Connection Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Connection

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One must always maintain one's connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.
~By Gaston Bachelard ~

I can play a man who's despicable. But I'll still look inside him to find a point of connection. If I can find that kernel, audiences will relate to me.
~By Forest Whitaker ~

There's a connection between the advances that are made in technology and the sense of primitive fear people develop in response to it.
~By Don DeLillo ~

I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word "fair" in connection with income tax policies.
~By William F. Buckley, Jr. ~

Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family.
~By Joseph Brodsky ~

Yet in this global economy, no jobs are safe. High-speed Internet connections and low-cost, skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination.
~By Bob Taft ~

Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.
~By Yakov Smirnoff ~

I wonder what kind of lives they will have built for themselves when they turn 45 and can't really have any connection with people because they are so used to fleeting sexual.
~By Randy Harrison ~

I don't mind writing so I didn't find that difficult, it's just a question of finding the time to do it. I kind of like the direct connection with the fans actually, it's pretty neat.
~By David Cronenberg ~

Talking about the show reminds you of things that you went through. So it's fun. When the show was on, I couldn't have handled it. I didn't want that direct connection.
~By Colm Meaney ~

Burleigh, absolutely; and a lot about Elizabeth. I mean I found when I play Henry V a lot of connections with the hidden history of the connection between Francis Bacon and Elizabeth.
~By Mark Rylance ~

I couldn't get my album played over the so-called smooth jazz stations. Jazz stations would not play it. You don't always know who you're making that soul connection with.
~By Roy Ayers ~

Japanese traditional architecture is created based on these conditions. This is the reason you have a very high degree of connection between the outside and inside in architecture.
~By Tadao Ando ~

When someone has a strong intuitive connection, Buddhism suggests that it's because of karma, some past connection.
~By Richard Gere ~

Being around people with whom you feel a connection, on many levels, not just a professional one, is very relaxing. Your ears are more open to someone who is not a cantankerous bastard.
~By Jacqueline Bisset ~

In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace.
~By Wangari Maathai ~

I get excited about what the Holy Spirit is doing now through all the people he is refining and raising up all over this planet. I love connections and relationship and networking but it must be led by the Spirit.
~By Daniel Smith ~

But in the finished art of the song the use of words has no connection with the use of words in poetry.
~By John Drinkwater ~

All this technology for connection and what we really only know more about is how anonymous we are in the grand scheme of things.
~By Heather Donahue ~

I have walked around the same streets so many times, and then seen a place that had been hidden to me. I now know the sites in a way that makes me think I could have made better use of the connections between place and snowball.
~By Andy Goldsworthy ~

Narcissism and the Confederate dead cannot be connected logically, or even historically; even were the connection an historical fact, they would not stand connected as art, for no one experiences raw history.
~By Allen Tate ~

There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and religion.
~By Havelock Ellis ~

Writing fantasy lets me imagine a great deal more than, say, writing about alligators, and lets me write about places more distant than Florida, but I can tell you things about Florida and alligators, let you make the connection all on your own.
~By Terry Brooks ~

Families survive, one way or another. You have a tie, a connection that exists long after death, through many lifetimes.
~By Jessica Lange ~

But I do have a computer at home and a pretty good ISDN connection.
~By Jon Postel ~

We will have to give up the hope that, if we try hard, we somehow will always do right by our children. The connection is imperfect. We will sometimes do wrong.
~By Judith Viorst ~

Music is a lady that I still love because she gives me the air that I breathe. We need all sorts of nourishment. And music satisfies and nourishes the hunger within ourselves for connection and harmony.
~By Cat Stevens ~

Watching birds has become part of my daily meditation affirming my connection to the earth body.
~By Carol P. Christ ~

The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.
~By Barbara de Angelis ~

Until very recently men and women inhabited very separate spheres. There was always interconnection, passion, love. But men and women didn't hang out at the end of the day and chat about what their day was like at the office.
~By Anita Diament ~

If you look at my last songs and first short stories, there is a real connection between them.
~By Kazuo Ishiguro ~

Genius can probably run on ahead and seek out new ways. But the good artists who follow after genius - and I count myself among these - have to restore the lost connection once more.
~By Kathe Kollwitz ~

I think there's some connection between absolute discipline and absolute freedom.
~By Alan Rickman ~

I have a need to make these sorts of connections literal sometimes, and a vehicle often helps to do that. I have a relationship to car culture. It isn't really about loving cars. It's sort of about needing them.
~By Matthew Barney ~

My view was that the campaign had been a sacred thing, that it had been a real compact, because I was there and I saw the connection that Clinton made with people, and the connection that they made with him.
~By Paul Begala ~

