Iron Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Iron

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I tell my environmental friends that they have won. Every issue we look at from an energy perspective is now also looked at from an environmental perspective.
~By Joe Barton ~

I like John Kerry. I think he's intellectually curious and very thoughtful. I think he's deeply committed on issues like the environment. I think he's an internationalist, which I am.
~By Howard Dean ~

The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives, because there's a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species of both animals and plants.
~By David Attenborough ~

The sword - the first, for a time the only force: the force of iron.
~By John Lothrop Motley ~

That whole environment was just incompatible with my beliefs and my personality. It was a dark time for me.
~By Zhang Ziyi ~

I wanted to be as comfortable in that environment as she was. I moved around those areas in character.
~By Debbie Reynolds ~

It is our duty to see that our future citizens are well born; that they are properly nourished, and are reared in that environment most likely to develop in them their full capacity and powers.
~By Arthur Capper ~

There is not much irony when people are being happy on screen.
~By Carter Burwell ~

A strong, successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates favorable conditions. His own inherent force and energy compel things to turn out as he desires.
~By Orison Swett Marden ~

It's really ironic that I won, because that's not the goal that I had in mind when I went out to skate.
~By Sarah Hughes ~

It's obvious that if you're going to play a character you need to amass information about that person and about their environment or their era that they're in and use as little or as much as necessary.
~By Cillian Murphy ~

The environmental movement, like all political processes, reacts best to disasters. But these are very slow, very gradual disasters in the making.
~By Ted Danson ~

If we continue to address the issue of the environment where we live as though we're the only species that lives here, we'll create a disaster for ourselves.
~By Gaylord Nelson ~

There are few ironclad rules of diplomacy but to one there is no exception. When an official reports that talks were useful, it can safely be concluded that nothing was accomplished.
~By John Kenneth Galbraith ~

Ironically, for a few million people in the Far East, I did become an English teacher through my music.
~By Pat Boone ~

I mean, there was a portion, of course, that I think, when I look back now, that there was a portion of what attracted me must have been the awe of him being a powerful man in this environment, not to take away from who he is as a real person.
~By Monica Lewinsky ~

Military police know what to do, they know the Geneva Conventions, and their objective is to provide a safe, secure, fair environment for prisoners under their control.
~By Janis Karpinski ~

Fertile soil, level plains, easy passage across the mountains, coal, iron, and other metals imbedded in the rocks, and a stimulating climate, all shower their blessings upon man.
~By Ellsworth Huntington ~

One of the things that I've always thought I would like to do is to develop an environmental index. Then people can measure their own environmental performance on an index as they do in other ways.
~By Maurice Strong ~

Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals.
~By Albert Schweitzer ~

The underlying message of the Lancet article is that if you want to understand aggressive behaviour in children, look to the social and emotional environment in which they are growing up, and the values they bring to the viewing experience.
~By Hugh Mackay ~

I'm eighteen years behind in my ironing.
~By Phyllis Diller ~

Barge traffic on the Mississippi River represents the most efficient, most cost-effective, most environmentally sound means of transporting commodity goods from this region of the country to market.
~By Leonard Boswell ~

How ironic, to be my last game that I ever played would be against Dan in a Super Bowl. The thing I always was afraid of was playing in a Super Bowl when it was raining. I can't throw a wet ball.
~By John Elway ~

And I remember how proud I was to put on my training jersey and go out on the field. Making it back to that environment was for me my greatest moment, because somebody had told me I couldn't do it and I never gave up on myself, the game and my teammates.
~By Brandi Chastain ~

The nation will benefit in the long term if it continues to be open to foreign expertise. This will help the country to establish its business culture and environment faster, based on international best practice.
~By Hassanal Bolkiah ~

Going to college helped me, because I had four years in the conservatory program, which is close as you can get to a professional environment. It's like all day.
~By Ryan Sypek ~

We won't have a society if we destroy the environment.
~By Margaret Mead ~

Heat can also be produced by the impact of imperfectly elastic bodies as well as by friction. This is the case, for instance, when we produce fire by striking flint against steel, or when an iron bar is worked for some time by powerful blows of the hammer.
~By Hermann von Helmholtz ~

I remember the guest stars who came, they were always trying to find a new plot for their characters because they wanted to stay. It was really a great working environment.
~By Caroline Dhavernas ~

Organized Christianity has always represented immortality as a sort of common heritage; but I never could see why spiritual life should not be conditioned on the same terms as all life, i. e., correspondence with environment.
~By Albert J. Nock ~

Furthermore, both Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection have evaluated the sediment to be dredged and also found it to be not toxic.
~By Robert Brady ~

When on the set of a film, you have to play natural for entire scenes in a very unnatural environment. You have to express emotions and interact with other actors and also use your voice.
~By Helena Christensen ~

It's also ironic that in the old days of tape and tape hiss and vinyl records and surface noise, we were always trying to get records louder and louder to overcome that.
~By T-Bone Burnett ~

