Deed Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Deed

Read This: Maturity Quotes And Sayings

Yes indeed I have gained a lot out of playing scales and etudes.
~By James Galway ~

Words without deeds is an affront to the principle that guides our Nation and makes a mockery of the values we as public servants claim to love.
~By Jon Corzine ~

Indeed I did not stand as a beggar at the Parliament door, for I never was at the Parliament-House, nor stood I ever at the door as I do know or can remember; not as a petitioner I am sure.
~By Margaret Cavendish ~

Indian names were either characteristic nicknames given in a playful spirit, deed names, birth names, or such as have a religious and symbolic meaning.
~By Charles Eastman ~

To the truly benevolent mind, indeed, nothing is more satisfactory than to hear of a miser denying himself the necessaries of life a little too far and ridding us of his presence altogether.
~By James Payn ~

And indeed if you think you're a genius at something, what you achieve is very much according to your expectations; if you think you're no good, you're not going to get anywhere.
~By Diana Wynne Jones ~

Yes, indeed, in fact I would tell you that we go out of our way to be true to the original feeling and sort of sonic and musical pallet that we painted with back then.
~By James Young ~

The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.
~By William O. Douglas ~

The better day, the worse deed.
~By Matthew Henry ~

One can find women who have never had one love affair, but it is rare indeed to find any who have had only one.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

An easy approach to the walls must be provided against: indeed they should be surrounded by uneven ground, and the roads leading to the gates should be winding and turn to the left from the gates.
~By Marcus V. Pollio ~

To be awarded a prize which takes its name from an illustrious Dutchman who at the same time was a great citizen of Europe and through his writings did so much to open up our modern world of sensibility and thought is indeed a most signal honour.
~By John G. D. Clark ~

It is indeed a desirable thing to be well-descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors.
~By Plutarch ~

I have written on all sorts of subjects... yet I have no enemies; except indeed all the Whigs, all the Tories, and all the Christians.
~By David Hume ~

When about to commit a base deed, respect thyself, though there is no witness.
~By Ausonius ~

If indeed this is the work of God... then it's a crisis that calls for the church to be its very best self, and not worry about risking itself for the right thing.
~By Gene Robinson ~

The Butcher Boy is a very great novel indeed and a very important Irish novel. The ambiguity of that is, he's writing a book about an appalling situation and he does it in a hilarious way.
~By Stephen Rea ~

It is a rare piece of legislation indeed where there is so much agreement about the goals.
~By Mike Pence ~

Indeed, one of the most successful and influential religious organizations in history, the Society of Jesus, was consciously modeled along military lines by its founder, Ignatius Loyola.
~By Robert Shea ~

Indeed, we are privileged to have been afforded the opportunity to study Nature and to follow our own thoughts and inspirations in a time of relative tranquillity and in a land with a generous and forward-looking government.
~By Sidney Altman ~

Americans, indeed, often seem to be so overwhelmed by their children that they'll do anything for them except stay married to the co-producer.
~By Katherine Whitehorn ~

Indeed, if a chief question does remain: how is the power to think possible? - The power to think right and left, before and without, with and above experience? then it does not take a deduction to prove the genealogical priority of language.
~By Johann G. Hamann ~

Time, which wears down and diminishes all things, augments and increases good deeds, because a good turn liberally offered to a reasonable man grows continually through noble thought and memory.
~By Francois Rabelais ~

We have indeed at the moment little cause for pride: as a profession we have made a mess of things.
~By Friedrich August von Hayek ~

To those who have chosen the profession of medicine, a knowledge of chemistry, and of some branches of natural history, and, indeed, of several other departments of science, affords useful assistance.
~By Charles Babbage ~

A good deed never goes unpunished.
~By Gore Vidal ~

The populations of Central America are very, very small indeed, so that while no one was denying and this was one of the great debates we used to have, whose fault was it that there were communists were able to do so well down there, well, that wasn't the point.
~By John Negroponte ~

Indeed, if our ancestors of millions of years ago hadn't learned how to care for one another and hunt in packs, they'd all have ended up being eaten by leopards.
~By Robert Shea ~

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
~By Margaret Mead ~

In essence, String Theory describes space and time, matter and energy, gravity and light, indeed all of God's creation... as music.
~By Roy H. Williams ~

Not a day passes over the earth, but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words and suffer noble sorrows.
~By Charles Reade ~

