Dancing Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Dancing

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Trying to describe something musical is like dancing to architecture, it's really difficult.
~By Robert Palmer ~

I think English people were a lot better at breakdancing than they were at making records.
~By Norman Cook ~

You get a show where people are jumping up and dancing, but it's not a critical event in the sense of profound catharsis. Essentially it's celebratory.
~By Archie Shepp ~

I think probably the only thing that is around in these songs is that I was really lonely when I wrote a lot of them. But it was really by my own choosing because I was devoting myself to songwriting and dancing and I wasn't really going out and seeing people.
~By Kate Bush ~

Dancing with Kate Beckinsale made me very excited.
~By Richard Roxburgh ~

So dancing was not something I had a great desire to do.
~By Suzanne Farrell ~

I was always singing and dancing for my mother when I wasn't glued to the television watching I Love Lucy or the Carol Burnett Show.
~By Debra Messing ~

In spite of the Depression, or maybe because of it, folks were hungry for a good time, and an evening of dancing seemed a good way to have it.
~By Lawrence Welk ~

Dancing on 'Dancing With The Stars' really broadened my fan base. I jumped off the stage backwards one week, and so many women come up to me now and say, 'You're so brave. I can't believe you put yourself out there like that'. If that inspires some girl out there, then great, because boys aren't the only ones who get to have fun. We get to have fun too.
~By Monique Coleman ~

There's no dancing girls. We're kinda like secondary to the thing. It's a story about these two guys that are in love with this one girl and how it unfolds and what happens.
~By Eric Carr ~

We were doing the dance routine and I dislocated my knee. I've been doing stunts for a long time and it's kind of weird that I'd dislocate my knee just dancing.
~By Verne Troyer ~

You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

I was out dancing with one actress or another. And that got press. Even when it didn't, the whole town knew I was a dancing fool, and since I couldn't very well dance with a man, they saw me dancing with a lady, and they assumed the rest.
~By Cesar Romero ~

All the gestures of children are graceful; the reign of distortion and unnatural attitudes commences with the introduction of the dancing master.
~By Joshua Reynolds ~

Mathematics was hard, dull work. Geography pleased me more. For dancing I was quite enthusiastic.
~By John James Audubon ~

Dancing is the poetry of the foot.
~By John Dryden ~

I grew up being into sports and I wasn't trained to move my body in the right way for dancing. I'm the last one to get any moves correct. In rehearsals it's always, 'OK, one more take for Zac.'
~By Zac Efron ~

Every act I see, their whole act is choreographed. I'm sick of seeing these dancers. The only reason they have them is they don't have enough talent to get people dancing themselves.
~By Ronnie Spector ~

We get these overzealous young men and their girlfriends. It's happened occasionally where one of them will lean up against the front of the stage and the guy is behind her, and it starts off as just dancing and then it gets into something more.
~By Chris Frantz ~

All those years of skating and dancing have carried over. I can't design anything without thinking of how a woman's body will look and move when she's wearing it.
~By Vera Wang ~

I had certain physical limitations that made me change the choreography for myself or made me more interested in choreography only rather than dancing. I have never been a person who wanted to just dance. I have always been interested in developing for other people.
~By Katherine Dunham ~

Well, I was going to school in Germany. And in my free time I was dancing.
~By Heidi Klum ~

Dancing is a tough career, but I'm glad I spent it at the Royal Ballet.
~By Deborah Bull ~

I could work out a lot of my emotions by going to class and dancing.
~By Suzanne Farrell ~

One of the few things in dance to match the Royal Ballet's curtain calls is the Royal Ballet's dancing.
~By Clive Barnes ~

Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.
~By Matt Groening ~

Exactly the same with dancing, you can't dance until you've learnt steps, the things your feet can do.
~By Ninette de Valois ~

I sat in at every club in New York City, jamming with musicians, because it felt right - and because it felt right and we were having fun - the people dancing and sipping their drinks in the clubs felt it too and it made them smile.
~By Ray Conniff ~

In my 50s I'll be dancing at my children's weddings.
~By Michael J. Fox ~

My grandmother had a Miss Margaret's School of Dance to teach tap and ballet to kids, but I never studied it. I was raised a Mormon and they're dancing fools. It's the only vice they have - dancing.
~By Michelle Shocked ~

I remember going for the first time to a place called The Roxy in New York because you can see people breakdancing there. That's the only reason I went! It's amazing, kids are still doing that.
~By Chris Frantz ~

