Cause Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Cause

Read This: Determination Quotes And Sayings

Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for - because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.
~By Peter Marshall ~

I think that many people in history who had power were bumped off because they had power.
~By Oliver Stone ~

When women smoke, it is hard for them to quit because they are so worried about their weight; it's a vanity issue and a mindset.
~By Loni Anderson ~

They thought that athletes that worked out with my system wouldn't be able to throw a ball because they'd be too muscle bound. Those are the misconceptions I had to go through for about 40 years.
~By Jack LaLanne ~

One of the most surreal moments in this election was after the third debate, when I heard a talking head say, Al Gore won on substance, on the issues. But you have to give the victory to Bush because he seems presidential.
~By Bradley Whitford ~

I knew that collaborating on songwriting would be difficult for a lot of people, because I was known very much, for my independence and the fact that I wrote these quirky songs that were not typical structure, not typical sound - you know, really original stuff.
~By Liz Phair ~

I'm not the manager because I'm always right, but I'm always right because I'm the manager.
~By Gene Mauch ~

What's called a difficult decision is a difficult decision because either way you go there are penalties.
~By Elia Kazan ~

Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish.
~By Marcus Aurelius ~

Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not, because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything.
~By Chuck Klosterman ~

The object of self-love is expressed in the term self; and every appetite of sense, and every particular affection of the heart, are equally interested or disinterested, because the objects of them all are equally self or somewhat else.
~By Joseph Butler ~

We do not believe in immortality because we can prove it, but we try to prove it because we cannot help believing it.
~By Harriet Martineau ~

But when they needed love or help or had a problem of any kind, they could always go to Roselle because she was always there for them. That was not always the case with me.
~By Perry Como ~

I don't think any one person is the cause of all of someone else's problems.
~By Helen Reddy ~

You argue with the umpire because there is nothing else you can do about it.
~By Leo Durocher ~

I think we should be looking at the defense and seeing where we can actually be more efficient because I think that, you know, sometimes during the contracting process, we lose some efficiencies in that regard.
~By Ben Quayle ~

Which to this day is a source of enormous guilt, because I left with three classes to go in the business school to sign a contract with 20th Century Fox.
~By Tom Selleck ~

I know she would want me to still do what I'm doing, because she kept me going a lot of times when I'd almost lose interest in getting out on the road.
~By Earl Scruggs ~

But it is funny, because I saw Unbreakable recently and it's a strange movie, I didn't mind it, and it's got some interesting things going on.
~By Alex Winter ~

There are some good people. But a good chunk of them will lie for no reason at all - it'll be ten o'clock and they'll tell you it's nine. You're looking at the clock and you can't even fathom why they're lying. They just lie because that's what they do.
~By John Cusack ~

I know nothing about sex, because I was always married.
~By Zsa Zsa Gabor ~

Look at the forces against me. They don't want me out. They're afraid I'll cause trouble if I get out.
~By Jack Kevorkian ~

The year 1915 was one of meager results, the advantages remaining on the side of the Central Powers, with this understanding, however: The Allies were growing stronger because Great Britain was making rapid progress in marshaling her resources for war.
~By Kelly Miller ~

I hope to be with you as a writer for a very long time, and I hope that you will enjoy reading my work, because readers are the highest form of life on this planet.
~By Guy Johnson ~

Look, I think if you talk down to a kid or aim specifically at a kid, most kids aren't gonna like it, really, because most kids can feel when you are being patronizing.
~By Brad Bird ~

I was drawn to boxing because I got beat up as a kid. I was the kid with the piano books in a New York neighbourhood.
~By Billy Joel ~

The Clinton administration launched an attack on people in Texas because those people were religious nuts with guns. Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts with guns. Who does Bill Clinton think stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock?
~By P. J. O'Rourke ~

But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
~By William Butler Yeats ~

I wrote a book called The Taste of New Wine because I couldn't find a book that talked about the reality of the situation and how we were dishonest and afraid.
~By Keith Miller ~

I love my past, I love my present. I am not ashamed of what I have had, and I am not sad because I no longer have it.
~By Sidonie Gabrielle Colette ~

Aside from a handful of guys boxing is missing the good trainers, that's why our sport is so in the air now because we don't have people who have the capability to not only train fighters but also train and create decent respectable citizens of the world.
~By Alexis Arguello ~

Our Founders warned against this. They said don't... that your liberty is only as secure as the people are. Because once they, um, get the ability to vote themselves entitlements from the largesse of the government, liberty is done; freedom is over with. We were warned. We are there.
~By Sharron Angle ~

Besides, I think that when one has been through a boarding school, especially then, you have some resistance, because it was both fine comradeship and a fairly hard training.
~By Arne Jacobsen ~

And that movie was underrated - Nuts - because it deals with a terrible subject, but It's very well done.
~By Eli Wallach ~

