Feeling Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Feeling

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But, clearly to me, what I've come to see is that that happened because I didn't have enough feelings of self-worth. So that I didn't feel that... I was worthy of being number one to a man.
~By Monica Lewinsky ~

I don't want what I am saying to sound like a prophecy or anything like an analysis of modern society... these are only feelings I have, and I am the least speculative man on earth.
~By Michelangelo Antonioni ~

Democracy is supposed to give you the feeling of choice, like Painkiller X and Painkiller Y. But they're both just aspirin.
~By Gore Vidal ~

I go for as much feeling as I can rather than show what I can do up and down the neck. I don't play to show people ability.
~By Robin Trower ~

I think that the most difficult thing is allowing yourself to be loved, so receiving the love and feeling like you deserve it is a pretty big struggle. I suppose that's what I've learnt recently, to allow myself to be loved.
~By Nicole Kidman ~

It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.
~By Kurt Cobain ~

A garden is to be a world unto itself, it had better make room for the darker shades of feeling as well as the sunny ones.
~By William Kent ~

I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.
~By Frida Kahlo ~

The feeling of accomplishment welled up inside of me, three Olympic gold medals. I knew that was something nobody could ever take away from me, ever.
~By Wilma Rudolph ~

Art is the objectification of feeling.
~By Herman Melville ~

It's fabulous when you do that, when you discover somebody who you like, when you kind of feel those feelings, even though he articulates them better.
~By Bryan Ferry ~

All violent feelings have the same effect. They produce in us a falseness in all our impressions of external things, which I would generally characterize as the pathetic fallacy.
~By John Ruskin ~

It is my feeling that Time ripens all things; with Time all things are revealed; Time is the father of truth.
~By Francois Rabelais ~

I understand the harsh feelings and sentiments from my opponents and their supporters because I myself have been defeated twice in my political life in the past and I understand very well it is hard to accept your own failure.
~By Chen Shui-bian ~

When you sing gospel you have a feeling there is a cure for what's wrong.
~By Mahalia Jackson ~

I have no idea why I write. The old standards are: I like to express my feelings, stretch my imagination, earn money.
~By S. E. Hinton ~

I have very strong feelings about how you lead your life. You always look ahead, you never look back.
~By Ann Richards ~

Oh may He look on us with love and pity and then we shall be able to do anything He wishes us to do, no matter how difficult to accomplish or painful to our feeling.
~By Catherine McAuley ~

If someone is expressing everything I am feeling at the moment, it's probably Jon Stewart. I hear him and think, Yeah!
~By Sandy Duncan ~

I like all those painters who loved and had a strong feeling for nature.
~By Alfred Sisley ~

I'd go down to the end of my street, to a garage that had a certain feeling about it, or a particular light; I'd take a picture of a friend who needed a head shot. That's how I learned, instead of having school assignments and learning camera techniques.
~By Herb Ritts ~

Rationalism, which is the feeling that everything is subject to and completely explicable by Reason, consequently rejects everything not visible and calculable.
~By Francis Parker Yockey ~

Illusions are art, for the feeling person, and it is by art that we live, if we do.
~By Elizabeth Bowen ~

No American can read the story of the part America took in the war without experiencing a glow of patriotic feeling. Every Allied nation can say the same thing.
~By Kelly Miller ~

I'm not just a boy toy. I have feelings and dreams like anybody else.
~By Jon Stewart ~

The more we can get together and talk about various perspectives, feelings, beliefs, the better.
~By William P. Leahy ~

I think that is a universal adolescent feeling, trying to find your place. The adolescent who is perfectly adjusted to his environment, I've yet to meet.
~By Roger Bannister ~

I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that.
~By Princess Diana ~

Why should I be feeling tension? It's The Daily Show.
~By Rob Corddry ~

I mean, I look at my dad. He was twenty when he started having a family, and he was always the coolest dad. He did everything for his kids, and he never made us feel like he was pressured. I know that it must be a great feeling to be a guy like that.
~By Adam Sandler ~

Anyone who has ever had the feeling of being higher than a kite after giving a public speech is well aware of the effects of attention.
~By Keith Henson ~

The dimensions of my feelings are too violent.
~By Klaus Kinski ~

Mental states of every kind, - sensations, feelings, ideas, - which were at one time present in consciousness and then have disappeared from it, have not with their disappearance absolutely ceased to exist.
~By Hermann Ebbinghaus ~

There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or to be acted out under the guise of virtue.
~By Erich Fromm ~

I am so used to seeing the sort of play which deals with one man and two women. They do not leave me with the feeling I have made a full theatrical meal they do not give me the experience of the multiplicity of life.
~By E. M. Forster ~

