Affection Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Affection

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Today's youth cannot miss something they have never known, but I fear that there are no current fictional characters whose impact and influence will last with such abiding affection into their 'sore and yellow' as this splendid man's creations have in mine!
~By Peter Cushing ~

Even from their infancy we frame them to the sports of love: their instruction, behavior, attire, grace, learning and all their words azimuth only at love, respects only affection. Their nurses and their keepers imprint no other thing in them.
~By Michel de Montaigne ~

But most of all, I'm a part of you people out there who have listened to me, because especially you people in Michigan, you Tiger fans, you've given me so much warmth, so much affection and so much love.
~By Ernie Harwell ~

The married state, with and without the affection suitable to it, is the completest image of heaven and hell we are capable of receiving in this life.
~By Richard Steele ~

The place of my birth, and residence for nearly sixteen years, in the early part of my life, became endeared to my feelings and affections; and more especially so after I had quitted it for an unknown place, and to associate with strangers.
~By John Britton ~

Great affection is often the cause of violent animosity. The quarrels of men often arise from too great a familiarity.
~By Saskya Pandita ~

Whilst in Prussia poets only speak of the love of country as one of the dearest of all human affections, here there is no man who does not feel, and describe with rapture, how much he loves his country.
~By Karl Philipp Moritz ~

A mixture of admiration and pity is one of the surest recipes for affection.
~By Arthur Helps ~

The natural term of the affection of the human animal for its offspring is six years.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better show more affection than she feels.
~By Aristotle ~

Book tours are almost designed to beat out of an author any affection he has for his book.
~By Michael Lewis ~

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
~By C. S. Lewis ~

The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it.
~By Walt Whitman ~

Unless our conception of patriotism is progressive, it cannot hope to embody the real affection and the real interest of the nation.
~By Jane Addams ~

Caresses, expressions of one sort or another, are necessary to the life of the affections as leaves are to the life of a tree. If they are wholly restrained, love will die at the roots.
~By Nathaniel Hawthorne ~

Of all the tyrants the world affords, our own affections are the fiercest lords.
~By John Sterling ~

Every one of our passions and affections hath its natural stint and bound, which may easily be exceeded; whereas our enjoyments can possibly be but in a determinate measure and degree.
~By Joseph Butler ~

Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.
~By Alfred A. Montapert ~

If we judge love by most of its effects, it resembles rather hatred than affection.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

That is the great mistake about the affections. It is not the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of kings, or the marching of armies that move them most. When they answer from their depths, it is to the domestic joys and tragedies of life.
~By Amelia Barr ~

Every gift which is given, even though is be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.
~By Pindar ~

LET us honour the King by cherishing respectful Sentiments concerning him; speaking of him with Affection, with Esteem and Reverence; and by promoting a like Spirit and Conduct in others.
~By Charles Inglis ~

No money on earth can buy the love and affection that has been given to me by a grateful nation.
~By Abdul Qadeer Khan ~

When it comes to accepting emotional support or affection, I'm a little guarded and hardened to that.
~By Patricia Heaton ~

All the dark, malevolent Passions of the Soul are roused and exerted; its mild and amiable affections are suppressed; and with them, virtuous Principles are laid prostrate.
~By Charles Inglis ~

People might love themselves with the most entire and unbounded affection, and yet be extremely miserable.
~By Joseph Butler ~

People who can't be witty exert themselves to be devout and affectionate.
~By George Eliot ~

When affection only speaks, truth is not always there.
~By Thomas Middleton ~

In dread fear of sentimentality, another thing true is not said-that for its staff the paper is a source of pride and, I do believe, an object of affection and-yes, love.
~By Arthur Ochs Sulzberger ~

God Almighty is, to be sure, unmoved by passion or appetite, unchanged by affection; but then it is to be added that He neither sees nor hears nor perceives things by any senses like ours; but in a manner infinitely more perfect.
~By Joseph Butler ~

The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him.
~By Xun Zi ~

A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone.
~By Charles Darwin ~

My father had retained an emotional affection for the ceremonial of his parental home, without allowing it to influence his intellectual freedom.
~By Franz Boas ~

I have been extremely touched by these signs of affection on the part of all the Thai people.
~By Bhumibol Adulyadej ~

Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue.
~By John Dryden ~

Well the wedding in the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury was a fairy tale and there was a huge public impress, investment of goodwill, affection and indeed money in this Institution. It was a huge success at the time.
~By Anthony Holden ~

Disaffection stalks around us.
~By Dolley Madison ~

The politician in my country seeks votes, affection and respect, in that order. With few notable exceptions, they are simply men who want to be loved.
~By Edward R. Murrow ~

I foster a sorrowful conception of affection. Make no sacrifices.
~By Franz Liszt ~

Our affections as well as our bodies are in perpetual flux.
~By Jean Jacques Rousseau ~

If I did not have for him the warm affection a son feels toward a less austere and preoccupied father, I at least had an immense respect for him, and a great admiration.
~By Lincoln Ellsworth ~

Animals speak with pure affection. It's important to me to get something going in NY so we can get to be a no-kill city, and give the animals homes and more attention and love.
~By Bernadette Peters ~

The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.
~By William Dean Howells ~

We are still so close, David and I. We were at a party the other day at my mum's house and I was sitting on his lap. We're very affectionate. And I looked at him and thought after being married for 11 years! We were the only couple who were even near each other at that party. We're soul mates.
~By Victoria Beckham ~

Men are more accountable for their motives, than for anything else; and primarily, morality consists in the motives, that is in the affections.
~By Archibald Alexander ~

Yes, the meeting of dear friends atones for the regret of separation; and like it so much enhances affection, that after absence one wonders how one has been able to stay away from them so long.
~By Marguerite Gardiner ~

What I have always wanted for myself is much more primitive. It is probably nothing more than the affection of the people with whom I am in contact, and their good opinion of me.
~By Anna Freud ~

Our people, though capable of strong and durable feeling, were not demonstrative in their affection at any time, least of all in the presence of guests or strangers.
~By Charles Eastman ~

The metaphor of the king as the shepherd of his people goes back to ancient Egypt. Perhaps the use of this particular convention is due to the fact that, being stupid, affectionate, gregarious, and easily stampeded, the societies formed by sheep are most like human ones.
~By Northrop Frye ~

Few people have ever seriously wished to be exclusively rational. The good life which most desire is a life warmed by passions and touched with that ceremonial grace which is impossible without some affectionate loyalty to traditional form and ceremonies.
~By Joseph Wood Krutch ~

Every diminution of the public burdens arising from taxation gives to individual enterprise increased power and furnishes to all the members of our happy confederacy new motives for patriotic affection and support.
~By Andrew Jackson ~

Michael is a funny character, for whom I have a great deal of affection. He sat across his desk and seemed to be a bit of a blunt fellow. We began talking about the characters and he opened up about his vision.
~By Madeleine Stowe ~

In many ways, that affection is the real reward for 56 years in the business. Although the money ain't exactly bad either.
~By Perry Como ~

In life, there are no perfect affections.
~By James Merrill ~

Love is not to be purchased, and affection has no price.
~By St. Jerome ~

The fact is that people are good, Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior.
~By Abraham Maslow ~

It is not because other people are dead that our affection for them grows faint, it is because we ourselves are dying.
~By Marcel Proust ~

Most people would rather give than get affection.
~By Aristotle ~

Southern white people despise the Negro as a race, and will do nothing to aid in his elevation as such; but for certain individuals they have a strong affection, and are helpful to them in many ways.
~By James Weldon Johnson ~

Talk not of wasted affection - affection never was wasted.
~By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

The objective of the demonstrators is to win the affection of the armed agents of the government. Most of the Kiev police have now pledged their support for the people.
~By Bob Schaffer ~

Different taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.
~By George Eliot ~

A correct answer is like an affectionate kiss.
~By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~

The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection, and not a fountain; to show them we love them not when we feel like it, but when they do.
~By Nan Fairbrother ~

And not only my own brothers and sisters agreed so but my brothers and sisters in law; and their children, although but young, had the like agreeable natures and affectionate dispositions.
~By Margaret Cavendish ~

