Present Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Present

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Owing to the fact that leaders in the women's groups made a point of serving on the jury here whenever they were called, we have always had an unusually high type of women represented on the jury.
~By Florence E. Allen ~

I'm no mathematician, so I'm stuck with the graphic representations.
~By Hugh Hopper ~

It's the duty of a lawyer to represent anyone for whom a responsible argument could be made.
~By Lloyd Norton Cutler ~

I had been a kid that moved so much, I didn't have a lot of friends. Theater really represented camaraderie.
~By Francis Ford Coppola ~

The bottom line as far as I was concerned was presenting to the public who Gerry Ferraro was.
~By Geraldine Ferraro ~

We are quite open, however, to looking at acquisitions and there are opportunities that we periodically consider. and I think that may be something we do in the future, but I must say that there is no commitment to that at the present time in any form or size.
~By David Milne ~

In the laws of the land, she has no rights; in government she has no voice. And in spite of another principle recognized in this Republic, namely, that 'taxation without representation is tyranny,' she is taxed without being represented.
~By Ernestine Rose ~

With an open trade in corn and a fixed duty we should have every man in the country fully fed and happy, instead of our present situation in which so much distress exists - distress of our own producing.
~By Joseph Hume ~

Our specious present as such is very short. We do, however, experience passing events; part of the process of the passage of events is directly there in our experience, including some of the past and some of the future.
~By George Herbert Mead ~

There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause.
~By Cass Sunstein ~

At present, I am mainly observing the physical motion of mountains, water, trees and flowers. One is everywhere reminded of similar movements in the human body, of similar impulses of joy and suffering in plants.
~By Egon Schiele ~

An extraordinary amount of arrogance is present in any claim of having been the first in inventing something.
~By Benoit Mandelbrot ~

The Republican form of government is the highest form of government: but because of this it requires the highest type of human nature, a type nowhere at present existing.
~By Herbert Spencer ~

I've done lots of songs for film soundtracks and things like that - stuff I'm not ashamed of, but that doesn't represent my legacy with the Pretenders.
~By Chrissie Hynde ~

Be intent upon the perfection of the present day.
~By William Law ~

My past is my wisdom to use today... my future is my wisdom yet to experience. Be in the present because that is where life resides.
~By Gene Oliver ~

If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?
~By Thomas Jefferson ~

The tendency of modern scientific teaching is to neglect the great books, to lay far too much stress upon relatively unimportant modern work, and to present masses of detail of doubtful truth and questionable weight in such a way as to obscure principles.
~By Ronald Fisher ~

Renewable ethanol represents a clear opportunity to grow a significant portion of our own fuel locally and begin to break the hold imported fuels have on us.
~By Mike May ~

Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity.
~By Albert Einstein ~

Peace, plenty, and contentment reign throughout our borders, and our beloved country presents a sublime moral spectacle to the world.
~By James K. Polk ~

I am pleased to launch the Friends of Thailand Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives.
~By Jim Ramstad ~

Very hard, very hard to represent a country, or carry out a policy that does not have consensus support.
~By John Negroponte ~

To meet the shortage of supplies from America, due to lack of shipping, the representatives of the different supply departments were constantly in search of available material and supplies in Europe.
~By Kelly Miller ~

Unification is not our present goal. That is a future program.
~By Kim Dae Jung ~

Remaining vigilant toward this ever-present threat means constantly learning how better to protect ourselves. But primarily it reminds us that we must fight and win the war on terror, so that we do not have to fight it here in America.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

Women are degraded by the propensity to enjoy the present moment, and, at last, despise the freedom which they have not sufficient virtue to struggle to attain.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft ~

For the first time in the history of mankind, one generation literally has the power to destroy the past, the present and the future, the power to bring time to an end.
~By Hubert H. Humphrey ~

I have tried to present my sensations in what is the most congenial and impressive form possible to me.
~By Edward Hopper ~

With my support, the House of Representatives recently voted to permanently repeal the death tax so that family farms and businesses can be passed down to children and grandchildren.
~By Doc Hastings ~

The shell fishing industry represents a major part of Louisiana's economy.
~By Bobby Jindal ~

Whereas my producer literally worked on this thing for 10 years and because I gave that presenter credit to David Lynch, she to this day never gets credit. It really kills me.
~By Terry Zwigoff ~

The queen and I always got on well, still do; I uphold everything Her Majesty represents, has given up her life for. It's her duty. For her country, she's selfless to the grave.
~By Sarah Ferguson ~

Culture's essential service to a religion is to destroy intellectual idolatry, the recurrent tendency in religion to replace the object of its worship with its present understanding and forms of approach to that object.
~By Northrop Frye ~

