Effort Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Effort

Read This: Youth Quotes And Sayings

There's enormous progressive activism and, more often than not, success at the grassroots level - everything from living wage campaigns to efforts to finance our elections are having terrific success.
~By Jim Hightower ~

There remains, however, the hope, at least in Russia, that, as sometimes happens in history, the memory of lost alternatives will one day inspire efforts to regain them.
~By Stephen Cohen ~

But I made no efforts to organize my supporters to hold on to the apparatus. Consequently I was soon expelled and my followers, who did not change coats overnight, quietly left or were expelled from the party.
~By Earl Browder ~

There is no force like success, and that is why the individual makes all effort to surround himself throughout life with the evidence of it; as of the individual, so should it be of the nation.
~By Marcus Garvey ~

One of the gaps in our international development efforts is the provision of global public goods - that is, goods or conditions we need that no individual or country can secure on their own, such as halting global warming, financial stability and peace and security.
~By Anna Lindh ~

The committee's work is not about whether or how we should pay reparations. That was never the intent nor will the payment of reparations be the outcome. This is an effort designed to involve the campus community in a discovery of the meaning of our past.
~By Ruth J. Simmons ~

You can't just have slogans, you can't just have catchy phrases. You have to have an agenda. And I think what the Republican Party has to do, if it's going to incorporate the tea party efforts in it, is to come up with an agenda that the American people can see, touch, and actually believe in, and something they believe in.
~By Colin Powell ~

I believe in sex on a first date. Otherwise, how do you know if a second date is worth the effort?
~By Jackie Weaver ~

No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation, litigation, enforcement, customer education, and technology solutions.
~By David Baker ~

Even the highest forms of sacrificial worship present much that is repulsive to modern ideas, and in particular it requires an effort to reconcile our imagination to the bloody ritual which is prominent in almost every religion which has a strong sense of sin.
~By William Robertson Smith ~

This war in Iraq is part of a larger effort to remove this terrorist threat from the planet.
~By Paul Cellucci ~

One arrives at style only with atrocious effort, with fanatical and devoted stubbornness.
~By Gustave Flaubert ~

The ultimate aim of the human mind, in all its efforts, is to become acquainted with Truth.
~By Eliza Farnham ~

I can only hope the federal aid made available today will be sufficient in our recovery efforts, and pray that our citizens continue to be safe from the fallout of this dangerous natural disaster.
~By Mike Rogers ~

It is individuals who must be encouraged to undertake the unprecedented - and unprecedentedly profitable - effort to prevent the annihilation of the human race.
~By L. Neil Smith ~

Our Government is committed to pursuing policies and programs which facilitate a further lowering of the interest rates in order to fuel investment and growth. We call on the commercial banks to partner with us in this effort.
~By Said Musa ~

If the U.N. were to be successful in its efforts to control the Internet, countries where human rights records range from questionable to criminal could be put in charge of determining what is and is not allowed to appear online.
~By John Doolittle ~

Cambodia possesses now the rights to look far into the future and everything for making a future construction is waiting for the Cambodian own efforts.
~By Hun Sen ~

I think any advocate who is effective has fully acquainted himself or herself with the legislator they are going to meet. Know what committees they are on, what issues they are interested in, all in an effort to build a bridge for communicating with them.
~By Mark Shields ~

The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal.
~By George Santayana ~

I never felt I was quite the ticket academically. I always felt I had to put in an enormous amount of effort not to be disappointing. So I worked really hard, but at the time it suited me, because I didn't do very much else.
~By Emily Mortimer ~

But it so happens, and it will ever happen so, that they who have lived to serve their country - no matter how weak their efforts may have been - are sure to receive the thanks and blessings of its people.
~By Thomas F. Meagher ~

Teachers are sort of faced with a thankless task, because no matter how good they are, unless they find a way to personally rationalize the rewards of their effort, nobody else is really going to do it for them en masse.
~By Julius Erving ~

There is a deep question whether the possible meanings that emerge from an effort to explain the experience of art may not mask the real meanings of a work of art.
~By Jerome Bruner ~

Yet, if we accept the solution offered today by this bill to explore and develop for oil on the coastal plain of ANWR, it will be 5 years, at least, and probably closer to 8 before the first barrel of oil flows from that effort.
~By John Olver ~

As a result of America's efforts to realize the ideals of equality and freedom, blacks in America are now the freest and richest black people anywhere on the face of the earth including all of the nations that are ruled by blacks.
~By David Horowitz ~

Labor organizations are formed, not to employ combined effort for a common object, but to indulge in declamation and denunciation, and especially to furnish an easy living to some officers who do not want to work.
~By William Graham Sumner ~

