Tri Gender Or Three Gender Meaning Definition

“Trigender” is also sometimes referred to as “Three Gender” as a synonym, or “Tri-Gender” with a hyphen, or “Tri Gender” with a space, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Trigender / Three Genders:

The term “trigender” is derived from “tri,” which means “three,” and “gender,” which means “related to gender,” hence, “tri-gender” literally means “someone who experiences three genders at the same time which are male and female and something else.”

The term “trigender” or “three genders” is used to describe people who do not identify with either man or woman, or move between three genders, male, female and a third gender, people whose gender identity isn’t strictly male or female, but are either somewhere in between, a combination of both, no gender at all, or something else entirely, and they feel they are neither male nor female, but not androgynous either, and hence, construct their own gender.
Read This: Abimegender Infinitegender Meaning Definition
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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