FoC Feminine Of Center Meaning Definition

“Feminine of Center” is also sometimes referred to as “FoC” as an acronym, or “Feminine-Of-Center” with a hyphen, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of FoC Feminine of Center:

The term “feminine of center” is derived from “feminine,” which means “feminism,” and “center,” which means “middle,” hence, “feminine-of-center” literally means “queer men who bend toward the feminine gender.”

The term “feminine of center,” or “FoC, in short,” is used to recognize the cultural adoption of gender identity for gays, queer men, and gender nonconforming trans, who bend toward the feminine side of the gender spectrum.

Feminine-Of-Center includes a broad range of gender identities such as femme, non-binary, transgender, genderqueer, etc, making it very similar to transfeminine.

Feminine-Of-Center is a phrase that indicates a range in terms of gender identity and expression for people who present, understand themselves, and/or relate to others in a generally more feminine way, but don’t necessarily identify as women.

Feminine-of-center individuals may also identify as femme, submissive, transfeminine, etc.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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