Beach Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Beach

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I didn't actually realise what apartheid meant. I'm probably a bit naive, but I thought it was more of a vague segregation, like on the beaches and buses.
~By John Deacon ~

It sounds ideal, a sort of beach childhood. But it wasn't really. I didn't use the beach very much at all.
~By Miranda Richardson ~

I can tell you the day The Beach Boys will no longer exist - never. We'll be on stage in wheelchairs.
~By Dennis Wilson ~

I'll get pretty much everything the way I want it. I've always dreamed of a beach wedding.
~By Nicole Appleton ~

Babies don't need a vacation, but I still see them at the beach... it pisses me off! I'll go over to a little baby and say 'What are you doing here? You haven't worked a day in your life!'
~By Steven Wright ~

On the weekends, I would go down and play these clubs in Key West or West Palm Beach or surrounding areas of Florida and then I'd go back to school for the week.
~By Carrot Top ~

I manage a team, for beach soccer. I'm the coach. Player, coach.
~By Eric Cantona ~

I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach?
~By Philip Johnson ~

I had been playing for about a year and a half when the Beach Boys formed. When our folks went to Mexico on business, we would take the food money they had left us and we would rent instruments.
~By Carl Wilson ~

They were heading out to the middle of the bay - the Gulf - that's another thing that became kind of standard practice, we didn't hurry the destroyers around the beach any more, when it got dark, we'd take 'em out thirty or forty miles out in the middle of the Tonkin Gulf.
~By James Stockdale ~

You can tell all you need to about a society from how it treats animals and beaches.
~By Frank Deford ~

If you're soft and fuzzy, like our little characters, you become the skinny kid on the beach, and people in this business don't mind kicking sand in your face.
~By Michael Eisner ~

I was an anorexic, beer drinking, class cutting, doodling, shoplifting, skater chick that was into nature, art class, and the beach.
~By Rebecca Miller ~

I learned with 'The Beach' that I'm a bit better lower down the radar.
~By Danny Boyle ~

In front of us lay a smooth sandy beach, beyond which rose gradually a high wooded country, and behind us was the sea, studded with numerous islands of every variety of form.
~By George Grey ~

My only failure was the restaurant in Myrtle Beach. I kept it open for four years. It was in a tourist town, it was only busy four and half, five months of the year. But the bills kept coming all year.
~By Mickey Gilley ~

I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me.
~By Anna Quindlen ~

I move between San Francisco and Paris... I have a wonderful beach house in California.
~By Danielle Steel ~

We're competing with everything: the beach, the mall, bookstores. Libraries are in a transition right now, caught between two forces, the old ways and technology. Libraries are under a lot of pressure to provide both.
~By John Callahan ~

In my district, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles handle approximately 44 percent of all of the goods delivered to American shores, yet they are in constant need of revenue for facilities, improvements and upgrades to roads and bridges and rails.
~By Dana Rohrabacher ~

I think its really matured a lot. I like the fact that there is now more to do there than gamble, since I don't do a lot of that. The people are great. I seldom have time for vacations and when I do I prefer the beach instead of the desert.
~By Doug Davidson ~

For me, our beaches have always been a source of personal inspiration.
~By Thomas Carper ~

It was just crazy opportunity to see that whole world and the competitions that we had in the film, like Long Beach, it was just crazy and so much fun. I felt like I lived all those moments in the movie.
~By John Robinson ~

We made part of the record in Miami, and I would go down to the beach, and not 20 feet from the water I see a fish that is at least seven feet long swimming close to the shore. I did not go back in the ocean the entire month.
~By Michael Stipe ~

One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few.
~By Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

I started beach football in Monte Carlo when I retired from football in 1997. I liked the game very much.
~By Eric Cantona ~

The immense cities lie basking on the beaches of the continent like whales that have taken to the land.
~By Arnold J. Toynbee ~

I can't wait to be that age and hanging out with a bunch of people hanging out all day playing golf and going to the beach, all my own age. We'd be laughing and having a good time and getting loopy on our prescription drugs. Driving golf carts around. I can't wait.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

The Beach Boys are not a superstar group. The music is the superstar of the group.
~By Dennis Wilson ~

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
~By Winston Churchill ~

I'm not one for walking the beaches humming a melody. I love the discipline of sitting in the studio, writing and listening. That is my domain.
~By Enya ~

One of my favorite vacation places is Miami, because of the people, the water and the beach - of course - and the architecture on Miami Beach is so wonderful.
~By Oksana Baiul ~

It was like in Samoa when they'd put up a movie screen on the beach and show movies and the locals would run behind the sheet to see where the people went. It was pretty grim.
~By Dick Wolf ~

I've often argued that oil and gas exploration is a state's rights issue. It is abundantly clear that the State of Florida does not want drilling to negatively affect its beaches and shores.
~By Jeff Miller ~

I enjoyed growing up part of my life in Virginia Beach. We had the ocean and the beach and a beautiful landscape. We were outdoors all the time and we played outside.
~By Mark Ruffalo ~

