College Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About College

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Doing away with separate black colleges meets resistance from alumni and other blacks.
~By Constance Baker Motley ~

The only other time I've been away from home was when I went to college. And that was just an hour away, so I could always go home if I needed to.
~By Carrie Underwood ~

Academics often discount the value of top-rated sports programs in helping to develop a campus life and in contributing to the overall success of a college or university. Like it or not, the sports programs a college or university has are the front page of that university.
~By James E. Rogers ~

The greatest challenge I think is adjusting to not playing baseball. The reason for that is I had to come out of baseball and come into the business world, not being a college graduate, not being educated to come into the business world the way I should have.
~By Willie Mays ~

As I went to college, I went into radio and television. Now I suppose most people think that's one step ahead of basket weaving as a major in college, but it was part of the journalism department.
~By Sam Donaldson ~

So most of my acting experience came in college when I was living away from them. I acted in various independent films, and I got some commercial work and stuff like that.
~By Maria Menounos ~

We kinda look at this as the second or third chapter of our lives. After college, most people figure out what they want to do with their lives. But we already know what we want to do in the future and that is to continue to further our business goals.
~By Mary-Kate Olsen ~

I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it's better than college. People should educate themselves - you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I'd written a thousand stories.
~By Ray Bradbury ~

Many of our nation's great leaders began their careers at a service academy. I encourage anyone interested in a rewarding college experience or military career to apply as soon as possible.
~By Chris Cannon ~

And I finished college because I thought how much it would upset my parents if I didn't.
~By Harry Mathews ~

The role of a liberal arts college within a university is to be a genuine part of that university, giving and responding to the other parts.
~By Edward Levi ~

From 1931 to 1937, I was a Fellow and Lecturer in Economics at Hertford College, Oxford.
~By James Meade ~

Really, the potential for, first of all, any college graduate today is enormously good. These are good times for anyone with a college degree today, particularly African Americans. With a college degree today, you really breach the unemployment rate.
~By Alexis Herman ~

One day, my youngest uncle - the other one who was first to go to college, Randy - and I were sitting out on the front porch. And he was brilliant. He ended up - he just retired from Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas.
~By James Earl Jones ~

I wanted to go to medical school. But, I never got a college scholarship.
~By Edwin Moses ~

My daughter is a freshman in college and my son is - well, our daughter and our son - is a sophomore in college. So they come home on selected weekends, they come home on vacations and they're home in the summer, although they have jobs.
~By Erika Slezak ~

When I graduated college I needed to make money while I was pursuing acting, so I read screenplays and made a living writing coverage on them for studios.
~By Sasha Alexander ~

As many know, and especially those who may have young sons or daughters at colleges or universities, the last thing you want to hear is a call that perhaps one of your children was injured or, even worse, lost their life in a tragic fire at a dorm or campus housing.
~By Vito Fossella ~

Community colleges play an important role in helping people transition between careers by providing the retooling they need to take on a new career.
~By Barack Obama ~

I don't know if I'd want to do that anymore, because you always get bigger laughs on college campuses. So, when the film plays in front of a city audience, you've probably cut too loosely.
~By David Zucker ~

While there are many obstacles that deter students from going to college, finances by no means should be the deciding factor.
~By Bobby Scott ~

Texas is now a cornerstone of the electoral college for Republicans.
~By Ed Gillespie ~

I was in college for two years, and just hated it in the '60s.
~By Kurt Loder ~

Even though I play a professional sport now, I love college baseball.
~By Roger Clemens ~

I mean, if somebody said to me, junior year of college, you can go anywhere, your old man's paying for it, I'd have been gone in a flash. But I had to work. Every summer my mother would say, 'Get that job and hold on to it until August 30.'
~By Chris Matthews ~

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.
~By Theodore Roosevelt ~

One goes through school, college, medical school and one's internship learning little or nothing about goodness but a good deal about success.
~By Ashley Montagu ~

Andy Paley got us a show opening for his band at an outdoor show at Simmon's College, on a Friday.
~By Jonathan Richman ~

Seriousness is stupidity sent to college.
~By P. J. O'Rourke ~

A college education shows a man how little other people know.
~By Thomas Chandler Haliburton ~

Declining overseas admissions costs us not only much needed revenues for colleges and universities, but much more importantly, we lose the best opportunity we have to introduce foreign students to all that America has to offer the world.
~By Richard Lugar ~

I broke with my religion in college.
~By Anne Rice ~

Delaware State is no longer a college for African Americans without other choices, it is a university of choice.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

