Decision Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Decision

Read This: Accuracy Quotes And Sayings

Liberalism does not preclude an organisation of the flow of money in which some channels are used in decision making while others are only good for the payment of debts.
~By Jean-Francois Lyotard ~

When a decision is made to go to war based on intelligence, it is a fateful decision. It has ramifications and impacts way beyond the current months and years.
~By Carl Levin ~

If you make the unconditional commitment to reach your most important goals, if the strength of your decision is sufficient, you will find the way and the power to achieve your goals.
~By Robert Conklin ~

We just ask the agency to make reasonable and honest decisions, and the public deserves no less.
~By Fred Thompson ~

The two important things I did learn were that you are as powerful and strong as you allow yourself to be, and that the most difficult part of any endeavor is taking the first step, making the first decision.
~By Robyn Davidson ~

We Finns represent a very transparent and open-minded way of reaching political decisions.
~By Harri Holkeri ~

When people are afraid, they make emotional decisions.
~By John Mellencamp ~

The film director, in many instances, has to swallow somebody else's decision about the final form of something. It's so hard as to be intolerable.
~By Trevor Nunn ~

The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision will be whether we ration care with our eyes open.
~By Donald Berwick ~

While Mayor Daley surprised me today with his decision to not run for reelection, I have never been surprised by his leadership, dedication and tireless work on behalf of the city and the people of Chicago.
~By Rahm Emanuel ~

We need to be calling out the flaws and misguided decisions of the Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration.
~By Timothy Pawlenty ~

When business executives are making the artistic decisions and don't understand animation, things can go awry.
~By Don Bluth ~

Working together during the past three years, we have confounded the skeptics and the cynics. We've shown that here in Virginia, Democrats and Republicans can come together, put politics aside, and make tough decisions when times demand it.
~By Mark Warner ~

I think that the U.S. does have this very much more open attitude, and I admire it very much and I think it's very important to the world. But the information and the discussion sometimes come too late, after the effective decision has been made.
~By E. P. Thompson ~

The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely reverse their own deliberate decisions.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.
~By Maimonides ~

The Magna Carta is widely known to be one of the foundational documents for our Constitution. I can only imagine that a mention of that in a court decision would be forbidden by our friends on the right.
~By John Conyers ~

For example, I was discussing the use of email and how impersonal it can be, how people will now email someone across the room rather than go and talk to them. But I don't think this is laziness, I think it is a conscious decision people are making to save time.
~By Margaret J. Wheatley ~

And the big issue here, I think, is that the publisher took over the editorial pages, a guy named Jeff Johnson. He's an accountant from Chicago, doesn't know anything about what newspapers are supposed to be about, and he made a decision to get rid of the column.
~By Robert Scheer ~

The felonious five in their Supreme Court decision never said Gore did anything improperly in Florida.
~By Vincent Bugliosi ~

I like being in control of making all the major decisions pertaining to my projects. That's something that you don't get to do in a group. Everything has to be voted on - every minor decision.
~By Bobby Brown ~

There is a certain logic to events that pushes you along a certain path. You go along the path that feels the most true, and most according to the principles that are guiding you, and that's the way the decisions are made.
~By Michael Nesmith ~

If reason is a universal faculty, the decision of the common mind is the nearest criterion of truth.
~By George Bancroft ~

In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.
~By Woody Allen ~

I leave to others the decision as to the good or evil tendencies of my character, but such as it is it shines upon my countenance, and there it can easily be detected by any physiognomist.
~By Giacomo Casanova ~

Perhaps no mightier conflict of mind occurs ever again in a lifetime than that first decision to unseat one's own tooth.
~By Gene Fowler ~

The nervous system and the automatic machine are fundamentally alike in that they are devices, which make decisions on the basis of decisions they made in the past.
~By Norbert Wiener ~

All around as a person, on right decisions, on holding your money, on doing your trade, a good education is a must. I don't think I would've done as good without an education.
~By Bobby Vinton ~

Maybe politically it wasn't wise but when people have different view points I think the public has a right to hear it and the public has a right to make decisions based on those view points.
~By Scott McCallum ~

It's everything and I always make decisions about the cast.
~By Ridley Scott ~

Most men, I am convinced, have an unmistakable feeling at the final moment of significant choice that they are making a free decision, that they can really decide which one of two or more roads to follow.
~By Corliss Lamont ~

I think that the episodes are like mini horror films really; the characters make bad decisions early on and these things just snowball for them and get worse and worse. And that's what I find funny.
~By Dave Rowntree ~