Grief is only the memory of widowed affections.
~By James Martineau ~

Throughout the past, there has been a lack of intimacy, affection, and regard for Islam by Christianity. This, to a large extent, has been due to a lack of knowledge of the great human and spiritual ideals for which Islam and the teachings of Islam stand.
~By Aly Khan ~

There is no sinfulness in the will and affections without some error in the understanding. All lusts which a natural man lives in, are lusts of ignorance.
~By George Gillespie ~

I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.
~By Robin Morgan ~

I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections, and the truth of imagination.
~By John Keats ~

We may not return the affection of those who like us, but we always respect their good judgment.
~By Lillian Gordy Carter ~

You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent.
~By Alexander Hamilton ~

While I've lived in L.A. since 1985, I'll always consider Chicago my home town and have much affection for it. My parents and sister still live there so I try to visit as often as I'm able.
~By Douglas Wood ~

Few misfortunes can befall a boy which bring worse consequence than to have a really affectionate mother.
~By W. Somerset Maugham ~

Another principle is, the deepest affections of our hearts gather around some human form in which are incarnated the living thoughts and ideas of the passing age.
~By Matthew Simpson ~

The kindness and affection from the public have carried me through some of the most difficult periods, and always your love and affection have eased the journey.
~By Princess Diana ~

The principle we call self-love never seeks anything external for the sake of the thing, but only as a means of happiness or good: particular affections rest in the external things themselves.
~By Joseph Butler ~

The atmosphere at my school was very competitive. Young girls were competing with each other every day for status, for leadership, for the affection of the teachers. I hated it.
~By Zhang Ziyi ~

I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
~By Buddha ~

As I listened, it occurred to me that interest in and affection for the animals that share the planet with us may be a more unifying force than any other.
~By Nick Clooney ~

I just don't know how to deal with so many people giving me that much affection. I never had that in my life.
~By Tupac Shakur ~

Everywhere I go in the world, people know me and recognise me and really show affection for me.
~By Tony Curtis ~

Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who'll give you a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness? It means you're in the wrong house, that's what it means.
~By Henny Youngman ~

Even Stravinsky does not evoke the same public affection as Verdi.
~By Charles Rosen ~

Many things are unknown to the wisest, and the best men can never wholly divest themselves of passions and affections... nothing can or ought to be permanent but that which is perfect.
~By Algernon Sydney ~

My unhealthy affection for my second daughter has waned. Now I despise all my seven children equally.
~By Evelyn Waugh ~

Never regret anything you have done with a sincere affection; nothing is lost that is born of the heart.
~By Basil Rathbone ~

If you are worthy of its affection, a cat will be your friend but never your slave.
~By Theophile Gautier ~

The parental, and filial affections seem to be as ardent, their sensibility and attachment, as active and faithful, as those observed to be in human nature.
~By William Bartram ~

Every man hath a general desire of his own happiness; and likewise a variety of particular affections, passions, and appetites to particular external objects.
~By Joseph Butler ~

Virginians were no more angels or philanthropists than people to the north or to the south of them. They were moved by their affections, their interest, and their resentments, just as humanity is moved today.
~By John Sergeant Wise ~

I live a perfectly happy and comfortable life in Blair's Britain, but I can't work up much affection for the culture we've created for ourselves: it's too cynical, too knowing, too ironic, too empty of real value and meaning.
~By Jonathan Coe ~

The choicest thing this world has for a man is affection.
~By J. G. Holland ~

But if you love animals for all the right reasons- and that's just love and affection- then you're going to go after animals who need you.
~By Eric Roberts ~

Again, I shall be told that the law presumes the husband to be kind, affectionate, and ready to provide for and protect his wife. But what right, I ask, has the law to presume at all on the subject?
~By Ernestine Rose ~

I've seen people that don't treat their animals well and yet their animals are still just as loving to them even though they're not treated that well. It's very hard to find that kind of loyalty and love and affection in human beings.
~By Dick Van Patten ~

I have an affection for a great city. I feel safe in the neighborhood of man, and enjoy the sweet security of the streets.
~By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

And now, once again, I bid my hideous progeny go forth and prosper. I have an affection for it, for it was the offspring of happy days, when death and grief were but words, which found no true echo in my heart.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ~

Humor is the affectionate communication of insight.
~By Leo Rosten ~

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July 27 ,2024
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