I want to go to college to study journalism. I want to speak French fluently, to travel. My mom was a journalist and it's in my blood.
~By Mandy Moore ~

There will always be another group of kids going to college, drinking beer, and discovering that movie. Many of them have never even heard of SCTV.
~By Rick Moranis ~

In college, my big money memory was saving up to buy a car with my boyfriend, whom I lived with.
~By Christie Hefner ~

I played from the time I was seven years old. My father was my first baseman coach. I had opportunities that I never really pursued - with some Miami teams and a few larger colleges, and then I ended up bailing and began cooking.
~By Todd English ~

Indeed, there are so many prejudices against everyday middle-class values on college campuses, and serving in the military and being pro-American just seems to be one of them.
~By Jack Kingston ~

Those of Manhattan are the brokers on Wall Street and they talk of people who went to the same colleges; those from Queens are margin clerks in the back offices and they speak of friends who live in the same neighborhood.
~By Jimmy Breslin ~

Every time a student walks past a really urgent, expressive piece of architecture that belongs to his college, it can help reassure him that he does have that mind, does have that soul.
~By Louis Kahn ~

I used to be a regular college student and now I go all over the country and stay at really nice hotels.
~By Steven Hill ~

Here I was, this good guy that played football; I was gonna go play in college but I had a bad senior year. But I played guitar in assemblies whenever I could.
~By Bob Livingston ~

Let me say no danger and no hardship ever makes me wish to get back to that college life again.
~By Joshua Chamberlain ~

Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education, they're accelerating their numbers in upper management, too.
~By Suzanne Fields ~

Here were these college kids beating the Soviets and going on to the Olympic Gold Medal. To me, that's the greatest upset of all time in any sport that I can think of.
~By Jim McKay ~

I like school very much, and I'll go to college if my career slows down. But kids go to college to be where I am today. Not to put college down, but for me, it would be digressing.
~By Dana Hill ~

The caliber of play suffered and attendance declined year by year. Interest in college football was exploding, and there was this new game called basketball.
~By John Thorn ~

I noticed that almost everyone I went to college with has worked at something other than the subject they majored in. I guess that' s one of the reasons for campus unrest.
~By Kent McCord ~

Married and divorced, three beautiful daughters, two in college. The other one is 16, lives with her mom. I'm 46, I've worked for the Post Office for 18 years, seven facilities in three states.
~By Arthur Godfrey ~

To the Kenyan families, school doesn't really matter because none of them are going on to college. Almost all of drop out of school and so, they're spending their time learning things that are important to them.
~By Robert Sternberg ~

The result was, when Congress convened in January 1971, everyone was now an environmentalist. They had seen a new force, college students, who favored the environment.
~By Pete McCloskey ~

I went to college with James Coburn and Steve McQueen was a very good friend.
~By Robert Vaughn ~

One of the greatest joys in my life was giving a lecture in French at the College de France.
~By James Cronin ~

We also knew it would be difficult, because of the financial condition of the family, for me to go to college.
~By Alan Shepard ~

I come from a modest background. I put myself through college and law school and a postdoctorate program in tax law.
~By Michele Bachmann ~

Some of my finest memories are from my time at the University of Texas. College baseball, I love it.
~By Roger Clemens ~

Our campaign is powered by college students who are not about to let the first genocide of the 21st century happen on their watch.
~By Ross Martin ~

My teaching began in 1936 at Iowa State College where T. W. Schultz was the department chairman.
~By George Stigler ~

With the changing economy, no one has lifetime employment. But community colleges provide lifetime employability.
~By Barack Obama ~

The large majority of the Negroes who have put on the finishing touches of our best colleges are all but worthless in the development of their people.
~By Carter G. Woodson ~

I had been doing summer stock every summer while I was in college. We did a showcase, like most good conservatories do - monologues and things that agents and casting directors come to see. From that I got an agent.
~By Randy Harrison ~

I did everything I could to stay in college and pay my own way, so I think that if success hadn't come so quickly, I would still be pursuing it.
~By Moira Kelly ~

I took speech training. I took a few voice lessons in college.
~By Harry Dean Stanton ~

Look at all the marriages that have been wonderfully successful where fellows finished their army service and came home to go to college on G.I. bills and their wives worked.
~By Marta Kristen ~

Instead of giving money to found colleges to promote learning, why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as good as the Prohibition one did, why, in five years we would have the smartest race of people on earth.
~By Will Rogers ~