And just as there was something of every Vietnamese in Ho Chi Minh so there is something of Ho Chi Minh in almost every present-day Vietnamese, so strong is his imprint on the Vietnamese nation.
~By Wilfred Burchett ~

We have substantially improved our position in Japan which now represents a major part of our business.
~By David Milne ~

My thoughts will be taken up with the future or the past, with what is to come or what has been. Of the present there is necessarily no image.
~By William Godwin ~

The prosecution wants to make sure the process by which the evidence was obtained is not truthfully presented, because, as often as not, that process will raise questions.
~By Alan Dershowitz ~

I began working with the John Muir Institute and then started helping found Friends of the Earth organizations here and there in other countries. That pretty well brings us up to the present.
~By David R. Brower ~

As the ego cogito, subjectivity is the consciousness that represents something, relates this representation back to itself, and so gathers with itself.
~By Martin Heidegger ~

In this film George presents issues that are important, essential and vital, whoever you are, about constitutional rights and the bedrock of a democracy. I am drawn to those kinds of stories because they inspire me - they are responsible to a populace and responsible to man.
~By David Strathairn ~

Know how your representatives stand on major national or state issues.
~By Marilyn vos Savant ~

The Green Party represents that majority point of view within the U.S.
~By Peter Camejo ~

If our republican form of government is perishing because communications - the infrastructure of that republic - is under the yoke of international business how, at last, do we save it? We must build a confrontational movement to reclaim our democracy, a movement committed to active and sustained protest against the present order.
~By Mark Lloyd ~

Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.
~By Audrey Hepburn ~

The Asian nation's oil demand is expected to grow this year by 800,000 barrels per day and represents more than one-third of the total growth in global demand, according to the Energy Information Agency.
~By Gary Miller ~

I have accepted a seat in the House of Representatives, and thereby have consented to my own ruin, to your ruin, and to the ruin of our children. I give you this warning that you may prepare your mind for your fate.
~By John Adams ~

If our most highly qualified General Staff officers had been told to work out the most nonsensical high level organization for war which they could think of, they could not have produced anything more stupid that that which we have at present.
~By Claus von Stauffenberg ~

Everyone is looking for connections between the songs. I don't usually approach a record as a concept. There's no overriding theme I'm trying to represent. It's all about the individual songs.
~By Tracy Chapman ~

You don't build a bond without being present.
~By James Earl Jones ~

Rush has never been a spontaneous group. We may be spontaneous in our writing, we may be spontaneous as individuals in our day to day lives... certainly I think am and always have been, but I think when it comes to Rush and our presentation of our music it's quite controlled.
~By Alex Lifeson ~

The present U.N. must be annihilated by our power. That is the stage for Communists. We must make a new U.N.
~By Sun Myung Moon ~

The land is not in the least bit fertile and yet the cattle herds grow larger and larger. A cow represents capital investment here.
~By Richard Leakey ~

That fatal drollery called a representative government.
~By Benjamin Disraeli ~

Set up a situation that presents you with something slightly beyond your reach.
~By Brian Eno ~

The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today.
~By Harriet Beecher Stowe ~

Man is born passionate of body, but with an innate though secret tendency to the love of Good in his main-spring of Mind. But God help us all! It is at present a sad jar of atoms.
~By Lord Byron ~

It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.
~By Horace ~

To him who looks upon the world rationally, the world in its turn presents a rational aspect. The relation is mutual.
~By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ~

I think also of my colleagues in elementary particle theory in many lands, and feel that in some measure I am here as a representative of our small, informal, international fraternity.
~By Murray Gell Mann ~

In its entirety, probably, it follows us at every instant; all that we have felt, thought and willed from our earliest infancy is there, leaning over the present which is about to join it, pressing against the portals of consciousness that would fain leave it outside.
~By Henri Bergson ~

Earlier in my life, I performed a lot of music. Some of it because I felt it was a demonstration, or a representation of certain intellectual concepts that were very exciting and important.
~By Michael Tilson Thomas ~

You have the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England, the Presbyterians, the Wesleyans, represented in each school, and they are each to take alternate days.
~By Charles Tupper ~

The law is constantly based on notions of morality, and if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be invalidated under the due process clause, the courts will be very busy indeed.
~By Byron White ~

It is a struggle; for though the black man fights passively, he nevertheless fights; and his passive resistance is more effective at present than active resistance could possibly be. He bears the fury of the storm as does the willow tree.
~By James Weldon Johnson ~

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.
~By Nikola Tesla ~

It's as though all the terms of a family were present at one time rather than his dad and his mum. Not just a present authority, but the resident memory of what qualifies what else is the case.
~By Robert Creeley ~

