Awareness Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Awareness

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As I stand here today and tell you about these, I am heavy with an awareness of the fact that I am in more than one sense a product of both the Chinese and Western cultures, in harmony and in conflict.
~By Chen Ning Yang ~

The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness.
~By Alex Grey ~

There is no reason why challenging themes and engaging stories have to be mutually exclusive - in fact, each can fuel the other. As a filmmaker, I want to entertain people first and foremost. If out of that comes a greater awareness and understanding of a time or a circumstance, then the hope is that change can happen.
~By Edward Zwick ~

I recently formed a foundation to raise awareness for prostate cancer. I feel it's very necessary that men be more aware about prostate cancer and their health in general.
~By Herbie Mann ~

The awareness of our own strength makes us modest.
~By Paul Cezanne ~

I wanted to help raise awareness, so I created an environmental foundation called Just Within Reach.
~By Kevin Richardson ~

Solitude sharpens awareness of small pleasures otherwise lost.
~By Kevin Patterson ~

There is a huge shift taking place in the global awareness in the last 5 years with strong views about globalization and the power structures of major corporations.
~By David Korten ~

I was slightly brain damaged at birth, and I want people like me to see that they shouldn't let a disability get in the way. I want to raise awareness - I want to turn my disability into ability.
~By Susan Boyle ~

When a human being becomes so still that they begin to lose awareness of their gender, and they are simply looking into that abyss where there is no notion of self whatsoever, the world disappears. And that's really the only place to go. It's the only place to remain.
~By Andrew Cohen ~

There's an awareness of fashion in this country, and it's not limited to gay people.
~By Calvin Klein ~

Through educational programming, Jewish American History Month will help raise the awareness of a people, their history and contributions. It will help combat anti-Semitism, a phenomenon that is on the rise and that unfortunately still exists in our Nation.
~By Jan Schakowsky ~

Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.
~By James Thurber ~

To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your awareness, and accept what life brings.
~By Bodhidharma ~

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.
~By Abraham Maslow ~

It makes a difference what we choose to experience during sleep. Many of us think of sleep as a chance to get away from it all. But sleep is also a chance to return to the joys of our spiritual heritage - our universal awareness.
~By Henry Reed ~

It is absolutely essential that the oppressed participate in the revolutionary process with an increasingly critical awareness of their role as subjects of the transformation.
~By Paulo Freire ~

I live in a kind of controlled awareness. I wouldn't call it fear, but it's an awareness. I know I have a responsibility to behave in a certain way. I'm able to do that.
~By Mary Tyler Moore ~

A growing awareness of the depth of popular attachment to the family has led some liberals to concede that family is not just a buzzword for reaction.
~By Christopher Lasch ~

I have been extremely pleased to support the Trust's work in the Lupus Unit ever since. Personal experience also motivated me to become involved to help raise the awareness of the disease and hopefully thereby improve the speed of diagnosis.
~By Elaine Paige ~

Nobody - myself included - believes that we could ever achieve total information awareness. But the government needs to set goals and long-range objectives. Total information awareness is a good goal.
~By John Poindexter ~

I'm active in PAX, which is a gun awareness organization. We treat gun safety as a public health issue.
~By Mandy Patinkin ~

I've been working with the National Lung Health Education Program to raise awareness about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
~By Loni Anderson ~

There should be more women directing; I think there's just not the awareness that it's really possible.
~By Kathryn Bigelow ~

There is an increasing awareness of the interrelatedness of things. We are becoming less prone to accept an immediate solution without questioning its larger implications.
~By Arthur Erickson ~

Is education possibly a process of trading awareness for things of lesser worth? The goose who trades his is soon a pile of feathers.
~By Aldo Leopold ~

In fact, I heard Bird first, and had got well into listening to him. You know, it's the kind of accidental thing that awareness of a player is: what's available, what somebody happens to play for you.
~By Gerry Mulligan ~

Some artists shrink from self-awareness, fearing that it will destroy their unique gifts and even their desire to create. The truth of the matter is quite opposite.
~By James Broughton ~

These things will destroy the human race: politics without principle, progress without compassion, wealth without work, learning without silence, religion without fearlessness and worship without awareness.
~By Anthony de Mello ~

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.
~By Lao Tzu ~

Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.
~By Voltaire ~

As much experience, education and awareness as one can attain is important for a comedian.
~By Shelley Berman ~

Although awareness of cancer's prevalence in the United States improves and medical advances in the field abound, pancreatic cancer has largely been absent from the list of major success stories.
~By Chris Van Hollen ~