I ask every Communist individually to set an example, by deeds and without pretense, a real example worthy of a man and a Communist, in restoring order, starting normal life, in resuming work and production, and in laying the foundations of an ordered life.
~By Janos Kadar ~

Life without idealism is empty indeed. We just hope or starve to death.
~By Pearl S. Buck ~

I am 100 percent supportive of the stand-alone bill to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' that Sens. Lieberman and Collins have now proposed, and indeed I will co-sponsor that legislation. It is time for this discriminatory policy to end, and I am willing to pursue any effective legislative path that could lead to that result.
~By Carl Levin ~

I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me.
~By Laurence Sterne ~

When you're special to a cat, you're special indeed, she brings to you the gift of her preference of you, the sight of you, the sound of your voice, the touch of your hand.
~By Lester B. Pearson ~

The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.
~By Roger Nash Baldwin ~

Sanctions and negotiations can be very ineffective, and indeed foolish, unless the people you are talking with and negotiating with and trying to reach agreements with are people who can be trusted to keep their word.
~By Caspar Weinberger ~

Fortunate indeed, is the man who takes exactly the right measure of himself, and holds a just balance between what he can acquire and what he can use.
~By Peter Latham ~

One aspect of this is the way we have come during recent centuries to appreciate that the world and indeed the very universe in which we live have evolved over immense periods of time.
~By John G. D. Clark ~

In the deregulated realm of US banking and finance, crime does occasionally pay for its foul deeds, not in prison time but by making modest rebates to the victims.
~By William Greider ~

They weren't immigrating to some existing society; indeed, they often did whatever they could do to destroy whatever existed here in the way of Indian society.
~By Samuel P. Huntington ~

Computer modelling for weather forecasting, and indeed for climate forecasting, has reached its limits.
~By Piers Corbyn ~

If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.
~By Edmund Burke ~

Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, by Allah given to lift from earth our low desire.
~By Lord Byron ~

Were I to flatter myself with the possibility of success in such combat, it would indeed be presumption.
~By Anne Seward ~

The British merchants represented that they received some profit indeed from Virginia and South Carolina, as well as the West Indies; but as for the rest of this continent, they were constant losers in trade.
~By Ezra Stiles ~

For I firmly believe that Jewish life, indeed any communal life, can only be organized according to democratic principles.
~By Theodore Bikel ~

The Soviet Union has indeed been our greatest menace, not so much because of what it has done, but because of the excuses it has provided us for our failures.
~By J. William Fulbright ~

To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.
~By Benjamin Tucker ~

In light of these facts Republicans have put forth a variety of proposals to make Social Security remain solvent for future generations. But up to this point, Democrats have chosen to oppose our good faith efforts and insist that indeed there is no problem.
~By John Doolittle ~

Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must.
~By Branch Rickey ~

It is thought and feeling which guides the universe, not deeds.
~By Edgar Cayce ~

It is certain, indeed, that the sacred writers were apt to make great allowances for people with empty stomachs, and though I am well aware that the present profane ones think this very reprehensible, I venture to agree with the sacred writers.
~By James Payn ~

A diary means yes indeed.
~By Gertrude Stein ~

You have had indeed a fair trial. It is a shocking thing when a judge of your high office is shown to have betrayed the truth and his honor, and I sentence you to the penitentiary.
~By Florence E. Allen ~

This is not writing at all. Indeed, I could say that Shakespeare surpasses literature altogether, if I knew what I meant.
~By Virginia Woolf ~

To this day I do not know whether the power which has inspired my works is something related to religion, or is indeed religion itself.
~By Kathe Kollwitz ~

Indeed, I would feel that an appreciation of the arts in a conscious, disciplined way might help one to do science better.
~By Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar ~

Every pioneer and musician who could carry a musket went into the ranks. Even the sick and foot-sore, who could not keep up in the march, came up as soon as they could find their regiments, and took their places in line of battle, while it was battle, indeed.
~By Joshua Chamberlain ~

Let deeds match words.
~By Titus Maccius Plautus ~

The rarest of all things in American life is charm. We spend billions every year manufacturing fake charm that goes under the heading of public relations. Without it, America would be grim indeed.
~By Anita Loos ~

But you are absolutely right that when the international community decides to help in a meaningful manner a country like Afghanistan, then coordination between the various actors that are involved in these processes is very, very difficult indeed.
~By Lakhdar Brahimi ~

