Acting Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Acting

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I think I had a shyness about me, I think I discovered acting as a way to break out of that and as a way of belonging, a sense of being special.
~By Michael C. Hall ~

I had been singing all my life, but I started acting in high school.
~By Kevin Richardson ~

Acting is all about timing. I mean, who has better timing than the MCs?
~By Coolio ~

Acting is easier than skating in a way and harder in other aspects. In skating, you get one chance, and with acting you get to do it over and over.
~By Tara Lipinski ~

I suppose that if I could have quit, I would have, because in those days I never wanted to be an actress, the acting was something to do while I waited for a chance to study writing and directing. But I guess I was just meant to be an actress. Because, here I am.
~By Judy Holliday ~

By irreducibly complex I mean a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.
~By Michael Behe ~

One of the things I find about acting is that the less the audience knows about the actor, the more they're able to believe in him in the role.
~By Hayden Christensen ~

People do more important jobs than acting in film that should be recognised, but for some reason it's big money, so people are elevated in status. If I was a bus driver, I'm sure you wouldn't be interviewing me.
~By Adam Garcia ~

My advice is to make acting your second career choice.
~By Amber Tamblyn ~

More than in any other performing arts the lack of respect for acting seems to spring from the fact that every layman considers himself a valid critic.
~By Simone Weil ~

And what I liked the most about any project was that when it was good, you had a bunch of people trying to accomplish something together who were all acting together as one - that's the most exciting time for me.
~By Liza Minelli ~

Well, from an acting point of view, I bear no relation, I don't look like Alfred Kinsey at all, but I thought somewhere in my artist's soul, my actor's soul, I could capture something of the spirit of the man.
~By Liam Neeson ~

I went to college in Pittsburgh at Carnegie Mellon University... studied acting there. Then I went to New York for about five years. I moved out here about 10 years ago.
~By Laura San Giacomo ~

You'd be surprised at how undemanding acting is.
~By Martin Mull ~

There's so much more to life than that, though I think that acting is fascinating because you can forget your own sorrow as you act and become somebody else.
~By Beatrice Wood ~

Acting isn't the be-all end-all. There are a lot of other things in my life that will bring me joy if I didn't act anymore.
~By Victoria Pratt ~

The more I get to do this character, the more I realize that she's not just annoying. It's that her strength is not interacting with people socially. She just doesn't have time because she has so much going on in her brain.
~By Mary Lynn Rajskub ~

I hope to continue building my acting career and work more on projects that fulfill my artistic thirst.
~By Karolina Kurkova ~

I'm acting when I serve as a hostess, when I run my wig business. I was born to act, and life itself is the greatest part.
~By Eva Gabor ~

One good thing about acting in film is that it's good therapy.
~By Denzel Washington ~

I got involved with an acting school and studied for a couple years. They used to have improv exercises that you would work on and you would do improvs.
~By Barry Levinson ~

I didn't want to be famous. I just wanted to earn enough money to have a nice life and enjoy acting.
~By David McCallum ~

And my mother caught wind of this. She never had really tried to guide my career or really had any say in my life as an adult, but this was the one time she said she would never speak to me again if I quit acting.
~By Mark Ruffalo ~

Acting is not about dressing up. Acting is about stripping bare. The whole essence of learning lines is to forget them so you can make them sound like you thought of them that instant.
~By Glenda Jackson ~

I had to study acting to basically educate myself.
~By Boris Kodjoe ~

I don't make much distinction between being a stand-up comic and acting Shakespeare - in fact, unless you're a good comedian, you're never going to be able to play Hamlet properly.
~By Ian Mckellen ~

First I would probably place men at the bottom of the food chain. On a grander scale, I would say they're reacting to change. Feminism has got to be part of that.
~By Neil LaBute ~

I didn't devote my life to acting. I give a lot to my work, but my life has always been more important.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.
~By Denzel Washington ~

To me, all writing is like music. And especially dialogue. I studied music in college; that is what I wanted to be, a composer. Acting got me sidetracked.
~By Dirk Benedict ~

And then, I suppose, there's also a cinematic reality on top of that. Because it was extremely difficult to keep tabs on, it was quite confusing acting that.
~By Gabriel Byrne ~

Great acting may be a turn-on, but it won't make me fantasize about the person for a week.
~By Sandra Bullock ~

What I enjoy most is travelling to different places and meeting new people. For me, it's all about life experiences, and I'm very grateful that acting allows me so many interesting and fulfilling ones.
~By Jensen Ackles ~

