Charm Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Charm

Read This: Certainty Quotes And Sayings

It's innocence when it charms us, ignorance when it doesn't.
~By Mignon McLaughlin ~

The charms of women were never more powerful never inspired such achievements, as in those immortal periods, when they could neither read nor write.
~By Hannah Cowley ~

What is this powerful have over my tub? Surely, I am transfixed by your firecracker charm and your suspended electrified wit.
~By Isabel Yosito ~

Depression is melancholy minus its charms - the animation, the fits.
~By Susan Sontag ~

A charming woman... doesn't follow the crowd. She is herself.
~By Loretta Young ~

But my deepest and most secret love belongs to the fair-haired and the blue-eyed, the bright children of life, the happy, the charming and the ordinary.
~By Thomas Mann ~

Poetry has done enough when it charms, but prose must also convince.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

One day I undertook a tour through the country, and the diversity and beauties of nature I met with in this charming season, expelled every gloomy and vexatious thought.
~By Daniel Boone ~

Suddenly playing the charming bad guy was my thing.
~By Ray Liotta ~

When people are taken out of their depths they lose their heads, no matter how charming a bluff they may put up.
~By F. Scott Fitzgerald ~

Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.
~By Adlai E. Stevenson ~

As we celebrate President Reagan's remarkable career and historic legacy, we also celebrate a man of strong character, deep conviction, unforgettable charm, and wonderful wit.
~By Jim Ramstad ~

What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and it's charming.
~By Edgar Degas ~

When I first met Sean Connery he was as charming and wonderful as I first anticipated. I left Rome thinking: even if I don't do this, at least I have had a day with Sean.
~By Catherine Zeta-Jones ~

Michael was very specific during rehearsals. When he was pleased, he always had this charming grin.
~By Madeleine Stowe ~

I now resolved to go to bed early, with a firm purpose of also rising early the next day to revisit this charming walk; for I thought to myself, I have now seen this temple of the modern world imperfectly; I have seen it only by moonlight.
~By Karl Philipp Moritz ~

The charms of the passing woman are generally in direct proportion to the swiftness of her passing.
~By Marcel Proust ~

I've worked with leading men so worried about losing their charm that they were always winking to the audience.
~By Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio ~

When lovely woman stoops to folly, and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy, what art can wash her guilt away?
~By Oliver Goldsmith ~

But I was very, very unhappy because my mother was very charming and generous, but to me, very dominating.
~By Beatrice Wood ~

Charming people live up to the very edge of their charm, and behave as outrageously as the world lets them.
~By Logan P. Smith ~

Beloved, till life can charm no more; And mourned, till Pity's self be dead.
~By William Collins ~

I guess I'm a little charmed. I never thought this would happen so quick.
~By Skeet Ulrich ~

I spent an entire evening seated between Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, being charmed from either side. It was pure Hollywood magic.
~By Lorna Luft ~

It perhaps has a chance, a commercial chance, this film. It's funny, it's charming, the idea is original, it's unusual and it makes fun of the movie industry in a way that it needs to be poked fun at.
~By Mark Rydell ~

I remember that it was never that difficult for me to get a director to look up and pay attention to me. Mind you, I don't know if that's necessarily charm. But I've played roles where my character has to be charming and I've found it quite easy to do. I think some of it is in my bones, but some of it is more deliberate.
~By James McAvoy ~

City people make most of the fuss about the charms of country life.
~By Mason Cooley ~

A man of such obvious and exemplary charm must be a liar.
~By Anita Brookner ~

One mustn't look at the abyss, because there is at the bottom an inexpressible charm which attracts us.
~By Gustave Flaubert ~

Sympathy is charming, but it does not make up for pain.
~By Lillie Langtry ~

You have a good many little gifts and virtues, but there is no need of parading them, for conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long, and the great charm of all power is modesty.
~By Louisa May Alcott ~

Beauty, n: the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

The belief in charms for protecting newborn infants is very strong in Greece.
~By James Theodore Bent ~

Surely these women won't lose any more of their beauty and charm by putting a ballot in a ballot box once a year than they are likely to lose standing in foundries or laundries all year round. There is no harder contest than the contest for bread, let me tell you that.
~By Rose Schneiderman ~