On the other track I got to talk with Jon Poll, my editor, and we go into more detail about the decisions we made in both the production and the post-production. So I hope the combination becomes something worth collecting.
~By Jay Roach ~

The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision.
~By John Major ~

It can't be stressed enough that in order to produce great graphics, you have to have a good product and a good client capable of making decisions.
~By Primo Angeli ~

The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.
~By Sun Tzu ~

Management manages by making decisions and by seeing that those decisions are implemented.
~By Harold S. Geneen ~

Forty pictures I was in, and all I remember is 'What kind of bra will you be wearing today, honey?' That was always the area of big decision - from the neck to the navel.
~By Donna Reed ~

Throughout my political career, I've believed in the concept of home rule. Some call it local control. Whichever phrase you use, the concept is the same - the best decisions are those made closest to those who will be impacted by the decisions.
~By Linda Lingle ~

I think I can regard myself as a political decision-maker.
~By Harri Holkeri ~

A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong one.
~By Rita Mae Brown ~

Not eating meat is a decision, eating meat is an instinct.
~By Denis Leary ~

I did not direct my life. I didn't design it. I never made decisions. Things always came up and made them for me. That's what life is.
~By B. F. Skinner ~

Hitler's economic revolution in Germany had reduced financial considerations to a point where they played no role in economic or political decisions.
~By Carroll Quigley ~

A Supreme Court decision that concessions of this sort were unconstitutional would have taken them off the table and actually increased the effective sovereignty of elected officials.
~By Michael Kinsley ~

A decision is what a man makes when he can't find anybody to serve on a committee.
~By Fletcher Knebel ~

I had made a decision early on that we were going to do the right things and that if they worked we were going to be very successful. And if for some reason they didn't, all the claims and the protestations and the excuses wouldn't make any difference.
~By John Engler ~

I was very clear that I wanted to keep 'Thor' out of the rest of the Marvel universe for no less than the first six issues. And the success of the book, I think, speaks well to that decision.
~By J. Michael Straczynski ~

It's much easier for me to make major life, multi-million dollar decisions, than it is to decide on a carpet for my front porch. That's the truth.
~By Oprah Winfrey ~

You always worry about films when you hear about them making decisions after announcements are made.
~By Simon Pegg ~

Football's in my blood - and eventually I want to be the one making decisions.
~By Stuart Pearce ~

In the final analysis, it is your decision to make, but it doesn't move as fast as I'd like it to move.
~By Alphonso Jackson ~

High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true.
~By Robert H. Schuller ~

There may be some difficulties during a period of adjustment. Specifically, picking up their life again and making their own truly independent decisions.
~By Rick Ross ~

Jerry Rice made the decision and we honestly tried to accommodate him the best way we can.
~By Al Davis ~

For me, romance isn't an over-the-top act. It's someone offering to help and to support me. Or if that person thinks I'm making the wrong decision, he'll tell me. I want him to be honest, because being that honest takes a lot of guts.
~By Thora Birch ~

Declaring independence was the most traumatic decision I had to live up to. Because I didn't want to do it.
~By Ian Smith ~

The decision to open up Bahrain to embrace all people indiscriminately was fostered in me ever since I was a child.
~By Hamad bin Isla Al Khalifi ~

All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last.
~By Marcel Proust ~

If you stop and think about our history, one of the reasons we had an American century and there is an American dream was because at key points in our history we made very bold decisions about making sure that there was very broad, universal access to quality education.
~By Ken Mehlman ~

Concerned that others were not coming onto the summit and because I had no radio link to those below me, I began to wonder if there were difficulties down the mountain. I made the decision to descend.
~By Anatoli Boukreev ~

I made the right decisions, I set everything on the right course, the reforms are going in the right direction.
~By Lech Walesa ~

He who can not support himself, can not take his own decision.
~By Gamal Abdel Nasser ~

We exercise great caution in airing an audio- or videotape released by a terrorist organization holding a hostage. These are decisions made by CNN's editorial staff and not by any third party.
~By Jim Walton ~

I've made this decision not to talk to the press about anything that's gone on in my life, but just to write music about it. They can interpret it themselves.
~By Bijou Phillips ~

Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.
~By Muhammad Ali Jinnah ~

Since the season ended, I've let things settle down, and I have to talk to the coaching staff and management. I really don't want to turn this into a big drama. So I plan on making a definite decision relatively quickly.
~By Steve Yzerman ~

That D.C. grand jury investigation of Abramoff can't go on forever. Eventually the lawyers at the Public Integrity Section will go to their bosses with some decisions about just who they want to indict. That's when Al Gonzales will have to show his cards.
~By Joshua Micah Marshall ~