Before I joined The Beach Boys, I was working at Columbia Records as a producer, and saw The Byrds come in and do their first overdub before Terry even met them.
~By Bruce Johnston ~

The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach.
~By Henry Beston ~

Well, obviously I wanted it to sound as original as possible. I suppose the influences that we had were probably from the actual power point of view we wanted to be like the Who. Vocally we wanted to be like the Beach Boys, whatever was good at the time.
~By Roy Wood ~

Well, I went to school with Jan and Dean, Ryan O'Neal, some of the Beach Boys we all use to party together.
~By Tommy Rettig ~

They eat the dainty food of famous chefs with the same pleasure with which they devour gross peasant dishes, mostly composed of garlic and tomatoes, or fisherman's octopus and shrimps, fried in heavily scented olive oil on a little deserted beach.
~By Luigi Barzini ~

What's really important in life? Sitting on a beach? Looking at television eight hours a day? I think we have to appreciate that we're alive for only a limited period of time, and we'll spend most of our lives working.
~By Victor Kiam ~

I've been to nudist beaches, like twice. But honestly, I just don't want to see these people naked. Most people look better with their clothes on, and the few that don't, look better than you, so why bother?
~By Peter Buck ~

A mere forty years ago, beach volleyball was just beginning. No bureaucrat would have invented it, and that's what freedom is all about.
~By Newt Gingrich ~

We've been swimming at nude beaches and I love to go skinny dipping, but I'm sorry, sitting on top of a mountain, that's just, you're trying to show off or something. That's ridiculous.
~By Andy Richter ~

Words today are like the shells and rope of seaweed which a child brings home glistening from the beach and which in an hour have lost their luster.
~By Cyril Connolly ~

Back in the old days, we were often compared to Led Zeppelin. If we did something with harmony, it was the Beach Hoys. Something heavy was Led Zeppelin.
~By Freddie Mercury ~

On vacations: We hit the sunny beaches where we occupy ourselves keeping the sun off our skin, the saltwater off our bodies, and the sand out of our belongings.
~By Erma Bombeck ~

I rent houses in LA when I'm filming. I find the isolation there terrifying. There's nowhere to go, there's nowhere to be with people. I'm not a beach bunny.
~By Kathleen Turner ~

Of course The Beach Boys will be camp.
~By Bruce Johnston ~

Along the beach I never collected shells from my father's shore.
~By Corey Hart ~

We won the European Championship last September and now the world title. That is some year for French beach soccer! Now comes the hard part. We have to keep improving and that's difficult because it's tough to do better than winning a world title.
~By Eric Cantona ~

I grew up on the beaches of Southern California surfing and sailing and I've always loved horses so it was part of my dream that I was able to fulfill to have horses.
~By Bo Derek ~

Total physical and mental inertia are highly agreeable, much more so than we allow ourselves to imagine. A beach not only permits such inertia but enforces it, thus neatly eliminating all problems of guilt. It is now the only place in our overly active world that does.
~By John Kenneth Galbraith ~

Miami Beach is where neon goes to die.
~By Lenny Bruce ~

When you left on Saturday, I felt a horrible void, I saw you everywhere, on the beach, in your room, in the garden: impossible for me to get used to the idea that you had left.
~By Camille Claudel ~

I played at the Sainte Maxime Beach Soccer Tournament, which was brilliant fun as usual.
~By David Ginola ~

When I wrote the song, I had the sea near Bombay in mind. We stayed at a hotel by the sea, and the fishermen come up at five in the morning and they were all chanting. And we went on the beach and we got chased by a mad dog - big as a donkey.
~By Ray Davies ~

Some people get into this business and they're so afraid to lose anything. They try to protect their position like clinging to a beachhead. These actors end up making really safe choices. I never wanted to go that route. If I go down, I'm going down swinging.
~By Matt Damon ~

The world, as a rule, does not live on beaches and in country clubs.
~By F. Scott Fitzgerald ~

Pebble Beach. It is tough and the lay out is amazing.
~By Natalie Gulbis ~

We spent a lot of time on the beach when I was young so I'd also take pictures of seaweed and crabs.
~By Graeme Le Saux ~

I always have the most fun on the Fourth of July. You don't have to exchange any gifts. You just go to the beach and watch fireworks. It's always fun.
~By James Lafferty ~

I couldn't do any of my other characters, you know? But I could have done the lady. Church Lady's Malibu Beach party is an idea I have for a movie, too. Yes.
~By Dana Carvey ~

My son walked up to Nicole on the beach and I was throwing the ball for the dogs in the ocean. I was like, 'Max, you get the dogs. I'll talk to the hot blondes.'
~By John C. McGinley ~

And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan, which was soca, Latin music, down in Laguna Beach.
~By Travis Barker ~

Before he went to sleep, I told him a little story about a rabbit we saw run around the beach house we rented.
~By Dick Bruna ~

