Dignity Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Dignity

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To busy oneself with what is futile when one can do something useful, to attend to what is simple when one has the mettle to attempt what is difficult, is to strip talent of its dignity.
~By Jose Marti ~

So what we're talking about here is human rights. The right to live like a human. The right to live, period. And what we're facing in Africa is an unprecedented threat to human dignity and equality.
~By Bono ~

A creditor is worse than a slave-owner; for the master owns only your person, but a creditor owns your dignity, and can command it.
~By Victor Hugo ~

There's no doubt that Mexican men and women full of dignity, willpower and a capacity for work are doing the work that not even blacks want to do in the United States.
~By Vicente Fox ~

The degree in which a poet's imagination dominates reality is, in the end, the exact measure of his importance and dignity.
~By George Santayana ~

I would say that the surest measure of a man's or a woman's maturity is the harmony, style, joy, and dignity he creates in his marriage, and the pleasure and inspiration he provides for his spouse.
~By Benjamin Spock ~

The struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma is a struggle for life and dignity. It is a struggle that encompasses our political, social and economic aspirations.
~By Aung San Suu Kyi ~

It's up to us to take pop culture back and to express quality and dignity for both boys and girls.
~By Ashley Judd ~

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.
~By Booker T. Washington ~

Too many security officers live day to day. They just want to be treated with dignity.
~By John Wilson ~

When an individual is protesting society's refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him.
~By Bayard Rustin ~

I think sometimes people project things on you, but I'm trying to handle everything that's happened to me with a certain amount of grace, dignity and good manners. You just can't necessarily win all the time.
~By Katie Couric ~

To confer dignity, forgive. To express contempt, forget.
~By Mason Cooley ~

Democracy may have arisen in the West as the way of striving for the universal aspiration to dignity and freedom, but it isn't alien to the underlying concepts that infuse religion and moral philosophy everywhere.
~By Flora Lewis ~

Mediocrity requires aloofness to preserve its dignity.
~By Charles G. Dawes ~

Means must be subsidiary to ends and to our desire for dignity and value.
~By Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ~

In the 21st century, I believe the mission of the United Nations will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion.
~By Kofi Annan ~

Let's drink to the spirit of gallantry and courage that made a strange Heaven out of unbelievable Hell, and let's drink to the hope that one day this country of ours, which we love so much, will find dignity and greatness and peace again.
~By Noel Coward ~

Freedom is the right to one's dignity as a man.
~By Archibald MacLeish ~

The business of the law is to make sense of the confusion of what we call human life - to reduce it to order but at the same time to give it possibility, scope, even dignity.
~By Archibald MacLeish ~

I emphasize self-esteem, self-confidence, and dignity, not as an ideal, but as a real test of community organization. Without leadership development, community organizations do not have staying power.
~By Paul Wellstone ~

This conviction brought me, in the summer of 1978, to the Free Trade Unions - formed by a group of courageous and dedicated people who came out in the defense of the workers' rights and dignity.
~By Lech Walesa ~

The idea that you can merchandise candidates for high office like breakfast cereal that you can gather votes like box tops is, I think, the ultimate indignity to the democratic process.
~By Adlai Stevenson ~

The vow of celibacy is a matter of keeping one's word to Christ and the Church. a duty and a proof of the priest's inner maturity; it is the expression of his personal dignity.
~By Pope John Paul II ~

A wise government knows how to enforce with temper, or to conciliate with dignity.
~By George Grenville ~

There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means.
~By Calvin Coolidge ~

There has been enough suffering in our country, there has been enough of children whose dreams die before they have a chance to grow and there has been enough of our elders who, having served their nation, are forced into indignity in their old age.
~By John Agyekum Kufuor ~

We treated all of the dead with dignity.
~By Harry Anderson ~

The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.
~By Aristotle ~

Those who insist on the dignity of their office show they have not deserved it.
~By Baltasar Gracian ~

Education can give you a skill, but a liberal education can give you dignity.
~By Ellen Key ~

