moore ~

Wisdom finds its literary expression in wisdom literature.
~By Paul Ricoeur ~

The movie business is very difficult but the music business is just impossible. So I'll play in bands and record and play songs with other people, but for me it's a form of expression that all I need is me. I don't need cameras or agents, I can just have a piano and sing and feel totally verified.
~By Jeremy Renner ~

No compliment can be eloquent, except as an expression of indifference.
~By George Eliot ~

Every good man progressively becomes God. To become God, to be man, and to educate oneself, are expressions that are synonymous.
~By Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel ~

For me, music making is the most joyful activity possible, the most perfect expression of any emotion.
~By Luciano Pavarotti ~

The purest expression of the doctrine of Liberalism was probably that of Benjamin Constant.
~By Francis Parker Yockey ~

Endeavour to be faithful, and if there is any beauty in your thought, your style will be beautiful; if there is any real emotion to express, the expression will be moving.
~By George Henry Lewes ~

A style is not a matter of camera angles or fancy footwork, it's an expression, an accurate expression of your particular opinion.
~By Karel Reisz ~

What I'm fighting for now in my work... for an expression relevant to all manner of blacks, poems I could take into a tavern, into the street, into the halls of a housing project.
~By Gwendolyn Brooks ~

Visible Faith is an expression of my Christian faith which must be visible to be real! I gave the name to the collection of musicians who worked with me on the record.
~By Ken Hensley ~

Yes, you know sometimes, we started out thinking out how strange our painting was next to normal painting, which was anything expressionist. You forget that this has been thirty five years now and people don't look at it as if it were some kind of oddity.
~By Roy Lichtenstein ~

Mob law is the most forcible expression of an abnormal public opinion; it shows that society is rotten to the core.
~By Timothy Thomas Fortune ~

My interest lies in my self-expression - what's inside of me - not what I'm in.
~By John Turturro ~

The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
~By Michael Jackson ~

Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and individuality.
~By Richard Courant ~

To speak, therefore, of an electric current in the nerves, is to use quite as symbolic an expression as if we compared the action of the nervous principle with light or magnetism.
~By Johannes P. Muller ~

Literature that keeps employing new linguistic and formal modes of expression to draft a panorama of society as a whole while at the same time exposing it, tearing the masks from its face - for me that would be deserving of an award.
~By Elfriede Jelinek ~

Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind.
~By Earl Nightingale ~

As a necessary prerequisite to the creation of new forms of expression one might, I suppose, argue that current sensibilities respond uniquely to the notion of exhaustion as exhaustion, although that does de facto seem rather limiting.
~By Brian Ferneyhough ~

David Bowie and Boy George created a safely contained theatrical expression of gay style.
~By Lance Loud ~

Simplicity is the glory of expression.
~By Walt Whitman ~

Since, however, the reduced surplus value is to be distributed among them in like manner, the modification of their respective parts in the production of surplus value must find expression in a modification of the prices.
~By Rudolf Hiferding ~

The office of drama is to exercise, possibly to exhaust, human emotions. The purpose of comedy is to tickle those emotions into an expression of light relief; of tragedy, to wound them and bring the relief of tears. Disgust and terror are the other points of the compass.
~By Laurence Olivier ~

I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.
~By Madonna Ciccone ~

Rock 'n Roll: The most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear.
~By Frank Sinatra ~

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
~By Marianne Williamson ~

The music is a personal expression, like art. It is something that you like doing that comes from within, and is an expression that comes from God. That is why artists are beautiful and why people who copy are not really artistic.
~By Michael Schenker ~

The details are the very source of expression in architecture. But we are caught in a vice between art and the bottom line.
~By Arthur Erickson ~

Every word, facial expression, gesture, or action on the part of a parent gives the child some message about self-worth. It is sad that so many parents don't realize what messages they are sending.
~By Virginia Satir ~

Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It's a bum's life. Quitting acting, that's the sign of maturity.
~By Marlon Brando ~

The expression of divinity is in variety.
~By Sheri S. Tepper ~

What is he? He's a puppeteer and he's got a lot of inspiration all around him, and the fact that they can manipulate the expressions now with ease compared to what it used to be.
~By Joe Grant ~

So, my style has hopefully changed over the years and it is more relaxed, and I do tend to smile and have more than one expression these days hopefully - which I didn't at the beginning.
~By Jo Brand ~

Music, which should pulsate with life, needs new means of expression, and science alone can infuse it with youthful vigor.
~By Edgard Varese ~

Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.
~By Benjamin Cardozo ~

In the studio the director controls the actor's every move, every inflection, every expression.
~By Bela Lugosi ~

I paint abstract expressions.
~By Billy Zane ~

The citizen's job is to be rude - to pierce the comfort of professional intercourse by boorish expressions of doubt.
~By John Ralston Saul ~

When you have birds you stare at them a lot and their eyes are recessed on their head. When they look at something they tilt their head in a quizzical expression.
~By Ted Rall ~

When I start to write, words have become physical presence. It was to see if I could bring that private world to life that found its first expression through reading. I really dislike the romantic notion of the artist.
~By John McGahern ~

The sun as the expression of old world energy is torn down from the heavens by modern man, who by virtue of his technological superiority creates his own energy source.
~By El Lissitzky ~

Whoever speaks of Europe is wrong: it is a geographical expression.
~By Otto Von Bismarck ~

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May 17 ,2024
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