Romantic Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Romantic

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I was taken by the romanticism of being thought of as an adult and living in a world that was completely new to me. I fell in love with acting then.
~By Mariel Hemingway ~

I'm into all that sappy stuff - a surprise picnic, nice dinner, or traveling. I'm kind of an old romantic.
~By Will Estes ~

That's what I like about film-it can be bizarre, classic, normal, romantic. Cinema is to me the most versatile thing.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

You know, the man of my dreams might walk round the corner tomorrow. I'm older and wiser and I think I'd make a great girlfriend. I live in the realm of romantic possibility.
~By Stevie Nicks ~

As far as the lack of hits goes, I think perhaps it's because I've played a lot of different roles and have not created a persona that the public can latch on to. I have played everything from psychopathic killers to romantic leading men, and in picking such diverse roles I have avoided typecasting.
~By Jeff Bridges ~

If we perform the romantic repertoire we need more musicians.
~By Neville Marriner ~

Well my biggest dream is to be in a romantic comedy.
~By Izabella Scorupco ~

The writing career is not a romantic one. The writer's life may be colorful, but his work itself is rather drab.
~By Mary Roberts Rinehart ~

I have never acted he has never been cast in a romantic lead or has been cast opposite a female love interest in any movie he starred in.
~By Morgan Freeman ~

If I had no family, my wife and I would lead a much more romantic and nomadic existence.
~By David McCallum ~

Clearly romantic comedy is my franchise genre, I don't mind saying that, it's true. I love doing them and hopefully always will do them.
~By Meg Ryan ~

By all but the pathologically romantic, it is now recognized that this is not the age of the small man.
~By John Kenneth Galbraith ~

Once I got married and had kids, I moved away from romantic roles, because it seemed wrong to have my 3-year-old wondering why Daddy was kissing someone else.
~By Chevy Chase ~

The Falstaff people, romantics all, went for it. They were so anxious to find out what I was going to do that they could hardly bear to wait out the two weeks. I was rather anxious to find out what I was going to do, too.
~By Bill Veeck ~

I'm very romantic.
~By Enrique Iglesias ~

When I was younger, many of my romantic escapades were just a means of simply avoiding being by myself. I was afraid of feeling lonely, afraid I wouldn't know what to say to myself.
~By Michael Zaslow ~

I have to be asked, I guess, but I love the idea of marriage. I think it's beautiful. I'm such a romantic, and I always have been.
~By Portia de Rossi ~

I will never say never, but I will say never to doing the more typical romantic comedies. You know, unless I'm getting audited and I'm on the street and I desperately need some dough and that's the only thing that I'm getting.
~By Christian Bale ~

I joined the air force. I took to it immediately when I arrived there. I did three years, eight months, and ten days in all, but it took me a year and a half to get disabused of my romantic notions about it.
~By Morgan Freeman ~

I love romantic comedy, but I think you have to have another idea that you're chasing along with romantic comedy.
~By James L. Brooks ~

When I start to write, words have become physical presence. It was to see if I could bring that private world to life that found its first expression through reading. I really dislike the romantic notion of the artist.
~By John McGahern ~

A handful of older, romantic leading men, like Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, and Robert Redford are still landing parts.
~By Charles Dance ~

In Romanticism, the main determinant is the mood, the atmosphere. And in that regard, you could also describe Schubert as a Romantic.
~By Dietrich Fischer Dieskau ~

We travellers are in very hard circumstances. If we say nothing but what has been said before us, we are dull and have observed nothing. If we tell anything new, we are laughed at as fabulous and romantic.
~By Mary Wortley Montagu ~

Hitherto I have courted Truth with a kind of Romantick Passion, in spite of all Difficulties and Discouragements: for knowledge is thought so unnecessary an Accomplishment for a Woman, that few will give themselves the Trouble to assist us in the Attainment of it.
~By Mary Astell ~

But romantic vision can also lead one away from certain very hard, ugly truths about life that are important to know.
~By Donna Tartt ~

The more we are filled with thoughts of lust the less we find true romantic love.
~By Douglas Horton ~

In our romantic groves I adored her like a divinity.
~By Anne Boyd ~

Classical, Romantic, and Baroque music, that's what I really like.
~By Joan Armatrading ~

The vampire was a complete change from the usual romantic characters I was playing, but it was a success.
~By Bela Lugosi ~

Forget romantic fiction, a survey has found that most women would rather read a good book than go shopping, have sex, or sleep.
~By Janet Street-Porter ~

I was also the romantic lead in The Boston Strangler - I was the only one that lived to tell the story - so I called myself the romantic lead.
~By Sally Kellerman ~

