Creation Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Creation

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The biggest emotion in creation is the bridge to optimism.
~By Brian May ~

We cannot and will not ban the creation of violent video games. But, we can prevent the distribution of these disturbing games to children, where their effects can be negative.
~By Herb Kohl ~

The Preparatory Commission held a total of four sessions, the last of which took place just under two years after its creation, from 31 January to 14 February 1967.
~By Alfonso G. Robles ~

If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf.
~By Bob Hope ~

Choosing what you want to do, and when to do it, is an act of creation.
~By Peter McWilliams ~

The fact is, that with the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Jews fled Arab countries, almost all of whom left behind all their property for which compensation was never paid.
~By Meir Kahane ~

With 1.7 million private sector jobs lost and half a million jobs shipped overseas over the past three years, we must take action to spur job creation and restore economic prosperity.
~By Nick Lampson ~

Jehovah created the earth and therefore it is his by right of creation.
~By Joseph Franklin Rutherford ~

Since creation of the E.U. a half century ago, Europe has enjoyed the longest period of peace in its history.
~By John Bruton ~

Books choose their authors; the act of creation is not entirely a rational and conscious one.
~By Salman Rushdie ~

The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation; but very different are the aspects which it bears to them.
~By Albert Pike ~

Music is the harmonious voice of creation; an echo of the invisible world.
~By Giuseppe Mazzini ~

And I have to credit David Jacobs with the opportunities he gave me. He was totally into sharing the creation of characters. David put together a show that told the story of people over many years' time and that was greatly enjoyable. Though nowadays that is frowned upon.
~By William Devane ~

One of the things that people don't realize is that that natural beauty, those recreational forests, they have an economic development impact for the state as well.
~By Ed Rendell ~

Your own need to be shines out of any dream or creation you imagine.
~By James Earl Jones ~

A Truth is the subjective development of that which is at once both new and universal. New: that which is unforeseen by the order of creation. Universal: that which can interest, rightly, every human individual, according to his pure humanity.
~By Alain Badiou ~

But in its final creation it was not the part of the Father's power to fail as though exhausted. It was not the part of His wisdom to waver in a needful matter through poverty of counsel.
~By Giovanni Pico della Mirandola ~

I make appearance at local park and recreation agencies when the program starts, when they have the qualifying meets at the local levels. Then I try to go to the regional competitions, and of course I'm there in Hershey, Pa., in August for the North American final.
~By Rafer Johnson ~

As you see, I do not treat the creation of fiction, that to say the invention and development of fantasies, as a form of abstract thought. I dont wish to deny the uses of the intellect, but sometimes one has the intuition that the intellect by itself will lead one nowhere.
~By J. M. Coetzee ~

The opposite of war is not peace, it's creation.
~By Jonathan Larson ~

Most men love money and security more, and creation and construction less, as they get older.
~By John Maynard Keynes ~

Drugs shouldn't be used for recreation although they can be, but ultimately the point of psychedelics is to put you in touch with the powers of the universe.
~By Ray Manzarek ~

Recent economic data shows that our economy is robust, growing and headed in the right direction. The numbers don't lie. Americans are currently enjoying falling gas prices, low unemployment, increased job creation, and a stock market that has reached an all-time high.
~By J. D. Hayworth ~

Exchange is creation.
~By Muriel Rukeyser ~

I also think we need to maintain distinctions - the doctrine of creation is different from a scientific cosmology, and we should resist the temptation, which sometimes scientists give in to, to try to assimilate the concepts of theology to the concepts of science.
~By John Polkinghorne ~

There is a divine moment in our lives when we all become one. It's called procreation, and it is reborn, continually and forever.
~By Dirk Benedict ~

North Carolina's approach in crafting its law ensured the creation of the best possible law and, consequently, North Carolina is now the acknowledged leader in addressing predatory lending.
~By Mel Watt ~

Like everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion but the creation of time and will, any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting than any romance, however passionate.
~By W. H. Auden ~

Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it becomes creation.
~By Bette Davis ~

You love all your characters, even the ridiculous ones. You have to on some level; they're your weird creations in some kind of way. I don't even know how you approach the process of conceiving the characters if in a sense you hated them. It's just absurd.
~By Joel Coen ~

The fact that biological, or "natural" rules might help in the creation of a computer generated work of art is interesting, but even a wonderful work of art made in this fashion isn't the same as a person, with all his or her experiences and emotions involved, making art.
~By Steven Levy ~

Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.
~By Ashley Montagu ~

But time is yet another of God's creations, and as such, it has a life of its own.
~By Menachem Mendel Schneerson ~

Creation is not taking place now, so far as can be observed. Therefore, it was accomplished sometime in the past, if at all, and thus is inaccessible to the scientific method.
~By Henry M. Morris ~

The Biblical world view sees Earth and its ecosystems as the effect of a wise God's creation and... therefore robust, resilient, and self-regulating, like the product of any good engineer.
~By Christopher Monckton ~

Our bodies are shaped to bear children, and our lives are a working out of the processes of creation. All our ambitions and intelligence are beside that great elemental point.
~By Saint Augustine ~

Creation is a drug I can't do without.
~By Cecil B. DeMille ~

Outsourcing and globalization of manufacturing allows companies to reduce costs, benefits consumers with lower cost goods and services, causes economic expansion that reduces unemployment, and increases productivity and job creation.
~By Larry Elder ~

Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. Temperance is wickedness.
~By Stephen Fry ~

The way to activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you activate vast human energies and resources, which otherwise go untapped.
~By Robert Fritz ~

In each individual the spirit is made flesh, in each one the whole of creation suffers, in each one a Savior is crucified.
~By Hermann Hesse ~

Prayer holds together the shattered fragments of the creation. It makes history possible.
~By Jacques Ellul ~

Every person is the creation of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing. As individuals think and believe, so they are.
~By Claude M. Bristol ~

The need for this clinic is clear to me, to the veterans who are currently forced to travel hours to receive care, and even to the Veterans Administration that itself identified creation of a clinic in this part of our state as a priority to be completed by 2006.
~By Doc Hastings ~

I criticize by creation - not by finding fault.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

History is a vision of God's creation on the move.
~By Arnold J. Toynbee ~

A part of sexuality may go to research, and a much larger part must lead to aesthetic creation. The art of the future will, because of the very opportunities and materials it will have at its command, need an infinitely stronger formative impulse than it does now.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
~By Carl Jung ~

God's reasons for communicating with man must be subsumed under his reason for communicating to him his account of his creation of the world - and man.
~By Leo Strauss ~

It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation.
~By Earle Brown ~

Our dreams are firsthand creations, rather than residues of waking life. We have the capacity for infinite creativity; at least while dreaming, we partake of the power of the Spirit, the infinite Godhead that creates the cosmos.
~By Jackie Gleason ~

Three years ago the Government announced the creation of Reconciliation Place, and said that it would include a memorial to those removed from their families. However, they refused to include any of those who were removed in the design of their own memorial.
~By Malcolm Fraser ~

I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.
~By Nikola Tesla ~

Desire is creation, is the magical element in that process. If there were an instrument by which to measure desire, one could foretell achievement.
~By Willa Cather ~

Our fish, our recreation, our irrigation and all our uses of the Missouri River are threatened if the drought continues and the Corps of Engineers decisions aren't changed.
~By Mike Rounds ~

Among the many important provisions in the energy bill are the creation of an estimated half million new jobs, increased oil production, blackout protection, controlling fertilizer costs by stabilizing natural gas prices and enacting new efficiency benchmarks.
~By Paul Gillmor ~

I think men are a beautiful creation.
~By Krista Allen ~

The first thing is, jazz is one of the few things to let you know that there is a God and there is a creation.
~By Billy Higgins ~

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

Creation implies authority in the sense of originator. The possibility of a 'Fall' is implied in a Covenant insofar as the idea of a Covenant implies the possibility of its being violated.
~By Kenneth Burke ~

If you look at the publishers I've worked with, generally, they're a great bunch. Creation is unlike any other publishing house you can think of. The people I've worked with have integrity and intelligence and, almost always, less money than ideas.
~By Peter Sotos ~

From the intrinsic evidence of his creation, the Great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician.
~By James Jeans ~

He brought imagination to the story of the Creation.
~By Harvey Keitel ~

Continuing a Lenten series on prayer: Prayer is co-operation with God. It is the purest exercise of the faculties God has given us - an exercise that links these faculties with the Maker to work out the intentions He had in mind in their creation.
~By E. Stanley Jones ~

"Work and wait", "work and wait" is what God says to us in creation.
~By J. G. Holland ~

In short, the proposition that God was in any way involved in our creation is effectively outlawed, and implicitly negated.
~By Phillip E. Johnson ~

Because now it's the fans out there that are entertaining us, the developers, with their creations!
~By Will Wright ~

