Difficulty Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Difficulty

Read This: Validity Quotes And Sayings

This is the problem for which revolutionary theory has yet to find the right solution, if there is one. The difficulty is that the economic interests of the two classes are antagonistic.
~By Garet Garrett ~

I am trying to do two things: dare to be a radical and not a fool, which is a matter of no small difficulty.
~By James A. Garfield ~

It is not always by plugging away at a difficulty and sticking to it that one overcomes it; often it is by working on the one next to it. Some things and some people have to be approached obliquely, at an angle.
~By Andre Gide ~

Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the powers necessary to overcome the original difficulty.
~By William Bennett ~

Sometimes my mother had difficulty communicating with me about certain topics.
~By Gloria Estefan ~

I should point out, however, that at first some difficulty was experienced in observing the phenomena predicted by the theory, owing to the extreme smallness of the variations in the period of oscillation.
~By Pieter Zeeman ~

The difficulty with marriage is that we fall in love with a personality, but must live with a character.
~By Peter De Vries ~

The apprenticeship of difficulty is one which the greatest of men have had to serve.
~By Samuel Smiles ~

Sometimes I write notes that I have difficulty singing.
~By Elvis Costello ~

Almost any difficulty will move in the face of honesty. When I am honest I never feel stupid. And when I am honest I am automatically humble.
~By Hugh Prather ~

Difficulty, my brethren, is the nurse of greatness - a harsh nurse, who roughly rocks her foster - children into strength and athletic proportion.
~By William C. Bryant ~

But that the reasoning from these facts, the drawing from them correct conclusions, is a matter of great difficulty, may be inferred from the imperfect state in which the Science is now found after it has been so long and so intensely studied.
~By Nassau William Senior ~

Perpetual pushing and assurance put a difficulty out of countenance and make a seeming difficulty gives way.
~By Jeremy Collier ~

It seems that the greatest difficulty is to find the end. Don't try to find it, it's there already.
~By Tom Cora ~

I try to deal with the complexities of power and social life, but as far as the visual presentation goes I purposely avoid a high degree of difficulty.
~By Barbara Kruger ~

The difficulty with becoming a patient is that as soon as you get horizontal, part of your being yearns, not for a doctor, but for a medicine man.
~By Shana Alexander ~

An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.
~By Eric Hoffer ~

I have a great deal of difficulty with those who live in a hugely prosperous country telling people in the developing world that they should be deprived of a critical source of energy.
~By Lee R. Raymond ~

The best way out of a difficulty is through it.
~By Will Rogers ~

A lot of these industries are having difficulty finding reliable workers with the skills they require.
~By Jerry Rubin ~

A friend is long sought, hardly found, and with difficulty kept.
~By St. Jerome ~

It is fatal for any body of workers to have forever hanging from the fringes of its skirts other bodies on a level just below its own; for that means continual pressure downward, additional difficulty to be overcome in the struggle to maintain reasonable rates of wages.
~By Florence Kelley ~

They must therefore not spoil Alexander's undertaking, especially when they were almost at the close of their toils, and were, moreover, no longer in any difficulty about provisions on their coasting cruise.
~By Arrian ~

And I really do think that the difficulty of research makes it more real to you than punching a thing to find out how many men were killed at this particular action.
~By Shelby Foote ~

A man's love, till it has been chastened and fastened by the feeling of duty which marriage brings with it, is instigated mainly by the difficulty of pursuit.
~By Anthony Trollope ~

And from the first time I picked up a basketball at age eight - I had a lot of difficulty when I first picked up a basketball, because I was a scrub - there were things that I liked about it.
~By Julius Erving ~

The difficulty is not that great to die for a friend, the hard part is finding a friend worth dying for.
~By Henry Home ~

I have always believed that I should have had no difficulty in causing my rights to be respected.
~By Eli Whitney ~

To know yet to think that one does not know is best; Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty.
~By Lao Tzu ~

The work of many of the greatest men, inspired by duty, has been done amidst suffering and trial and difficulty. They have struggled against the tide, and reached the shore exhausted.
~By Samuel Smiles ~

The Western poet and writer of romance has exactly the same kind of difficulty in comprehending Eastern subjects as you have in comprehending Western subjects.
~By Lafcadio Hearn ~

Because of the tension and difficulty, I remember trying to do the silliest things when we weren't rolling cameras, anything to lift the spirits. But once on set, it was important to have full concentration.
~By Madeleine Stowe ~