We were environmentalists of the Teddy Roosevelt theory. We believed in separation of church and state. We believed in the independence of the Supreme Court not being subject to politicians.
~By Pete McCloskey ~

Ironically, in today's marketplace successful nonfiction has to be unbelievable, while successful fiction must be believable.
~By Jerry B. Jenkins ~

The nature of the global business environment guarantees that no matter how hard we work to create a stable and healthy organisation, our organisation will continue to experience dramatic changes far beyond our control.
~By Margaret J. Wheatley ~

There are nuclear weapons in China, Iran, Korea and Pakistan. It wouldn't take much to send a couple of warheads off on this planet somewhere that would cause a lot of environmental damage, then if you have got someone who wants to retaliate you have real problems.
~By Edward James Olmos ~

Journey with me to a true commitment to our environment. Journey with me to the serenity of leaving to our children a planet in equilibrium.
~By Paul Tsongas ~

Nuclear power will help provide the electricity that our growing economy needs without increasing emissions. This is truly an environmentally responsible source of energy.
~By Michael Burgess ~

Just by being out you're doing your part. It's like recycling. You're doing your part for the environment if you recycle; you're doing your part for the gay movement if you're out.
~By Martina Navratilova ~

A stable Iraq at peace with its neighbors will remain elusive until we improve both the security and the economic environment in Iraq.
~By Tom Lantos ~

A very Faustian choice is upon us: whether to accept our corrosive and risky behavior as the unavoidable price of population and economic growth, or to take stock of ourselves and search for a new environmental ethic.
~By E. O. Wilson ~

The excitement of vitamins, nutrition and metabolism permeated the environment.
~By Paul D. Boyer ~

For the first two weeks of filming, I remember bristling at some of the occurrences on the set, none of which directly involved me. Then I surrendered to the environment, to Michael's method, and became much happier, even though no one knew what to expect.
~By Madeleine Stowe ~

The accident was a horrible thing - but that horrible thing made Chris, at the end of his life, Superman. It's a happy irony if there is such a thing. I'm proud to have known him.
~By Morgan Freeman ~

The one ironclad rule is that I have to try. I have to walk into my writing room and pick up my pen every weekday morning.
~By Anne Tyler ~

To shake your rump is to be environmentally aware.
~By David Byrne ~

It is one of the issues that will have to be worked through however let me make the point and I think anyone would accept that if you set it up properly, not only will you get better environmental outcomes, you have a chance to create more wealth with the available resource.
~By John Anderson ~

By adopting the control strategy, the nation's environmental program has created a built-in antagonism between environmental quality and economic growth.
~By Barry Commoner ~

If somebody asked me about my inspiration I would say that it's not the peopleand it's not the things, it's travel and experiencing different environments.
~By Marc Newson ~

You cannot achieve environmental security and human development without addressing the basic issues of health and nutrition.
~By Gro Harlem Brundtland ~

The second stream of material that is going to come out of this project is a programming environment and a set of programming tools where we really want to focus again on the needs of the newbie. This environment is going to have to be extremely user-friendly.
~By Guido van Rossum ~

I certainly don't live in a kosher home although I was raised in a kosher environment.
~By Leonard Nimoy ~

Machines built by human beings they will function correctly if we provide them with a very specific environment. But if that environment is changed, they won't function at all.
~By Ralph Merkle ~

The position I took at the time was that we hadn't really examined any of the potential environmental consequences of introducing genetically modified organisms.
~By Jeremy Rifkin ~

There's a kind of dynamic quality about theater and that dynamic quality expresses itself in relation to, first of all, the environment in which it's being staged; then the audience, the nature of the audience, the quality of the audience.
~By Wole Soyinka ~

For me, going vegan was an ethical and environmental decision. I'm doing the right thing by the animals.
~By Alexandra Paul ~

I just really don't like being the center of attention that much. It's kind of ironic.
~By Jimmy Fallon ~

With a contained environment, there is the promise of friction. And that is where the drama comes from.
~By Bruce Greenwood ~

Business is a subset of the environment, not the other way around. You can't have a healthy economy, you can't have a healthy anything in a degraded environment.
~By Peter Coyote ~

The teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.
~By Horace Mann ~

It would be unwise to say the least, irresponsible of us at the TSA, at the Homeland Security Department not to evolve our technology to match the changing threat environment that we inhabit.
~By Janet Napolitano ~

I suspect that a substantial fraction of human problems in the world today, not just cults, result from the mismatch between the current environment and the environment in which we evolved.
~By Keith Henson ~

Organic buildings are the strength and lightness of the spiders' spinning, buildings qualified by light, bred by native character to environment, married to the ground.
~By Frank Lloyd Wright ~

Overtime, hatchery fish tend to show signs of domestication and these traits adapted to the hatchery environment can make it more difficult to survive in the wild.
~By Norm Dicks ~