The mind is always present. You just don't see it.
~By Bodhidharma ~

Westminster Abbey, the Tower, a steeple, one church, and then another, presented themselves to our view; and we could now plainly distinguish the high round chimneys on the tops of the houses, which yet seemed to us to form an innumerable number of smaller spires, or steeples.
~By Karl Philipp Moritz ~

The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present. Gluttony is a lust of the mind.
~By Thomas Hobbes ~

Present, n. That part of eternity dividing the domain of disappointment from the realm of hope.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

I speak directly to the people, and I know that the people of California want to have better leadership. They want to have great leadership. They want to have somebody that will represent them. And it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, young or old.
~By Arnold Schwarzenegger ~

Logic teaches rules for presentation, not thinking.
~By Mason Cooley ~

O'Neill presents a very complex multi-layered kind of challenge. His characters are always deeply complex and, to a great extent, inaccessible.
~By Gabriel Byrne ~

In addressing you I feel that I am not so much speaking to the representatives of diverse States of Europe and America as to the exponents of principles and hopes that are common to us all, and without which our life on earth would be a life without horizon or prospect.
~By Henry Campbell Bannerman ~

Equally, we require a collective past - hence the endless reinterpretations of history, frequently to suit the perceptions of the present.
~By Penelope Lively ~

I love acting with kids, cause they're great acting partners. They're totally present. Even when they're acting, they're still available and you can crack them up or something weird will happen and they'll go with it.
~By Mark Ruffalo ~

It has been my aim throughout present operations to afford the greatest amount of protection to life and property interests, and troops have been stationed accordingly.
~By George Crook ~

It became clear to me that I had to push it toward a more representational way of drawing.
~By Joe Sacco ~

When is it too late to say it's still early for the Cubs? Try now. Their magic number is 1998, at least until it becomes 1999, but in lieu of a present, they offer you a future.
~By Bob Verdi ~

Hey, I'm a former union president myself and also an attorney that represented a lot of unions.
~By Stephen F. Lynch ~

They're trying to tell us that we're not right, so we have to buy their products. The number one cause of mental illness is not knowing who you are and you can't know who you are if you don't spend time honoring yourself, and living in the present.
~By Naomi Judd ~

Changing a diaper is a lot like getting a present from your grandmother - you're not sure what you've got but you're pretty sure you're not going to like it.
~By Jeff Foxworthy ~

Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.
~By Albert Camus ~

I also meet with city officials, representatives from governors' offices, really anyone in that sort of position who has shown an interest in youth fitness, to let them know why this sort of program is so important. I give the same message when I speak at conferences.
~By Rafer Johnson ~

When a language creates as it does a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past.
~By Christopher Ricks ~

The leading edge in evidence presentation is in science; the leading edge in beauty is in high art.
~By Edward Tufte ~

The problem is not simply that the Singularity represents the passing of humankind from center stage, but that it contradicts our most deeply held notions of being.
~By Vernor Vinge ~

We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future.
~By Joseph Joubert ~

I am a part of the political process whether the multinational forces are present or not. Politics is serving the people, not chairs and positions.
~By Muqtada al Sadr ~

Our forefathers made one mistake. What they should have fought for was representation without taxation.
~By Fletcher Knebel ~

No longer is there a quest for the truth so much as there is this apparent need to present both sides of an issue even if one is nothing but lies and distortions.
~By Joe Wilson ~

It has been popular to threaten "small islands and low-lying coasts" with scenarios of disastrous future flooding. The Maldives has been the most utilised target. We have undertaken a careful analysis of actual sea level changes in the Maldives. No rise has been recorded either in the present or the past centuries.
~By Nils-Axel Morner ~

There is in my opinion a great similarity between the problems provided by the mysterious behavior of the atom and those provided by the present economic paradoxes confronting the world.
~By Paul Dirac ~

We got rid of a terrible dictator. We gave the Iraqi people an opportunity for a new life under a representative form of government.
~By Colin Powell ~

I take what I see work. I'm a strict believer in the scientific principle of believing nothing, only taking the best evidence available at the present time, interpreting it as best you can, and leaving your mind open to the fact that new evidence will appear tomorrow.
~By Adam Osborne ~

She saw the myriad gods, and beyond God his own ineffable eternity; she saw that there were ranges of life beyond our present life, ranges of mind beyond our present mind and above these she saw the splendors of the spirit.
~By Sri Aurobindo ~

Your children need your presence more than your presents.
~By Jesse Jackson ~

I sometimes feel that more lousy dishes are presented under the banner of pate than any other.
~By Kingsley Amis ~

It's important for that to exist in a society that doesn't present you with any genuine problems.
~By Tom Jenkinson ~

Read This: Inequality Quotes And Sayings
May 18 ,2024
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