The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish.
~By Robert Louis Stevenson ~

My team and I have reunited two elements that coexist with difficulty: respect and affection, because when they love you they don't respect you and when they respect you they don't love you.
~By Shakira ~

The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior.
~By M. Scott Peck ~

You have very accurately described the difficulty of presenting my books on film: many of my characters are alone most of the time, and when they do talk, what they say is mostly lies. That can make for a pretty confusing film.
~By Thomas Perry ~

The difficulty of IVF or of any fertility issues is the hope and the shattered hope, the dream that it might happen this time and then it doesn't happen.
~By Brooke Shields ~

The complaint of bad pay, and difficulty in obtaining it, is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.
~By Joseph Lancaster ~

The accumulation of skill and science which has been directed to diminish the difficulty of producing manufactured goods, has not been beneficial to that country alone in which it is concentrated; distant kingdoms have participated in its advantages.
~By Charles Babbage ~

After saying yes to Turkey, the EU is having difficulty finding clear and consistent grounds for saying no to other, still more remote candidates - but being in the general vicinity of Europe does seem to be a continuing requirement.
~By Timothy Garton Ash ~

In regard to education, something has been done by the Provincial Legislature; but to build churches, and to place clergymen is a work of greater difficulty.
~By John Strachan ~

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
~By Winston Churchill ~

With European powers no new subjects of difficulty have arisen, and those which were under discussion, although not terminated, do not present a more unfavorable aspect for the future preservation of that good understanding which it has ever been our desire to cultivate.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

The best opinion now is, that there are multitudinous forms which are not sufficiently differentiated to be distinctively either plant or animal, while, as respects ordinary plants and animals, the difficulty of laying down a definition has become far greater than ever before.
~By Asa Gray ~

It's often difficult for us to act compassionately, but sacred art eases the difficulty by ennobling us.
~By Huston Smith ~

Rocket science has been mythologized all out of proportion to its true difficulty.
~By John Carmack ~

Many foster children have had difficulty making the transition to independent living. Several are homeless, become single parents, commit crimes, or live in poverty. They are also frequent targets of crime.
~By Charles Foster Bass ~

The best way to avoid a bad action is by doing a good one, for there is no difficulty in the world like that of trying to do nothing.
~By John Clare ~

If we wait until our lives are free from sorrow or difficulty, then we wait forever. And miss the entire point.
~By Dirk Benedict ~

Little Sparta is a garden in the traditional sense. It is perhaps not like other modern gardens, but I think that other times would have had no difficulty with it.
~By Ian Hamilton Finlay ~

I write for somebody who has my own limitations. My reader has a certain difficulty with concentrating, which in my case comes from being a film viewer.
~By Manuel Puig ~

Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune.
~By Chanakya ~

I remember the difficulty we had in the beginning replacing magnetic cores in memories and eventually we had both cost and performance advantages. But it wasn't at all clear in the beginning.
~By Gordon Moore ~

On the basis of the familiar experience that that which is learned with difficulty is better retained, it would have been safe to prophesy such an effect from the greater number of repetitions.
~By Hermann Ebbinghaus ~

I think one ages and one dates. I tend to have a good deal of difficulty in liking some of the new poets.
~By James Laughlin ~

But the basic difficulty still remains: It is the expansion of Federal power, about which I wish to express my alarm. How easily we embrace such business.
~By Everett Dirksen ~

Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.
~By Niels Bohr ~

It's the difficulty we had with Mr. Bean, actually, when it went from TV to film. You certainly discover that you need to explain more about a character.
~By Rowan Atkinson ~

For example, in painting the form arises from abstract elements of line and color, while in cinema the material concreteness of the image within the frame presents - as an element - the greatest difficulty in manipulation.
~By Sergei Eisenstein ~

A system of education, which would not gratify this disposition in any party, is requisite, in order to obviate the difficulty, and the reader will find a something said to that purpose in perusing this tract.
~By Joseph Lancaster ~

I am continually fascinated at the difficulty intelligent people have in distinguishing what is controversial from what is merely offensive.
~By Nora Ephron ~

As to the war, while it is always thought rash to have any strong military convictions, I have always believed that if they would go straight to Sebastopol early in the season they would take it with little difficulty.
~By Francis W. Newman ~

