Girls Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Girls

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There are a lot of homes for boys, but very few for girls, that is why I chose to do for girls.
~By Miriam Makeba ~

Nancy Drew was always changing her outfits. I despised girls' clothing, I couldn't wait to get home from school and get out of it. The last thing I wanted to read was minute descriptions of Nancy's frocks.
~By Alison Bechdel ~

I like outgoing girls with a lovely smile and beautiful eyes.
~By Corbin Bleu ~

Now I know why guys like to hug girls. You guys just want to cop a feel. I can't believe that I've fallen for it all these years!
~By Sherilyn Fenn ~

It was like an older but better version of Young Talent Time because we had more time to spend on it. There were three guys and three girls and we made thirteen episodes that were sold in the United States and Canada.
~By Dannii Minogue ~

I'm not against half naked girls - not as often as I'd like to be.
~By Benny Hill ~

I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is a problem when I'm walking down the street.
~By Angelina Jolie ~

The laughs mean more to me than the adoration. If two girls walk up to me and one says 'you're cute', I'll say thank you, but I appreciate it much more when the other one says 'you make me laugh so much'.
~By Michael J. Fox ~

I think that weddings have probably been crashed since the beginning of time. Cavemen crashed them. You go to meet girls. It makes sense.
~By Christopher Walken ~

There are a lot of pretty girls. I am a tennis player first of all, that is why I am here, and if wasn't producing results no one would notice me.
~By Anna Kournikova ~

As I go back and listen, the other girls weren't singing quite like I was.
~By Wanda Jackson ~

If a man works like a horse for his money, there are a lot of girls anxious to take him down the bridal path.
~By Marty Allen ~

It was like two different photographers, and shot in three different locations and it was really fun to do. There were 12 beautiful girls in it. It was great.
~By Gisele Bundchen ~

I like low-maintenance girls, but at the same time, classy. She needs to take care of herself. But also be a girl who isn't afraid to get sweaty and play basketball, so it's cool if she's a tomboy.
~By Chris Brown ~

It's easy for women to say they don't understand and ask a man for help. As the saying goes, boys play with toys, and girls play with boys.
~By Tom Stewart ~

Few girls are as well shaped as a good horse.
~By Hannah Arendt ~

Girls are crazy and mean. They don't fight fair.
~By Suzanne Vega ~

"Yes we can" always struck many as a naive and childish chant, like something ripped off from the Camp Fire Girls.
~By Craig Shirley ~

There are no rules in fights with girls. Just hurting.
~By Suzanne Vega ~

Girls are scary. Large groups of girls scare the crap out of me.
~By Kristen Stewart ~

I like girls who don't mind that I hang out with my friends.
~By Michael Rosenbaum ~

Hopes are like hair ornaments. Girls want to wear too many of them. When they become old women they look silly wearing even one.
~By Arthur Golden ~

Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive, half wishing they were dead to save the shame. The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow; They have drawn too near the fire of life, like gnats, and flare up bodily, wings and all. What then? Who's sorry for a gnat or girl?
~By Elizabeth Barrett Browning ~

By the time I entered college, I had decided not to have children, a decision that was never regretted. Accordingly, I was careful to court only girls who wanted to have professional careers.
~By Donald Cram ~

You see, I was never stage-struck the way most girls were.
~By Beatrice Wood ~

Then I read Little Women, and of course, like a lot of really young girls, I was very taken with Jo - Jo being the writer and the misfit.
~By Patti Smith ~

Guys aren't threatening. Other girls are the competition. You are usually what they're fighting over.
~By Jonathan Bennett ~

The only trouble here is they won't let us study enough. They are so afraid we shall break down and you know the reputation of the College is at stake, for the question is, can girls get a college degree without ruining their health?
~By Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards ~

I never expected to see the day when girls would get sunburned in the places they now do.
~By Will Rogers ~

Relationships are made of talk - and talk is for girls and women.
~By Deborah Tannen ~

Well we'd just seen Gerry. I think he wanted somebody who had that authority and was handsome. The thing is, he's a big hunk isn't he? All I can say, if you look at his chat line, or the Phantom website, it's quite worrying. Because the girls really seem to love him.
~By Andrew Lloyd Webber ~

Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.
~By Anne Frank ~

And I also have a camera, a Web cam, and I have one at home, so I can hook up and talk to the girls, and they can see me while we're on the bus in the middle of nowhere.
~By Lee Ann Womack ~

You know, who cares about seeing the girls when everybody wants to see the band. That's what's important, KISS is important. I think we look great, and the attitude is there, and I'm real happy with it.
~By Eric Carr ~

I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls, driving to the supermarket, squeezing the fruit, getting my car washed, taking walks.
~By Barack Obama ~