And it turned out that the Roberts Commission did not fully utilize the information available and that it came to conclusions which were I think quite short sighted and, indeed, in some cases, scapegoated individuals.
~By Richard Ben Veniste ~

With every deed you are sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see.
~By Ella Wheeler Wilcox ~

What you have to do is enter the fiction of America, enter America as fiction. It is, indeed, on this fictive basis that it dominates the world.
~By Jean Baudrillard ~

Every day, nay every moment, try to do some good deed.
~By Abu Bakr ~

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.
~By John Burroughs ~

Indeed, an entire generation of Americans has grown to adulthood since the Roe decision of 1973, which held that the right to choose an abortion was a privacy right protected by our Constitution.
~By Robert Casey ~

He has half the deed done who has made a beginning.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes ~

An Atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated.
~By Madalyn Murray O'Hair ~

Each individual fact, taken by itself, can indeed arouse our curiosity or our astonishment, or be useful to us in its practical applications.
~By Hermann von Helmholtz ~

Some of us claim that New York City is the capital of the country, indeed the capital of the world. Now, that may be a bit much for those who don't come from New York, but clearly we are an important city for reasons of our cultural advantages.
~By David Dinkins ~

Often even a whole city suffers for a bad man who sins and contrives presumptuous deeds.
~By Hesiod ~

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

Where I come from, deeds mean a lot more than words.
~By Zell Miller ~

That Man indeed can never be good at heart, who is full of himself and his own Endowments.
~By Mary Astell ~

The men who have furnished me with my greatest inspiration have not been men of wealth, but men of deeds.
~By James Cash Penney ~

Great deeds give choice of many tales. Choose a slight tale, enrich it large, and then let wise men listen.
~By Pindar ~

A terrible animal, indeed, is an unbridled woman.
~By John Lothrop Motley ~

Indeed science alone may perhaps be sterile when pursued without an understanding of the world in which scientific knowledge is created and in which the fruits of science are used.
~By Polykarp Kusch ~

Indeed it is better to postpone, lest either we complete too little by hurrying, or wander too long in completing it.
~By Tertullian ~

My overcoat is worn out; my shirts also are worn out. And I ask to be allowed to have a lamp in the evening; it is indeed wearisome sitting alone in the dark.
~By William Tyndale ~

It would be nice to say the rich people, the fancy people, all behaved like bastards and the poor slobs all came through like heroes. But as a matter of fact, sometimes the poor slobs behave like slobs and the great, noble, privileged characters come off very well, indeed.
~By Walter Lord ~

But we know that the very God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time. And sometimes we're called upon to defend both life and liberty - God's blessings to Americans, and indeed, to all of His creation.
~By Sonny Perdue ~

My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters.
~By Boris Johnson ~

If the code does indeed have some logical foundation then it is legitimate to consider all the evidence, both good and bad, in any attempt to deduce it.
~By Francis Crick ~

Let each man think himself an act of God, His mind a thought, his life a breath of God; And let each try, by great thoughts and good deeds, To show the most of Heaven he hath in him.
~By Philip James Bailey ~

It's only in hindsight that you realize what indeed your childhood was really like.
~By Maya Lin ~

I have often heard the statement made by foreign singers, as a demonstrated fact, that the German artists are artists in feeling indeed, and serious in their devotion, but that their singing is crude.
~By Anton Seidl ~

Inhabit ourselves that we may indeed do what we want to do.
~By Mary Richards ~

For mothers who must earn, there is indeed no leisure time problem. The long hours of earning are increased by the hours of domestic labor, until no slightest margin for relaxation or change of thought remains.
~By Katharine Anthony ~

The brave man, indeed, calls himself lord of the land, through his iron, through his blood.
~By Ernst Moritz Arndt ~

Indeed, the very first resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations - adopted unanimously - called for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
~By Joseph Rotblat ~

I don't believe in devils. Indifference and misunderstandings can create evil situations. Most of the time, people who appear to be evil are really victims of evil deeds.
~By Max von Sydow ~

My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others!
~By Marquis de Sade ~

Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing - where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger; which he knows he was meant and made to do.
~By Phillips Brooks ~

Indeed, this epistemological theory of the relation between theory and experiment differs sharply from the epistemological theory of naive falsificationism.
~By Imre Lakatos ~

Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it.
~By Mao Tse Tung ~

It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too.
~By Douglas Adams ~

Read This: Quotations Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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