Sport is the habitual and voluntary cultivation of intensive physical effort.
~By Pierre de Coubertin ~

For our welfare reform efforts to be successful, we must empower local charitable organizations with the resources to address their local community needs.
~By Mel Carnahan ~

The essence of our effort to see that every child has a chance must be to assure each an equal opportunity, not to become equal, but to become different-to realize whatever unique potential of body, mind and spirit he or she possesses.
~By John Fischer ~

Our Soviet espionage efforts had virtually never, or had very seldom, produced any worthwhile political or economic intelligence on the Soviet Union.
~By Aldrich Ames ~

When we contemplate the heroes of Christianity, and compare our feeble efforts with their astonishing performance and self devotion, we should fall into despair, were there not a few softening features, by which they are brought back to the ranks of humanity.
~By John Strachan ~

If we intensify our efforts we can have a cloned baby within a year or two, but I don't know whether we can intensify our efforts to that extent. We're not really under pressure to deliver a cloned baby to this world. What we are under pressure to do is to deliver a cloned baby that is a healthy one.
~By Panayiotis Zavos ~

I think that was very important to Bacon... personally. I think he went to great efforts to get a house for the Stratford man, to make it so difficult for us to prove that it was Francis Bacon, because it is very difficult to prove.
~By Mark Rylance ~

I've been in the league 12 years. To sit on the bench and complain about the way things were, that doesn't get anything done. I don't know. I'm playing for a championship and trying to make the playoffs. My effort has never changed.
~By Chris Webber ~

I think we will begin to see some real efforts made to do things like protecting Social Security and Medicare.
~By John Dingell ~

With this sense of the splendour of our experience and of its awful brevity, gathering all we are into one desperate effort to see and touch, we shall hardly have time to make theories about the things we see and touch.
~By Walter Pater ~

Relatives cannot help you in the studios," she says. "You stand or fall by your own efforts.
~By Glynis Johns ~

Law without education is a dead letter. With education the needed law follows without effort and, of course, with power to execute itself; indeed, it seems to execute itself.
~By Rutherford B. Hayes ~

Look at what the Omar of Qatar is doing, for example - the King of Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain. There are reform movements taking place, efforts to broaden the political participation of the populations of the region.
~By Frank Carlucci ~

Most of one's life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself thinking.
~By Aldous Huxley ~

Is it absurd to imagine that our social behavior, from amoeba to man, is also planned and dictated, from stored information, by the cells? And that the time has come for men to be entrusted with the task, through heroic efforts, of bringing life to other worlds?
~By Albert Claude ~

Most of the effort in the software business goes into the maintenance of code that already exists.
~By Wietse Venema ~

There was nothing in all Douglas's powerful effort that appealed to the higher instincts of human nature, while Lincoln always touched sympathetic cords. Lincoln's speech excited and sustained the enthusiasm of his audience to the end.
~By Henry Villard ~

Every man who has at last succeeded, after long effort, in calling up the divinity which lies hidden in a woman's heart, is startled to find that he must obey the God he summoned.
~By Henry Brooks Adams ~

Strong efforts may be made to deny the place, to silence the authentic, but the spirit of things will break through that silence.
~By John Haynes ~

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
~By John D. Rockefeller ~

Language is an archaeological vehicle... the language we speak is a whole palimpsest of human effort and history.
~By Russell Hoban ~

Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills. It is not the effort nor the failure tires. The waste remains, the waste remains and kills.
~By William Empson ~

If we think we have ours and don't owe any time or money or effort to help those left behind, then we are a part of the problem rather than the solution to the fraying social fabric that threatens all Americans.
~By Marian Wright Edelman ~

In 1960 I published a book that attempted to direct attention to the possibility of a thermonuclear war, to ways of reducing the likelihood of such a war, and to methods for coping with the consequences should war occur despite our efforts to avoid it.
~By Herman Kahn ~

Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
~By Rabindranath Tagore ~

Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation.
~By Mark Twain ~

Most men, after a little freedom, have preferred authority with the consoling assurances and the economy of effort it brings.
~By Walter Lippmann ~

Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends.
~By Henry A. Wallace ~

Success is dependent on effort.
~By Sophocles ~

Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.
~By Vince Lombardi ~

My earnest hope is that what we started in terms of building partnerships with communities across America will continue, that we will continue our efforts to reduce crime and violence.
~By Janet Reno ~

Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

In particular, the efforts to reestablish peace after the World War have been directed toward the formation of states and the regulation of their frontiers according to a consciously national program.
~By Christian Lous Lange ~

Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves.
~By Charlotte Bronte ~

My aim was to safeguard justice, without doing harm to our war effort.
~By Hans Frank ~

