Love Addiction Behaviors Patterns

Love Addiction Behaviors Patterns Consists Of Being Hooked On To A Lover To An Extent Where It Becomes Nearly Impossible To Live Without The Other Person

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Love Addiction Behaviors Patterns:

Addiction to something or getting hooked on something is a common problem. Getting addicted to love is also a common problem these days. There are many reasons why people get addicted to things. Many people get addicted to something in order to protect themselves from unpleasant or unacceptable feelings. Addiction to anything is bad because it always has bad results in the end.

When Love Addiction Becomes A Bigger Problem:

Addiction becomes a bigger problem when it grows out of proportion. People who are addicted to someone are found to spend all their time either thinking or being with the person they are addicted to. Love addicts give more importance to that person than themselves. Their addiction often turns into an obsession for that person.

Addiction To Love Can Make A Person Go Insane:

This sort of addiction isolates this person from the whole world. Their primary object becomes just one person, and that’s where they put all their energy. This sort of love addiction can be for any person, such as a child, teacher, etc. Though our focus here is on a romantic obsession with someone, they are already in a relationship with or want to be in one.

Love Addicts Have Very High Expectations:

Love addicts have very high expectations from their lover, and when that expectation is not met, things can start going south. People addicted to love gradually forgets caring about themselves as their focus shifts on the other person and what they want from them. Getting addicted in love with someone sometimes happens because of history with parents where they were either abandoned or despised for the love that they think they deserved. Now they need someone to validate their love for them. Their self-esteem and self-worth are greatly affected, and they look for someone who can give them what they could not get in the past. Their past fear of abandonment or desertion makes them extremely vulnerable. It is not the right place to be addicted to love or be with someone who is.

How To Overcome The Problem Of Love Addiction:

It’s not impossible to overcome an addiction to love. The first step is to realize that one is addicted to love, and the second step is to stop the addictive thoughts and activities from happening. With a little bit of counseling or help from a loved one, this kind of addiction can be cured. The love addict must also recognize what caused their addiction and give rest to those thoughts or feelings from coming back.

Love Addiction Patterns And Behavior:

Addiction to love is like a drug. It gives you a feel-good feeling for that moment, but in the long run, it can have adverse consequences as it’s not a healthy way of loving someone. If you or your loved one is suffering from love addiction, make sure to take some steps as given above. It is not hard to remove dependency from love and make it an addiction-less and healthy love that can be nurtured and appreciated by everyone.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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