We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. One becomes in some area an athlete of God.
~By Martha Graham ~

Every band had their own distinctive sound, but it was pretty much dancing music and rhythmic music with a tremendous emphasis on copying the Cuban models.
~By Ruben Blades ~

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
~By William James ~

And we had a DJ - my childhood friend from Chicago came to be the DJ at our party out in LA. It was a party, rockin' and rolling, and it was dancing and fun. For me it was different; just to have family with us.
~By Jami Gertz ~

We didn't have movies in this little mining town. When I was 12 my mom took me to New York and I saw Bye Bye Birdie, with people singing and dancing, and that was it.
~By Margot Kidder ~

In dancing with the enemy one follows his steps even if counting under one's breath.
~By Breyten Breytenbach ~

I adore dancing.
~By Vivien Leigh ~

What in heaven's name is strange about a grandmother dancing nude? I'll bet lots of grandmothers do it.
~By Sally Rand ~

Oh, well, my first love is comedy or singing and dancing.
~By Dick Van Dyke ~

Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time.
~By Miguel Angel Ruiz ~

When we did Top of the Pops for the third time, we decided to do it as a television program here called Come Dancing, which is not as rude as it sounds.
~By Neil Innes ~

So many dancers paint. I used to paint. I started again recently. While I was dancing, I was very busy with my career. Start something else that makes use of your creative ability because if you don't you will die inside as a person.
~By Katherine Dunham ~

Dancing came easy to me.
~By Hedda Hopper ~

Aerobic dancing is already adjusting to injury problems and will probably phase out to some extent.
~By Kenneth H. Cooper ~

The art of dancing stands at the source of all the arts that express themselves first in the human person. The art of building, or architecture, is the beginning of all the arts that lie outside the person; and in the end they unite.
~By Henry Ellis ~

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

When you're dancing, you're dancing for people to see.
~By Pharrell Williams ~

Around 7 years old, we girls took dancing lessons, joined the Brownies, the Girl Scouts, the 4H Club.
~By Ruth Buzzi ~

The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music, and it has the additional merit of being human and palpable. Dancing is poetry with arms and legs.
~By Charles Baudelaire ~

I have no desire to prove anything by dancing. I have never used it as an outlet or a means of expressing myself. I just dance. I just put my feet in the air and move them around.
~By Fred Astaire ~

I did not stop dancing; I did take two years off to get myself together.
~By Vanessa Carlton ~

When I owned the theater, I had the Glen Miller Orchestra. I had 20 girls singing and dancing. I had a cast of characters. It was a big group production, as well as ushers, ticket takers.
~By Bobby Vinton ~

I used to a lot. I used to go dancing.
~By Parker Stevenson ~

There is pain and sacrifice in everyone's world. That's why, when I was dancing, I had no pain.
~By Suzanne Farrell ~

When people start dancing, they dance like they don't know they are doing it.
~By Nusrat F. A. Khan ~

At male strip shows, it is still the women that we watch, the audience of women and their eager faces. They are more obscene than if they were dancing naked themselves.
~By Jean Baudrillard ~

Dance is bigger than the physical body. When you extend your arm, it doesn't stop at the end of your fingers, because you're dancing bigger than that; you're dancing spirit.
~By Judith Jamison ~

The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing.
~By Doris Humphrey ~

I am taking belly dancing now. My hips are double-jointed, so I can do it really easily.
~By Alexa Vega ~

And I just thought, this is what I want to be. And I knew that dancing would be my chosen profession.
~By Suzanne Farrell ~

Once I started dancing, I was not the spoiled brat or the rebellious child that I was as a child.
~By Suzanne Farrell ~

Dancing begets warmth, which is the parent of wantonness.
~By Henry Fielding ~

Part of the joy of dancing is conversation. Trouble is, some men can't talk and dance at the same time.
~By Ginger Rogers ~

I started formal piano training when I was 4. From there I had little violas, and I had dancing lessons of every sort and description, and painting lessons. I had German. And shorthand.
~By Twyla Tharp ~

It was always acting, singing and dancing that I loved.
~By Linda Lavin ~

The interesting thing is that I found scenes which I put together which could appeal to almost every woman, or apply to almost every woman after the war. Falling in love, dancing, marrying.
~By Maximilian Schell ~

