Cinema Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Cinema

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We can compare classical chess and rapid chess with theatre and cinema - some actors don't like the latter and prefer to work in the theatre.
~By Boris Spassky ~

For a long time I have compared cinema to music, I think cinema has a lot to do with the rhythm of music.
~By Isabelle Huppert ~

My father would tell anyone who would listen that this dentist thing he was doing was not his passion; cinematography was.
~By Lasse Hallstrom ~

Of course the French are making very credible movies and it is still one of the greatest nations in terms of world cinema but the real problem is the decay in film criticism.
~By Wim Wenders ~

One of the things I love about cinema is the range.
~By Mike Figgis ~

I think the cinema you like has more to do with silence, and the theater you like has more to do with language.
~By Ben Kingsley ~

Cinema is an old whore, like circus and variety, who knows how to give many kinds of pleasure. Besides, you can't teach old fleas new dogs.
~By Federico Fellini ~

I think the long-term effect of video on cinema is good in that what we are now getting up there on the screen is of superior quality. Videos are just so much more sensitive to the world.
~By Ann Macbeth ~

It's up to the courage of the filmmakers to make art in cinema, not just business. John was rejected by studios, he borrowed money and did movies with his own money. You're either courageous or not. You have to find a way.
~By Ben Gazzara ~

It is also difficult to articulate the subtleties in cinema, because there aren't words or metaphors which describe many of the emotions you are attempting to evoke.
~By Conrad Hall ~

If cinema is a woman then certainly there are many shores.
~By Gerard Depardieu ~

I also wanted to express the strength of cinema to hide reality, while being entertaining. Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.
~By Pedro Almodovar ~

I'd like to be for cinema what Shakespeare was for theatre, Marx for politics and Freud for psychology: someone after whom nothing is as it used to be.
~By Rainer W. Fassbinder ~

Now more than ever we need to talk to each other, to listen to each other and understand how we see the world, and cinema is the best medium for doing this.
~By Martin Scorsese ~

Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.
~By Robert Bresson ~

I did not make this a long film for its own sake. I wanted to make an entertaining film and offer it out there for those who want to see it. If word of mouth suggests there is an audience out there, hopefully their cinema will show it.
~By Kenneth Branagh ~

I love watching a good, freaky horror movie. I love it. It's one of my favorite things to do, to go and see at the cinema. Just to tune out and be freaked out.
~By Yvonne Strahovski ~

I love writing dialogue, and I think a lot of my writing is visual and very cinematic.
~By Jessica Hagedorn ~

I work for the public, for the people who are paying to go to the cinema, rather than for the critics.
~By Kevin Costner ~

I'm getting a little bored by the juxtaposition of American and other cinema. I no longer think this division is as true as it might have been in the 1980s, or the early part of the 90s.
~By Wim Wenders ~

Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can't escape it.
~By Shahrukh Khan ~

A visit to a cinema is a little outing in itself. It breaks the monotony of an afternoon or evening; it gives a change from the surroundings of home, however pleasant.
~By Ivor Novello ~

I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.
~By Francis Ford Coppola ~

So we got there at 6 a.m. We'd be shooting by 6:45. We wouldn't break for lunch, we'd just pass food around all day. And we would just rock and roll 'til 4, then Matty Libatique, our great cinematographer, would say, "Outta light, guys" - and that was it.
~By Joel Schumacher ~

I guess we've had a very close relationship because I don't pretend to know about cinema and I think I do know a bit about theatre but he does, he respected that and so we really just had a collaboration which went completely like this.
~By Andrew Lloyd Webber ~

And my generation in Brazil was influenced by Cinema Novo. So we're echoing what's been done way in the past.
~By Walter Salles ~

I am really not interested in the cinema. I loathed it when I started six years ago, and I don't enjoy it even now.
~By Brigitte Bardot ~

I think it's important that we all try to give something to this medium, instead of just thinking about what is the most efficient way of telling a story or making an audience stay in a cinema.
~By Lars von Trier ~

In old movies, the cinematography is a thousand times better than anything today. Writing, a thousand times better.
~By John Kricfalusi ~

I was very glad later when I was directing that I wasn't in the hands of a cinematographer and hoping that he would do it well. I would know what he was doing, and we could discuss how that scene would look.
~By Nicolas Roeg ~

You know, I think everything I do cinematically for the rest of my life will probably have some direct route back to Jonathan. But I love him to death. He's like my best friend and my big brother.
~By Ted Demme ~

I think cinema is closer to allegories than to reality. It's closer to our dreams.
~By Manuel Puig ~

Music is music whether it is for the stage, rostrum or cinema .
~By Erich Wolfgang Korngold ~

When the cinematograph first made its appearance, we were told that the days of the ordinary theatre were numbered.
~By Ivor Novello ~