The enchanting charms of this sublime science reveal only to those who have the courage to go deeply into it.
~By Carl Friedrich Gauss ~

The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.
~By Charlotte Bronte ~

There are charms made only for distant admiration.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

I then realized that I could never be satisfied again with the mere natural charm of my voice, that I had to constantly paint when singing, melting all the colors, expressing reds and blacks that had to be less primary but bursting with subtly colored combinations.
~By Placido Domingo ~

The name of Jesus, like a secret charm, awakened similar emotions in the hearts of all the converts, and called immediately into action every feeling of moral loveliness, and every desire of dutiful obedience, which constitute Christian purity.
~By John Strachan ~

Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm.
~By John F. Kennedy ~

Do you know that charming part of our country which has been called the garden of France - that spot where, amid verdant plains watered by wide streams, one inhales the purest air of heaven?
~By Alfred de Vigny ~

Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.
~By Alexander Pope ~

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
~By Marcel Proust ~

Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone. It's very charming. It's very sweet. It's what the whole world should do.
~By Michael Jackson ~

Brains, integrity, and force may be all very well, but what you need today is Charm. Go ahead and work on your economic programs if you want to, I'll develop my radio personality.
~By Gracie Allen ~

But there is something seductive and the character, Alfie is so charming, and does make you think like you are the most important thing in the world but he's not that nice, is he.
~By Sienna Miller ~

When a man spends his time giving his wife criticism and advice instead of compliments, he forgets that it was not his good judgment, but his charming manners, that won her heart.
~By Helen Rowland ~

Brevity is a great charm of eloquence.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

The shows are either 11 or 22 minutes and they move pretty quickly, and that's part of the charm of them - so it was just trying to keep that in mind and keep the energy of the story moving, even though we were dealing with a longer format.
~By Craig McCracken ~

There's a difference between beauty and charm. A beautiful woman is one I notice. A charming woman is one who notices me.
~By John Erskine ~

An ideal wife is one who remains faithful to you but tries to be just as charming as if she weren't.
~By Sacha Guitry ~

They seem to be charmed by my Southern accent.
~By Cleo Moore ~

Specifically, we talked about making the character of the prince not so charming, at least in the beginning, and I'm playing around with the preconceptions attached to a character. That's really what intrigued me as well because I thought it would be fun to do it.
~By Hugh Dancy ~

Time's stern tide, with cold Oblivion's wave, Shall soon dissolve each fair, each fading charm.
~By Anna Seward ~

We are born charming, fresh and spontaneous and must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society.
~By Judith Martin ~

Charm is a glow within a woman that casts a most becoming light on others.
~By John Mason Brown ~

Riches have never fascinated me, unless combined with the greatest charm or distinction.
~By F. Scott Fitzgerald ~

Rhyme, that enslaved queen, that supreme charm of our poetry, that creator of our meter.
~By Victor Hugo ~

There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.
~By Mark Twain ~

A beauty is a woman you notice; a charmer is one who notices you.
~By Adlai E. Stevenson ~

There is no personal charm so great as the charm of a cheerful temperament.
~By Henry Van Dyke ~

Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long; even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one, and the great charm of all power is modesty.
~By Louisa May Alcott ~

Modesty: the gentle art of enhancing your charm by pretending not to be aware of it.
~By Oliver Herford ~

I had lived a charmed life, and then I lost a beautiful woman I loved with all my heart.
~By Robert Wagner ~

A charming woman is a busy woman.
~By Loretta Young ~

There is a lust in man no charm can tame: Of loudly publishing his neighbor's shame: On eagles wings immortal scandals fly, while virtuous actions are born and die.
~By William Harvey ~

Men get to be a mixture of the charming mannerisms of the women they have known.
~By F. Scott Fitzgerald ~

The rarest of all things in American life is charm. We spend billions every year manufacturing fake charm that goes under the heading of public relations. Without it, America would be grim indeed.
~By Anita Loos ~

