Concern Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Concern

Read This: Respect Quotes And Sayings

When I was 15, I did not know nothing about what concerned the world of music.
~By Maurice Jarre ~

Our concern, however, is with slavery as it is, and not with any theory of it.
~By Gerrit Smith ~

As a consequence, progress has come to mean simply more power, more profit, more productivity, more paper prosperity, all of which are convertible into standards concerned only with size or magnitude rather than quality or excellence.
~By Alex Campbell ~

They asked me what I thought about euthanasia. I said I'm more concerned about the adults.
~By Jay London ~

The writer is more concerned to know than to judge.
~By W. Somerset Maugham ~

We need to enact a strong standard that will stop a terrorist or illegal alien from getting a driver's license because border security is a major concern in a post-September 11th world.
~By Bill Shuster ~

Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end.
~By Jerry Seinfeld ~

The whole nuclear thing is a terrible mess and it's hard for me to understand why it is that we, the United States, seem to be the only ones that are really particularly concerned about it and prepared to do something.
~By Lawrence Eagleburger ~

In dedicating his estate to the honoring of endeavors that benefit mankind, Alfred Nobel expressed a lifelong concern that is even more timely in 1972 than it was in his lifetime.
~By Stanford Moore ~

I have no problem with G14. How can I oppose something that as far as I am concerned, does not exist?
~By Sepp Blatter ~

No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.
~By Aneurin Bevan ~

The last time I spoke with Robert was back in May. When his wife was murdered, I talked to several radio stations in defense of him because I know how Bobby Blake really is, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no murder in his heart.
~By Tommy Bond ~

As far as YU faculty and students are concerned, the love for Israel is very strong. Probably about three thousand of our graduates have settled in Israel. On average, every year 650 male and female students study in Israel for a minimum of one year.
~By Norman Lamm ~

Historically, terrorism falls in a category different from crimes that concern a criminal court judge.
~By Jurgen Habermas ~

The quickest way to become troubled is to be concerned with what people are gonna say about your life and your work.
~By Ahmad Jamal ~

Death doesn't affect the living because it has not happened yet. Death doesn't concern the dead because they have ceased to exist.
~By W. Somerset Maugham ~

It's very hard to find critics or a magazine today that will publish material that is genuinely independent and written without any concern about being cut off some distributor's list or not be invited or flown into screenings.
~By Wim Wenders ~

My reaction to a lot of the current situation that we're in is based in part on a serious concern that the present administration's course ignores reality.
~By Vinton Cerf ~

If I am no longer disturbed myself, I will deal less with disturbed people, but I don't regret having concerned myself with them because I think most of us are disturbed.
~By Tennessee Williams ~

The importance of certain problems concerning the facts will be inherent in the structure of the system.
~By Talcott Parsons ~

I now have two kids of my own in college, so I know how important it is that we keep the dream alive for every family and I share the concern about rising tuition costs.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

I don't want my president to be a TV star. You don't have to be on television every minute of every day - you're the president, not a rerun of 'Law & Order'. TV stars are too worried bout being popular and too concerned about being renewed.
~By Bill Maher ~

Oh, the transition concerns me because as we move towards an important political event, it's clear to me that the terrorists and insurgents will move as hard as they can to disrupt this process.
~By John Abizaid ~

I think it's the business part of the word show business that causes me the most concern.
~By Brent Spiner ~

Descendants of New England pioneers are proud of their ancestry and glad to proclaim the fact that so far as the United States are concerned, New England is in deed the cradle of religious liberty.
~By Paul Harris ~

But you know, there's always a danger nowadays that films are gonna be brought up to Canada for budget reasons. And that's something that really concerns me.
~By Philip Kaufman ~

There may or may not be a God or gods; the Siblings do not concern themselves with proving or disproving such a thing. By definition, gods are more powerful than men, and thus quite able to fend for themselves without help.
~By Steve Perry ~

Given my last position, that I was the first U.S attorney post 9/11 in New Jersey, I understand acutely the pain and sorrow and upset of the family members who lost loved ones that day at the hands of radical Muslim extremists. And their sensitivities and concerns have to be taken into account.
~By Chris Christie ~

Much of what we now consider to be problems concerning immigration and assimilation really concern Mexican immigration and assimilation.
~By Samuel P. Huntington ~

I feel like I won the Lotto, as far as that show's concerned.
~By Peter Gallagher ~

Concern should drive us into action, not into a depression.
~By Karen Horney ~

I, like many members of my generation, was concerned with segregation and the repeated violation of civil rights.
~By Joseph E. Stiglitz ~

There was concern whether SCI FI would want the show back with all the recent changes. But now, the changes have made it feel fresh, like starting over.
~By Michael Shanks ~

The Left Elite only pretend to be concerned about what's best for everyone else because it is the most effective way to manipulate you and your children into their abyss.
~By Tammy Bruce ~