You can't fool television viewers with dancing girls and flashing lights.
~By Bob Barker ~

If I had to give a definition of capitalism I would say: the process whereby American girls turn into American women.
~By Christopher Hampton ~

They are imported by companies, controlled as serfs, worked like slaves, and at last go back to China with all their earnings. They are in every place, they seem to have no sex. Boys work, girls work; it is all alike to them.
~By Denis Kearney ~

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.
~By Audrey Hepburn ~

Yes, it's a prequel. It tells the story about how the girls were born with superpowers, but they weren't necessarily heroes at the beginning of this movie, so the movie is about the events that happen in their life to make them decide to be heroes.
~By Craig McCracken ~

When I was in college there was a girls' flag football league. The girls were extremely aggressive.
~By Lynn Swann ~

There is no need to waste pity on young girls who are having their moments of disillusionment, for in another moment they will recover their illusion.
~By Sidonie Gabrielle Colette ~

I remember riding my bike down the boardwalk with nowhere to go and looking at the girls. It was really innocent.
~By Mark Ruffalo ~

A lot of my buddies also played golf, but when it came to going to the beach or on the boat and chasing girls, they usually went that way and I went to the golf course.
~By Mike Weir ~

Why should I paint dead fish, onions and beer glasses? Girls are so much prettier.
~By Marie Laurencin ~

Men seem to think that page 3 girls are only interested in money. Money doesn't impress me at all. Not in the slightest.
~By Katie Price ~

Then came a big strike. About 100 girls went out. The result was a victory, which netted us - I mean the girls - $2 increase in our wages on the average.
~By Rose Schneiderman ~

For the past few years, I was the more visible Asian performer, and I think it gave young girls a kind of role model showing it's possible to actually reach success doing movies.
~By Joan Chen ~

In terms of soccer, it wasn't really a thing that girls did. In England it more kind of Net Ball and Hockey and stuff like that in athletics. It's to each their own, really.
~By Parminder Nagra ~

I try to parent equally, but I think little girls are a little more sensitive.
~By Don Johnson ~

When Andrew went with the girls, we were talking all morning and he was saying, 'It's okay. Just remember we had such a good day. Our wedding was so perfect.' Because we're such a unit together. He made me feel very part of the day on April the 29th.
~By Sarah Ferguson ~

A half marathon is a good way to have a bit of fun and race against those girls and learn a bit more about them.The world half marathon is a world championship at the end of the day and it's important. I've win it twice and it's a quality event.
~By Paula Radcliffe ~

You know, if I tell the press that I like long blonde hair, the next day there will be girls with long hair wigs outside waiting for me.
~By Andy Lau ~

Particular individuals who might never consider dropping out if they were in a different high school might decide to drop out if they attended a school where many boys and girls did so.
~By James S. Coleman ~

There are a lot of girls that will try to hook up with you, then try to have your kid because they figure they're going to get all this money from you.
~By Dustin Diamond ~

I think when you're a bigger star you get many good scripts sent to you, and you have to choose which one you're going to gravitate toward, but I just try to gravitate toward the best-written one that's been thrown my way after a lot of girls have passed on it.
~By Amanda Peet ~

After I had been working as a cap maker for three years it began to dawn on me that we girls needed an organization. The men had organized already, and had gained some advantages, but the bosses had lost nothing, as they took it out on us.
~By Rose Schneiderman ~

When you're just shagging girls, you can talk about it, but once it gets real, then you don't.
~By Stephan Jenkins ~

Exercise is really important to me - it's therapeutic. So if I'm ever feeling tense or stressed or like I'm about to have a meltdown, I'll put on my iPod and head to the gym or out on a bike ride along Lake Michigan with the girls.
~By Michelle Obama ~

I feel there should have been some recognition of the Spice Girls at this year's 25th anniversary. We flew the flag for Britain around the globe in the 1990s and we achieved a hell of a lot.
~By Melanie Chisholm ~

I was a Scout years ago, before the movement started, when my father took me fishing, camping and hunting. Then I was sorry that more girls could not have what I had. When I learned of the movement, I thought, here is what I always wanted other girls to have.
~By Lou Henry Hoover ~

Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles - poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more original roles than that.
~By Zhang Ziyi ~

I have a Web site that parents and girls can use to learn about Title IX and take action if they find their school is not in compliance. Thirty years after Title IX passed, 80 percent of schools are not in compliance.
~By Geena Davis ~

Ballet-girls have a bad reputation, which is in most cases well deserved.
~By Henry Mayhew ~

Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise.
~By Maya Angelou ~

Prior to my election, young Cherokee girls would never have thought that they might grow up and become chief.
~By Wilma Mankiller ~

The girls want to see the rips on your stomach - they like that.
~By Usher Raymond ~

