Attention Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Attention

Read This: Childhood Quotes And Sayings

Boy, you gotta be real sick to get this much attention.
~By Michael Landon ~

I felt like calling attention to AIDS. I had the AIDS ribbon colored into my hair during the playoffs in '95.
~By Dennis Rodman ~

Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration.
~By Willie Sutton ~

I think it would have been a lot better for him to say, I did it and I'm sorry, McGwire was never one to show a lot of emotion on the field, not a player who sought attention and craved to be thought of as a nice guy.
~By Fay Vincent ~

Well the press and things like that are pretty hard core, but I don't pay too much attention to that.
~By Holly Valance ~

Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece.
~By Nadia Boulanger ~

The artist finds, that the more he can confine his attention to a particular part of any work, his productions are the more perfect, and grow under his hands in the greater quantities.
~By Adam Ferguson ~

The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.
~By Alan Watts ~

They cannot count on the press and they cannot count on Congressional committees to bring the problems of the scientific community to their own attention, or to police the scientific community.
~By Serge Lang ~

I think actors have a choice of drawing attention to themselves or living on the outskirts.
~By Rachel Weisz ~

The average housewife goes to the restaurant to relax and enjoy the food. But when Eva walks in, she becomes the center of attention.
~By Eva Gabor ~

Ian McKellen is brilliant with research. I paid really close attention to the sources he goes to. He's a very, very intelligent man.
~By Brendan Fraser ~

The book salesman should be honored because he brings to our attention, as a rule, the very books we need most and neglect most.
~By Confucius ~

So it's not so much that I set out to do something different, it's just that the songs themselves require their own individual voice and attention.
~By Ben Harper ~

I think there was a sense that the impact was being lost because the audience was so familiar with the form. You combine that with people's attention spans, which are clearly conditioned to be shorter now, and there's a need to vary the paradigm.
~By Jim Lampley ~

But above that, most mature adults can hold their attention on something for 45 minutes, whether they like it or not. But above that requires training.
~By Robert Fripp ~

At home in Victoria, we have three dogs, Tosh and Lucy, they're half Blue Heelers, and then there's Torrin a little Maltese terrier. She gets more attention in the house than anyone else! Yes, I miss them a lot.
~By Chris Hemsworth ~

I'm used to the golf course playing soft, so tomorrow I'm going to have to pay attention a little bit more.
~By Raymond Floyd ~

I didn't really seek attention. I just wanted to play the game well and go home.
~By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ~

I'm used to people not paying me a whole lot of attention and underestimating me and, frankly, for me a big challenge is to have people believe that I can be the president of the United States.
~By Carol Moseley Braun ~

I've never had a bank account in Switzerland since 1984. Why would the Swiss do this to me? Maybe the Swiss are trying to divert attention from the Holocaust gold scandal.
~By Benazir Bhutto ~

When exercising, be sure to focus your attention on what you are doing.
~By Lee Haney ~

Like when I had long hair, you kind of got male attention from everything. But when you had short hair, it was a different kind of man that was attracted to you or I found coming up.
~By Ashley Scott ~

I've written more songs for this record than I ever have in the past so I'm trying to give it a lot of special attention to be sure my ideas really get translated right.
~By Suzy Bogguss ~

I'm glad you asked that question, because of any musical situation I've been in, the communication feels great here with Russell. He really pays close attention to what I'm doing because he cares.
~By Benny Green ~

If a person can be said to have the wrong attitude, there is no need to pay attention to his arguments.
~By John McCarthy ~

I was always the kid in school who tried to get attention, not necessarily the class clown, but I'd do little unexpected performances.
~By Leonardo DiCaprio ~

When things haven't gone well for you, call in a secretary or a staff man and chew him out. You will sleep better and they will appreciate the attention.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

The high price of health care in this country is a serious issue that demands serious attention. Putting limits on damages have little or no effect on skyrocketing malpractice insurance rates.
~By Mary Landrieu ~

Over the years, a number of other intriguing experimental ideas and areas of investigation have been the objects of my attention, and I have devoted some time and effort to exploring the inherent possbilities.
~By Frederick Reines ~

Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.
~By James Cook ~

Throughout my career, if I have done anything, I have paid attention to every note and every word I sing - if I respect the song. If I cannot project this to a listener, I fail.
~By Frank Sinatra ~

Our responsibility is to captivate you for however long we've asked for your attention. That said, there is tremendous drama to be gotten from the great, what you would say, heavy issues.
~By Aaron Sorkin ~

Tiger is the greatest thing that's happened to the tour in a long time. He has brought incredible attention to golf at a time of year when football and the World Series always take precedence. Everything I've heard about him seems to be true.
~By Payne Stewart ~

It really takes likeable superstars to get the attention of the masses.
~By Jennifer Wyatt ~