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
~By John Wooden ~

Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

It is only natural that for any statesman at the helm of any government the question of his country's security should be a concern of the utmost importance.
~By Eisaku Sato ~

I will not be concerned at other men's not knowing me;I will be concerned at my own want of ability.
~By Confucius ~

My only concern was to get home after a hard day's work.
~By Rosa Parks ~

OSHA had come in and looked at the channel 5 studios and it sort of had something to do with wrestling, but they found that there were some safety concerns that had to be addressed.
~By Jerry Lawler ~

One half of the world's people live on less than two dollars a day. This should concern our national security policy as well as our conscience.
~By Lee H. Hamilton ~

Cicero, in his treatise concerning the Nature of the Gods, having said that three Jupiters were enumerated by theologians, adds that the third was of Crete, the son of Saturn, and that his tomb is shown in that island.
~By Lactantius ~

Many of them are doing it because they are concerned about smart growth.
~By Lee Scott ~

So the Negro race has continued, and today is the day of the Negro as far as the world is concerned. They have influenced the generations of time; they have mixed their blood with many peoples, until there are many peoples not able to hold the priesthood.
~By Warren Jeffs ~

If bringing up the next generation is important, why aren't they the best qualified, the best paid? Why aren't we as concerned about their career progression as we are about those who work in the education or health services?
~By Estelle Morris ~

Secure our borders first. Let us know and let us make sure the American people know that we're taking care of the important business of dealing with the illegal immigration into this country. You cannot begin to address the concerns of the people who are already here unless and until you have made certain that no more are coming in behind them.
~By Michael Steele ~

In and after 1964 when I began to concern myself with the biological issues, and particularly from 1967 onwards, the extent of the problems over which I felt uneasy increased to such a point that in 1968 I felt a compelling urge to make my views public.
~By Andrei Sakharov ~

Of all actions of a man's life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life tis most meddled with by other people.
~By John Selden ~

I am primarily concerned with the condition of man.
~By Jack Levine ~

People were concerned about national security, and that precluded us from having the opportunity to break through on the issues that we cared most about - the economy, education and health care.
~By Tom Daschle ~

Towards my husband, I often fail to show interest in his affairs and amusements, not rousing myself to respond when I'm tired or concerned with other things, forgetting he is very patient with me.
~By Evelyn Underhill ~

In my experience victims are more concerned with helping their families understand that they are still connected to them. In some rare experiences information comes through that helps understand what happened.
~By John Edward ~

More and more do I see that only a successful revolution in India can break England's back forever and free Europe itself. It is not a national question concerning India any longer; it is purely international.
~By Agnes Smedley ~

Maybe the preoccupation with technological progress has overshadowed our concern with human progress.
~By Wynton Marsalis ~

It is a very real concern and my view is that everything changed on September 11th and the procedure, the policies that were in place prior to September 11th no longer should apply.
~By George Pataki ~

It is right that we be concerned with the scientific probity of metaphysics.
~By Gabriel Marcel ~

As far as the charge against me is concerned I have a clear conscience.
~By Wilhelm Frick ~

We in the West do not refrain from childbirth because we are concerned about the population explosion or because we feel we cannot afford children, but because we do not like children.
~By Germaine Greer ~

Physiology is concerned with all those phenomena of life that present them selves to us in sense perception as bodily processes, and accordingly form part of that total environment which we name the external world.
~By Wilhelm Wundt ~

Franklin Roosevelt was very concerned about environmental issues.
~By Gaylord Nelson ~

In the past, some of the songs that were the most fun, and the most entertaining and rocking, fell by the wayside because I was concerned with what I was going to say and how I was going to say it.
~By Bruce Springsteen ~

And as far as I'm concerned, it's like I say, drugs are not the problem. Other stuff is the problem.
~By Jerry Garcia ~

When my first child was born in 1962, I wrote a letter to my grandfather telling him how happy I was but how concerned; concerned because there were so many visions which were not very good.
~By Harri Holkeri ~

As far as hypnosis is concerned, I had a very serious problem when I was in my twenties. I encountered a man who later became the president of the American Society of Medical Hypnosis. He couldn't hypnotize me.
~By Theodore Sturgeon ~

However, the difficulties and pleasures of the writing itself are similar for a novel with a historical setting and a novel with a contemporary setting, as far as I'm concerned.
~By Helen Dunmore ~

In its most limited sense, modern, art would seem to concern itself only with the technical innovations of the period.
~By Edward Hopper ~

We were mainly concerned about nudity - how much could be shown in 1959 and how much would convey, without being gratuitous, the terror of being attacked naked and wet.
~By Joseph Stefano ~

It will be thought that I am acting strangely in concerning myself at this day with what appears at first sight and simply a well-known method of fortune-telling.
~By Arthur E. Waite ~