On the way to work good-hearted young girls sometimes offer me their seats, which I accept and bless them in return, a transaction satisfying to all concerned.
~By Lionel Blue ~

Join the union, girls, and together say Equal Pay for Equal Work.
~By Susan B. Anthony ~

I mean a song that's specifically for the girls. It's saying you know we talk about them night and day, we're constantly pondering on men and what they've done good and what they've done bad and all these things in our lives.
~By Willa Ford ~

Around New York, our group had become known as 'Dee Dee and her girls' because we were used on everything, so going out on a solo career wasn't as much a big deal to me.
~By Dee Dee Warwick ~

I enjoy the videos with the sound off, where you can look at the belly buttons and everything. Really some pretty girls, but I don't know about the music.
~By Merle Haggard ~

Most girls don't know what to do with what they've got.
~By Jayne Mansfield ~

Getting comments like that from even the young people at the shows who probably aren't singers, the girls who just tell me that I'm an inspiration to them, for one reason or another.
~By Wanda Jackson ~

I am single for two reasons. First, I don't date girls who watch Real World because they already think they know me. Second, a lot of girls look at me as the slutty seven.
~By Steven Hill ~

It's up to us to take pop culture back and to express quality and dignity for both boys and girls.
~By Ashley Judd ~

Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea.
~By John Ciardi ~

I didn't want to get that ring around my lips from practicing the trumpet, because I thought the girls wouldn't like me. So I never practiced.
~By Wynton Marsalis ~

Little girls and boys, barefooted, walked up and down between the endless rows of spindles, reaching thin little hands into the machinery to repair snapped threads.
~By Mary Harris Jones ~

Too many girls follow the line of least resistance but a good line is hard to resist.
~By Raoul Walsh ~

I arrived in California with no job, no car, and no money, but, like millions of other girls, a dream.
~By Victoria Principal ~

Normal kids in their teens want to go and date girls and do mischievous things, your hormones are jumping around, but I stayed in my bedroom in search of something.
~By Grandmaster Flash ~

Honestly, I like everything, boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny.
~By Angelina Jolie ~

Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.
~By Louisa May Alcott ~

I'm more into beats than rhymes. I'm a huge fan of anything touched by the Neptunes. Dancing is kind of my thing. I go out with my friends as often as I can on the weekends, and I'm always drawn to girls with rhythm.
~By David Gallagher ~

I'm not the same person I was. I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am, nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who looked up to me. I know now that I can make a difference, that I have the power to do that.
~By Paris Hilton ~

I didn't want o do metal work and get my hands all nicked up and be around guys. So I took drama because there were a lot of girls.
~By Michael J. Fox ~

One of the biggest development issues in the world is the education of girls. In the United States and Europe, it has been accepted, but not in Africa and the developing countries.
~By Harri Holkeri ~

I grew up in a world that told girls they couldn't play rock 'n' roll.
~By Joan Jett ~

I can't do some of the songs that younger girls like Mary J. Blige and Beyonce are doing. They have their own place and I have my own place.
~By Patti LaBelle ~

I think the accessories look very modern and very exciting. These big earrings, these big hoops. I think the girls are sort of falling in love with... collars, neck collars.
~By Ralph Lauren ~

In the '50s, a lot of girls never saw beyond the wedding day.
~By Helen Reddy ~

One can make a case that says that since 85% of children being brought up in single family homes are being brought up by women that about 85% of elementary school teachers should be males to balance out the feminization that the boys and girls receive.
~By Warren Farrell ~

In too many instances, the march to globalization has also meant the marginalization of women and girls. And that must change.
~By Hillary Clinton ~

I came from a big family - two brothers and two sisters. So, there were always a ton of boys around and a ton of girls around. So, I grew up comfortable with both sexes.
~By Blake Lively ~

There's no dancing girls. We're kinda like secondary to the thing. It's a story about these two guys that are in love with this one girl and how it unfolds and what happens.
~By Eric Carr ~

I get letters from kids, teenagers and young girls who just want to be Mac. I've had quite a few people actually say that they're going to become a Marine or a JAG lawyer because of me... the character. I think that's pretty cool!
~By Catherine Bell ~

There was one public school for boys, and one for girls, but Jewish children were admitted in limited numbers - only ten to a hundred; and even the lucky ones had their troubles.
~By Mary Antin ~

When I'm out with my girlfriends at the bar, and I see some young 18-year old boy, just for fun I say, 'Hi honey. Do you like girls? Do you like girls exclusively? Oh, good.'
~By Yasmine Bleeth ~

There are eight girls in the house in which I am living, and practically all of them are good looking. You can realize that I am kept busy.
~By Franz Schubert ~

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May 3 ,2024
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