One of the most important accomplishments of the Caucus is raising awareness with law enforcement and communities nationwide on the issues of child safety and Internet safety.
~By Nick Lampson ~

It really lasted the whole game, because I was really untouchable, unstoppable that game. But it was heightened on one particular play, and that was the longest run where everything completely slowed down. My awareness was so keen, it was so heightened, it was really amazing.
~By Marcus Allen ~

That free will was demonstrated in the placing of temptation before man with the command not to eat of the fruit of the tree which would give him a knowledge of good and evil, with the disturbing moral conflict to which that awareness would give rise.
~By Kenneth Scott Latourette ~

Awareness without action is worthless.
~By Phil McGraw ~

It is truly a privilege to be able to support all women's causes on a global level. It is remarkable that something as simple as television can empower us to create change and awareness in the world.
~By Teri Hatcher ~

National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month is celebrated each May, and becomes a chance for our Nation to become more familiar with the effects of this disease, and about the preventable steps that we can take to deal with it.
~By Lois Capps ~

Every human has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.
~By Stephen Covey ~

I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.
~By Billie Jean King ~

If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.
~By Daniel Goleman ~

Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.
~By Jim Rohn ~

Buddha means awareness, the awareness of body and mind that prevents evil from arising in either.
~By Bodhidharma ~

Most people don't have the money to spend on advertising to create awareness among readers, nor do they have the contacts at newspapers or magazines to get their books reviewed.
~By Sara Paretsky ~

Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.
~By Emily Post ~

Our firm conviction that ours is a just cause and that we must find a peaceful way to attain our goals gave us the strength and the awareness of the limits beyond which we must not go.
~By Lech Walesa ~

I knew from the beginning that privacy was going to be a huge issue, especially with regard to applying Total Information Awareness in counterterrorism. Because if the technology development was successful, a logical place to apply it was inside the United States.
~By John Poindexter ~

The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.
~By Thomas Merton ~

In Arkansas alone, approximately three quarters of a million people are at risk of going hungry, and one in four children does not get enough to eat, so my goal is to bring awareness to this tragic issue.
~By Blanche Lincoln ~

Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs.
~By Christopher Morley ~

Only a spiritual being has awareness.
~By Chick Corea ~

I want to thank the efforts of the American Public Health Association and its 200-plus partners who have organized events around the Nation that serve to raise everyone's awareness of the need to improve public health.
~By Lois Capps ~

Soul travel can be a general expansion of awareness and knowingness or conscious experience of the heavenly worlds.
~By Bob Hayes ~

Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.
~By Percy Bysshe Shelley ~

Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter.
~By Charles Lindbergh ~

AIDS occupies such a large part in our awareness because of what it has been taken to represent. It seems the very model of all the catastrophes privileged populations feel await them.
~By Susan Sontag ~

Increased awareness and education could be a great help toward improving spending and saving habits and increasing participation and contribution levels to retirement plans.
~By Ron Lewis ~

When we fall asleep, we withdraw our awareness from its hypnotic fascination with physical sensation, thereby enabling us to listen with our now awakening sixth sense.
~By Henry Reed ~

Delusion means mortality. And awareness means Buddhahood.
~By Bodhidharma ~

The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives - the death of genuine feeling, the death of inspired response, the awareness that makes it possible to feel the pain or the glory of other men in yourself.
~By Norman Cousins ~

Friends, near or far, are important to us. All of ours have an awareness of other persons' feelings, a courtesy that's inevitable. When I find that consideration in a fan, I'm immediately impressed.
~By Kent McCord ~

I think that has to do with my awareness that in a sense we all have a certain measure of responsibility to those who have made it possible for us to take advantage of the opportunities.
~By Angela Davis ~

Awareness requires a rupture with the world we take for granted; then old categories of experience are called into question and revised.
~By Shoshana Zuboff ~

I think there is a new awareness in this 21st century that design is as important to where and how we live as it is for museums, concert halls and civic buildings.
~By Daniel Libeskind ~

There's a huge AIDS epidemic in Africa, and one of Bad Boy's plans this year is to give more awareness to that. We're gonna be doing a big charity concert helping to save some of the brothers and sisters in Africa.
~By Puff Daddy ~

What I think I have in common with the school of deconstruction is the mode of negative thinking or negative awareness, in the technical, philosophical sense of the negative, but which comes to me through negative theology.
~By Harold Bloom ~