A major difficulty is that the answer to the Riddle of the Sphinx is partly a product of the answers that we already have given to the riddle in its various forms.
~By Gregory Bateson ~

Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first and second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood.
~By Saint Aurelius Augustine ~

In that sense, film is superior, but the difficulty is your lack of control as a writer.
~By Terry Southern ~

If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this.
~By Friedrich August von Hayek ~

The very greatest things - great thoughts, discoveries, inventions - have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.
~By Samuel Smiles ~

We're under the Arts Council under the Minister for the Arts. The Minister for the Arts and the Minister for Industrial Development have great difficulty in agreeing over who should fund what in terms of film.
~By Ann Macbeth ~

The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for.
~By Homer ~

God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.
~By Peter Marshall ~

Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts.
~By Edward R. Murrow ~

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
~By Winston Churchill ~

We debated long over the situation for it is a very difficult question and all of us recognize its difficulty.
~By Henry L. Stimson ~

We excuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty.
~By Marcus Fabius Quintilian ~

Sports is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving against great odds. Athletes, in times of difficulty, can be important role models.
~By Bill Bradley ~

Somebody who was born in this country who visited China would later face difficulty getting back in to the USA. We have to keep in mind that the struggles of the Chinese against these exclusion laws really laid down the foundations of civil rights law.
~By Iris Chang ~

Of course, we also have the responsibility to win games and the difficulty in the job is to combine both.
~By Arsene Wenger ~

Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms character.
~By Tony Robbins ~

Grace is the absence of everything that indicates pain or difficulty, hesitation or incongruity.
~By William Hazlitt ~

I am, really, a great writer; my only difficulty is in finding great readers.
~By Frank Harris ~

The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas.
~By George Santayana ~

What parent has it easy? I just never make the difficulty of it an obstacle. I just do it.
~By Marlee Matlin ~

Evil is always possible. Goodness is a difficulty.
~By Anne Rice ~

The difficulty with this conversation is that it's very different from most of the ones I've had of late. Which, as I explained, have mostly been with trees.
~By Douglas Adams ~

By no means do I anticipate screening those who come on to campus... And I have no difficulty if a bishop across the country or some local pastor may say that's not Catholic teaching - that's fine.
~By William P. Leahy ~

The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later.
~By Confucius ~

But whatever the POV, and the difficulty of forcing the action into a particular frame, stay within it.
~By Arthur Herzog ~

Everyone has talent at twenty-five. The difficulty is to have it at fifty.
~By Edgar Degas ~

The difficulty of writing a good theatre play set in new reality was even greater given that the level of similitude to life that is allowed in a film would not work on the stage.
~By Andrzej Wajda ~

I'm sure that you could go back and make a graph showing that all the killings of black males increased in times of economic difficulty. As a matter of fact, a black man was lynched last year.
~By Ishmael Reed ~

Perhaps, to the uninformed, it may appear unaccountable that a man should be able to retain in his memory such a variety of learning; but the close alliance with each other, of the different branches of science, will explain the difficulty.
~By Marcus V. Pollio ~

Russia is a part of European culture. Therefore, it is with difficulty that I imagine NATO as an enemy.
~By Vladimir Putin ~

Given the difficulty of resisting such temptations over the longer run, a proper concern for the welfare of congressional souls may well be the ultimate argument in favor of term limitations.
~By James L. Buckley ~

I know it's more five-star now than it was then, but it's still a difficult tour. In the same way as India and Pakistan players find it difficult coming to Australia. People sometimes have difficulty believing that.
~By Richie Benaud ~

The difficulty, the ordeal, is to start.
~By Zane Grey ~

Every difficulty slurred over will be a ghost to disturb your repose later on.
~By Rabindranath Tagore ~

The difficulty for Mr. Obama will be when the public sees where his decisions lead - higher inflation, higher interest rates, higher taxes, sluggish growth, and a jobless recovery.
~By Karl Rove ~

One would think that in writing about literary men and matters there would be no difficulty in finding a title for one's essay, or that any embarrassment which might arise would be from excess of material. I find this, however, far from being the case.
~By James Payn ~

The greatest difficulty with the world is not its ability to produce, but the unwillingness to share.
~By Roy L. Smith ~

Deep down, no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death sentence generally stays tucked away, hidden beneath the difficulty of living. If that difficulty is removed from time to time, death is suddenly there, unintelligibly.
~By Jean Baudrillard ~

Read This: Learning Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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