Independence Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Independence

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Our forbears worked hard this difficult land, and their reward was the freedom and independence of self-sufficiency.
~By James H. Douglas ~

Let it be immediately added, however, that this economic independence and prosperity has always been absolutely associated in the American mind with free political institutions.
~By Herbert Croly ~

Men spend their whole lives showing that they're strong and silent. They fight for independence the way women struggle to connect.
~By George Weinberg ~

The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.
~By John Stuart Mill ~

I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.
~By Susan B. Anthony ~

I think that there is a relatively small number of people who are pushing for independence in Taiwan.
~By Fred Thompson ~

A declaration of the independence of America, and the sovereignty of the United STates was drawn by the ingenious and philosophic pen of Thomas Jefferson, Esquire, a delegate from the state of Virginia.
~By Mercy Otis Warren ~

Independence doesn't mean you decide the way you want.
~By Stephen Breyer ~

The official independence celebration was going to be held over four or five days, and a group of journalists from all over the world was allowed to fly in, because Angola was closed otherwise.
~By Ryszard Kapuscinski ~

Perhaps a hundred people assembled one evening, May 15, 1876, at the time when the country was celebrating the hundredth anniversary of its political independence.
~By Felix Adler ~

There is a requirement to ensure the withdrawal takes place in a civilized manner. We will be able to show the world we deserve independence and freedom.
~By Mahmoud Abbas ~

After so much suffering, after enduring so much sacrifice, sanctioned and embraced by our people, what is it that the people of East Timor expect as a result of independence?
~By Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ~

The house of Austria has publicly used every effort to deprive the country of its legitimate Independence and Constitution, designing to reduce it to a level with the other provinces long since deprived of all freedom, and to unite all in a common sink of slavery.
~By Lajos Kossuth ~

I've always wanted to be my own person and stand by the things I believe in and I thought I might lose that independence if I ran for political office.
~By Samuel Dash ~

Swaziland is a small part of south-east Africa, the last country in the continent to gain its independence.
~By Richard Grant ~

We are totally committed to ending partition and to creating the conditions for unity and independence.
~By Gerry Adams ~

The one thing that the President can do is to establish a real energy independence plan. We have all the recources we need right here in this country to establish energy independence if we had the leadership.
~By Herman Cain ~

In the summer of 1776 our Founding Fathers sought to secure our independence and the liberties that remain the foundation of our nation today.
~By Doc Hastings ~

We must do our utmost to preserve our British ally's strategic independence from Europe.
~By Richard Perle ~

Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.
~By Ho Chi Minh ~

Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence.
~By Tom Allen ~

In the United States today, the Declaration of Independence hangs on schoolroom walls, but foreign policy follows Machiavelli.
~By Howard Zinn ~

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
~By Denis Waitley ~

For the sake of our interests, as well as of our honour and dignity, we were obliged to see that we won for our international policy the same independence that we had secured for our European policy.
~By Bernhard von Bulow ~

A spirit, breathing the language of independence, is natural to Englishmen, few of whom are disposed to brook compulsion, or submit to the dictates of others, when not softened by reason, or tempered with kindness.
~By Joseph Lancaster ~

I'm for economic independence.
~By Charles Evers ~

It is the union of independence and dependence of these branches - legislative, executive and judicial - and of the governmental functions possessed by each of them, that constitutes the marvellous genius of this unrivalled document.
~By J. Reuben Clark ~

Since achieving their independence in 1992, the people of Croatia have built a democratic society based on the rule of law, respect for human rights, and a free market economy.
~By Elton Gallegly ~

We cannot forget that our flag received its first foreign salute from a Dutch officer, nor that the Province of Friesland gave to our independence its first formal recognition.
~By Seth Low ~

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.
~By Charles A. Beard ~

Let women issue a declaration of independence sexually, and absolutely refuse to cohabit with men until they are acknowledged as equals in everything, and the victory would be won in a single week.
~By Victoria Woodhull ~

Every year thousands of Americans mistakenly refer to Cinco de Mayo as Mexico's Independence Day.
~By Joe Baca ~

The fact is that we cannot drill our way to independence. We cannot drill our way to freedom, and we cannot drill our way to create jobs in this country.
~By Jay Inslee ~

Nationality is the miracle of political independence; race is the principle of physical analogy.
~By Benjamin Disraeli ~

Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal.
~By Will Durant ~

The Declaration of Independence says when government fails, the people have the right to replace it. Well, New York State government has failed and the people have the right, indeed the people have the the people have the obligation, to act.
~By Andrew Cuomo ~