When I accepted the commission, I had something of an epiphany in the research I did about the agency, actually the science of espionage. I realized there is a connection between the sciences and the invisible forces of man.
~By James Sanborn ~

I think these days an SF connection would be a boost to other books; I'm sure more people have read my two little detective puzzles because of the SF connection.
~By John Sladek ~

These sites have torn down the geographical divide that once prevented long distance social relationships from forming, allowing instant communication and connections to take place and a virtual second life to take hold for its users.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

I wanted to make connections between Whale's past and present.
~By Bill Condon ~

My connection with the Reich Ministers was of a purely official nature and was very infrequent.
~By Fritz Sauckel ~

No connection between Iraq and the 9/11 catastrophe.
~By Richard Ben Veniste ~

Thankfully, it became clear to me that when I compete, I lose my connection to the passion I have for my work.
~By Olympia Dukakis ~

History creates comprehensibility primarily by arranging facts meaningfully and only in a very limited sense by establishing strict causal connections.
~By Johan Huizinga ~

The close relationship between railroad expansion and the genera development and prosperity of the country is nowhere brought more distinctly into relief than in connection with the construction of the Pacific railroads.
~By John Moody ~

What I needed was a connection to life that was real and lasting.
~By Claire Danes ~

My dad taught me from my youngest childhood memories through these connections with Aboriginal and tribal people that you must always protect people's sacred status, regardless of the pest.
~By Steve Irwin ~

The best part about being a stand-up is the connection with the audience. There's nothing more gratifying then when you can make 300 people applaud and stand up - because that's all you.
~By Aries Spears ~

My own personal connection with God was not in a religious sense, so I wasn't really thinking in that way when I got the role and when I started doing it.
~By Amber Tamblyn ~

As attorney general, I've had some connection with just about every important public issue in the last eight years in Kentucky. All of the important public issues of the day have, at some point.
~By Ben Chandler ~

Since far fewer people are recruited to serve in a voluntary military, the connection between America and its military is increasingly tenuous and less personal.
~By John McHugh ~

In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.
~By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~

In The Name of the King is the right title. To be honest, I don't know who had the final idea for the title but I liked it and it has a strong connection to the movie's story.
~By Uwe Boll ~

It's strange that the newspapers don't see a connection between their false revelations about my private life and my need for seclusion and security.
~By Agnetha Faltskog ~

So, the point was to be able to have a medium that would record all the connections and all the structures and all the thoughts that paper could not. Since the computer could hold any structure in any form, this was the way to go.
~By Ted Nelson ~

Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious, and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together.
~By Anais Nin ~

Skype is for any individual who has a broadband Internet connection.
~By Niklas Zennstrom ~

The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.
~By Adrienne Rich ~

My object will be, first, to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.
~By George Cuvier ~

More immediately, I'm currently working on another Dracula in which there will be connections with ancient Egypt. That's about as far as I want to go in commenting on current work.
~By Fred Saberhagen ~

But what Web services suggest is that the connection is always there between an application that is resident somewhere in the cloud, and a user who is somewhere on the other end of a connection.
~By John W. Thompson ~

I just feel a connection with Marilyn Monroe. I just love her. I just completely feel what she went through.
~By Anna Nicole Smith ~

The goal of the EU is to form a region of freedom, security and justice. Freedom in this connection cannot be just the freedom of the strong, but it must be combined with fraternity and equality.
~By Tarja Halonen ~

My favorite albumn ever is Jeff Buckley's GRACE. I feel a weird unexplainable connection to him.
~By Rachel Bilson ~

When I severe my connections with the A.I.A. I do so with my own self respect, as a matter of pride and I am sure within your knowledge of my character.
~By Ralph Thomas Walker ~

I think we are bound to, and by, nature. We may want to deny this connection and try to believe we control the external world, but every time there's a snowstorm or drought, we know our fate is tied to the world around us.
~By Alice Hoffman ~

If you see something that you feel is familiar it gives you an important kind of emotional connection.
~By Marc Newson ~

All those trucks and barges that carry our goods to port are vital connections to the only force which can balance our trade deficit: export. We must keep doing what we do best if we are going to get America out of the red.
~By Jo Ann Emerson ~

I think the industry finally gets it. They've lost the connection with the American public, and they've got to rebuild the trust with the American public.
~By Billy Tauzin ~

The biggest compliment to me is that guys really approach me and they have a connection with me, so there must be something I'm doing that is authentic, otherwise they wouldn't connect with me so strongly. It's a real compliment.
~By Jeremy Piven ~

In horror, character development is often pushed aside in favor of the shock value. The best genre movies to me are movies like The Shining. You had a connection to the characters in that film.
~By Joshua Leonard ~

When we compile a petition, we often have members go to their representative's or Senator's offices and deliver it in person. This way they can experience a real connection with the staff.
~By Joan Blades ~

