Dumb Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Dumb

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I remember working with Rod, though, on Chrysler Hour. I was too young and dumb to know that I was supposed to be scared of anybody or anything - like getting fired or anything like that.
~By Sally Kellerman ~

I'm stupid, I'm ugly, I'm dumb, I smell. Did I mention I'm stupid?
~By Eminem ~

When the first big paycheque with 'Dumb And Dumber' hit, I went: 'Gosh, I wonder if this will affect my performance. Will I do a take and think, was that worth $7 million?' But that never happened. If anything, it made me rebel against that thing when people who get rich start playing it safe.
~By Jim Carrey ~

Newspapermen ask dumb questions. They look up at the sun and ask if it is shining.
~By Sonny Liston ~

I may be a dumb blonde, but I'm not that blonde.
~By Patricia Neal ~

You have to get the audience invested even if you're doing something that they think is dumb, it's kind of what these movies are all about.
~By Halle Berry ~

So many shows out there dumb-down the country. It's so admirable to be part of a show that wants people to think.
~By David Krumholtz ~

I know a lot of people think I'm dumb. Well, at least I ain't no educated fool.
~By Leon Spinks ~

When I think over what I have said, I envy dumb people.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

The United States has got some of the dumbest people in the world. I want you to know that we know that.
~By Ted Turner ~

My obstetrician was so dumb that when I gave birth he forgot to cut the cord. For a year that kid followed me everywhere. It was like having a dog on a leash.
~By Joan Rivers ~

I never cease being dumbfounded by the unbelievable things people believe.
~By Leo Rosten ~

You're dumber than you think I think you are.
~By Robert Towne ~

Heaven is dumb, echoing only the dumb.
~By Franz Kafka ~

Nature makes only dumb animals. We owe the fools to society.
~By Honore de Balzac ~

Only dumb people are happy.
~By Courtney Love ~

They don't allow you to go any further unless you can do this bomb suit training, because it puts such a mental strain on your spirit. It dumbs you down about 25 to 30 IQ points. You start to hallucinate in the heat inside the suit after 20-30 minutes. So you try not to stay in it too dang long. So the preparation for that - it's either you have it, or you do not.
~By Jeremy Renner ~

Watch me when people say deaf and dumb, or deaf mute, and I give them a look like you might get if you called Denzel Washington the wrong name.
~By Marlee Matlin ~

Well, first I studied piano. I wasn't very satisfied because I though my teachers were dumb... and repressive.
~By Luc Ferrari ~

Kurt had this dumb suicidal ideation - that's what I called it. I thought if we could live through this, we could live through anything.
~By Courtney Love ~

Everybody says how hard comedy is, but, when it comes time to honor things, whether it's on a weekly critical basis or whether it's award time, at that time of the year, comedy is the poor, dumb child of dramatic work.
~By Ivan Reitman ~

Ditzy dumb blonde? I can be ditzy. I can be.
~By Goldie Hawn ~

I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.
~By Barack Obama ~

When I saw Arnold say that he didn't need a union, because people in his position don't need it, I thought, this is a very naive way to present yourself. It's also kinda dumb about making movies. It doesn't realize how the union movement even helps the star.
~By Warren Beatty ~

What we think of as our sensitivity is only the higher evolution of terror in a poor dumb beast. We suffer for nothing. Our own death wish is our only real tragedy.
~By Mario Puzo ~

I always said it was to be dumb enough to do what Marlon Perkins said to do.
~By Jim Fowler ~

I've always thought those guys are really funny. And I love Dumb and Dumber, Kingpin and Mary.
~By David Zucker ~

I always said you have to be really smart or really dumb to play this game well. I just don't know where I fit in.
~By Beth Daniel ~

Would it not be much better to have a president who deliberately lied to the people because he thought a war was essential than to have one who was so dumb as to be taken in by intelligence agencies, especially those who told him what he wanted to hear?
~By Andrew Greeley ~

I'm dumbfounded, but nothing surprises me in this game.
~By Francis Lee ~

I am dumb when it comes to learning dance steps.
~By Mia Kirshner ~

I don't have to wait until the next morning to regret something I did that was kinda dumb.
~By Bobby Knight ~