The honor of about 30 million votes remains with the Iranian nation and no enemy scheme would take away this dignity and honor from the Iranian nation.
~By Ayatollah Khamenei ~

Humor is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him.
~By Romain Gary ~

Our moral, religious, and political traditions are united in their respect for the dignity of human life.
~By Robert Casey ~

Well, I think when we can turn to the person sitting next to us and really see them with kindness and see ourselves reflected back - when there's some dignity and compassion traveling back and forth.
~By Sharon Stone ~

Men do not fight for flag or country, for the Marine Corps or glory or any other abstraction. They fight for one another. And if you came through this ordeal, you would age with dignity.
~By William Manchester ~

Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness.
~By Jose Marti ~

John the Baptist was supposed to point the way to the Christ. He was just the voice, not the Messiah. So everybody's calling has dignity to it and God seems to know better than we do what is in us that needs to be called forth.
~By James Green Somerville ~

At night, when the curtains are drawn and the fire flickers, my books attain a collective dignity.
~By E. M. Forster ~

If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water.
~By Ernest Hemingway ~

There is no dignity in wickedness, whether in purple or rags; and hell is a democracy of devils, where all are equals.
~By Herman Melville ~

There is only one terminal dignity - love.
~By Helen Hayes ~

When boasting ends, there dignity begins.
~By Owen D. Young ~

Life is not a matter of place, things or comfort; rather, it concerns the basic human rights of family, country, justice and human dignity.
~By Imelda Marcos ~

I think that anything that begins to give people a sense of their own worth and dignity is God.
~By John Shelby Spong ~

It slaps your dignity just right. I loved the idea of these proud, dignified black men, and I saw the older ones wounded, and it wounded me ten times as much because I couldn't stand seeing them hurt like this.
~By Quincy Jones ~

We must reach out our hand in friendship and dignity both to those who would befriend us and those who would be our enemy.
~By Arthur Ashe ~

I have, in some ways, saved characters that have been marginalized by society by playing them - and having them still have dignity and still survive, still get through it.
~By Jodie Foster ~

The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace... a representation of man's belief in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his beliefs in the cooperation of men, and, through cooperation, his ability to find greatness.
~By Minoru Yamasaki ~

Freeing hostages is like putting up a stage set, which you do with the captors, agreeing on each piece as you slowly put it together; then you leave an exit through which both the captor and the captive can walk with sincerity and dignity.
~By Terry Waite ~

Peter Townshend shows us it's all right to grow up. There is dignity after rock'n'roll.
~By Sting ~

I left the room with silent dignity, but caught my foot in the mat.
~By George Grossmith ~

Dignity is not negotiable. Dignity is the honor of the family.
~By Vartan Gregorian ~

My mission, I guess, has always been the kind of world where lesbian and gay people can celebrate who we are with equal freedom, dignity, and respect.
~By John Fisher ~

The love of liberty and the sense of human dignity are the basic elements of the Anarchist creed.
~By Frederica Montseny ~

Terrorism is contempt for human dignity.
~By Kjell Magne Bondevik ~

Pride in a man is confused with dignity; in a woman, with self-love.
~By Jose Bergamin ~

The defense of our rights and our dignity, as well as efforts never to let ourselves to be overcome by the feeling of hatred - this is the road we have chosen.
~By Lech Walesa ~

A penumbra of somber dignity has descended over his reputation.
~By James Atlas ~

More than anything, I think as our country matures, we recognize that women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
~By Barbara Boxer ~

Well, on the one hand the Turks have the legitimate need to defend their national dignity - and this includes being recognized as a part of the west and Europe.
~By Orhan Pamuk ~

Humanity may endure the loss of everything; all its possessions may be turned away without infringing its true dignity - all but the possibility of improvement.
~By Johann Gottlieb Fichte ~

Ray had so much love of life and the music. He had so much integrity. He treated the music with so much dignity and respect. I spent four and a half years as a sideman with Ray Brown's trio. Music was his life, more so than anyone I could mention.
~By Benny Green ~