And all the charms of face or voice Which I in others see, Are but the recollected choice Of what I feel for thee.
~By John Clare ~

I'm a charming coward; I fight with words.
~By Carl Reiner ~

Romance and novel paint beauty in colors more charming than nature, and describe a happiness that humans never taste. How deceptive and destructive are those pictures of consummate bliss!
~By Oliver Goldsmith ~

God gave us faculties for our use; each of them will receive its proper reward. Then do not let us try to charm them to sleep, but permit them to do their work until divinely called to something higher.
~By Saint Teresa of Avila ~

The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

O, popular applause! what heart of man is proof against thy sweet, seducing charms?
~By William Cowper ~

Early in the morning, I fell in love with the girl that later on became my wife. At that time, we were so naive. I wanted to charm her, so I read her Capital by Marx. I thought somehow she would be convinced by the strength of his criticism about capital.
~By Shimon Peres ~

Things forbidden have a secret charm.
~By Tacitus ~

The Prince, charmed with these words, and much more with the manner in which they were spoken, knew not how to show his joy and gratitude; he assured her that he loved her better than he did himself.
~By Charles Perrault ~

Charm is a product of the unexpected.
~By Jose Marti ~

She ne'er was really charming till she died.
~By Terence ~

The great charm and comfort of the system is, that its affects are palpable within a week of trial, which creates a natural stimulus to persevere for few weeks more, when the fact becomes established beyond question.
~By William Banting ~

Nevertheless the passions, whether violent or not, should never be so expressed as to reach the point of causing disgust; and music, even in situations of the greatest horror, should never be painful to the ear but should flatter and charm it, and thereby always remain music.
~By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~

In my opinion, I think sarcasm and humor in a song, without turning it into a novelty song, is really charming.
~By Alanis Morissette ~

Only actions give life strength; only moderation gives it charm.
~By Jean Paul ~

I would do it today because the thing that appealed to me was not necessarily the mechanics of the robot, but it was his personality and how funny and charming he was.
~By John Badham ~

Knowing that we were doing good work and the stories were good. They were original and charming. They weren't particularly violent or sexy or any of that. They were just unique and that had a good feel to it.
~By Derek Jacobi ~

And my father was a comic. He could play any musical instrument. He loved to perform. He was a wonderfully comedic character. He had the ability to dance and sing and charm and analyze poetry.
~By Lynn Johnston ~

The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.
~By John Buchan ~

George Pal had total control, and he was there on the set every day. You never met a more charming man in your entire lifetime - what a lovely gentleman.
~By Ann Robinson ~

"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
~By Louisa May Alcott ~

Faces that have charmed us the most escape us the soonest.
~By Walter Scott ~

There is an atmosphere about the picture theatre that speaks of entertainment and relaxation. The charming surroundings, good music, and the fact that each visitor is determined to enjoy a few hours of holiday all exert an influence on the mind.
~By Ivor Novello ~

A really plain woman is one who, however beautiful, neglects to charm.
~By Edgar Saltus ~

When the student has her voice under complete control, it is safe to take up the lyric repertoire of Mendelssohn, Old English Songs, etc. How simple and charming they are!
~By Alma Gluck ~

The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death.
~By Blaise Pascal ~

In two decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.
~By Erma Bombeck ~

Thus we hope to teach mythology not as a study, but as a relaxation from study; to give our work the charm of a story-book, yet by means of it to impart a knowledge of an important branch of education.
~By Thomas Bulfinch ~

Here is Mike Wallace, who is visible to the public, and I have been watching him since the early '50s. Smoking up a storm and insulting his guests and being absolutely wonderfully evil and charming too.
~By Christopher Plummer ~

I used to be a real prince charming if I went on a date with a girl. But then I'd get to where I was likely to have a stroke from the stress of keeping up my act. I've since learned the key to a good date is to pay attention on her.
~By Matthew Perry ~

Power without abuse loses its charm.
~By Paul Valery ~

Also, it's risky to try to duplicate earlier success. Magician had a certain charm to it, mostly due to my choice of lead characters, that I would be hard put to duplicate.
~By Raymond E. Feist ~

Read This: Caring Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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