I want to emphasize the fact that the independence of Kosovo should and will be recognized.
~By Ibrahim Rugova ~

Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence. He was a means to an end.
~By Walt Disney ~

I am dying, but with a strong hope and persuasion that my country will gain her independence.
~By David Wooster ~

I can assure you, that the gallant hearts that throb beneath its sacred folds, will only be content, when this glorious banner is planted first and foremost in the coming struggle for out independence.
~By John B. Hood ~

If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
~By Henry Ford ~

Robert Treat Paine was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
~By Treat Williams ~

The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members.
~By Harry S. Truman ~

Pharmaceuticals have become an increasingly important part of modern medicine, and our seniors shouldn't have to worry about whether they can afford the medicines they need to stay healthy and maintain their independence.
~By Michael K. Simpson ~

To his doctrines I owe my great and glorious ambition for the sex to which I proudly belong and whose independence I shall defend until my dying day.
~By Rosa Bonheur ~

This year, as we celebrate the 230th anniversary of America's independence, please remember the symbols that are sacred to this country. Fly Old Glory high and show your respect and admiration for this great nation and the values we hold dear.
~By Kenny Marchant ~

My mother gave me a sense of independence, a sense of total confidence that we could do whatever it was we set out to do. That's how we were raised.
~By Robin Wright Penn ~

Since the German people, with unparalleled heroism, but also at the cost of fearful sacrifices, has waged war against half the world, it is our right and our duty to obtain safety and independence for ourselves at sea.
~By Bernhard von Bulow ~

The possession of land seems to be a greater gratification to the pride and independence of men.
~By George Richards Minot ~

The toddler craves independence, but he fears desertion.
~By Dorothy Corkville Briggs ~

Independence did not mean chauvinism and narrow nationalism.
~By Said Musa ~

My main mistake was to have made an ancient people advance by forced marches toward independence, health, culture, affluence, comfort.
~By Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ~

The morals of yesterday are no more. They are as dead as the day they were lived. Economic independence has put woman on exactly the same footing as man.
~By Norma Shearer ~

A majority in all parties do, I think, want to see local government recover its old vigour and independence.
~By Ferdinand Mount ~

The policy of the house of Austria, which aimed at destroying the independence of Hungary as a state, has been pursued unaltered for three hundred years.
~By Lajos Kossuth ~

There can be no argument about the Lone Star State's significant contributions to American history, and we must remember the actions and the sacrifices of those who made Texas independence a reality.
~By Michael McCaul ~

If the Constitution is worth anything, if the Declaration of Independence is worth anything, if the boys who died on the field of battle did not die in vain, fair employment practices are correct and necessary.
~By Dennis Chavez ~

What happened in America in the 1860s was a war of secession, a war of independence, no different in principle from what happened in America in the 1770s and 1780s.
~By L. Neil Smith ~

But since independence, Gabon is one of the few countries in Central Africa that enjoys peace and stability.
~By Omar Bongo ~

Both of us are known for probably at times regrettable streak of independence.
~By David Kay ~

Impatience is the mark of independence, not of bondage.
~By Marianne Moore ~

Perhaps my problem in marriage-and it is the problem of many women-was to want both intimacy and independence. It is a difficult line to walk, yet both needs are important to a marriage.
~By Hedy Lamarr ~

A superfluity of wealth, and a train of domestic slaves, naturally banish a sense of general liberty, and nourish the seeds of that kind of independence that usually terminates in aristocracy.
~By Mercy Otis Warren ~

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.
~By Thomas Jefferson ~

Could I say that the reason that I am here today, you know, from the mouth of the State Department itself, is: I should not be allowed to travel because I have struggled for years for the independence of the colonial peoples of Africa.
~By Paul Robeson ~

People seem to think that life began with the achievement of personal independence.
~By Katharine Anthony ~

Until women learn to want economic independence, and until they work out a way to get this independence without denying themselves the joys of love and motherhood, it seems to me feminism has no roots.
~By Crystal Eastman ~

The spirit of Ubuntu, that once led Haiti to emerge as the first independent black nation in 1804, helped Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador attain liberty, and inspired our forefathers to shed their blood for the United States' independence, cannot die. Today, this spirit of solidarity must and will empower all of us to rebuild Haiti.
~By Jean-Bertrand Aristide ~

Louis Braille created the code of raised dots for reading and writing that bears his name and brings literacy, independence, and productivity to the blind.
~By Bob Ney ~

A tragic irony of life is that we so often achieve success or financial independence after the chief reason for which we sought it has passed away.
~By Ellen Glasgow ~