I like to wake up each morning feeling a new man.
~By Jean Harlow ~

I spent a lot of time feeling alienated and rejected.
~By Lisa Bonet ~

No deep and strong feeling, such as we may come across here and there in the world, is unmixed with compassion. The more we love, the more the object of our love seems to us to be a victim.
~By Boris Pasternak ~

Deep down I have this atavistic feeling that really I should be in the country.
~By Penelope Lively ~

Fashion is so close in revealing a person's inner feelings and everybody seems to hate to lay claim to vanity so people tend to push it away. It's really too close to the quick of the soul.
~By Stella Blum ~

In that I found being able to talk to my family about my feelings, praying for strength and realizing that our lives have a deep purpose and the journey of our lives is to find out what that is and express it, was the only way I could have gotten through it.
~By Marlo Thomas ~

I love the feeling of creating pictures in someone's mind just by spelling out the right lyrical combination.
~By Billy Sherwood ~

No good opera plot can be sensible, for people do not sing when they are feeling sensible.
~By W. H. Auden ~

Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there.
~By P. J. O'Rourke ~

What you aspire to on a sitcom is the feeling of live comedy.
~By John Lithgow ~

Journalism is concerned with events, poetry with feelings. Journalism is concerned with the look of the world, poetry with the feel of the world.
~By Archibald MacLeish ~

I remember feeling that technology was like trying to draw with your foot. In a ski boot. It was the most indirect way to work imaginable, but the potential had us all excited. I started in stop motion.
~By Chris Wedge ~

I'm no interior decorator, but just I have a feeling that plastic plants in the bathroom... probably not a good idea.
~By Kyan Douglas ~

It's really good to be able to think about past loves without having a pit in my stomach, or cringing or feeling heart-broken, or like they hate you. Don't you think?
~By Winona Ryder ~

I usually write when I'm in a great place. When I'm depressed, I don't usually write. So I take all of when I'm depressed and throw it into when I'm feeling good. Weird, I guess.
~By Del Shannon ~

Living in that childish wonder is a most beautiful feeling - I can so well remember it. There was always something more - behind and beyond everything - to me, the golden spectacles were very, very big.
~By Kate Greenaway ~

I found out was, by the rhythm of my chewing, how I chewed fast, slow or what have you, I could tell the audience what my character was thinking and feeling.
~By Rod Steiger ~

As an alcoholic, you have no appreciation for your wife or your children's feelings, but I'm making up for that now. I'm winning my children's trust back.
~By Maurice Gibb ~

I waged war against my feelings.
~By John James Audubon ~

My mother had always taught me to write about my feelings instead of sharing really personal things with others, so I spent many evenings writing in my diary, eating everything in the kitchen and waiting for Mr. Wrong to call.
~By Cathy Guisewite ~

I had no words for these feelings. And then people started using the word Ms. Suddenly, there was this handle with which I could identify myself and understand why I felt so out of whack with the culture around me.
~By Betty Buckley ~

The thing that I like about being me is that everybody gets a different feeling from me.
~By Willa Ford ~

When men take pleasure in feeling their minds elevated with strong drink, and so indulge their appetite as to disorder their understandings, neglect their duty as members of a family or civil society, and cast off all regard to religion, their case is much to be pitied.
~By John Woolman ~

The beautiful feeling after writing a poem is on the whole better even than after sex, and that's saying a lot.
~By Anne Sexton ~

Collectively, we must do more than simply watch, with resignation and a feeling of powerlessness, reports on the evening news about the latest terrorist atrocity.
~By Michael Jeffery ~

That's a great feeling to know that I'm going into a project that I have no idea what will become of that movie, but I really trust Ang Lee. And I really trusted Ron. It's just really nice to work with people that you feel that way about.
~By Jennifer Connelly ~

Before children, even the most cynical people throw down their usual masks and become capable of feeling the purity and love which all human beings seek.
~By Sun Myung Moon ~

I walk around feeling a sort of existential guilt all the time; and honestly for me this house is a way of feeling less guilty about the universe.
~By Julia Louis Dreyfus ~

But while human liberty has engaged the attention of the enlightened, and enlisted the feelings of the generous of all civilized nations, may we not enquire if this liberty has been rightly understood?
~By Francis Wright ~

A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings.
~By Olin Miller ~

I get satisfaction of three kinds. One is creating something, one is being paid for it and one is the feeling that I haven't just been sitting on my ass all afternoon.
~By William F. Buckley, Jr. ~

We see that every external motion, act, gesture, whether voluntary or mechanical, organic or mental, is produced and preceded by internal feeling or emotion, will or volition, and thought or mind.
~By H. P. Blavatsky ~

Who among us has the strength to oppose petty egoism, those petty good feelings, pity and remorse?
~By Ivan Turgenev ~