I've been very lucky in my long life. On three continents, in diverse cultures, through happy moments, not-so-happy moments, and moments as marvelous as this one, I've had the privilege of working with the cinema's greatest masters.
~By Dino De Laurentiis ~

It took a while for me to grasp that my colleagues believe I have made an impact on the history of cinema.
~By Conrad Hall ~

On the one hand, young theatre directors were coming to television theatre, because they wanted to get closer to the cinema, despite having studied and worked for the theatre.
~By Andrzej Wajda ~

I was in jail four and a half years. When I came out, I continued the same struggle against injustice, but instead of using weapons, I began to use art and cinema.
~By Mohsen Makhmalbaf ~

I come from an everyday middle class family in India. The film industry reached us only through our television sets and cinema halls.
~By Lavrenti Lopes ~

And Twin Peaks, the Film is the craziest film in the history of cinema. I have no idea what happened, I have no idea what I saw, all I know is that I left the theater floating six feet above the ground.
~By Jacques Rivette ~

Cinema has only been around for about 100 years. Has all of the world's violence towards women taken place only within the past 100 years?
~By Richard King ~

And later I thought, I can't think how anyone can become a director without learning the craft of cinematography.
~By Nicolas Roeg ~

I happen to love working in cinema, but the theater is always there... you know, and I would never shut the door on it. Even though it's been quite a bit of time since I've done a play, last one was in New York.
~By Michael York ~

Cinema has become a global economy, totally international.
~By Lasse Hallstrom ~

Well, you cannot think of cinema now, and you cannot think of cinema in the UK and not place Chaplin in the most extraordinary elevated context, if there can be such a thing, in that he was a genius, he was unique.
~By Richard Attenborough ~

Cinema explains American society. It's like a Western, with good guys and bad guys, where the weak don't have a place.
~By Jacques Delors ~

From now on, I approach the cinema as a business woman. I intend to be in more action movies because, apart from Angelina Jolie, no other actress stands out in this genre.
~By Milla Jovovich ~

I was utilized because I have a certain face that works well in cinema, and I'm used to making myself look as good as possible.
~By Julie Christie ~

Realism is always subjective in film. There's no such thing as cinema verite.
~By Crispin Glover ~

Doing cinema is not about watching yourself.
~By Charlotte Rampling ~

Even the great bad guys in cinema history, they're likable.
~By Balthazar Getty ~

Today films are made to cater to commercial markets created by multiplexes, not for those who enjoy good cinema.
~By Sunny Deol ~

Cinema Paradiso, because it reminds me of why I make movies, the magic of movies, the romance of movies.
~By Antoine Fuqua ~

I pity the French Cinema because it has no money. I pity the American Cinema because it has no ideas.
~By Jean-Luc Godard ~

When I was in pre-production for Trees Lounge, I was hearing the cinematographer talking with the production designer about colours and this and that, and feeling like I was losing control.
~By Steve Buscemi ~

Lawrence of Arabia is the ultimate movie, deeply cinematic.
~By Christine Baranski ~

Any film I do is not going to change the way black women have been portrayed, or black people have been portrayed, in cinema since the days of D.W. Griffith.
~By Spike Lee ~

Today's cinema is a global art form, it is impossible to make movies for a market the size of France, representing no more than 4% of the world's total.
~By Jean-Jacques Annaud ~

The King and Queen made the rounds after the film. We were told how we were to respond, and we were in a semi circle in the lounge area of the cinema, they came around after the King, the Queen and both Princesses.
~By Kim Hunter ~

Work in the theater sharpened my verse and my cinema.
~By James Broughton ~

Well, I think In Love and War, which had a wonderful performance by Sandy, Sandra Bullock, who the authorities and, the supposed authorities, in cinema didn't want to know about.
~By Richard Attenborough ~

I went to the Tokyo Film Festival in Japan because I love Japanese cinema.
~By Leslie Caron ~

Cinema is still a very young art form with extraordinary techniques and very impressive special effects but sometimes it seems the soul has been taken out of things.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

I feel for Veronica Mars so much when I'm watching at home. It is a wonderful story. The writing is consistently funny, biting, charming, heart-wrenching, etc. I also like the look of it. The cinematography - different from any other show.
~By Jason Dohring ~

During the Sixties, the Americans thought I was the greatest thing in the history of cinema.
~By Michael Winner ~

I think people need to understand that with plays and with cinema, when you hear about it, call and get a ticket then or go and see it then. It's especially with the play, which I can do because it's a limited run.
~By Alfre Woodard ~

National film industries tend to move in cycles. In Australia right now, we're on a high, a feeling of potential, which as yet shows no sign of flagging. But the word "industry" is misleading. A small national cinema has no industry in the Hollywood sense.
~By Peter Weir ~

I don't go to the cinema much.
~By Tom Felton ~

You make the movie through the cinematography - it sounds quite a simple idea, but it was like a huge revelation to me.
~By Nicolas Roeg ~

