Fault Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Fault

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Focus on remedies, not faults.
~By Jack Nicklaus ~

The basic fault lines today are not between people with different beliefs but between people who hold these beliefs with an element of uncertainty and people who hold these beliefs with a pretense of certitude.
~By Peter L. Berger ~

And oftentimes excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the excuse.
~By William Shakespeare ~

I mean, for all of his faults and the troubles in his marriage, Bill Clinton is still married to a girl he met in the library 25 years ago at school. Can we say that about many of our other leaders today in America, including on the right wing?
~By Paul Begala ~

It's not blaming the victim. It's not anybody's fault. They just did something that didn't work, that's all.
~By Kary Mullis ~

Truly it is an evil to be full of faults; but it is a still greater evil to be full of them and to be unwilling to recognize them, since that is to add the further fault of a voluntary illusion.
~By Blaise Pascal ~

Children are supposed to help hold a marriage together. They do this in a number of ways. For instance, they demand so much attention that a husband and wife, concentrating on their children, fail to notice each other's faults.
~By Richard Armour ~

I am so infinitely happy that he loves me so much, and I pray that it will always be like this. It won't be my fault if he ever stops loving me.
~By Eva Braun ~

It is tragic that the Fuehrer should have the whole nation behind him with the single exception of the Army generals. In my opinion it is only by action that they can now atone for their faults of lack of character and discipline.
~By Alfred Jodl ~

Although I do wrong, I do not the wrongs that I am charged with doing; the wrong that I do is through the frailty of human nature, like other men. No man lives without fault.
~By Joseph Smith, Jr. ~

Of course in war all madnesses come out in a man, that is the fault of war not of a man or a nation.
~By Frieda Lawrence ~

It is much easier to find fault with others, than to be faultless ourselves.
~By Samuel Richardson ~

People who live in the past generally are afraid to compete in the present. I've got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them. There's no future in it.
~By Sparky Anderson ~

It just broke my heart, and I had to get away from it. I love them to death, but they know how bad it got. It's not their fault, but I couldn't do that any longer.
~By Brian Welch ~

While fools shun one set of faults they run into the opposite one.
~By Horace ~

It wounds a man less to confess that he has failed in any pursuit through idleness, neglect, the love of pleasure, etc., etc., which are his own faults, than through incapacity and unfitness, which are the faults of his nature.
~By Lord Melbourne ~

The worst fault of the working classes is telling their children they're not going to succeed.
~By John Mortimer ~

Of all the things I could know, my own faults and weaknesses are pretty much the most important.
~By Simon Travaglia ~

You can bear your own faults, and why not a fault in your wife?
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

I have the fault of being a little more sincere than is proper.
~By Moliere ~

Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me.
~By Alexander Pope ~

If we were faultless we should not be so much annoyed by the defects of those with whom we associate.
~By Francois Fenelon ~

Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined. Lawless, winged, and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind.
~By William Shakespeare ~

Always mistrust a subordinate who never finds fault with his superior.
~By William Collins ~

Jealousy is, I think, the worst of all faults because it makes a victim of both parties.
~By Gene Tierney ~

We all have faults, and mine is being wicked.
~By James Thurber ~

A fault is fostered by concealment.
~By Virgil ~

Quarrels would not last long if the fault was only on one side.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Most of our faults are more pardonable than the means we use to conceal them.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

We are witnessing a slow, steady takeover of our true freedoms. We are becoming a socialist nation, and whoever can't see this is probably hoping it isn't true. If we permit Mr. Obama to take over all our industries, if we permit him to raise our taxes to support unconstitutional causes, then we will be in default. This great America will become a paralyzed nation.
~By Jon Voight ~

I should have no objection to go over the same life from its beginning to the end: requesting only the advantage authors have, of correcting in a second edition the faults of the first.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

There are some faults so nearly allied to excellence that we can scarce weed out the vice without eradicating the virtue.
~By Oliver Goldsmith ~