In those days, reserve duty lasted for six years, which, I might add, was three times as long as service in the regular army, although to be perfectly honest, I was unable to fulfill my entire obligation because I was taking acting classes and they said I could skip my last year.
~By Larry David ~

I was born first to music. But I went into acting because my father knew so much about music he intimidated me. So, I picked an art form, he knew nothing about. So I could be my own man.
~By Michael Moriarty ~

In 2003, I had the pleasure of acting in three films.
~By Janine Turner ~

I'm really excited, because the character, Jules, is a really awesome character. I'm really excited to be playing her, and overall, I'm really excited to be getting back to my acting roots.
~By Maria Menounos ~

I didn't study acting.
~By Ray Walston ~

At school there was no acting to be had other than school plays which I did now and again.
~By Ewan McGregor ~

Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It's a bum's life. Quitting acting, that's the sign of maturity.
~By Marlon Brando ~

I have never, ever, had an acting partnership that was a safe, as full, and as exciting as the one I had with Tony. I didn't want to go through life without having a chance to taste it again.
~By Genie Francis ~

My love for the theater has always been a priority. That hasn't changed. I got into acting that way. The film work that came up was really a surprise.
~By Philip Seymour Hoffman ~

Yes, I made mistakes by rebelling, by acting out in confused ways.
~By Jennifer Capriati ~

I kind of dwindled into acting.
~By Ron Silver ~

Acting, to me, is about the incredible adventure of examining the landscape of human heart and soul. That's basically what we do.
~By Glenn Close ~

Faked enthusiasm is worse than bad acting - it is bad acting with the intent to deceive.
~By Bo Bennett ~

I knew I wanted children in my life. The acting was always in relation to it. Life at home is chaos. They're wonderful. They're such interesting human beings. I just love it. I'm lucky.
~By Annette Bening ~

My first love is acting on stage. A sitcom is a hybrid of stage and film.
~By Judd Nelson ~

You've got to keep taking certain risks, because my priority is in acting, it's not in movie stardom.
~By Gary Sinise ~

I was planning to go into architecture. But when I arrived, architecture was filled up. Acting was right next to it, so I signed up for acting instead.
~By Gilbert K. Chesterton ~

I can do everything with ease on the stage, whereas in real life I feel too big and clumsy. So I didn't choose acting. It chose me.
~By Ingrid Bergman ~

I don't honestly think people know what acting is.
~By Ben Kingsley ~

Acting is really not what I'm interested in. I'm not an aspiring actor and you should be able to tell.
~By Keith Hernandez ~

I was equally in love with singing and acting from an early age.
~By Minnie Driver ~

How do you explain certain physical qualities that somehow sell on screen? You're born with it... Certain people are just more watchable, and I was more watchable, but I don't think I understood acting or drama very well when I was a kid.
~By Joan Chen ~

I went there and helped him shuffle pictures of people, and one of the agents asked me if I was interested in acting. Of course, I was a little bit interested in it; I'm sure that's part of the reason I moved to L.A. even though I never admitted it to myself.
~By Josh Duhamel ~

Absolutely not, because in acting I've found a domain that suits me perfectly. And that is so utterly rare.
~By Zhang Ziyi ~

I'm enjoying it, but I still don't know why I'm hooked on acting.
~By Stephen Rea ~

And when the world is created, it is created in such a way that those eternal objects of God's loving wisdom become actualities - interacting with one another, relating to God in the finite realm.
~By Rowan D. Williams ~

In Hungary, acting is a career for which one fits himself as earnestly as one studies for a degree in medicine, law, or philosophy.
~By Bela Lugosi ~

You go to LA, or you go to New York, and it's really fun to go there. But they're not grounded. Everybody is just competing all the time for the limelight. It's too much entertainment industry. There are too many choices. And it's distracting to me.
~By Bob Seger ~

It doesn't work that way, you know, because most parts that you think you'd do well, most other people don't. So they offer you something - The Avengers is a good example... I fitted into that because I came from that sort of background. It's not even acting.
~By Patrick Macnee ~

Well, what is acting but the study of human behavior? And that's so fascinating to me.
~By Amy Smart ~

My acting ability would have sent me back to the post office. It was my singing that got me jobs. Ironically, now, people think of me as an actor and don't know me much as a singer.
~By Robert Guillaume ~

One of the things I love about acting is that it reveals a certain something about yourself, but it doesn't reveal your own personal story.
~By Jessica Lange ~

I was born with a need to be the center of attention, and, of course, you're the center of the world when you're acting.
~By Julie Christie ~

