Boys Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Boys

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I hate those men who would send into war youth to fight and die for them; the pride and cowardice of those old men, making their wars that boys must die.
~By Mary Roberts Rinehart ~

I took acting classes in college, and once I graduated, I decided to give acting a shot when I couldn't really think of anything else to do. It took me a couple of years to get an agent, and my first big break was The Fanelli Boys, which was a sitcom on NBC. Then I did a few television movies.
~By Christopher Meloni ~

I like boys. I am not foreign; I was born and raised in Hickory County, Mo.
~By Sally Rand ~

Bad Boys II has knocked everyone's socks off.
~By Joe Pantoliano ~

It is up to you to decide that this has lasted long enough, that our boys are dying to serve no British interest but for the interests of a small clique of utterly unscrupulous men.
~By John Amery ~

I came in with my idea of what a cowboy would wear, but then I met some real cowboys and they said that I rode the horses well, shoed the horses, but no good cowboy would be wearing a pair of Levi's. I had to get a good old pair of Wranglers.
~By Steve Kanaly ~

Young women, adolescent girls, are more subject to infection, sometimes at a rate of six times that of boys. That tells you a lot about the vulnerability of women.
~By Stephen Lewis ~

We are turning against boys and forgetting a simple truth: that the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal, decent males is responsible for much of what is right in the world.
~By Christina Hoff Sommers ~

I love that men like to look at women, that they love sports, that they need to know the inner workings of mechanical objects. I love the whole makeup of men - that they never mature and are always just boys.
~By Krista Allen ~

My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys I can scarcely hope to make.
~By Thomas Arnold ~

The McCarthy boys, at the proper moment, gave orders to fire upon the advancing enemy.
~By Buffalo Bill ~

It's easy for women to say they don't understand and ask a man for help. As the saying goes, boys play with toys, and girls play with boys.
~By Tom Stewart ~

All through my school life I was appalled by the fact that masters and senior boys were allowed quite literally to wound other boys, and sometimes very severely.
~By Roald Dahl ~

Of course The Beach Boys will be camp.
~By Bruce Johnston ~

The heroes of our youth grow old - 'the boys of summer in their ruin,' in Dylan Thomas's verse - yet we seem the same.
~By John Thorn ~

I'm the one who's always kissing all the boys and stuff.
~By Molly Sims ~

When it comes to boys and her weight, I think Ellenor is much more conservative than I am, and she has not had the dialogue I have had about my weight.
~By Camryn Manheim ~

During the time I was on The Hardy Boys, I was also watching other people's careers. I thought the next step was to be a movie star. I kept saying no to projects, and offers stopped coming in. I was no longer hot.
~By Parker Stevenson ~

I never trusted good-looking boys.
~By Frances McDormand ~

Oh, yes. I knew I was weird by the time I was four. I knew I wasn't like other boys. I knew I was more fearful. I didn't like the rough and tumble most boys were into. I knew I was a sissy.
~By Robert Crumb ~

It's taken folk a while to come around, hasn't it? Even the boys in the band weren't too sure about the whole art thing. They just wanted me to concentrate on the music. But they respect it now.
~By Ron Wood ~

We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

I didn't have a financial need, and I wasn't very gifted at relationships. I probably was more like what we think of boys as being: hard to pin down and wary of commitment.
~By Candice Bergen ~

I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is a problem when I'm walking down the street.
~By Angelina Jolie ~

When I walked to school in the mornings I would start out alone but would pick up four other boys along the way. We would set out together after school across the village green.
~By Roald Dahl ~

I've always been like that. I was a tomboy when I was a kid, so I was always playing baseball and basketball and football and stuff as a kid with the boys.
~By Catherine Bell ~

Particular individuals who might never consider dropping out if they were in a different high school might decide to drop out if they attended a school where many boys and girls did so.
~By James S. Coleman ~

I came from a big family - two brothers and two sisters. So, there were always a ton of boys around and a ton of girls around. So, I grew up comfortable with both sexes.
~By Blake Lively ~

They wanted to do a movie about the Backstreet Boys.
~By Kevin Richardson ~

When our boys come home from France, we will have the hags flung out.
~By W. A. Spooner ~

When I wrote The Virgin Suicides, I gave myself very strict rules about the narrative voice: the boys would only be able to report what they had seen or found or what had been told to them.
~By Jeffrey Eugenides ~

Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense.
~By William Lyon Phelps ~

Besides that, I felt guilty. I thought for some reason... I was alive, and Buddy and those boys were dead, and I didn't know how, but somehow I'd caused it.
~By Waylon Jennings ~

Dancing on 'Dancing With The Stars' really broadened my fan base. I jumped off the stage backwards one week, and so many women come up to me now and say, 'You're so brave. I can't believe you put yourself out there like that'. If that inspires some girl out there, then great, because boys aren't the only ones who get to have fun. We get to have fun too.
~By Monique Coleman ~