I would have to challenge the term, modern dance. I don't really use that term in relation to my work. I simply think of it as dancing. I think of it as moving.
~By Twyla Tharp ~

Ever since I was a little kid, whenever my parents would have company over, I would put on shows, whether they would be magic shows, singing shows, dancing shows, little skits.
~By Ellen Muth ~

They who love dancing too much seem to have more brains in their feet than in their head.
~By Terence ~

It's another myth that dancing distorts or destroys your feet. If you have the right shaped foot to start and a good, strong technique, your feet should be fine.
~By Deborah Bull ~

One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

I'd love to do a musical. I've been known to have a good step or two. I'm half Samoan, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing daily.
~By Dwayne Johnson ~

Their way of Dancing, is nothing but a sort of stamping Motion, much like the treading upon Founders Bellows.
~By John Lawson ~

There was just this amazing individuality. It's just a whole different world of optimism and fearlessness, women taking off their bras and dancing around naked, and a political hopefulness and involvement.
~By Jill Clayburgh ~

Dancing was always part of my culture growing up in Barbados. When I shot my 1st video I worked really hard with my choreographer to perfect the routines.
~By Rihanna ~

I got too fed up with films that didn't make you think. I liked the idea of one that you'd have to be dancing around with. I like my mind to be engaged when I watch a film.
~By Guy Ritchie ~

A woodland in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least, but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart.
~By Hal Borland ~

I was really into dancing, taking six classes a week, and my real dream was to be in a Broadway show.
~By Natalie Portman ~

I think it would be stupid for us to try and tell people who are dancing in a discotheque about the problems of the world. That is the very thing they have come away to avoid.
~By Giorgio Moroder ~

The first Matrix genius, the second one, what's up with the dancing? I haven't even seen the third one.
~By Ethan Embry ~

My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months.
~By Ginger Rogers ~

Dancing is my number one love. That was my first goal as a child. I would love to do stage, maybe do Chicago. I love being in front of an audience. It's so stimulating. I also love to barbecue.
~By Carmen Electra ~

As an actor, I've grown considerably. It's taken me years to get comfortable doing a romantic scene and dancing on stage in front of a live audience. I've really opened up a lot.
~By Sanjay Dutt ~

I avoid talking before the youth of the age as I would dancing before them: for if one's tongue don't move in the steps of the day, and thinks to please by its old graces, it is only an object of ridicule.
~By Horace Walpole ~

One out of forty American men wears women's clothing. We've had more than forty presidents. One of these guys has been dancing around the Oval Office in a prom dress.
~By Allison Janney ~

I'm not out there just to be dancing around. I expect to win every time I tee up.
~By Lee Trevino ~

Finally, you get the job, and you think you'll be dancing on the ceiling, but I just wanted to go take a nap. It was just like a weight had been lifted off or something.
~By Josh Duhamel ~

On my fifth film, it was then that I stopped dancing.
~By Victoria Abril ~

I have lots of interests, but it's true that dancing is a very full-time job.
~By Deborah Bull ~

My grandfather gave me my first guitar, an old acoustic with palm trees and dancing girls painted on it.
~By Dan Fogelberg ~

I could name a few songs and say exactly what summer they came out and what boy I thought I was in love with when I was fourteen years old, but I think that music used to be really more a part of the culture when people went out dancing in a different way than they do now.
~By Ann Beattie ~

I did my homework and didn't go out much, and had a very highly developed kitsch fantasy life where I dreamed of being a dancing girl.
~By Emily Mortimer ~

And, of course, they've always condemned dancing. You know, you might touch a member of the opposite sex. And you might get excited and you might do something natural.
~By Frank McCourt ~

I'm working toward a CD that will have all of you dancing like crazy.
~By Paula Abdul ~

If you look at my eyes when I'm dancing, you'll see that glazed look.
~By Ben Stiller ~

I don't remember not dancing. When I realized I was alive and these were my parents, and I could walk and talk, I could dance.
~By Gregory Hines ~

I get amazed, I can't look at it but about 10 seconds, at these politicians dancing around this, dancing around this, I'm trying to find a correct name for it, this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men.
~By Jimmy Swaggart ~

You can't fool television viewers with dancing girls and flashing lights.
~By Bob Barker ~

Well, number one I like dancing. Number two I knew it would be challenging because I had never done this type of dance before. I always wanted to and I happened to have the courage to go out there and give it my best shot.
~By Evander Holyfield ~

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July 27 ,2024
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