Classroom Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Classroom

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Our highly qualified teachers not only work hard, but they care about each and every student that enters their classroom. I thank you, Montana teachers, for your sense of duty and compassion to our precious future generation.
~By Conrad Burns ~

Children are already accustomed to a world that moves faster and is more exciting than anything a teacher in front of a classroom can do.
~By Major Owens ~

Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s.
~By Clifford Stoll ~

You get on TV and you become more of a star and it makes it real hard to go back to school and sit in a classroom, put your hand up if you have a question or something.
~By Owen Hart ~

In science, "fact" can only mean "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms.
~By Stephen Jay Gould ~

The classroom should be an entrance into the world, not an escape from it.
~By John Ciardi ~

One of my earliest memories... I knew three full verses of the Star Spangled Banner when I was seven or eight years old. And one of the nuns discovered this phenomenon and I was actually sent around from classroom to classroom to do the whole thing.
~By Dave Van Ronk ~

Any idea can be brought into the classroom if the point is to inquire into its structure, history, influence and so forth. But no idea belongs in the classroom if the point of introducing it is to recruit your students for the political agenda it may be thought to imply.
~By Stanley Fish ~

The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes.
~By Jack Hanna ~

Teach love, generosity, good manners and some of that will drift from the classroom to the home and who knows, the children will be educating the parents.
~By Roger Moore ~

In America the schools have become too permissive, the kids now are controlling the schools, the tail is wagging the dog. We've got to make a change there and get it back to where the teachers have control of the classrooms.
~By Chuck Norris ~

Common sense tells us that we should focus our resources to benefit children, teachers and taxpayers by keeping dollars in the classroom.
~By Bob Beauprez ~

I'm a comedian first. I've learned how to act. I just draw on life experiences and that's how I've learned. I didn't take classes or anything. I don't need no classroom.
~By Steve Harvey ~

The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom.
~By Thomas Merton ~

We can close the gap and improve what happens in the classroom by using educational technology that is the same high quality everywhere.
~By Major Owens ~

Part of Washington keeping its promises is a focus on directing more dollars into our local classrooms.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children's classrooms and in their future.
~By Bob Riley ~

As they work hard for our children, America's teachers often reach into their own pockets to make sure they have the best classroom supplies. I feel strongly that the federal government should help make up for their personal financial burden.
~By John Warner ~

Our educational results lag behind other states, and other nations, but worse still, behind the potential of the kids and the devoted teachers in our classrooms.
~By Mitch Daniels ~

Athletes who take to the classroom naturally or are encouraged to focus on grades should be able to do well in the classroom. I believe the reason you go to college is to get your degree. It's not a minor league or an audition for the pros.
~By Rebecca Lobo ~

Today it is not the classroom nor the classics which are the repositories of models of eloquence, but the ad agencies.
~By Marshall McLuhan ~

Being a Christian, I'm eager to introduce people to Jesus. I just don't think I should do it in the science classroom.
~By Kenneth Miller ~

While it was a very interesting period in my life, I was happy to get back to more direct contact with students in the classroom and in my research projects.
~By Jerome Isaac Friedman ~

The worst censors are those prohibiting criticism of the theory of evolution in the classroom.
~By Phyllis Schlafly ~

Too many vital education dollars that should be spent in the classroom are bouncing around in the federal bureaucracy.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

Productivity is going to be a critical issue. And it's not just about getting more time for professors in the classroom. It involves reexamining the learning experience and restructuring faculty and the use of faculty time.
~By Roy Romer ~

Cameras in classrooms are no substitute for greater authority by parents and teachers.
~By Paul Weyrich ~

Maintaining order in the classrooms has never been easy and it is evident that the school setting requires some easing of the restrictions to which searches by public authorities are ordinarily subject.
~By Byron White ~

Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children.
~By Walt Disney ~

Children learn and remember at least as much from the context of the classroom as from the content of the coursework.
~By Lawrence Kutner ~

I think we've got outstanding teaching in Michigan classrooms.
~By John Engler ~

I never read a single book as a child. I did not read as a child. I worked on the farm. I had books in the classroom, but that was it. I never read a single book outside of the classroom.
~By Story Musgrave ~

A Socrates in every classroom.
~By Alfred Whitney Griswold ~

I was terrified of being a teacher. To stand in front of a classroom, the responsibility is boggling. Imagine! Standing in front of people!
~By John Glover ~

I started thinking about my relationship with my students; I'm this guy who comes in from book - and movie - land and descends on angel wings into their classroom.
~By Richard Price ~

We can not wait until we have enough trained people willing to work at a teacher's salary and under conditions imposed upon teachers in order to improve what happens in the classroom.
~By Major Owens ~

Partisan politics has no place in the classroom.
~By Juan Cole ~

Remember the picture of the president in the classroom, being told of the attack by chief of staff Andy Card? The American people thought they were seeing a man suddenly thrust into a grave challenge no one could have anticipated.
~By Howard Fineman ~

When I enrolled in college at age 19, I had a total of eight years of formal classroom education. As a result, I was not comfortable with formal lectures and receiving regular homework assignments.
~By Philip Emeagwali ~

One in four children being victimized? That's about seven children in every classroom. That's a significant proportion of the population.
~By Wendy Craig ~

The opponents of my budget propose taking $200 million out of our classrooms and instead spending it on a larger school employee pay raise. Our focus should be on making sure our children come first.
~By Bob Riley ~

Furthermore, we believe that health care reform, again I said at the beginning of my remarks, that we sent the three pillars that the President's economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation - innovation begins in the classroom - clean energy and climate, addressing the climate issues in an innovative way to keep us number one and competitive in the world with the new technology, and the third, first among equals I may say, is health care, health insurance reform.
~By Nancy Pelosi ~

The Wayne Education Building was the first classroom building that we have done on the Wayne campus.
~By Minoru Yamasaki ~

Home schooled children frequently combine for many purposes - and they interact well. The growth of the home schooling movement means that more and more children are learning together, just not in a traditional classroom.
~By Ernest Istook ~

And that's actually the brunt of what we do is, people going straight from their workplace, straight from home, straight into the classroom and working directly with the students. So then we're able to work with thousands and thousands more students.
~By Dave Eggers ~

We've heard from many teachers that they used episodes of Star Trek and concepts of Star Trek in their science classrooms in order to engage the students.
~By Patrick Stewart ~

When I was a teacher, teachers would come into my classroom and admire my desk on which lay nothing whatever, whereas theirs were heaped with papers and books.
~By Norman MacCaig ~

It is commonly agreed that children spend more hours per year watching television than in the classroom, and far less in actual conversation with their parents.
~By Paul Weyrich ~

The student body was huge at UT and you had to mature pretty quick, very quick actually. I enjoyed it and it helped me a lot in my life in general - not only in the classroom but on the baseball field as well.
~By Roger Clemens ~

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October 24 ,2024
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