I was a very observant child. The boys in my books are based on boys in my neighborhood growing up.
~By Beverly Cleary ~

The Blind Boys are truly the deepest well of American musical heritage you can discover.
~By Ben Harper ~

My brother Leon started it all. He played the piano. In school they made me leader of the orchestra because I played the violin, but I followed Leon and the boys in his jazz band around.
~By Louis Prima ~

My father was a carpenter, a very good carpenter. He also worked for the Jones boys. They were not family members, we weren't related at all. They started the policy racket in Chicago, and they had the five and dime store.
~By Quincy Jones ~

I remember once when I told Lindsay Anderson at a party that acting was just a sophisticated way of playing cowboys and Indians he almost had a fit.
~By John Hurt ~

Learning, while at school, that the charge for the education of girls was the same as that for boys, and that, when they became teachers, women received only half as much as men for their services, the injustice of this distinction was so apparent.
~By Lucretia Mott ~

If you are a pop band, don't say you're a metal band. Poison and Warrant were about as metal as the Backstreet Boys.
~By Geezer Butler ~

You see in the streets of London, great and little boys running about in long blue coats, which, like robes, reach quite down to the feet, and little white bands, such as the clergy wear.
~By Karl Philipp Moritz ~

It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys.
~By Emil Zatopek ~

Composers should write tunes that chauffeurs and errand boys can whistle.
~By Thomas Beecham ~

I read the script for Wonder Boys, and I said that was almost perfect, it was so classy, cool and funny. It's a really specific thing. We stuck to it, it turned out good and a lot of people liked it.
~By Robert Downey, Jr. ~

I thought that the chief thing to be done in order to equal boys was to be learned and courageous. So I decided to study Greek and learn to manage a horse.
~By Elizabeth Cady Stanton ~

I was never very interested in boys - and there were plenty of them - vying with one another to see how many famous women they would get into the hay.
~By Bette Davis ~

Boys, they can't take my refrigerator now. They'll never get my car now. I paid cash for 'em and they're mine, and I'm keepin' 'em!
~By Patsy Cline ~

Boys have a tendency to jump around a lot more than girls. Boys have that desire to want to dunk way more than girls do. It just never seemed like something we could truly fathom and do.
~By Lisa Leslie ~

My favorite teams are the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Jets.
~By Bridget Hall ~

To get a hold on boys you must be their friend.
~By Robert Baden-Powell ~

For my confirmation, I didn't get a watch and my first pair of long pants, like most Lutheran boys. I got a telescope. My mother thought it would make the best gift.
~By Wernher von Braun ~

It's funny, but when there are dominant teams, there are a number of people who rail about the fact that they're always seeing the Dallas Cowboys or the San Francisco 49ers or the Green Bay either in the playoffs or in the Super Bowl.
~By Al Michaels ~

Living with these teenage boys allowed me to see how much their psyches were like their girl counterparts. They were more familiar to me than I would have thought.
~By Marlo Thomas ~

France can never accept that it is no longer a dominating power in the world of culture. This is true both of the French right and the French left. They keep thinking that Americans are primitive cowboys or farmers who do not understand anything.
~By Adam Michnik ~

At Leeds I've tried to concentrate on my club form, but you get caught up in all the World Cup fever once you come back to Ireland and see all the Irish boys again.
~By Robbie Keane ~

I figured somebody wrote a story who had a typewriter and I thought that movies were made by the cowboys and that they just said, 'Okay, you fall off the horse this time.'
~By John Sayles ~

I really believe that's one of the many reasons that God had put me right in the middle of the Backstreet Boys. There are so many stars today that don't realize the impact they have on young people. Being a superstar is great, as long as you can be a positive role model.
~By Brian Littrell ~

When I first started editing GQ, it gave the impression of being, and in fact was, a gay magazine. There were female models in it and there were women on the cover, but the boys were always much, much more beautiful than the girls.
~By Art Cooper ~

The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself.
~By Robert Baden-Powell ~

I did The Newton Boys and during the whole process of making the film, I may have spent a week in Los Angeles.
~By Richard Linklater ~

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass"; "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys".
~By Harmon Killebrew ~

I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 17. There were boys at school that I would find out later had a crush on me but I was too shy to talk to them.
~By Blake Lively ~

It's really important for boys to see that girls take up half of the planet - which we do.
~By Geena Davis ~

OK, boys; let's go make a withdrawal.
~By John Dillinger ~

You know this baseball game of ours comes up from the youth. That means the boys. And after you've been a boy, and grow up to know how to play ball, then you come to the boys you see representing themselves today in our national pastime.
~By George Herman ~

The truth is, after Boys Don't Cry, I realized how few and far between the great roles are. I am beyond thankful for finding Million Dollar Baby.
~By Hilary Swank ~

With two little boys in diapers, I had to keep it simple if I were going to have a life at all.
~By Esther Williams ~

