Objectophilia Objectophilic Meaning Definition

“Objectophilia” is also sometimes referred to as “Objecto” in short, or “Objectophilic” as a synonym, or “Objecto-Philia” with a hyphen, or “Objecto Philia” with a space, as some other forms.

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Objectophilia / Objectophilic / Objectum Sexual / Objectum Sexuality:

The term “objectophilia” is derived from “objecto,” which means “objects,” and “philia,” which means “love,” hence, “objecto-philia” literally means “sexual attraction or interest in or love for objects.”

The term “objectophilia” or “objectophilic” or “objectum sexual” or “objectum sexuality” is used to describe people who experience sexual and romantic as well as emotional and aesthetic attraction towards inanimate objects such as building and structures.

Objectophilia is not a fetish because the person sees the object as a partner or lover, and not as a means to enhance any kind of sexual relationship with another person. However, objectophilia may also be a kind of fetish for attraction to objects, but the kind of objects they find appealing varies from person to person.

Individuals with this kind of attraction may develop strong feelings or emotions toward certain objects or structures. For these people, romantic or sexual relationships with humans are unfathomable because they are drawn toward lifeless objects.

Some of the object-centric sexual individuals also tend to believe in animism. They sense a feeling of reciprocation based on the notion that objects too have real souls and actual feelings, and are able to communicate, just like humans do.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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