I don't believe in elitism. I don't think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience.
~By Quentin Tarantino ~

The movie Spinal Tap rocked my world. It's for rock what The Sound of Music was for hills. They really nailed how dumb rock can be.
~By Jack Black ~

I'm a giraffe. I even walk like a giraffe with a long neck and legs. It's a pretty dumb animal, mind you.
~By Sophia Loren ~

We made this really dumb decision to put on the cover nothing from South Park but just a real life photo of a piece of pooh dressed up like Mr. Hankey, and a lot of people didn't, they didn't even know what it was.
~By Trey Parker ~

Half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb about.
~By Solomon Short ~

God hears no more than the heart speaks; and if the heart be dumb, God will certainly be deaf.
~By Thomas Brooks ~

One of the dumber things my manager said was, Stick to the melody. But I can't.
~By Shawn Colvin ~

Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy.
~By Ann Coulter ~

I do dumb stuff, like playing my favorite dumb Barry White song and lip-synching into the mirror so it looks like his voice is coming out of my mouth.
~By Lynda Barry ~

I started realizing that I wasn't so dumb; rather, most people simply didn't know the answers to the questions that I was interested in-or they didn't care.
~By Dean Kamen ~

Did you ever stop to think why cops are always famous for being dumb? Simple. Because they don't have to be anything else.
~By Orson Welles ~

You know, people think you have to be dumb to skip rope for 45 minutes. No, you have to be able to imagine something else. While you're skipping rope, you have to be able to see something else.
~By John Irving ~

When Andy died, I just drank to dumb my mind.
~By Maurice Gibb ~

Without philosophy, history is always for me dead and dumb.
~By Ferdinand Christian Baur ~

Somebody gets to be smart and somebody gets to be dumb. If we win, it'll be because of the president. And if we lose, it'll be because of me.
~By Karl Rove ~

I'm generally pessimistic about the dumbing down of America - especially with summer movies.
~By Elmer Bernstein ~

Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
~By Eugene McCarthy ~

The last president we had was the smartest guy anyone could remember and he did the dumbest thing anyone has ever seen in the White House so go figure.
~By Harry Shearer ~

Most of the hotel gym's are not adequate. I mean you might be able to train your arms, but you aren't going to be able to train legs, back, or even chest if they don't have dumbbells and benches.
~By Warren Cuccurullo ~

If someone's dumb enough to offer me a million dollars to make a picture, I'm certainly not dumb enough to turn it down.
~By Elizabeth Taylor ~

I've actually become much, much dumber through being married and having these children. I find that I'm not half as sharp that I once was. I can't even help them with their 4th and 5th grade vocabulary and math work at this point.
~By Patrick Warburton ~

I was too dumb to know Opie was going to grow up to be a great Director, if so, boy, I would certainly have become his best friend.
~By George Lindsey ~

Most beautiful dumb girls think they are smart and get away with it, because other people, on the whole, aren't much smarter.
~By Louise Brooks ~

Dumbo... makes me cry. Every single time and in the exact same spot. I just have a special affection for Dumbo.
~By Leonard Maltin ~

Well, he can't be dumb, I mean, because he's been president for four years and he's president again, so you're going to get caught out if you're really bad, aren't you? Unless millions and millions of Americans are dumb.
~By John Newcombe ~

Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at your company.
~By Scott Adams ~

You have to be smart to play a dumb blonde over and over again and keep the audience's attention without extraordinary physical equipment.
~By Judy Holliday ~

I hate it when people talk about Buffy as being campy... I hate camp, I don't enjoy dumb TV. I believe Aaron Spelling has single-handedly lowered SAT scores.
~By Joss Whedon ~

Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

Drugs have nothing to do with the creation of music. In fact, they are dumb and self indulgent. Kind of like sucking your thumb!
~By Courtney Love ~

She said 'I'm by commission. You don't have to pay anything until you sell anything.' I said, 'Well fine. You want to be my agent and not make anything.' I thought, 'Boy, is she dumb.'
~By Amy Tan ~

I mean, Eighteen years old is the age of consent in Europe and you can go anywhere and do anything you like. In America, it is dumb. At eighteen you should be able to do anything that you like, except get married.
~By John Entwistle ~

