
Just Friends

Just Friends - pal, buddy, platonic, acquaintance, non-romantic

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Just Friends: Just friends, as the name suggests, are people who like to hang out with one another, either one-on-one or in a group. Such types of friendships are totally platonic, they simply enjoy being in each other's company, with no intentions of forming any kind of romantic or sexual relationship, or else they would no longer be called just friends. The most important characteristic of being just friends is that there can be no kind of romantic or sexual involvement, things should be completely free of any kinds of intimate or passionate feelings and expectations. A lot of people try to call their actual relationship that of being just friends, but that is just a way to get away by hiding their intimate relationship from the public eye. Type Of Just Friends: -Pal -Buddy -Platonic -Acquaintance -Non-Romantic -Casual Friends -Simply Friends -Informal Friends -Plain Friends -Mere Friends -Pure Friends -Close Friends -Good Friends

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Date Posted/Updated On: 11-16-2024
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