It is tough to say what has influenced me the most because I know that Mozart makes me think better, but you cannot beat Dave Matthews for feeling good!
~By Mackenzie Astin ~

Feeling a little blue in January is normal.
~By Marilu Henner ~

I think most people, even if they say they hate horror movies, there's that feeling you get inside that you love. I mean, I love it. I love to have the hairs on the back of my neck stand up or get that chill up my spine.
~By Barry Watson ~

We have a society in which one of the greatest things you can do is a platform to see victim status, and one of the qualifications for that is that you have these exquisitely tender feelings about things and sensibilities which are easily offended.
~By Brit Hume ~

Every job is different. I don't think that I've ever had that wonderful feeling when you've finished a job or where you feel like you've mastered it or sort of nailed it... You can never be satisfied. If you're satisfied, it's time to retire.
~By Alfred Molina ~

Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.
~By Samuel Butler ~

I know not why there is such a melancholy feeling attached to the remembrance of past happiness, except that we fear that the future can have nothing so bright as the past.
~By Julia Ward Howe ~

I think so much depends on how you are feeling mentally and emotionally. I try to keep my head on tight, and try to feel good, and just go out there and not be afraid.
~By Delta Burke ~

A fact is like a sack - it won't stand up if it's empty. To make it stand up, first you have to put in it all the reasons and feelings that caused it in the first place.
~By Luigi Pirandello ~

Being an artist is dragging your innermost feelings out, giving a piece of yourself, no matter in which art form, in which medium.
~By Henry Rollins ~

I never felt a feeling that I knew or could know to be unlike the feelings of other people. I never consciously thought, except after patterns that the world or my fellows set for me.
~By Josiah Royce ~

They who have reasoned ignorantly, or who have aimed at effecting their personal ends by flattering the popular feeling, have boldly affirmed that 'one man is as good as another;' a maxim that is true in neither nature, revealed morals, nor political theory.
~By James F. Cooper ~

Guided only by their feeling for symmetry, simplicity, and generality, and an indefinable sense of the fitness of things, creative mathematicians now, as in the past, are inspired by the art of mathematics rather than by any prospect of ultimate usefulness.
~By E. T. Bell ~

The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives - the death of genuine feeling, the death of inspired response, the awareness that makes it possible to feel the pain or the glory of other men in yourself.
~By Norman Cousins ~

I think that will be a lot of fun for audiences to get the same stream of consciousness that was going through my head at the time. It was very exciting to suddenly recall what I was feeling at the time.
~By Roland Joffe ~

There is still the feeling that women's writing is a lesser class of writing, that what goes on in the nursery or the bedroom is not as important as what goes on in the battlefield, that what women know about is a less category of knowledge.
~By Erica Jong ~

I want you to have this feeling too - it is my moral responsibility to help you achieve this inner freedom.
~By Dmitri Mendeleev ~

It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality is more important than the feeling for pictures.
~By Vincent Van Gogh ~

When you've toured for about 10 years like me, you end up feeling like you're always waiting for somebody or something. The whole day is a drag.
~By Ritchie Blackmore ~

They must have a feeling of do or die. It is such an overcrowded profession.
~By Louise Jameson ~

Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?
~By George Gobel ~

At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face.
~By Albert Camus ~

And there's a feeling you get from making music that is unlike anything else in the world.
~By Kid Rock ~

My feelings, as the last ball travelled over the net, and as I realized that the final match was mine, I cannot describe. I felt that here was a prize for all the games I had ever played.
~By Helen Wills Moody ~

My heart burnt within me with indignation and grief; we could think of nothing else. All night long we had only snatches of sleep, waking up perpetually to the sense of a great shock and grief. Every one is feeling the same. I never knew so universal a feeling.
~By Elizabeth Gaskell ~

The best feeling in the world is when your child comes up to you and lays their head in your lap, for no other reason but just because. I can't wait to have more.
~By Marlee Matlin ~

Balance is so important in our lives. In our busy world, we can give ourselves balance between thinking and feeling.
~By Yakov Smirnoff ~

What does kissing really mean to me? To me, if you feel, when you kiss a girl, that certain feeling of all those dolphins, like, swimming through your blood stream, and you get those good tingles inside your stomach, I don't think there's any better feeling.
~By Corey Haim ~

It's a great feeling to think that I can be a friend to so many people through my movies.
~By River Phoenix ~

Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.
~By William Wordsworth ~

I don't think you should reprimand your child for everything you're feeling because for them it's as serious as when something happens in our day and we get upset about it.
~By Nia Long ~

Most of what we take as being important is not material, whether it's music or feelings or love. They're things we can't really see or touch. They're not material, but they're vitally important to us.
~By Judy Collins ~

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May 17 ,2024
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