The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom.
~By Paramahansa Yogananda ~

There are also scientific problems with the concept that each of the creation days was a long period of time.
~By Walter Lang ~

And there should not be a limit on the creation of new public schools. We ought to expand choices for parents.
~By John Engler ~

The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.
~By Leo Burnett ~

The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.
~By James A. Baldwin ~

In the most important sense a creationist is a person who believes in creation, and that includes people who believe that Genesis is a myth and that creation involved a process called evolution and consumed billions of years.
~By Phillip E. Johnson ~

I'm not so sure that younger people today really appreciate the enormous bravery that went into the creation and production of that film, or how important a film at the time it really was.
~By Rod Steiger ~

The thing I don't understand is why so often one hears discussion of the fruits of human labor as if it's all the creation of some alien race.
~By Chris Ware ~

The creation of a world view is the work of a generation rather than of an individual, but we each of us, for better or for worse, add our brick to the edifice.
~By John Dos Passos ~

While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.
~By Barney Frank ~

A common creation demands a common sacrifice, and perhaps not the least potent argument in favour of a constructed international language is the fact that it is equally foreign, or apparently so, to the traditions of all nationalities.
~By Edward Sapir ~

Of course, I have Gene Roddenberry to thank for the creation of Barclay.
~By Dwight Schultz ~

Most Americans are more concerned about the economy and job creation. And they can't understand why the Obama administration or the Democrat majority in Congress wants to pass a bill like the cap-and-trade tax that will cost us jobs, that will hurt our economy, that will drive up costs for families, as well as for small businesses.
~By Haley Barbour ~

Her hat is a creation that will never go out of style; it will just look ridiculous year after year.
~By Fred Allen ~

The capacity to be puzzled is the premise of all creation, be it in art or in science.
~By Erich Fromm ~

Some people make sharp distinctions sort of between their recreational musings and their professional work. I don't make that distinction very much.
~By Whitfield Diffie ~

There is but little room for doubt that Egypt led the way in the creation of the earliest known group of civilizations which arose on both sides of the land bridge between Africa and Eurasia in the fourth millennium B.C.
~By James H. Breasted ~

The Bible is the only credible guide either as to the real relationship between man and the earth and the great Creator of both or concerning the purpose of the creation of both.
~By Joseph Franklin Rutherford ~

Keeping our eyes on journey's end is what we need - the place where we see at last the world that is greater than the world, the new creation that cannot be contained in present thought or social order or piety.
~By Rowan D. Williams ~

Whoever has the luck to be born a character can laugh even at death. Because a character will never die! A man will die, a writer, the instrument of creation: but what he has created will never die!
~By Luigi Pirandello ~

The world's creation has a beginning from the world's point of view, not from God's.
~By Rowan D. Williams ~

Only the most acute and active animals are capable of boredom. - A theme for a great poet would be God's boredom on the seventh day of creation.
~By Lewis Cass ~

It was around the summer of 1982 when the drug problem really impacted. It became a lifestyle rather than a recreation. When you start lying and stealing, you cannot con yourself you're in control any more.
~By Irvine Welsh ~

If God gave the soul his whole creation she would not be filled thereby but only with himself.
~By Meister Eckhart ~

It would be fun to have someone in the White House who has worked in the private sector... and someone who understands that wealth creation is a good thing and they want more of it. Wealth is good.
~By Michele Bachmann ~

Finally, the ecological health of the Mississippi River and its economic importance to the many people that make their living or seek their recreation is based on a healthy river system.
~By Ron Kind ~

Music is one of those things that is constantly going in my head all the time. It's sort of like the evolution and creation of doing food, or my philosophy about wine. It's always beating in my head, so it keeps the spirit moving.
~By Emeril Lagasse ~

We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form.
~By William Ralph Inge ~

Even though the vast majority of my work was outside television, the amount of creation and inventing that went into the TV shows was non stop and, unknown to me, a great strain.
~By Paul Daniels ~

Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath.
~By Emily Dickinson ~

I'm more of like a recreational surfer, not a consist surfer. Some people get out every week or every day.
~By Marguerite Moreau ~

However, as the Eastern churches have always maintained, through Christ creation is intended eventually to share in the life of God, the life of divine nature.
~By John Polkinghorne ~

Beauty, the eternal Spouse of the Wisdom of God and Angel of his Presence thru' all creation.
~By Robert Bridges ~

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July 26 ,2024
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