Acting must be scaled down for the screen. A drawing room is a lot smaller than a theatre auditorium.
~By Arthur Lowe ~

Actually, the year anniversary of what you just heard, my son Grahame and I are going to be in a play together, and I'm acting for the first time in front of an audience that doesn't consist of a high school drama class.
~By Phil Lesh ~

Man is a make-believe animal: he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part.
~By William Hazlitt ~

It dawned on me that acting was what I wanted to do with my life. Nothing had ever touched my heart like acting did.
~By Hugh Jackman ~

I actually made an effort to reject acting, to shove it out of my body, because I didn't want my kids to have an actress as a mother-to have, like, a silly person.
~By Lisa Kudrow ~

Acting is a total physical, emotional sensation.
~By Armand Assante ~

Our leaders are acting like lemmings.
~By Jack Herer ~

You're being cast for your acting ability. It's not based on the way your body functions. If you're playing a lead in a movie, it's for that character and they'll tailor it to you. In a dance company, you have to fit in a definite mold.
~By Neve Campbell ~

Bit parts in Mediocre TV shows won't develop your acting chops.
~By Stephen Collins ~

Anything that loosens you up and makes you freer is good, because that's what acting and performing is all about - being free. It gives you a better connection to the audience.
~By Brett Somers ~

For me, acting was a way of releasing all of this stuff that I had inside - and a way for me to tell the stories of the people I knew, so that their spirit could live through me.
~By Ving Rhames ~

When you drop your guard in films, the acting process compensates. You get lazy and you start acting.
~By Ben Kingsley ~

I started acting when I was 10, doing musical theater. I was a brunette at that time. I was always cast in all the exotic parts.
~By Loni Anderson ~

When I was a kid, the idea of why I wanted acting to be the thing I do for the rest of my life was different. It was, Oh yeah, I'll get girls and be famous.
~By Edward Furlong ~

Look at the product pipeline, look at the fantastic financial results we've had for the last five years. You only get that kind of performance on the innovation side, on the financial side, if you're really listening and reacting to the best ideas of the people we have.
~By Steve Ballmer ~

For me, acting is doing.
~By Pierce Brosnan ~

I always thought that it was every performer's dream. That's the epitome of being an artist, being able to express song, dance and acting in a live theatre setting and really connecting with an audience on that level.
~By Deborah Cox ~

I'd always enjoyed acting, but modeling was so time-consuming - and lucrative - that I didn't pursue it.
~By Jerry Hall ~

No one is truly free, they are a slave to wealth, fortune, the law, or other people restraining them from acting according to their will.
~By Euripides ~

Acting is like roller skating. Once you know how to do it, it is neither stimulating nor exciting.
~By George Sanders ~

My wife says that stage acting is like being on a tightrope with no net, and being in the movies, there is a net - because you stop and go over it again. It's very technical and mechanical. On stage you're on your own.
~By Eli Wallach ~

Acting is the most personal of our crafts. The make-up of a human being - his physical, mental and emotional habits - influence his acting to a much greater extent than commonly recognized.
~By Lee Strasberg ~

Acting is the most minor of gifts. After all, Shirley Temple could do it when she was four.
~By Katharine Hepburn ~

Martyrdom was the price of enthusiasm for acting.
~By Bela Lugosi ~

In high school, my goal was to be a writer for SNL, then I got into the acting.
~By Illeana Douglas ~

And I am saying, how about the other two branches? And putting the pressure on our representatives in the Senate and the Congress, and the court system. They should be counter-acting this corruption, but they are sitting there silent.
~By Sibel Edmonds ~

Now that was one thing, but from an actor's point of view, this poor young man, crying from the moment I opened the door to the moment he left. Now if an actor did that they would say he's over-acting.
~By Rod Steiger ~

Acting is always a challenge.
~By Robert Downey, Jr. ~

I really feel that the talent I have is acting. Freedom and the possibility of play-that is what I like to have.
~By Jacqueline Bisset ~

Yeah, I think the common denominator - and this is probably going to sound like Acting 101 - but the common denominator is belief in the character in the moment.
~By Jenna Elfman ~

A 65-ft.-wide screen and 500 people reacting to the movie, there is nothing like that experience.
~By Michael Mann ~

Teachers make a difference, and we would serve our students better by focusing on attracting and retaining the quality teachers by raising teacher pay.
~By Jeb Bush ~

I don't know what acting is, but I enjoy it.
~By Anthony Hopkins ~

I didn't actually begin professionally acting until I was 30.
~By Katey Sagal ~

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July 27 ,2024
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