The dumbing down of the country reflects itself on Broadway. The shows get dumber, and the public gets used to them.
~By Stephen Sondheim ~

Everything was my fault. I was so dumb. But if I hadn't made the mistakes I made, I wouldn't have met the wonderful woman I've been married to for over 30 years, so I guess that makes the mistakes OK.
~By Donald Sutherland ~

Innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm.
~By Graham Greene ~

Light troubles speak; the weighty are struck dumb.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

He who seldom speaks, and with one calm well-timed word can strike dumb the loquacious, is a genius or a hero.
~By Johann Kaspar Lavater ~

I was deaf and dumb and blind to all but me, myself and I.
~By Loretta Young ~

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
~By George Washington ~

I do know dumb-ass questions when I see dumb-ass questions.
~By Orrin Hatch ~

They are damn good projects - excellent projects. That goes for all the projects up there. You know some people make fun of people who speak a foreign language, and dumb people criticize something they do not understand, and that is what is going on up there - God damn it!
~By Harry Hopkins ~

A pas de deux is a dialogue of love. How can there be conversation if one partner is dumb?
~By Rudolf Nureyev ~

I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.
~By Bill Watterson ~

I had to go to a mirror and look at it. I couldn't picture myself in my own head. I had no image beyond a stick figure. I wasn't a mean person as a kid, or dumb, and something has to be said to justify excluding you.
~By Uma Thurman ~

I'd played dumbasses a lot. On Mad About You, I played a very dumb waitress and they saw me.
~By Lisa Kudrow ~

The good of a book lies in its being read. A book is made up of signs that speak of other signs, which in their turn speak of things. Without an eye to read them, a book contains signs that produce no concepts; therefore it is dumb.
~By Umberto Eco ~

Maybe these kids are just too young and too dumb to know about the first 13. Maybe they can't comprehend that the Braves have only won one World Series in those 13 years.
~By Tim Hudson ~

Obscenities... I think a lot of dumb people do it because they can't think of what they want to say and they're frustrated. A lot of smart people do it to pretend they aren't very smart - want to be just one of the boys.
~By Andy Rooney ~

Nothing is the destiny of everyone, it is our commonness made dumb.
~By Mark Strand ~

Generally speaking, actors are allowed NO input. Actors are dumb.
~By Dirk Benedict ~

Innocence always calls mutely for protection when we would be so much wiser to guard ourselves against it: innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm.
~By Graham Greene ~

If a man is dumb, someone is going to get the best of him, so why not you? If you don't, you're as dumb as he is.
~By Arnold Rothstein ~

Too clever is dumb.
~By Ogden Nash ~

But you know, my dad called me the laziest white kid he ever met. When I screamed back at him that he was putting down a race of people to call me lazy, his answer was that's not what he was doing, and that I was also the dumbest white kid he ever met.
~By Norman Lear ~

Everybody started saying, well, this cat's not as dumb as people think he is.
~By David Allan Coe ~

Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
~By Barbara Tuchman ~

It was the dumbest thing I had ever seen, but it's a family thing, and I guess it's clean.
~By Barbara Bush ~

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde.
~By Dolly Parton ~

I was probably the first kid in my high school to go to Yale. I applied almost as a lark. Then, when I got there, I was the dumbest person in your class.
~By Maya Lin ~

When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music. Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?
~By Khalil Gibran ~

Pretend to be dumb, that's the only way to reach old age.
~By Friedrich Durrenmatt ~

I'm really, really dumb about describing wine, but I like wine that's full-bodied and dry.
~By Esai Morales ~

More than anything else, we need in this society the opportunity for people to tell us what they think without being told that they're either dumb, or stupid, or uninformed.
~By Brian Lamb ~

I was so wild and crazy and dumb in my car. It didn't run but 30 miles an hour. You made do.
~By Muddy Waters ~

None of us are really dumb and none of us are really smart. We're in the middle.
~By Daniel Johns ~

Hollywood has the idea that movies have to be dumb. But especially movies for or about teenagers have to be really dumb!
~By Joseph Gordon-Levitt ~

On their own merits modest men are dumb.
~By George Colman ~

To make us a terrorist target in a region that is full of terrorism is dumb and unforgiveable.
~By John Hewson ~

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July 27 ,2024
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