Acquaintance Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Acquaintance

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Trouble is a sieve through which we sift our acquaintances. Those too big to pass through are our friends.
~By Arlene Francis ~

The most accomplished way of using books is to serve them as some people do lords; learn their titles and then brag of their acquaintance.
~By Laurence Sterne ~

A number of girls of my acquaintance went to school to the nuns of the Congregational Nunnery, or Sisters of Charity, as they are sometimes called.
~By Maria Monk ~

The life of a man who deliberately runs through his fortune often becomes a business speculation; his friends, his pleasures, patrons, and acquaintances are his capital.
~By Honore De Balzac ~

Just as we outgrow a pair of trousers, we outgrow acquaintances, libraries, principles, etc., at times before they're worn out and times - and this is the worst of all - before we have new ones.
~By Georg C. Lichtenberg ~

She is such a good friend that she would throw all her acquaintances into the water for the pleasure of fishing them out again.
~By Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ~

The mere process of growing old together will make the slightest acquaintance seem a bosom friend.
~By Edward Koch ~

I was gravely warned by some of my female acquaintances that no woman could expect to be regarded as a lady after she had written a book.
~By Lydia M. Child ~

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, sir, should keep his friendship in a constant repair.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25, unless we haven't had our coffee, in which case we feel 107.
~By Martha Beck ~

A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.
~By Edgar Watson Howe ~

Distrust all those who love you extremely upon a very slight acquaintance and without any visible reason.
~By Lord Chesterfield ~

Your law may be perfect, your knowledge of human affairs may be such as to enable you to apply it with wisdom and skill, and yet without individual acquaintance with men, their haunts and habits, the pursuit of the profession becomes difficult, slow, and expensive.
~By William Dunbar ~

Bluegrass has brought more people together and made more friends than any music in the world. You meet people at festivals and renew acquaintances year after year.
~By Bill Monroe ~

In Berlin I especially enjoyed the orchestral concerts, and I attended a large number of them. I formed the acquaintance of a good many musicians, several of whom spoke of my playing in high terms.
~By James Weldon Johnson ~

My first experiences of academic friendship made me smile in after years when I looked back on them. But my circle of acquaintances had gradually grown so large that it was only natural new friendships should grow out of it.
~By Georg Brandes ~

I look upon every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new acquaintance.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

The mere process of growing old together will make our slightest acquaintances seem like bosom friends.
~By Logan Pearsall Smith ~

There is so much of good in human nature that men grow to like each other upon better acquaintance, and this points to another way in which we may strive to promote the peace of the world.
~By Elihu Root ~

Be able to cite three good qualities of every relative or acquaintance that you dislike.
~By Marilyn vos Savant ~

We need two kinds of acquaintances, one to complain to, while to the others we boast.
~By Logan P. Smith ~

Thence, I suppose, my natural disposition to make fresh acquaintances, and to break with them so readily, although always for a good reason, and never through mere fickleness.
~By Giacomo Casanova ~

In such a case secrecy must be absolute to be effective, and although mere vague curiosity induced many persons of my intimate acquaintance to ask to be allowed to just go in and have a peep, I never admitted anyone.
~By Henry Bessemer ~

There's sort of an open offer to work with a guy in Los Angeles who does big band and orchestra arrangements who was at least an acquaintance to Les Baxter before he passed away.
~By Jello Biafra ~

I have a million acquaintances but just two or three true friends. I can't hide anything from them.
~By Ian Somerhalder ~

The Mole had long wanted to make the I acquaintance of the Badger. He seemed, by all accounts, to be such an important personage and, though rarely visible, to make his unseen influence felt by everybody about the place.
~By Kenneth Grahame ~

There we were, hundreds of us lined up, waving at the great man as he tipped his hat to us. And that is the extent of my acquaintance with Albert Einstein.
~By Gregory Peck ~

Friends and acquaintances are the surest passport to fortune.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

Experience - the wisdom that enables us to recognise in an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