To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.
~By Mary Oliver ~

The true art of memory is the art of attention.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

I never paid attention to what was contemporary or what was commercial, it didn't mean anything to me.
~By Van Morrison ~

Despite the increase in world attention toward Sudan in the past months, the genocide in Darfur has continued without any serious attempt by the Sudanese government to do what governments primarily exist to do, protect their citizens.
~By Tom Allen ~

Children are supposed to help hold a marriage together. They do this in a number of ways. For instance, they demand so much attention that a husband and wife, concentrating on their children, fail to notice each other's faults.
~By Richard Armour ~

When a girl marries, she exchanges the attentions of many men for the inattention of one.
~By Helen Rowland ~

In a world full of competing emergencies and disasters, it really helps if there is an international locomotive that can help us bring attention - help us bring resources.
~By Jan Egeland ~

Women get the attention when we get into the men's arena, and that's sad.
~By Billie Jean King ~

Action leads to Attention. that in the short-term releases Rewarding brain chemicals and in the long term improves reproductive success.
~By Keith Henson ~

Their scrambled attention spans struck me as a metaphor for the way we get our doses of reality these days.
~By Bill Griffith ~

I was really kind of shy as a child. But I would do things for attention.
~By Little Richard ~

When we are dealing with death we are constantly being dragged down by the event: Humor diverts our attention and lifts our sagging spirits.
~By Allen Klein ~

Someone wrote a piece about Henry Green in The Partisan Review that was so intriguing that I got one of his novels, Loving, I believe, which was the first that came to attention in the United States.
~By Terry Southern ~

A lie should be tried in a place where it will attract the attention of the world.
~By Ariel Sharon ~

I don't really try to predict what can and will happen with things. Sometimes you think something's gonna be a huge success, and it isn't. And sometimes you pay no attention to something whatsoever, and God just makes it into everything.
~By Donna Summer ~

You have to pay attention to the moment and make it the best it can be for you. I've been trying to do that. It's really made a major difference for me. I'm a happier person.
~By Tracy Chapman ~

People are concerned, here again, about life, and haven't given a whole lot of attention to how you make fathers responsible for the lives they bring into the world.
~By Birch Bayh ~

I believe there is a moral sense and a global ethic that commands attention from people of every religion and every faith, and people of no faith. But I think what's new is that we now have the capacity to communicate instantaneously across frontiers right across the world.
~By Gordon Brown ~

The problem... is that most members of Congress don't pay attention to what's going on.
~By John McCain ~

My mother's suicide attempts were a way to release anxiety and get attention. Some of the attempts were drug reactions she didn't even remember later on.
~By Lorna Luft ~

That's the most beautiful thing that I like about boxing: you can take a punch. The biggest thing about taking a punch is your ego reacts and there's no better spiritual lesson than trying to not pay attention to your ego's reaction.
~By David O. Russell ~

If you call attention to yourself at the expense of the song, that's the cardinal sin.
~By Benmont Tench ~

Choice of attention - to pay attention to this and ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In both cases, a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences, whatever they may be.
~By W. H. Auden ~

I do a lot of curiosity buying; I buy it if I like the album cover, I buy it if I like the name of the band, anything that sparks my imagination. I still like to go to record stores, I like to just wander around and I'll buy whatever catches my attention.
~By Bruce Springsteen ~

Everyone I know has attention deficit, and they say it with great pride. It's a bad time to be right.
~By Joni Mitchell ~

The day is past when schools could afford to give sufficient time and attention to the teaching of the ancient languages to enable the student to get that enjoyment out of classical literature that made the lives of our grandfathers so rich.
~By James Loeb ~

Whether I get adequate attention or not, people here do know the work I have been doing systematically and without compromise for over 40 years. I get tired of people making excuses for guys who don't continue the art because they can't make a living.
~By Bill Dixon ~

You glance at an e-mail. You give more attention to a real letter.
~By Judith Martin ~

A love of classical music is only partially a natural response to hearing the works performed, it also must come about by a decision to listen carefully, to pay close attention, a decision inevitably motivated by the cultural and social prestige of the art.
~By Charles Rosen ~

A quiet personality sure isn't what you need to attract attention.
~By Bill Budge ~

It's really true in this country that more and more Americans think that underneath the economic crisis there's a values crisis, and we won't get to an economic recovery without a moral recovery as well. So a citizen's movement about values and economics I'm finding all over the country on main street, and Wall Street needs to pay attention to that.
~By Jim Wallace ~

But since we've been fighting for first or second place, it's grabbed the media's attention. I enjoy racing them. They are a good team and when you beat them it's something to be proud of.
~By Larry Dixon ~