I do recommend it for all girls, and boys, out there: put on a pair of fishnet stockings and find your inner sexiness!
~By Nia Vardalos ~

I think it's fine for girls to ask boys out. I actually prefer it.
~By Zac Efron ~

There will always be a Beach Boys. Being a Beach Boy is like being in love.
~By Dennis Wilson ~

I brought samples in, because I didn't have any comic book samples, and I brought all these illustrations that I had influenced by Norman Rockwell and a couple of the other big boys. That's all I had, that's all I brought.
~By Dan DeCarlo ~

For some unknown reason, bad-boys draw you in despite the fact that they are jerks.
~By Alexis Bledel ~

Obscenities... I think a lot of dumb people do it because they can't think of what they want to say and they're frustrated. A lot of smart people do it to pretend they aren't very smart - want to be just one of the boys.
~By Andy Rooney ~

Scouting ought to be about building character, not about sex. Period. Precious few parents enroll their boys in the Scouts to get a crash course in sexual orientation.
~By Rick Perry ~

I looked at Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and the boys up there thinking, I want to be that.
~By Sammy Hagar ~

For a lot of kids, the Boys and Girls Club is really a sanctuary, an oasis of sanity and safety for them because their home life is so tragic. Some of these kids have only one parent, and that one is addicted to drugs.
~By Judge Reinhold ~

Tim on the show does a lot of that posturing, of course, and feels sort of threatened by women. But even at that, you do see him cooking, and ultimately he's a good father because he spends a lot of time with the boys.
~By Patricia Richardson ~

I was a tomboy right from the time I was a kid and loved to be like that. I'd hate all the girlie things. Well my best friends as a kid have been boys. I get along best with the opposite sex. I guess that's the case with most people though!
~By Natasha Henstridge ~

My two boys were the same ages as the kids in the show. In real life or in between the breaks I was raising two kids off camera who were not unlike the two kids who were being paid to be my kids.
~By Alan Thicke ~

Well, because I have twin seven-year-old boys, I enjoy the gift giving stuff a great deal. We do both Hanukkah and Christmas, so it is a costly, though extremely pleasing proposition.
~By Fred Melamed ~

And the whole thing is that you're treated like a step-child. Here it was down here, everything in the black, because they were stealing, basically. Stealing from us old country boys down here.
~By Waylon Jennings ~

They call upon us to supply American boys to do the job that Asian boys should do.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

The awesomeness of God is that even in the works of the Beach Boys, Beatles, etc., the beauty of the music is a mere reflection of what God does everyday. He creates music of all kinds and moods.
~By John Foster ~

The Beach Boys are not a superstar group. The music is the superstar of the group.
~By Dennis Wilson ~

Prior to being mugged I did not feel I had to carry a gun. However, I knew how to shoot a gun very proficiently. As a boy, I used to play cowboys and Indians all the time.
~By Bernhard Goetz ~

I used to have a great love for Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, the big boys of the last century.
~By Norman MacCaig ~

Boys, I'm one of those umpires that misses 'em every once in a while so if it's close, you'd better hit it.
~By Cal Hubbard ~

I've got high standards when it comes to boys. As my dad says, all girls should! I'm from the South - Tennessee, to be exact - and down there, we're all about southern hospitality. I know that if I like a guy, he better be nice, and above all, my dad has to approve of him!
~By Miley Cyrus ~

All my boys make me laugh.
~By Liv Tyler ~

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
~By P. J. O'Rourke ~

You can feel as brave as Columbus starting for the unknown the first time you enter a Chinese lane full of boys laughing at you, or when you risk climbing down in a Tibetan pub for a meal of rotten meat.
~By Ella Maillart ~

Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.
~By Anne Frank ~

Even the busboys at the restaurants have a script to give you. Everybody is in the business.
~By Robin Wright Penn ~

If the Constitution is worth anything, if the Declaration of Independence is worth anything, if the boys who died on the field of battle did not die in vain, fair employment practices are correct and necessary.
~By Dennis Chavez ~

I love physical kinds of comedy and getting down and dirty and doing stunts. When I was growing up, I was always getting into fights with guys and usually punching out boys my age because I was a lot bigger and tougher. So I'm naturally accustomed to putting myself into the headspace of a girl who can take care of herself.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

I'm the biggest nerd - I love comic books and stuff like that! I don't have any friends who are actresses. I only had one girlfriend when I was growing up. Most of my friends were boys. I was such a tomboy. I enjoyed doing guy things.
~By Megan Fox ~

So I had to be the doctor to these wounded men until we could remove them to the hospital. There were fifty-four women and forty little boys with the Red Army prisoners, and I went daily to take care of them also.
~By Agnes Smedley ~

I thought it was my job to give all the boys their first kiss.
~By Jessica Alba ~

My mother sent me to psychiatrists since the age of four because she didn't think little boys should be sad. When my brother was born, I stared out the window for days. Can you imagine that?
~By Andy Kaufman ~

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July 27 ,2024
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