Acquaintance lessens fame.
~By Claudius ~

Everywhere is nowhere. When a person spends all his time in foreign travel, he ends by having many acquaintances, but no friends.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

Moderation is the inseparable companion of wisdom, but with it genius has not even a nodding acquaintance.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.
~By Richard Bach ~

I am said to be difficult of acquaintance, unwilling to meet any one half way, and showing a social manner which is easy, not diffident, but formal and unresponsive, tending constantly to hold people off.
~By Albert J. Nock ~

It is evident that an acquaintance with natural laws means no less than an acquaintance with the mind of God therein expressed.
~By James Prescott Joule ~

Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance.
~By Rabindranath Tagore ~

Hope is a pleasant acquaintance, but an unsafe friend.
~By Thomas Chandler Haliburton ~

Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger.
~By Franklin P. Jones ~

U.S. soldiers, with whom I now have more than a passing acquaintance, joke that they track my movements in order to know where they will be deployed next.
~By Christiane Amanpour ~

We all respect sincerity in our friends and acquaintances, but Hollywood is willing to pay for it.
~By Hattie McDaniel ~

The beginning of an acquaintance whether with persons or things is to get a definite outline of our ignorance.
~By George Eliot ~

When a man looks across a street, sees a pretty girl, and waves at her, that's not a rendezvous, that's a passing acquaintance. When he walks across the street and nibbles on her ear, that's a rendezvous!
~By Wally Schirra ~

I'm close with my parents. I have a lot of acquaintances, but my very good close friends are few I can count my very good friends on one hand. And that's how I like it to be.
~By Calista Flockhart ~

Acquaintance. A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

A powerful attraction exists, therefore, to the promotion of a study and of duties of all others engrossing the time most completely, and which is less benefited than most others by any acquaintance with science.
~By Charles Babbage ~

Farewell all relations and friends in Christ; farewell acquaintances and all earthly enjoyments; farewell reading and preaching, praying and believing, wanderings, reproaches, and sufferings.
~By Donald Cargill ~

I don't have friends, I have thousands of acquaintances. No friends. I figured I had a wife and children.
~By Charles Bronson ~

When an acquaintance goes by I often step back from my window, not so much to spare him the effort of acknowledging me as to spare myself the embarrassment of seeing that he has not done so.
~By Georg C. Lichtenberg ~

Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty, and leave nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities.
~By George Boole ~

We need to in this country begin again to raise civil discourse to another level. I mean, we shout and scream and yell and get very little accomplished, but you can disagree very much with the next guy and still be friends and acquaintances.
~By Leah Ward Sears ~

For my part, I confess I seldom listen to the players: one has so much to do, in looking about and finding out one's acquaintance, that, really, one has no time to mind the stage. One merely comes to meet one's friends, and show that one's alive.
~By Fanny Burney ~

The slightest acquaintance with history shows that powerful republics are the most warlike and unscrupulous of nations.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.
~By George Washington ~

From my earliest acquaintance with the science of political economy, it has been evident to my mind that capital was the product of labor, and that therefore, in its best analysis there could be no natural conflict between capital and labor.
~By Leland Stanford ~

Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends, rather than mob merriment, noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.
~By William Powell ~

The nice thing about quotes is that they give us a nodding acquaintance with the originator which is often socially impressive.
~By Kenneth Williams ~

I went to high school, which was a good thing because I hadn't interacted with many people my age, and I didn't really have friends. I had a million acquaintances and no friends.
~By Macaulay Culkin ~

I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
~By Oscar Wilde ~

Meanwhile, my residence within the Federal lines, and my acquaintance with so many of the officers, the origin of which I have already mentioned, enabled me to gain much important information as to the position and designs of the enemy.
~By Belle Boyd ~

The Crows are very handsome and gentlemanly Indians in their personal appearance: and have been always reputed, since the first acquaintance made with them, very civil and friendly.
~By George Catlin ~

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July 27 ,2024
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