There's times when you're having dinner with a good friend and you're in the middle of a conversation and somebody comes up and cuts you off. Can you sign this? Can I take a picture with you? I'm adjusting to all the attention.
~By Verne Troyer ~

During the winter my attention was attracted to the changes in the stars and planets in the sky.
~By Paul Nurse ~

My only real claim to anyone's attention lies in my writing.
~By Philip Pullman ~

When you think about advertisements, it makes sense that they want to hold and retain our attention.
~By Allen Klein ~

The brain's calculations do not require our conscious effort, only our attention and our openness to let the information through. Although the brain absorbs universes of information, little is admitted into normal consciousness.
~By Marilyn Ferguson ~

The focus and the concentration and the attention to detail that flying takes is a kind of meditation. I find it restful and engaging, and other things slip away.
~By Harrison Ford ~

My job is to help the functioning of the story, not to draw attention to myself, but to make my characters function within the story, to work for the benefit of the story, to make the whole thing work.
~By Jeffrey Jones ~

I'm terribly attention-seeking. It's very different once you get all this attention, though. Because then you want to control it. And you can't exactly.
~By David Walliams ~

Only in a concert situation do I have access to people directly to preach to them, and I don't believe that the bigger your platform is, the more people will pay attention.
~By Larry Norman ~

Save for minor ailments and accident, my battalion is practically immune from sickness; colds come and go as a matter of course, sprains and cuts claim momentary attention, but otherwise the health of the battalion is perfect.
~By Patrick MacGill ~

When the punk thing came along and I heard my friends saying, I hate these people with the pins in their ears. I said, Thank God, something got their attention.
~By Neil Young ~

Growing up, my brother and I were begging for attention.
~By Jeremy London ~

I think we will always have the impulse towards visual poetry with us, and I wouldn't agree with Bly that it's a bad thing. It depends on the ability of the individual poet to do it well, and to make a shape which is interesting enough to hold your attention.
~By James Laughlin ~

I believe that the issue of mental health services for our troops deploying or returning from combat is one that demands the attention of this body, if only for a few minutes today.
~By Rosa DeLauro ~

Fame is addictive. Money is addictive. Attention is addictive. But golf is second to none.
~By Marc Anthony ~

We tend to pay attention to that which is the most current on our radar screen.
~By Warren Rudman ~

Probably all the attention to poetry results in some value, though the attention is more often directed to lesser than to greater values.
~By A. R. Ammons ~

My job is to pay attention to my children's genius and allow those leanings to lead them to their future.
~By Lisa Whelchel ~

Oftentimes, in fact I think this is to my fault, I look at usually scripts as a whole. I should probably pay more attention to the character that I'm going to play and what they do.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

If all you have to offer is a look that is supposed to be appealing, the you are going to be paid attention to about a tenth as long as you would be if when you speak you are interesting.
~By Julia Roberts ~

I also want to draw attention to the responsibilities that people have to live up to their election promises and to live up to the votes that were cast by the people of Wales, in the General Election, in the expectation that we would deliver this promise.
~By Ron Davies ~

In 1960 I published a book that attempted to direct attention to the possibility of a thermonuclear war, to ways of reducing the likelihood of such a war, and to methods for coping with the consequences should war occur despite our efforts to avoid it.
~By Herman Kahn ~

When we are out there selling a new picture, when did it become part of the deal that you have to sell the family? To use the juicy part of your life to get attention? I'm not blaming the reporters. It's the system.
~By Jimmy Smits ~

Being the first to do something like this also registers a lot of attention that the line might not have gotten if all four books had just appeared from one company.
~By Mark Millar ~

The interparliamentary conference should, in my opinion, direct its particular attention to the preparation of the next Hague Conference, the diplomatic conference, the conference of governments.
~By Fredrik Bajer ~

We may seek a fortune for no greater reason than to secure the respect and attention of people who would otherwise look straight through us.
~By Alain de Botton ~

Being a good songwriter means paying attention and sticking your hand out the window to catch the song on the way to someone else's house!
~By Nanci Griffith ~

We live in a world of increasing dependence on electronic records and retrieval, unprecedented security and preservation concerns, and insufficient attention to civic and democratic education.
~By Allen Weinstein ~

The music and everything we're doing on the stage and on television backs itself up. If that's what gets people's curiosity going or brings their attention to us, that's fine.
~By Tina Yothers ~

Obviously any group that has to have funding also needs to get attention to their issues.
~By Bjorn Lomborg ~

Again, the truth of the matter is we haven't paid that much attention to high school accountability.
~By Margaret Spellings ~

When the size of the group supporting your cause reaches a critical mass, any legislator or elected official has to pay attention.
~By Mark Shields ~

In the successful organization, no detail is too small to escape close attention.
~By Lou Holtz ~

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October 24 ,2024
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