If we are able to get inside the music and inhabit it convincingly enough, it will cause everyone to find each other in this new psychological space. And that's most exciting.
~By Michael Tilson Thomas ~

Revising a screenplay is much more frustrating than revising a song because you have to read through the entire work again while you are changing stuff. It is a lot easier to edit a song.
~By Kelly Jones ~

There is nothing so pitiful as a young cynic because he has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing.
~By Maya Angelou ~

I assert that nothing ever comes to pass without a cause.
~By Jonathan Edwards ~

I just had this notion that I wanted to do the most extreme thing I could and I also very consciously wanted to do something that was very different from Mars because we were all very close.
~By Arto Lindsay ~

By the time I got to the hospital, I certainly realised that I had a problem because I couldn't write or print at that time, which lasted luckily only about four months. I'd gone numb here and on my tongue and the right foot a little bit.
~By John Newcombe ~

I've got to worry about Alonzo Mourning, because a year or two ago there was a chance that Alonzo Mourning wouldn't be standing here talking to you. That's the cold reality of it.
~By Alonzo Mourning ~

One of the special characteristics of New York is that it is different from a London or a Paris because it's the financial capital, and the cultural capital, but not the political capital.
~By Ron Chernow ~

I have been told by a member of the board of one of Canada's most prominent literary magazines that a submission of mine once caused a great deal of controversy.
~By John Barton ~

And sometimes I sit down to write, because that is what I like to do more and more in the future.
~By Jonathan Brandis ~

I don't believe in simply accumulating money, but I have the luxury to say that, because I have enough for all my needs.
~By Kathleen Turner ~

So I think that if I do feel more freedom right now in my career, it's not so much because I have less at stake but more a sense that I've learned more.
~By Mary Chapin Carpenter ~

With Alexander's cancer, I was definitely brought to my knees for the first time because of the fear factor.
~By Cathy Freeman ~

When child actors act well they're just reacting to situations, and they're acting very real because their life experience is so short; there's no history to fall back on.
~By Mariel Hemingway ~

They are uncomfortable talking about sex because they don't want people to think they know about it.
~By Sue Johanson ~

If the great Government of the United States were a private corporation no bank would take its name on a piece of paper, because it has cynically repudiated the words engraved upon its bonds.
~By Garet Garrett ~

From the time I was very young, maybe five or six, I thought a lot about being an actress. I didn't tell my friends about my ambitions, though, especially when I got older, because I thought they would not receive them well. I never talked about what I wanted to do.
~By Louise Fletcher ~

I am still looking for the modern equivalent of those Quakers who ran successful businesses, made money because they offered honest products and treated their people decently... This business creed, sadly, seems long forgotten.
~By Anita Roddick ~

If I were going to convert to any religion I would probably choose Catholicism because it at least has female saints and the Virgin Mary.
~By Margaret Atwood ~

I was jumping out of my skin. It was horrible. I was all over the place, because I'd never been in front of a live audience. That's a whole other element in the play, the audience.
~By Lorraine Bracco ~

Sometimes it just doesn't translate to people. You just move on, and you feel bad because people worked so hard on it and everyone loved it... Everybody was treated so well and was going for something and trying to do the best work possible.
~By Catherine Keener ~

For example, colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Every four minutes someone is diagnosed, and every nine minutes someone dies.
~By Kevin Richardson ~

I think people need to understand that with plays and with cinema, when you hear about it, call and get a ticket then or go and see it then. It's especially with the play, which I can do because it's a limited run.
~By Alfre Woodard ~

Well there are two things: Number one is, make sure you always enjoy yourself, because when you enjoy yourself, you'll learn, you'll want more information, you'll push yourself.
~By Brandi Chastain ~

I'm not willing to say I want to return to private life because I'm too old to begin telling lies now.
~By Paul O'Neill ~

The reason we have poverty is that we have no imagination. There are a great many people accumulating what they think is vast wealth, but it's only money... they don't know how to enjoy it, because they have no imagination.
~By Alan Watts ~

Because of the power of television, I was visible to everybody all over the world. But there are many things in the theater that are more fulfilling and that I look forward to doing more. But really, I love it all: theater, film, television.
~By Charlotte Rae ~

When you raise prices, you've got to make sure you get it to the bottom line. You can fritter it away because of the way you're running the business, with maybe not a totally disciplined approach.
~By Jim Cantalupo ~

Well, I was making a record, and I had to choose a name, because they said, you know, you can't make a record under the name of Reg Dwight, because it's never going to - you know, it's not attractive enough.
~By Elton John ~

I had been coming to America very frequently for many, many years, so I had plenty of exposure - and maybe the best kind of exposure, because I think first impressions are very important. Maybe I notice stuff that is just subliminal to people who live here all the time.
~By Lee Child ~