Women today are dealing with both their independence and also the fact that their lives are built around finding and satisfying the romantic models we grew up with.
~By Jane Campion ~

But the French writers always had more originality and independence than others, and that regulator, which elsewhere was religion, long since ceased to exist for them.
~By Henryk Sienkiewicz ~

It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, independence now and independence forever.
~By Daniel Webster ~

We must remember that the people for whom this change represents a first taste of freedom and a new and brighter future did not allow their resolution to falter, no matter how great the suffering by which they bought this independence.
~By Hjalmar Branting ~

The attitude of independence toward a constructed language which all national speakers must adopt is really a great advantage, because it tends to make man see himself as the master of language instead of its obedient servant.
~By Edward Sapir ~

We shall be forced to attempt planned and directed research employing hundreds of workers for many years, and this cannot be done without risking the loss of independence and originality. This is a serious and fundamental obstacle but it may be overcome in two ways.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

Hungary is, in a word, in a state of WAR against the Hapsburg dynasty, a war of legitimate defence, by which alone it can ever regain independence and freedom.
~By Lajos Kossuth ~

George was getting alot of independence for himself in those days. He was writing more, and wanted things to go his way - where, when we first started things basically went John and Paul's way. You know, 'cuz they were the writers.
~By Ringo Starr ~

The Recovery plan will put money in the pockets of the American worker, create and save millions of new jobs and invest in crucial areas such as health care, education, energy independence and a new infrastructure.
~By Valerie Jarrett ~

To start with, for example this year, 2004, is the bicentennial of Haitian independence.
~By Edwidge Danticat ~

John Huston was a superb master. He knew how to make good films. I did three things with him. One is called Independence. It plays in Philadelphia, for free. It's been playing there for 25 years.
~By Eli Wallach ~

Divorce is a declaration of independence with only two signers.
~By Gerald F. Lieberman ~

The United States form a young republic, a confederacy which ought ever to be cemented by a union of interests and affection, under the influence of those principles which obtained their independence.
~By Mercy Otis Warren ~

It's no accident that my first novel was called Americana. This was a private declaration of independence, a statement of my intention to use the whole picture, the whole culture.
~By Don DeLillo ~

The independence of the economic sphere was a tenet of faith with Liberalism.
~By Francis Parker Yockey ~

Our founders got it right when they wrote in the Declaration of Independence that our rights come from nature and nature's God, not from government.
~By Paul Ryan ~

Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence.
~By David Ben Gurion ~

Journalists prize independence - not teamwork.
~By Ken Auletta ~

In England the judges should have independence to protect the people against the crown. Here the judges should not be independent of the people, but be appointed for not more than seven years. The people would always re-elect the good judges.
~By Andrew Jackson ~

One single vision fills all minds: that of our independence endangered. One single duty imposes itself upon our wills: the duty of stubborn resistance.
~By King Albert II ~

Communication is a continual balancing act, juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence. To survive in the world, we have to act in concert with others, but to survive as ourselves, rather than simply as cogs in a wheel, we have to act alone.
~By Deborah Tannen ~

By the Declaration of Independence, dreaded by the foes an for a time doubtfully viewed by many of the friends of America, everything stood on a new and more respectable footing, both with regard to the operations of war or negotiations with foreign powers.
~By Mercy Otis Warren ~

Self-determination could mean independence, confederacy, federal and autonomy.
~By Jalal Talabani ~

A good job is more than just a paycheck. A good job fosters independence and discipline, and contributes to the health of the community. A good job is a means to provide for the health and welfare of your family, to own a home, and save for retirement.
~By James H. Douglas ~

The ultimate end is a nation that lies under the concept of the Declaration of Indepen dence. The Declaration of Independence is such an extraordinary statement - it was designed by people skeptical of government, local or national, but in particular national.
~By Malcolm Wallop ~

It is wrong to try to avoid the struggle against imperialism under the pretext that independence and revolution are important, but that peace is still more precious.
~By Kim Il Sung ~

Those who won our independence... valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.
~By Louis D. Brandeis ~

Originality is independence, not rebellion; it is sincerity, not antagonism.
~By George Henry Lewes ~

In the Steven F. Austin Colony, which was the first colony, Texans first established a provisional government in 1835 with the intention of writing a declaration of independence soon after.
~By Michael McCaul ~

The Wellcome Foundation offered me the chance to establish a small academic research unit, modestly funded, but with total independence. The real opportunity, however, came from King's College, London.
~By James W. Black ~

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