Cinema is a director's medium, so you're saying, "What do you want?" Being an actor is about adapting - physically and emotionally. If that means you have to look great for it and they can make you look great, then thank you. And if you have to have everything washed away, then I'm willing to do that too.
~By Nicole Kidman ~

Although it is a fantasy film, it's as real as it can be. You have to imagine that an audience will buy their ticket to a cinema and get on a first-class flight and journey to Middle Earth.
~By Orlando Bloom ~

We have a partnership deal with New Line Records, which is part of New Line Cinema, and... I worked on that.
~By James Iha ~

Very few cinematographers, other than the Europeans, know how to light women like they used to in the old days.
~By Jennifer O'Neill ~

Previously the same Polish audiences would have been pressured into seeing cinema made for adults, films made by us about those spheres of life that were significant for us and which should be significant for our society.
~By Andrzej Wajda ~

I am going to produce a movie of my own. I am not going to stick to the time-tested formulae of Hindi cinema. I want to make a film for the present generation. So there will be a lot of new faces in the film.
~By Kabir Bedi ~

In cinema, the leading player is the director.
~By Ben Kingsley ~

Never in the history of cinema has a medium entertained an audience. It's what you do with the medium.
~By John Lasseter ~

You can lose in cinema too if you don't put on a good performance.
~By Eric Cantona ~

I prefer ordinary girls - you know, college students, waitresses, that sort of thing. Most of the girls I go out with are just good friends. Just because I go out to the cinema with a girl, it doesn't mean we are dating.
~By Leonardo DiCaprio ~

But at heart, I am more than a cinematographer.
~By Conrad Hall ~

I kind of worry about that a little bit - we lost our film culture for 30 years because the Americans came in and bought up all the cinema chains and wouldn't show any Australian films.
~By Yahoo Serious ~

It's shocking to say, but the cinema is quite a while away from me, and I haven't got a car yet.
~By Tom Felton ~

In a sense I feel very much a part of the cinema now in a way where when I come back to the theater now I feel like a visitor. The cinema is really what I enjoy. I want to do more independent movies.
~By Brian Cox ~

Strangers used to gather together at the cinema and sit together in the dark, like Ancient Greeks participating in the mysteries, dreaming the same dream in unison.
~By Angela Carter ~

The souls you have got cast upon the screen of publicity appear like the horrid and writhing creatures enlarged from the insect world, and revealed to us by the cinematograph.
~By James Larkin ~

But I think that the spirit of protectionism would be the grave of European cinema. You cannot protect something by building a fence around it and thinking that this will help it survive.
~By Wim Wenders ~

Entertainment today constantly emphasises the message that things are wonderful the way they are. But there is another kind of cinema, which says that change is possible and necessary and it's up to you.
~By Wim Wenders ~

The essence of cinema is editing. It's the combination of what can be extraordinary images of people during emotional moments, or images in a general sense, put together in a kind of alchemy.
~By Francis Ford Coppola ~

When I go to a film, you're taking it easy and you let things wash over you. That's what cinema's all about. You get involved in a world that's being created in front of you.
~By Mary Hansen ~

I definitely felt that I was put at a very high place to be able to be a part of such a wonderful franchise in cinema history, so I was definitely very driven at doing a great job and having my body look the way it should and just being a part of the creative process.
~By Kristanna Loken ~

The "Western" is the only genre whose origins are almost identical with those of the cinema itself.
~By Andre Bazin ~

It's not worth it, it's not about money, especially when you're dealing with a culture. It should be about elevating the idea of what we are and who we are as people in the cinema, and that kind of stuff keeps dragging us back down.
~By Antoine Fuqua ~

The biggest challenge was trying to convey the story of the making of a film that isn't finished yet - and which won't be finished until the third film, The Return of the King, reaches our cinemas towards the end of 2003!
~By Brian Sibley ~

On Being John Malkovich and the cinema of the absurd, I do enjoy it. I wish there were more like it. The very fact that there can't be more like it is one of the reasons it's admirable.
~By Carter Burwell ~

If I never do another movie, I will have had the privilege of working on one of the big Hollywood movies with top people, creating a world that can only be described as totally cinematic.
~By Christine Baranski ~

Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater.
~By Roman Polanski ~

If a violent act towards a woman takes place, and the inspiration for that act is violence in cinema, the inspiration for that act would have come from somewhere else if movies didn't exist.
~By Richard King ~

I think what makes compelling fiction or cinema is when you're basically taking the most intense moments of experience and you're creating a song or a narrative out of it.
~By David O. Russell ~

Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second.
~By Jean-Luc Godard ~

China's cinema has been rising for some time; it has more exposure, so my chances of becoming internationally known are better. But the first thing I have to do is learn English. If I can grasp the language, then perhaps I can think about the U.S.
~By Ziyi Zhang ~

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July 27 ,2024
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