But so far as countries are concerned, I don't go to a place to see what's there, but who is there.
~By David McCallum ~

President Bush says he is concerned about the Iraqi people, but if Iraqi people are dying in numbers, then American policy will be challenged very strongly.
~By Peter Arnett ~

Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary.
~By Blaise Pascal ~

A social problem is one that concerns the way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate societies, even if those societies are side by side.
~By Pauline Hanson ~

The essence of statesmanship is not a rigid adherence to the past, but a prudent and probing concern for the future.
~By Hubert H. Humphrey ~

Even were sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing.
~By Homer ~

I believe that my art gets across the point that I'm in this morality theater trying to help the underdog, and I'm speaking socially here, showing concern and making psychological and philosophical statements for the underdog.
~By Jeff Koons ~

People who were more concerned with themselves and looking good to their readers then they were with the characters sacrificed a series for the sake of a story.
~By Len Wein ~

I suppose I had these concerns but I really felt that I had to keep my scope very, very concentrated.
~By Atom Egoyan ~

I am concerned because even in the past two years that were the jubilee years, I have seen evident signs which show that the people are still in great difficulties, and there are things that still need to be remedied and looked after in many areas.
~By Bhumibol Adulyadej ~

As far as I am concerned, the first episode of Buffy was the beginning of my career. It was the first time I told a story from start to finish the way I wanted.
~By Joss Whedon ~

Unfortunately, the true force which propels our endless political disputes, our constant struggles for political advantage, is often not our burning concern for democracy, it is often of our dedication to the principle of the rule of law.
~By Olusegun Obasanjo ~

In general, science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature, Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda.
~By Michael Pollan ~

Everybody on this floor wants to send the same loud and clear message: that Congress is united in its opposition to terror and we are all deeply concerned about the future and security of our close friend and ally, Israel.
~By Earl Blumenauer ~

I am grateful for - though I can't keep up with - the flood of articles, theses, and textbooks that mean to share insight concerning the nature of poetry.
~By A. R. Ammons ~

Television is not vulgar because people are vulgar; it is vulgar because people are similar in their prurient interests and sharply differentiated in their civilized concerns.
~By George Gilder ~

The right to private property meant at the same time the right and duty to be personally concerned about your own well-being, to be personally concerned about your family's income, to be personally concerned about your future. This is hard work.
~By Mikhail Khodorkovsky ~

My present work concerns the problems connected with the theory of elementary particles, the theory of gravitation and cosmology and I shall be glad if I can manage to make some contribution to these important branches of science.
~By Andrei Sakharov ~

What concerns me, is the general social tendency to enforce a level, above which nothing rises and stands out.
~By Dietrich Fischer Dieskau ~

As far as control and stuff is concerned, I never had any more in my life than for that All-Star game in 1934.
~By Carl Hubbell ~

I know no national boundary where the Negro is concerned. The whole world is my province until Africa is free.
~By Marcus Garvey ~

I'm very, very concerned about the Bush presidency. I'm worried about the kinds of cuts in domestic programs that mean something to a lot of people, including members of my family, who depend on certain things from the government.
~By Sarah Jessica Parker ~

The things that concern us during the day are going to influence what we experience during the night.
~By Henry Reed ~

You ask me if I will not be glad when the last battle is fought, so far as the country is concerned I, of course, must wish for peace, and will be glad when the war is ended, but if I answer for myself alone, I must say that I shall regret to see the war end.
~By George Armstrong Custer ~

Much has been said and continues to be said of what little concern the Turks had for the Acropolis treasures.
~By Melina Mercouri ~

When they are assailed by despair, young people should let universal concerns into their lives.
~By Abbe Pierre ~

I've learned, I think, to be able to distinguish between the necessary and the unnecessary as far as my limited outside time is concerned. Saying "no" politely is a necessity if one wants to lead any kind of stable life.
~By Richard Chamberlain ~

I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

Most Americans are more concerned about the economy and job creation. And they can't understand why the Obama administration or the Democrat majority in Congress wants to pass a bill like the cap-and-trade tax that will cost us jobs, that will hurt our economy, that will drive up costs for families, as well as for small businesses.
~By Haley Barbour ~

Major League Baseball has always recognized the influence that our stars can have on the youth of America. As such, we are concerned that recent revelations and allegations of steroid use have been sending a terrible message to young people.
~By Bud Selig ~

And, indeed, though they differ concerning other things, yet all agree in this: that they think there is one Supreme Being that made and governs the world, whom they call, in the language of their country, Mithras.
~By Thomas More ~

I just want to be told a story, and I want to believe I'm living that story, and I don't give a thought to influences or method or any other writerly concerns.
~By Anne Tyler ~

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July 27 ,2024
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