In 1948 I was appointed to a Lectureship in Physics and in 1949 elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College.
~By Martin Ryle ~

When we make college more affordable, we make the American dream more achievable.
~By William J. Clinton ~

Education is a private matter between the person and the world of knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college.
~By Lillian Smith ~

We have such a high drop-out rate from musicians, said the head of the college. He was right - I dropped out before I even dropped in. Months later they were still asking what had happened to me, not realising that I was on a UK tour.
~By Holly Johnson ~

Where I grew up in Dallas, things might be a little more traditional. People have the same things in mind. They're supposed to grow up, go to college, get a job, get married, and have children, grandchildren. That's the world I grew up in.
~By Lisa Loeb ~

The student community of Presidency College was also politically most active.
~By Amartya Sen ~

I have a daughter who is a sophomore in college and another who is in the 11th grade of high school.
~By Thomas Friedman ~

I enjoyed high school and college, and I think I learned a lot, but that was not really my focus. My focus was on trying to figure out what businesses to start.
~By Steve Case ~

I'll probably pursue doing more movies, but not horror or movies with killers in them. I'll try to stick to happy movies. I want to act and direct like Jodie Foster. I admire her because she went to college and she's still doing the same thing.
~By Lindsay Lohan ~

Then in college I became obsessed with film, and wanted to be part of that.
~By Christopher Durang ~

It's a hard process to navigate... to figure out where your kid ought to go to college.
~By Margaret Spellings ~

I travelled to California when I was 18 and went to Los Angeles State College.
~By Robert Vaughn ~

I was known around the college for jamming in the lounge.
~By Bernie Worrell ~

I think women as well as men are concerned about jobs and the economy and spending and, and other issues. They're concerned that when their kids graduate from college they have an economy and they have a future in this country and they, they have the same opportunity that we've had and our grandparents have had.
~By Ken Buck ~

Presidents are elected not by direct popular vote but by 538 members of the Electoral College.
~By Thomas E. Mann ~

I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong.
~By Ann Richards ~

I always loved comedy but I didn't start formally until I was in college.
~By Ana Gasteyer ~

Our great history has been that people came to Michigan because you didn't have to have a college degree to get a good-paying job. Consequently, we have got a larger number of our population that right now are facing outsourcing, et cetera, without higher or advanced degrees.
~By Jennifer M. Granholm ~

I would anticipate that the Electoral College will be held on the 13th of December, and our 20 electorate votes will go to the certified winner.
~By Kenneth Blackwell ~

Another little known fact about Amazing Tennis - the computer opponents are modeled after real people. In an odd turn of events, I joined a division 3 college tennis team at age 38.
~By David Crane ~

I quit college. I was studying architecture for about a year.
~By Barry Mann ~

My parents put everything in a trust fund for me. I won't get it until I'm 18, so I'll use it for college.
~By Heather O'Rourke ~

The impetus behind going to graduate school was a year after graduating from college spent in Dallas working at the dog food factory and Bank America and not having met success in my chosen field, which at that point was being an actress.
~By Beth Henley ~

I had a tremendous horror of going into the Army. That is probably why I went to college for so long.
~By Bruce Conner ~

One half who graduate from college never read another book.
~By G. M. Trevelyan ~

The word survivor suggests someone who has emerged alive from a plane crash or a natural disaster. But the word can also refer to the loved ones of murder victims, and this was the sense in which it was used at a four-day conference in early June at Boston College.
~By Godfried Danneels ~

How you play the game is for college ball. When you're playing for money, winning is the only thing that matters.
~By Leo Durocher ~

I haven't gone to college yet and I intend to in a few years.
~By Mackenzie Astin ~

Charles and I go back since college. None of us thought this would happen, we just wanted to play basketball. This is the highest honor that can ever be paid, and it's mind-blowing.
~By Dominique Wilkins ~

Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
~By Mark Twain ~

And when I started college, I think I was good at two things: arguing and asking questions.
~By Karen Hughes ~

My first college roommate greeted me with a shocked silence followed by, 'So... you're black.'
~By Al Roker ~

The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education.
~By Jodi Rell ~

I'm fortunate now that I coach at Duke University and we've won a lot. I have some kids who haven't failed that much. But when they get to college, they're going to fail some time. That's a thing that I can help them the most with.
~By Mike Krzyzewski ~

Anyone can use these sites - companies and colleges, teachers and students, young and old all make use of networking sites to connect with people electronically to share pictures, information, course work, and common interests.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

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