Education must provide the opportunities for self-fulfillment; it can at best provide a rich and challenging environment for the individual to explore, in his own way.
~By Noam Chomsky ~

We look for opportunities to play together including basketball, tennis, swimming, riding bikes and touch football. I try to provide a loving environment where we can play. I think that's good on so many levels - emotionally, for family interactions and, of course, physically.
~By Alan Thicke ~

It's kind of ironic that the two sports with the greatest characters, boxing and horse racing, have both been on the decline. In both cases it's for the lack of a suitable hero.
~By Dick Schaap ~

It is futile for an artist to try to create an environment because you have an environment around you all the time. Any living organism has an environment.
~By Carl Andre ~

Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we'll soon be in trouble.
~By Roger Tory Peterson ~

I love the irony. I'm perceived as being really young and yet I have the clinical condition of an old man.
~By Michael J. Fox ~

For me it was perfect, because it wasn't a very competitive environment, and it was a studio program. They basically send you off, and say, bring us some work, and we'll help you improve it. It really rewarded self-discipline.
~By Anthony Doerr ~

I assume we will have figured out a way to efficiently utilize solar energy and tied that to an efficient way to use nuclear energy in such a way that it doesn't pose a serious environmental issue.
~By John Hickenlooper ~

Let's clean up our environment. Let's clean up our bodies, but most importantly, let's not permit our babies of the future to be polluted before they are even born.
~By Louise Slaughter ~

A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold.
~By Aristotle ~

Environmental policy must strike a balance between the earth's best interests and our citizen's pressing needs.
~By Jim Clyburn ~

The Endangered Species Act is the strongest and most effective tool we have to repair the environmental harm that is causing a species to decline.
~By Norm Dicks ~

An organization's reason for being, like that of any organism, is to help the parts that are in relationship to each other, to be able to deal with change in the environment.
~By Kevin Kelly ~

We live in such a sheltered environment in the United States. I've been fortunate enough to have traveled all over the world, and I've seen things you only read about and see on the news.
~By Payne Stewart ~

I have a 16 year-old son, so I'm now a soccer mom. I stand on the sidelines and I hear the things parents are saying, so I want them to understand what it is their kids are feeling in any sports environment.
~By Brandi Chastain ~

The environment on set is very encouraging.
~By Michael Shanks ~

There is no question that photography has played a major role in the environmental movement.
~By Galen Rowell ~

Maggie went out of doors to wash the windows and father came out into the kitchen and said he did not know whether he would go down to the post office or not. And then I sprinkled some handkerchiefs to iron.
~By Lizzie Andrew Borden ~

Without a trace of irony I can say I have been blessed with brilliant enemies. I owe them a great debt, because they redoubled my energies and drove me in new directions.
~By E. O. Wilson ~

Learning is any change in a system that produces a more or less permanent change in its capacity for adapting to its environment.
~By Herbert Simon ~

We should try to understand our innermost needs. We shouldn't use irony to reduce their power.
~By Manuel Puig ~

The ultimate purpose of religious life is to make this evolution move in a direction far more important to the destiny of the ego than the moral health of the social fabric which forms his present environment.
~By Muhammed Iqbal ~

These days, most nature photographers are deeply committed to the environmental message.
~By Galen Rowell ~

It is possible to build a virtual-reality generator whose repertoire includes every possible environment.
~By David Deutsch ~

I make photographs and still make photographs of the natural environment. It's a love because that was part of my life before I was involved in photography.
~By John Sexton ~

Simply put, drilling in ANWR would be expensive, environmentally devastating, and would do very little to fix our energy crisis or to bring down the price of oil and gasoline.
~By Allyson Schwartz ~

Outside of the chair, the teapot is the most ubiquitous and important design element in the domestic environment and almost everyone who has tackled the world of design has ended up designing one.
~By David McFadden ~

I think we have grave problems. I am very much concerned about environmental questions, even though in Finnish society, we are not facing the most urgent problems.
~By Harri Holkeri ~

I think it's going to deliver on the promises we've said it's going to and it is going to be the most successful product ever to come into the handheld environment, and it just happens to have a number of different functions.
~By Ian Jackson ~

It is the gift of seeing the life around them clearly and vividly, as something that is exciting in its own right. It is an innate gift, varying in intensity with the individual's temperament and environment.
~By Bill Brandt ~

We obviously want to produce things that people want. We are going to continue to do that in an environmentally responsible way, while still being aware of the physical, scientific, and practical issues that we have to deal with.
~By Lee R. Raymond ~

The cell, over the billions of years of her life, has covered the earth many times with her substance, found ways to control herself and her environment, and insure her survival.
~By Albert Claude ~

If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.
~By E. O. Wilson ~

It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.
~By Ansel Adams ~

Read This: Senses Quotes And Sayings
May 17 ,2024
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