I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not.
~By Kate Hudson ~

I saw Tequila Sunrise as a romantic picture with complex, bigger than life characters.
~By Conrad Hall ~

You're an actor, are you? Well, all that means is: you are irresponsible, irrational, romantic, and incapable of handling an adult emotion or a universal concept without first reducing it to something personal, material, sensational - and probably sexual!
~By George Herman ~

Am I a romantic? I've seen 'Wuthering Heights' ten times. I'm a romantic.
~By Johnny Depp ~

Satire is people as they are; romanticism, people as they would like to be; realism, people as they seem with their insides left out.
~By Dawn Powell ~

The first book I wrote was The Bride Price which was a romantic book, but my husband burnt the book when he saw it. I was the typical African woman, I'd done this privately, I wanted him to look at it, approve it and he said he wouldn't read it.
~By Buchi Emecheta ~

I am a hopeless romantic and I love to spoil my girlfriends.
~By Orlando Bloom ~

I like to see love stories: romantic comedy or romantic drama.
~By Pia Zadora ~

Well, I think first it was rare for me to do anything that had any kind of a romantic note to it.
~By Tim Roth ~

Scotsmen are metaphisical and emotional, they are sceptical and mystical, they are romantic and ironic, they are cruel and tender, and full of mirth and despair.
~By William Dunbar ~

A realist, in Venice, would become a romantic by mere faithfulness to what he saw before him.
~By Arthur Symons ~

My romantically favorite era is 78, 79 listening to Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 4, the live tapes, echo chamber and break beats.
~By Kool Moe Dee ~

The other two things are... well, I had a huge appetite for old black and white movies on BBC 2. At the weekends they used to run matinees, and the more romantic the better.
~By Ewan McGregor ~

Romanticism has never been properly judged. Who was there to judge it? The critics!
~By Arthur Rimbaud ~

The Southern whites are in many respects a great people. Looked at from a certain point of view, they are picturesque. If one will put oneself in a romantic frame of mind, one can admire their notions of chivalry and bravery and justice.
~By James Weldon Johnson ~

I used to be a hopeless romantic - I fell in love with everyone I went out with.
~By Jeremy London ~

People want to hear about the extremes of human nature. They want things that are larger than their own lives, and more romantic, and not necessarily of their own experiences.
~By Richard Thompson ~

There's something about the sound of a train that's very romantic and nostalgic and hopeful.
~By Paul Simon ~

The romantic embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer.
~By Henry Ellis ~

I'm a really huge fan of the old romantic comedies from the '30s and '40s... Huge fan. I love all that stuff.
~By Thomas Jane ~

Americans, particularly after World War II, tended to romanticize war because in World War II our cause was the cause of humanity, and our soldiers brought home glory and victory, and thank God that they did. But it led us to romanticize it to some extent.
~By Neil Sheehan ~

We are in desperate need of a well-done romantic lesbian comedy.
~By Jill Bennett ~

Are we simply romantically challenged, or are we sluts?
~By Sarah Jessica Parker ~

I bought a selection of short, romantic fiction novels, studied them, decided that I had found a formula and then wrote a book that I figured was the perfect story. Thank goodness it was rejected.
~By Louise Brown ~

It takes a kind of shabby arrogance to survive in our time, and a fairly romantic nature to want to.
~By Edgar Z. Friedenberg ~

Times were changing. Clothes were changing. Morals were changing. We went from romantic loves songs like I used to do to rock 'n roll. Now that has changed to rap. So, there's always a new generation with new music.
~By Bobby Vinton ~

As an actor, I've grown considerably. It's taken me years to get comfortable doing a romantic scene and dancing on stage in front of a live audience. I've really opened up a lot.
~By Sanjay Dutt ~

Reduced to a miserable mass level, the level of a Hitler, German Romanticism broke out into hysterical barbarism.
~By Thomas Mann ~

I always wanted a guitar. I always wanted to be a cowboy singer because I also listened to Hank Williams, and he would always sing these neat romantic songs.
~By Dick Dale ~

Personally, I can't see why it would be any less romantic to find a husband in a nice four-color catalogue than in the average downtown bar at happy hour.
~By Barbara Ehrenreich ~

I would like to do maybe a smaller romantic comedy.
~By Linda Fiorentino ~

The curse of the romantic is a greed for dreams, an intensity of expectation that, in the end, diminishes the reality.
~By Marya Mannes ~

Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr.
~By Bill Griffith ~

You always hear actresses talk about how unromantic it is to act a love scene or a sex scene - which it is. You're doing it with all these lights on and cameras flying around and people on the set.
~By Sheryl Lee ~