All great enterprises have a pearl of faith at their core, and this must be ours: that Americans are still a people born to liberty. That they retain the capacity for self-government. That, addressed as free-born, autonomous men and women of God-given dignity, they will rise yet again to drive back a mortal enemy.
~By Mitch Daniels ~

That means that every human being - without distinction of sex, age, race, skin color, language, religion, political view, or national or social origin - possesses an inalienable and untouchable dignity.
~By Hans Kung ~

If a person goes to his job with a firm determination to give of himself the best of which he is capable, that job no matter what it is takes on dignity and importance.
~By Hortense Odlum ~

There will always be a place for us somewhere, somehow, as long as we see to it that working people fight for everything they have, everything they hope to get, for dignity, equality, democracy, to oppose war and to bring to the world a better life.
~By Harry Bridges ~

There is a healthful hardiness about real dignity that never dreads contact and communion with others however humble.
~By Washington Irving ~

I still when I wake up hit the ground running; and having an illness, I'm only one of hundreds of thousands of people that live with an illness, and I'm just in awe of the bravery and dignity of the people I see at the hospital.
~By Karen Duffy ~

The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity - love. And the story of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity.
~By Helen Hayes ~

The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity.
~By Frank Serpico ~

They talk of the dignity of work. The dignity is in leisure.
~By Herman Melville ~

Allowing our government to kill citizens compromises the deepest moral values upon which this country was conceived: the inviolable dignity of human persons.
~By Helen Prejean ~

I see a New York where people who are down on their luck can get back on the road to responsibility, a job and dignity.
~By Carl Paladino ~

Relationships based on obligation lack dignity.
~By Wayne Dyer ~

The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being.
~By Emma Goldman ~

He worked for the day when all people would be clothed in dignity.
~By Don King ~

If a man happens to find himself, he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.
~By James A. Michener ~

Each of us, face to face with other men, is clothed with some sort of dignity, but we know only too well all the unspeakable things that go on in the heart.
~By Luigi Pirandello ~

My dignity and good television - they'll never meet.
~By Adam Savage ~

It is impossible to forget the sense of dignity which marks the hour when one becomes a wage-earner... I felt that I had suddenly acquired value to myself, to my family, and to the world.
~By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps ~

By a lie, a man... annihilates his dignity as a man.
~By Immanuel Kant ~

America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
~By Barack Obama ~

The primal principle of democracy is the worth and dignity of the individual.
~By Edward Bellamy ~

Not just Christians and Jews, but also Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and the followers of many other religions believe in values like peace, respect, tolerance and dignity. These are values that bring people together and enable us to build responsible and solid communities.
~By Alcee Hastings ~

There is no dignity in television.
~By Adam Savage ~

When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out.
~By Abbie Hoffman ~

In this context, the church supports and favors every effort today to seek the full development of the personality of all human beings, and to promote their fundamental rights, their dignity and liberty.
~By Claudio Hummes ~

What is called for is dignity. We need to set an example.
~By Kenny Dalglish ~

Our vanity is the constant enemy of our dignity.
~By Anne Sophie Swetchine ~

Scrubbing floors and emptying bedpans has as much dignity as the Presidency.
~By Richard M. Nixon ~

It is my hope and my belief that you will be able to report that I died with dignity, without animal fear and without bravado. I owe that much to myself.
~By Caryl Chessman ~

This is our lives. The way to give it dignity is to tell the truth.
~By Lee Grant ~

And each of us can practice rights ourselves, treating each other without discrimination, respecting each other's dignity and rights.
~By Carol Bellamy ~

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.
~By Herbert Hoover ~

It is time to effect a revolution in female manners - time to restore to them their lost dignity. It is time to separate unchangeable morals from local manners.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft ~

The government I led gave ordinary people peace, security, dignity, and opportunity to progress.
~By Benazir Bhutto ~

I want to work on respecting individuals' dignity. Equal rights, that's where my heart is. That means equal rights and benefits, and that's what we need.
~By Christine Gregoire ~

I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.
~By John D. Rockefeller ~

I'm a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity.
~By Michael Jackson ~

Read This: Authority Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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