I don't regret any decisions I've made in my life.
~By Gladys Knight ~

The activists will not stop in trying to impose their extreme views on the rest of us, and they have now plotted out a state-by-state strategy to increase the number of judicial decisions redefining marriage without the voice of the people being heard.
~By Jim Bunning ~

You can hesitate before deciding, but not once the decision is made.
~By Jose Bergamin ~

Everyone has to make their own decisions. I still believe in that. You just have to be able to accept the consequences without complaining.
~By Grace Jones ~

I believe our editorial decisions reflected our constant desire to make sure that we fully cover and analyze any issue and give our viewers all the information they need.
~By Jim Walton ~

All governments in all wars have used all the means at their disposal to put their own motives, decisions and actions, and the actions of their military forces, in the best possible light.
~By Bruce Jackson ~

We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.
~By Stephen Covey ~

You have to make sure that your assets and your back is protected before you make any big decisions.
~By Adam Rich ~

There's no wobble in Bush. If anything, the opposite. Right after hello, the next words out of his mouth are: I've never been more convinced that the decisions I made are the right decisions.
~By Rich Lowry ~

There are a lot of things that have to be considered in National. The military aspect of it is only one of them. I'm confident that President Bush will have all of those things laid out for him before he makes the decision.
~By Hugh Shelton ~

Along with that ongoing process Sinn Fein took a decision to establish a peace commission which had the responsibility to travel around the country to receive submissions from the general public, also our opponents.
~By Martin McGuinness ~

I've been around racing a fairly long time, but when it comes to the important issues, I'm happy to let others make the big decisions.
~By Mats Sundin ~

We feel very honored to have been offered the responsibility to host this great event, Berlin is a wonderful city that is developing at a tremendous rate, and this decision means that we can now prepare to welcome the world's best athletes to a fascinating place.
~By Otto Schily ~

Well, we've faced very difficult decisions and challenges in our country, every one of us have, as we - since September 11th, as we fought the war on terror, all of those decisions that the President had to make to put young men and women in harm's way.
~By Laura Bush ~

I think everyone who makes movies should be forced to do television. Because you have to finish. You have to get it done, and there are a lot of decisions made just for the sake of making decisions. You do something because it's efficient and because it gets the story told and it connects to the audience.
~By Joss Whedon ~

She made the decision that her existence had lost its meaning. And you cannot judge that.
~By Jack Kevorkian ~

When it comes to making decisions, I will come down on the side of Nebraska every time. If I have to choose between the White House and the farmhouse, I choose the farmhouse.
~By Ben Nelson ~

My decision to register women confirms what is already obvious throughout our society-that women are now providing all types of skills in every profession. The military should be no exception.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

Telecom is a dramatic success in India and our view is, respecting the political process, and respecting the fact that these are sovereign decisions, is that, approaching India as a friend.
~By John W. Snow ~

Always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney Every decision you make is a mistake.
~By Edward Dahlberg ~

There is no executive order; there is no law that can require the American people to form a national community. This we must do as individuals and if we do it as individuals, there is no President of the United States who can veto that decision.
~By Barbara Jordan ~

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society. It follows that any choice and decision with regard to the size of the family must irrevocably rest with the family itself, and cannot be made by anyone else.
~By Garrett Hardin ~

Arresting and detaining these dangerous people can make sense, at least until a final decision is reached on their deportation. However, such detention must always be subject to time limits and court review.
~By Otto Schily ~

I'm plagued with indecision in my life. I can't figure out what to order in a restaurant.
~By Chuck Close ~

Too often we think we can act without explaining and take decisions without justifying them.
~By Peter Mandelson ~

Yes, I will bring the understanding of a woman to the Court, but I doubt that alone will affect my decisions.
~By Sandra Day O'Connor ~

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.
~By William James ~

As a former mayor, I know that local governments must have control over land use decisions.
~By Elton Gallegly ~

It is reason, and not passion, which must guide our deliberations, guide our debate, and guide our decision.
~By Barbara Jordan ~

But the best thing Washington can do for education is realize that our role is limited. Washington must keep its promises, but let those who know our childrens' names- parents, teachers and school board members- make education decisions.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

Law is a formless mass of isolated decisions.
~By Morris Raphael Cohen ~

The only thing we don't do together is get in front of an actor and show any indecision at all about what we think. We don't always agree, so we meet privately, then one or the other will approach the actor.
~By Bobby Farrelly ~

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July 27 ,2024
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