It is not Kafka's fault that his wonderful writings have lately turned into a fad, and are read by people who have neither the ability nor the desire to absorb literature.
~By Herman Hesse ~

The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality, and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault.
~By Sarah Palin ~

Sexism is not the fault of women - kill your fathers, not your mothers.
~By Robin Morgan ~

I find fault with my children because I like them and I want them to go places - uprightness and strength and courage and civil respect and anything that affects the probabilities of failure on the part of those that are closest to me, that concerns me - I find fault.
~By Branch Rickey ~

No one is to blame. It is neither their fault nor ours. It is the misfortune of being born when a whole world is dying.
~By Alexander Herzen ~

Negroes are human beings with exactly the same faults and virtues as members of the other races.
~By Ethel Waters ~

Let us carefully observe those good qualities wherein our enemies excel us; and endeavor to excel them, by avoiding what is faulty, and imitating what is excellent in them.
~By Plutarch ~

Give no time to finding fault of criticism.
~By Marvin J. Ashton ~

Every man should keep a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends.
~By Henry Ward Beecher ~

It's easy to see the faults in people I know; it's hardest to see the good. Especially when the good isn't there.
~By Will Cuppy ~

People who think they're generous to a fault usually think that's their only fault.
~By Sydney J. Harris ~

It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship.
~By Henry Ward Beecher ~

Tomorrow, every Fault is to be amended; but that Tomorrow never comes.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

As many will remember, a respected Army Corps economist filed a whistleblower complaint about the Corps' use of faulty data to justify lock and dam expansion.
~By Ron Kind ~

In America, with all of its evils and faults, you can still reach through the forest and see the sun. But we don't know yet whether that sun is rising or setting for our country.
~By Dick Gregory ~

When liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered.
~By Dorothy Thompson ~

I went through a long period of time in that marriage when I didn't believe anything was my fault. I had to face what my part was, and only because of that difficult work was I able to trust a man again.
~By Connie Sellecca ~

To grow wiser means to learn to know better and better the faults to which this instrument with which we feel and judge can be subject.
~By Georg C. Lichtenberg ~

Be calm in arguing; for fierceness makes error a fault, and truth discourtesy.
~By George Herbert ~

To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves.
~By Alexander Pope ~

It is almost always a fault of one who loves not to realize when he ceases to be loved.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

To discern what weaknesses and faults separate you from God, you must enter into your own inward ground and then confront yourself.
~By Johannes Tauler ~

Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse.
~By Oliver Goldsmith ~

So far I, at least, have no fault to find with implications of Hamilton's Federalism, but unfortunately his policy was in certain other respects tainted with a more doubtful tendency.
~By Herbert Croly ~

Parents forgive their children least readily for the faults they themselves instilled in them.
~By Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach ~

If you become addicted and a junkie, well, that's your fault.
~By Adam Jones ~

Errors of taste are very often the outward sign of a deep fault of sensibility.
~By Jonathan Miller ~

But he like my mother, had certainly come to know that those who work the most do not make the most money. It was the fault of the rich, it seemed, but just how he did not know.
~By Agnes Smedley ~

She's generous to a fault - if it's her own.
~By Bugs Baer ~

A brother who recognizes that we have shortcomings, we, in the struggle, have faults, and that he wanted to reconcile differences.
~By Louis Farrakhan ~

We changed every lead in our whole system, and to this day we still don't really know why it did it. We think wires were touching and faulting. That was it really, but it didn't make it any easier.
~By Kelly Jones ~

Just as the British subject loves England despite her faults, so we must insist that all Germans who were part of the old Germany and helped shape her, recognize the greatness and worthiness of present-day Germany.
~By Gustav Stresemann ~

Find fault when you must find fault in private, and if possible sometime after the offense, rather than at the time.
~By Sydney Smith ~

Anyone who wants to run has to be a Jimmy Swaggart, minus the default.
~By Chevy Chase ~