And I don't want to begin something, I don't want to write that first sentence until all the important connections in the novel are known to me. As if the story has already taken place, and it's my responsibility to put it in the right order to tell it to you.
~By John Irving ~

We certainly cannot have any further political connection with the Whigs of the South; they have rendered such connection impossible. An impassable gulf separates us, and must here-after separate us.
~By Benjamin F. Wade ~

The details are details. They make the product. The connections, the connections, the connections. It will in the end be these details that give the product its life.
~By Charles Eames ~

I've never had any feeling of disconnection between the classical theater, or the contemporary theater, or musical theater, or the thing that we call opera.
~By Trevor Nunn ~

Loneliness is proof that your innate search for connection is intact.
~By Martha Beck ~

The financial history of the Baltimore and Ohio since the close of the nineteenth century is interesting chiefly in connection with changes in the control of the property.
~By John Moody ~

Some broad themes brought me where I am today. At a very young age, my hobby became thinking and finding connections.
~By Dean Kamen ~

But I am just as appalled that my experience, knowledge, dedication and service relative to defending the United States against biological warfare has been turned against me in connection with the search for the anthrax killer.
~By Steven Hatfill ~

Beneath words and logic are emotional connections that largely direct how we use our words and logic.
~By Jane Roberts ~

When you feel a connection, a gut connection, a heart connection, it's a very special thing. What's familiar to everyone is watching people falling in love; it doesn't happen on screen that often. People fall in lust, then they're suddenly together.
~By Alfre Woodard ~

I didn't have a lot of independent film connections. It really took until the digital film revolution came along that I realized that I could do it myself.
~By Harry Shearer ~

It's too simplistic to advance the notion of the autonomy of art as a reason for turning away from the public. You can have autonomy and simultaneously have connections with the social and political world.
~By Thom Mayne ~

Some of them profess to be well acquainted with all the principal waters of the Columbia, with which they assured me these waters had no connection short of the ocean.
~By William Henry Ashley ~

The first thing I do when I read a part is see if I can identify emotionally with a character. If I make that connection, everything else is just working on knowing their life circumstances and manifesting those through practice and research.
~By Joshua Leonard ~

The connection which formerly existed between the Government and banks was in reality injurious to both, as well as to the general interests of the community at large.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

I am very averse to bringing myself forward in print, but as my account will only appear as an appendage to a former production, and as it will be confined to such topics as have connection with my authorship alone, I can hardly accuse myself of a personal intrusion.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ~

In the different voice of women lies the truth of an ethic of care, the tie between relationship and responsibility, and the origins of aggression in the failure of connection.
~By Carol Gilligan ~

The mystery of existence is the connection between our faults and our misfortunes.
~By Madame de Stael ~

Consciousness is a phase of mental life which arises in connection with the formation of new habits. When habit is formed, consciousness only interferes to spoil our performance.
~By William Ralph Inge ~

But I can tell you that the issue, on one side, boils down to money - a lot of money. And it boils down to people and their connections with this money, and that's the portion that, even with this book, has not been mentioned to this day.
~By Sibel Edmonds ~

Growing up human is uniquely a matter of social relations rather than biology. What we learn from connections within the family takes the place of instincts that program the behavior of animals; which raises the question, how good are these connections?
~By Elizabeth Janeway ~

Meanwhile the fact that the connection with the activity of memory in ordinary life is for the moment lost is of less importance than the reverse, namely, that this connection with the complications and fluctuations of life is necessarily still a too close one.
~By Hermann Ebbinghaus ~

The connection between dress and war is not far to seek; your finest clothes are those you wear as soldiers.
~By Virginia Woolf ~

Intuition makes much of it; I mean by this the faculty of seeing a connection between things that in appearance are completely different; it does not fail to lead us astray quite often.
~By Andre Weil ~

Without solid connections between homicides, we may have the reverse problem of believing three local murders are the work of one serial killer when they may actually be the work of three!
~By Pat Brown ~

The Connection Machines owned by the United States government laboratories were made available to me because they were considered impossible to program and there was no great demand for them at that time.
~By Philip Emeagwali ~

I think what we ought to be focusing on is that we are on path for the release of 75,000 pages of documents in connection with John Roberts' work in the White House, as in the counselor's office and as his time working as an assistant in the office of the attorney general.
~By Alberto Gonzales ~

We made connections between the monsters created by war and the monsters he created, the typical outcast that Whale was attracted to, and the monster in himself, that's inside all of us.
~By Bill Condon ~

And, in fact, there is a connection, the people who designed this here program and who implement it are the same people who are overseeing and helping in the interrogations of detainees in places like Guantanamo.
~By Jane Mayer ~

Read This: Individualism Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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