If we don't act, drilling will be allowed only 3 miles off Florida's east coast beaches.
~By Ric Keller ~

There will always be a Beach Boys. Being a Beach Boy is like being in love.
~By Dennis Wilson ~

A lot of my buddies also played golf, but when it came to going to the beach or on the boat and chasing girls, they usually went that way and I went to the golf course.
~By Mike Weir ~

In Hawaii, we go to this wonderful place, all families. My wife and I go directly from breakfast to a beach chair where we read all day. My daughter goes from water to pool to running around with friends she meets, some of whom are regulars there.
~By Stephen Collins ~

Abstention means you stayed at home or went to the beach. By casting a blank vote, you're saying you have a political conscience but you don't agree with any of the existing parties.
~By Jose Saramago ~

In fact, I was one of the few trusted people that Lucy allowed to play with their kids. I spent time at their summer home, rode horses at their ranch, and swam at their beach house. I even spent a Christmas with them at Palm Springs one year.
~By Keith Thibodeaux ~

Gentlemen, we are being killed on the beaches. Lets go inland and be killed.
~By Norman Cota ~

We have our little restaurants, and there's a beautiful beach that we go to in the summer and fall. We tend to have a lot of get-togethers, and if it's at my house, we order pizza because I can't cook.
~By Katie Holmes ~

I'm really normal. I play football, go to the beach, drive. We have dogs. I can imagine people calling me a character, but I'm Joe Straight.
~By River Phoenix ~

They all went down in droves because just scenes of palm trees and beaches can get pretty boring.
~By James MacArthur ~

They had me doing Beach Boys remakes and all that. I was basically a marionette.
~By Leif Garrett ~

The band would play on the night off for the local hotel bands and we'd back all the different acts. So I'd been advised by good friends of mine to come back to Hawaii. Oh, I loved Honolulu, playing at a place right on the beach at Waikiki!
~By Martin Denny ~

I like to cook, walk on the beach, go to concerts and look at fine art.
~By Fran Drescher ~

To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.
~By Isaac Newton ~

I go to Saint Barth in the French West Indies for two weeks each year. That place is amazing. Amazing people, beautiful beaches, great wine, wonderful harbors... It's incredibly romantic.
~By Brooke Burke ~

Concealing an illness is like keeping a beach ball under water.
~By Karen Duffy ~

The awesomeness of God is that even in the works of the Beach Boys, Beatles, etc., the beauty of the music is a mere reflection of what God does everyday. He creates music of all kinds and moods.
~By John Foster ~

You know, The Beach Boys' image is kinda like a group Doris Day, you know what I mean?
~By Bruce Johnston ~

The moon is essentially gray, no color. It looks like plaster of Paris, like dirty beach sand with lots of footprints in it.
~By James A. Lovell ~

I was in Florida with Burt Stern, the photographer who shot Marilyn Monroe on the beach with a sweater, and we smoked a joint. The bathing suit kept coming off in the water, and I just ripped it off. I was very comfortable being naked.
~By Rosanna Arquette ~

If I have a Sunday free, I'll go up the coast and spend some time on the beach. I scuba dive and swim and sail. A lot of the things I like are around the water.
~By Parker Stevenson ~

I want a platform that, like a book or a magazine, I can carry into the bath or leave at the beach.
~By Walter Jon Williams ~

For example, in my district there are visitors from all over the world who are drawn to our beautiful beaches, recreational lakes, habitat wildlife preserves and golf courses.
~By Mark Foley ~

To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude.
~By Jeanne Moreau ~

It has long been a fact familiar to geologists, that, both on the east and west coasts of the central part of Scotland, there are lines of raised beaches, containing marine shells of the same species as those now inhabiting the neighbouring sea.
~By Charles Lyell ~

The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea.
~By Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

I've never been one for sitting on beaches.
~By Piper Perabo ~

We filmed one scene on the beach and there was definitely weird energy around, and we were followed around by a white owl to several different locations, and little things like that, or certain mishaps would happen and you'd have to wonder what that was about.
~By Rachel True ~

The British are so funny. It's like they can't believe I lived in Hackney. 'You could live in Bondi Beach. Why would you want to live in 'Ackney?' But Hackney's fantastic. I'm serious. There are so many artists there. I loved the markets, the parks, the pubs, the diversity. It was a cultural melting-pot.
~By Rose Byrne ~

Rich people who own mansions on the beach shouldn't get federal subsidies. If you want to stay there, take the risk.
~By Geraldo Rivera ~

I've never been one to run around in Speedos on the beach.
~By Jason Statham ~

They were so exhausted and seasick and all they could do was crawl up those beaches. And thousands of them lay dead in no time at all. It's unthinkable.
~By Barry Pepper ~

I never worked less than 16-hour days on South Beach.
~By Yancy Butler ~

I love L.A. for the beach and stuff, that's the reason I live here.
~By Eddie Money ~

Read This: Evening Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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