I'm a romantic, and we romantics are more sensitive to the way people feel. We love more, and we hurt more. When we're hurt, we hurt for a long time.
~By Freddy Fender ~

Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw.
~By Fran Lebowitz ~

You know, I always got offered other stuff. Not the romantic leads, obviously. But very often it's a role that's underwritten, where the character has no personality at all. And they need a character actor who can fill it in.
~By Harvey Fierstein ~

You can't do a machine without knowing something about how it's going to work. As for the romantics, the costumes bored me and I don't enjoy doing period clothes.
~By Boris Vallejo ~

I don't think of death in a romantic way anymore.
~By Robert Smith ~

I got a gymnastics scholarship to college, fell in love with my true love of my whole life - who I'm married to now - and he was a virgin too. It was very romantic.
~By Victoria Jackson ~

There were two sides to David Lean: on the one side, he was kind of a rather stiff, disciplined Englishman. And then he had this kind of romantic side to him. I think being true to both sides of your nature is important.
~By John Boorman ~

I don't think that digital photography is romantic yet. It's not sympathetic the way that film is.
~By Matthew Modine ~

In mainstream romantic comedies, I'm usually tearing my hair out. It's just a devastatingly difficult genre for me.
~By Carter Burwell ~

Romantic love is an illusion. Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.
~By Thomas Moore ~

You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.
~By Charles Bukowski ~

The notion that the public accepts or rejects anything in modern art is merely romantic fiction. The game is completed and the trophies distributed long before the public knows what has happened.
~By Tom Wolfe ~

I'm a hopeless romantic. It's disgusting. It really is. I've seen 'While You Were Sleeping', like, twenty times, and I still believe in the whole Prince Charming thing.
~By Jennifer Love Hewitt ~

Romantics consider common sense vulgar.
~By Mason Cooley ~

My dream role would probably be a psycho killer, because the whole thing I love about movies is that you get to do things you could never do in real life, and that would be my way of vicariously experiencing being a psycho killer. Also, it's incredibly romantic.
~By Christina Ricci ~

I've flown across America, I've scaled fences, I've stood under windows and gone out of my way hundreds of times. I'm a hopeless romantic. There's no hope for me.
~By Joel Madden ~

That on a romantic level, if you feel it about somebody and it's pure, it means that they do too.
~By Sean Penn ~

I believe that when you're in love you have to pour your heart and soul out to your partner... or why bother? So in that sense I'm an incurable romantic when it comes to men.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

I want to do more action adventures and more romantic comedies.
~By Maria Bello ~

Women today are dealing with both their independence and also the fact that their lives are built around finding and satisfying the romantic models we grew up with.
~By Jane Campion ~

My husband does so many romantic things for me, it's absurd.
~By Jennifer Beals ~

To say the word Romanticism is to say modern art - that is, intimacy, spirituality, color, aspiration towards the infinite, expressed by every means available to the arts.
~By Charles Baudelaire ~

I'm really a romantic at heart.
~By Christopher Atkins ~

The French are true romantics. They feel the only difference between a man of forty and one of seventy is thirty years of experience.
~By Maurice Chevalier ~

I go to Saint Barth in the French West Indies for two weeks each year. That place is amazing. Amazing people, beautiful beaches, great wine, wonderful harbors... It's incredibly romantic.
~By Brooke Burke ~

I did send a girl a plane ticket asking her for a visit, I guess that's quite romantic.
~By Orlando Bloom ~

You do your work as a photographer and everything becomes past. Words are more like thoughts; the photographer's picture is always surrounded by a kind of romantic glamor - no matter what you do, and how you twist it.
~By Robert Frank ~

With While You Were Sleeping, it was so much fun and such a Cinderella story, that I didn't want to do another romantic comedy. I wanted to do the opposite.
~By Bill Pullman ~

I think I've only done one horror movie, Psycho III. That was a walk in the park compared to a romantic comedy.
~By Carter Burwell ~

We not only romanticize the future; we have also made it into a growth industry, a parlor game and a disaster movie all at the same time.
~By Eugene Kennedy ~

The whole romantic part of my life was a wipeout. I didn't even own a belt.
~By Paul Lynde ~

We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.
~By Andre Maurois ~

I don't want to be pigeonholed into doing just romantic comedies. But they're fun, and especially for women, it's nice to go to see them and enjoy that breath of fresh air.
~By Kristen Bell ~

But other vampire stories? Well, no, I really haven't read too many, and I can't say I'm crazy about romantic vampires anyway - to me the vampire is simply an evil monster.
~By Brian Lumley ~

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May 4 ,2024
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