An artist is his own fault.
~By John O'Hara ~

If the best man's faults were written on his forehead, he would draw his hat over his eyes.
~By Thomas Gray ~

If you commit a big crime then you are crazy, and the more heinous the crime the crazier you must be. Therefore you are not responsible, and nothing is your fault.
~By Peggy Noonan ~

Faultless to a fault.
~By Robert Browning ~

I have my faults, but changing my tune is not one of them.
~By Samuel Beckett ~

I've often thought that my lack of intimacy with those around me is the fault of those around me.
~By Luke Ford ~

The desire of talking of ourselves, and showing those faults we do not mind having seen, makes up a good part of our sincerity.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

It is another's fault if he be ungrateful, but it is mine if I do not give. To find one thankful man, I will oblige a great many that are not so.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

When I was playing the game we never had the benefit of TV or video to analyse our techniques or look at faults, we depended on other cricketers to watch us and then tell us what they thought we were doing wrong.
~By Geoffrey Boycott ~

If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed and if we are not willing to change, we will disappear from the face of the globe, to be replaced by the insect.
~By Jacques Yves Cousteau ~

This is a fault common to all singers, that among their friends they will never sing when they are asked; unasked, they will never desist.
~By Horace ~

One of the surest evidences of friendship that one individual can display to another is telling him gently of a fault. If any other can excel it, it is listening to such a disclosure with gratitude, and amending the error.
~By Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton ~

I like to think I would not have approved those methods in the past, but I do not fault those who made the decisions at that time, and I will absolutely defend those who carried out the interrogations within the orders they were given.
~By Dennis C. Blair ~

It has been the great fault of our politicians that they have all wanted to do something.
~By Anthony Trollope ~

This is the great fault of wine; it first trips up the feet: it is a cunning wrestler.
~By Titus Maccius Plautus ~

I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?
~By Yogi Berra ~

Removing the faults in a stage-coach may produce a perfect stage-coach, but it is unlikely to produce the first motor car.
~By Edward de Bono ~

We are people with all the hopes, dreams, passions, and faults of everyone else. Eighty percent of us are born into families with no history of dwarfism.
~By Billy Barty ~

Had we not faults of our own, we should take less pleasure in complaining of others.
~By Francois Fenelon ~

To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
~By Louis Nizer ~

It's my responsibility, and entirely my fault, Of course I regret it. It's the kind of locker-room conversation we all use, but as prime minister I shouldn't have used it.
~By Brian Mulroney ~

So, babies are taken from their mothers because they get temporarily insane and it's not the mother's fault. This is the thing: they shouldn't feel ashamed. They didn't cause this. It is not something they did to themselves.
~By Marie Osmond ~

Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.
~By Les Brown ~

I have this desire to keep improving, so I find fault.
~By Heston Blumenthal ~

Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see, Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be.
~By Alexander Pope ~

I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

But in answer to your question about the conspiracy angle, I think that any historian worth his salt, and this is where I fault Stephen Ambrose and a lot of these guys who attack me - not all of life is a result of conspiracy by any means! Accident occurs alongside conspiracy.
~By Oliver Stone ~

The German experience, as you can see, did move me very much. Seeing that terrible destruction and seeing the miserable state of the people, how they had been beaten down by the war through no fault of their own probably.
~By James Laughlin ~

We may not like our times or many aspects of the time we live in but that is not the fault of art as such.
~By David Elliott ~

Timidity is a fault for which it is dangerous to reprove persons whom we wish to correct of it.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

I have a list a mile long of faults that sometimes bring me to my knees in self-hatred.
~By Frank Langella ~

In the beginning, everybody that gets to work with me, thinks I'm nice. But three weeks later, they hear a bell ringing. Then they realise I meant everything I said during that first week. It's not my fault people are not taking me serious from the first moment.
~By Andrew Eldritch ~

I'm not suggesting that the play is without fault; all of my plays are imperfect, I'm rather happy to say-it leaves me something to do.
~By Edward Albee ~

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May 17 ,2024
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