There's a set of rules out there somewhere that says it all ends by 40. I hope to be able to defy that because I truly love my work.
~By Naomi Watts ~

For me, having come to study and understand some of the Bible and finally getting saved made a huge difference in me, because my wife was a big influence on that. I saw in her, when I first met her, a person's soul at peace with everything and everybody around her.
~By Randy Travis ~

One of the reasons I wanted to teach deaf children was because it made me very sad that they spoke so clumsily and that they moved with less grace that I knew was possible of deaf people.
~By Stephanie Beacham ~

When Alexander of Macedon was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. Eric Bristow is only 27.
~By Sid Waddell ~

I was told I would never make it because I'm too short. Well, I'm still too short. It doesn't matter what your height is, it's what's in your heart.
~By Kirby Puckett ~

Lohan and I talk about just things that happen. It's Lindsay. She's great. I went from not knowing who she was to not being able to get rid of her because she's everywhere. She's on everything.
~By Jonathan Bennett ~

Oddly, because she has that confidence, the people around her like her more. She becomes more a part of the Reaper family, and she also is able to get along with people more outside of their circle as well.
~By Ellen Muth ~

We have many cases of men committing suicide rather than face their own individuality. I know of no case of a woman who committed suicide because she was gay.
~By George Weinberg ~

I can't believe I survived, not only my life, but I am still playing football 'cause half of those eight or nine years I don't even remember.
~By Brett Favre ~

Marxists are people whose insides are torn up day after day because they want to rule the world and no one will even publish their letter to the editor.
~By Mark Helprin ~

Journalists write because they have nothing to say, and have something to say because they write.
~By Karl Kraus ~

I play, in real life, Kim, who is actually Marshall Mathers ex-wife as of now. She lies and says she is pregnant because she really wants to keep him and he figures her out.
~By Taryn Manning ~

We can't have a failure in Iraq, but we also can't be there for the next 10 years because if we are, it's going to become, I think, a failure in and of itself.
~By Dennis Ross ~

There are now grandmothers and grandfathers coming to see us because they are of that age, they grew up in the '50s and '60s and they bring their sons and their daughters to hear the songs they heard when they were young.
~By George Thorogood ~

What I had to prove was that I had a dedication and a desire and a passion to do the work and everything else would fall in place because I have a vision that I want to portray and it did and I do it. I don't sell anything.
~By Kim Weston ~

Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times. And a very small number really.
~By Brandon Lee ~

Because there's so much stuff I don't release.
~By Tom Jenkinson ~

That's why I survived because I still believe I've got something to say.
~By Lou Reed ~

I didn't worry about it because I kind of felt I left a good message and memory with the people in terms of my work, and I always felt with a good record, I could always come back.
~By Tina Turner ~

You have to nail the right tone because sometimes when you just see his films cold, you're not quite sure. It's the same in - I'm trying to think of other directors with a similar sense - David Lynch's films, Tim's films, some of Cronenberg's stuff.
~By Danny Elfman ~

We let folks know we're interested in them and that they're vital to us. cause they are.
~By Sam Walton ~

Sound is often talked about in a very subjective way, as if it had a colour. This is a bright sound, this is a dark sound. I don't believe in that because I think that is much too subjective.
~By Daniel Barenboim ~

The reason I do interviews is because I'm protecting my songs.
~By Bjork ~

You don't send a man to his death because you want a hero.
~By Paddy Chayefsky ~

And we did it because it's time for City Hall to stop looking out for City Hall and start looking out for the people like you and me who are footing the bill.
~By Laura Miller ~

Creative writers are always greater than the causes that they represent.
~By E. M. Forster ~

I hate working out. Because I work out for films now solely I come to associate it with work.
~By Bruce Willis ~

Personally, I'd never seen a graphic novel. I knew they existed because friends of mine like Jonathan Ross collect them and some very literate and intelligent people really rate the graphic novel as a form.
~By Stephen Fry ~

For many Americans, including many who are employed, going to the doctor when they fall ill or become injured may not be an option because of the absence of health insurance.
~By Ben Nelson ~

I claimed identity as Jewish musicians for political reasons, because most of us were touring in Germany and, at this time, twelve years ago, there was a strong resurgence of Nazism in the places we were touring and part of that was on the music scene.
~By Marc Ribot ~

As soon as by one's own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one's own right is laid.
~By Adolf Hitler ~

Of course I've got lawyers. They are like nuclear weapons, I've got em 'cause everyone else has. But as soon as you use them they screw everything up.
~By Danny DeVito ~

Nannies love working in our house because they never know who's gonna walk through the door.
~By Ruby Wax ~

It was weird because I'd only been in L.A. for about six months and I had my first feature.
~By Matthew McGrory ~

I started hustling at 12, my mother hustled ahead of me. I was only allowed to because they knew me.
~By Curtis Jackson ~

Read This: Jaded Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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