I am a very lucky guy. I can testify before Congress. I can raise funds. I can raise awareness.
~By Christopher Reeve ~

The awareness of our environment came progressively in all countries with different outlets.
~By Jacques Yves Cousteau ~

Praying without ceasing is not ritualized, nor are there even words. It is a constant state of awareness of oneness with God.
~By Peace Pilgrim ~

The education, the cultural awareness, is different in Europe, especially in France, from that in the United States. So I think the public will be much more appreciative of many images.
~By Herb Ritts ~

Well, I think first of all there was a failure to have real, clear information at our disposal. There was a real lack of situational awareness. We didn't have the capabilities on the ground to give us real-time, accurate assessments of the physical condition of the city.
~By Michael Chertoff ~

The need for raising the awareness of this shameful chapter in U.S. history is more apparent than ever.
~By Michael M. Honda ~

I think protest and actions have to be organised against the Israelis and their backers. There needs to be a concerted high profile campaign to raise awareness of the people in this country.
~By Tom Paulin ~

The establishment of a National Methamphetamine Prevention Week will significantly increase awareness of meth and educate the public on effective ways to help prevent its use.
~By Ron Lewis ~

But by providing the background picture - the universal situational awareness that we desire - by showing the anomalies, the Space-Based Radar will change the nature of how we do our analysis and our intelligence.
~By Stephen Cambone ~

A feel-good style can be a symptom of unawareness or lack of caring.
~By Fernando Flores ~

The forms of my awareness are richer than yours.
~By Hans Bender ~

To me, it is a process, a process that starts with raising awareness, engaging international partners on this issue, and being committed to a different course of action.
~By Alexis Herman ~

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
~By Nathaniel Branden ~

To be conscious means not simply to be, but to be reported, known, to have awareness of one's being added to that being.
~By William James ~

Awareness has changed so that every act for children, every piece of legislation recognizes that children are part of families and that it is within families that children grow and thrive or don't.
~By Bernice Weissbourd ~

There's a constant drip and trickle of life that goes into one's awareness really and consciousness of things.
~By Mike Leigh ~

A lot of people in spiritual life use the awareness of difference, and the spiritual glorification of difference, as a justification to indulge in that which is ultimately unreal.
~By Andrew Cohen ~

It's important, I think, for a writer of fiction to maintain an awareness of the pace and shape of the book as he's writing it. That is, he should be making an object, not chattering.
~By Thomas Perry ~

Photography is a small voice, at best, but sometimes one photograph, or a group of them, can lure our sense of awareness.
~By W. Eugene Smith ~

The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.
~By Aristotle ~

This awareness instills a fierce desire to protect that heritage and - in doing so - to educate Americans in the meaning and importance of our pivotal documents.
~By Allen Weinstein ~

I'm heartened by the growing awareness of global warming among important communities and organizations in our nation.
~By Jim Clyburn ~

The awareness that health is dependent upon habits that we control makes us the first generation in history that to a large extent determines its own destiny.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

In the 21st century, I believe the mission of the United Nations will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion.
~By Kofi Annan ~

Whatever I have not yet learned to tolerate in myself inevitably will appear in my children. In this way, they, like Julia, guide me to a new level of self-awareness and everyone benefits.
~By Kenny Loggins ~

Italian cameramen grow up immersed in an awareness of light. It is part of their mythology.
~By Barbara Steele ~

I do have to earn a living, so I'm conscious of probable reactions from readers, but the most important one is still the awareness that if I'm not enjoying a story, the reader won't either.
~By Thomas Perry ~

When I think of art I think of beauty. Beauty is the mystery of life. It is not in the eye it is in the mind. In our minds there is awareness of perfection.
~By Agnes Martin ~

Think about it: Look at the strides of awareness and treatment and tests that women have had with breast cancer, that the gay community has had with AIDS, because they're active and they talk about it.
~By Herbie Mann ~

Meth production and use is a serious problem in Kentucky and across the country. Clearly, there is a growing need for a national strategy to combat this crisis. Increasing public awareness is a significant means for prevention.
~By Ron Lewis ~

There are moments of existence when time and space are more profound, and the awareness of existence is immensely heightened.
~By Charles Baudelaire ~

The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body.
~By George A. Sheehan ~

I've developed a huge regard for Toyota for its environmental awareness, for its immense commitment to research and development in this field, and for its leadership in developing hybrids which others are now following.
~By Maurice Strong ~

Read This: Arrogance Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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