I made a supreme effort not to do that thing that parents do, which is to bore people without children to death by going on and on about how funny their children are, so there's none of that hopefully.
~By Jo Brand ~

A poem is learned by heart and then not again repeated. We will suppose that after a half year it has been forgotten: no effort of recollection is able to call it back again into consciousness.
~By Hermann Ebbinghaus ~

Tragically, the effort to make America and the world safer and to defend freedom around the world is not without an enormous cost to this Nation in terms primarily of lost lives and those who bear the scars and the wounds of war, and their families who must bear these losses.
~By John Warner ~

If Senator Kerry understands the nature of this threat and the need to take on terror, then he should immediately repudiate these troubling comments, and stop all efforts on behalf of his surrogates to blame America for these attacks.
~By Marc Racicot ~

We are taking steps to fight the production of meth on our own soil through limiting access to precursor ingredients, supporting educational efforts and providing necessary resources to law enforcement.
~By Greg Walden ~

I would like to spend my next two years showing how the aim of making technology available to every young person can be built into the effort to make our nation more secure. That is my latest concern and what I will be pushing over the next two years.
~By Major Owens ~

Now that I'm staring down the barrel of the last act of my life, I'm less excited about control and solo effort, and I resent the way the business aspects interfere with my space for creative writing.
~By David Knopfler ~

With this realization, came a growing need for men and women willing to take up arms in an effort to protect our American way of life and the freedoms so many of our ancestors died to entrench.
~By Jim Walsh ~

Callousness and insolence bring to bare unanimous social condemnation, while the simple efforts of politeness are admired; even in those who are otherwise despised.
~By Bryant H. McGill ~

The uniqueness of the unit was more or less that it was focused on a single individual. It was really the first time the agency had done that sort of effort.
~By Michael Scheuer ~

The largest single contributor to Iraq's security is that effort of Iraqi people who continue to step forward to join the various Iraqi security forces.
~By Craig L. Thomas ~

Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.
~By Pat Riley ~

I just think overall a lot of it has to do with conditioning and players putting in the time and the effort in the off-season to keep themselves in condition for 12 months a year.
~By Mark Messier ~

As a mom, I know it is my responsibility, and no one else's, to raise my kids. But we have to ask ourselves, what does it mean when so many parents are finding their best efforts undermined by an avalanche of advertisements aimed at our kids.
~By Michelle Obama ~

This evolution may compromise Java's claim of being simpler than C++, but my guess is that the effort will make Java a better language than it is today.
~By Bjarne Stroustrup ~

The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.
~By Anna Garlin Spencer ~

When I first concluded to print the book, I made an honest effort to construct it in the third person.
~By John Sergeant Wise ~

Extension work is not exhortation. Nor is it exploitation of the people, or advertising of an institution, or publicity work for securing students. It is a plain, earnest, and continuous effort to meet the needs of the people on their own farms and in the localities.
~By Liberty Hyde Bailey ~

The one thing that matters is the effort.
~By Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~

Perhaps the time has come to cease calling it the "environmentalist" view, as though it were a lobbying effort outside the mainstream of human activity, and to start calling it the real-world view.
~By E. O. Wilson ~

When community action was put into federal law in the early sixties as part of the effort to combat poverty and social injustice, I supported it intellectually.
~By Barney Frank ~

One of the hardest things to believe is that anyone will abandon the effort to escape a charge of murder. It is extremely important to suspend disbelief on that. If you don't, the story is spoiled.
~By Rex Stout ~

Bush and Blair combined their efforts to deceive both nations in a carefully coordinated manner, more so than anyone is willing to point out in the media.
~By Bianca Jagger ~

Fear and I were old buddies, despite my best efforts to the contrary.
~By Peter Straub ~

I really didn't try to make an effort to make urban music, but I am a product of my inspirations.
~By Justin Timberlake ~

It wasn't my plan to create such a record. All I did was put in the effort to win every match I played and it went on for weeks, months and years until my defeat to Ross Norman in Toulouse in 1986.
~By Jahangir Khan ~

If a large city can, after intense intellectual efforts, choose for its mayor a man who merely will not steal from it, we consider it a triumph of the suffrage.
~By Frank Moore Colby ~

The expansion of tobacco cessation centers is an important part of our historic and continuing effort to help smokers quit. The expansion of these centers will give even more New Yorkers the help they need to quit once and for all.
~By George E. Pataki ~

Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.
~By Arnold Palmer ~

It's a journey, it's a fight everyday. There was a real effort to stay in the program... So far this has been a very successful rehab.
~By Peter Hobson ~

FIFA's goal of making the world a better place through football cannot be achieved through our efforts alone - equally important is the power which every fan of the beautiful game has at their disposal.
~By Sepp Blatter ~

I know, to banish anger altogether from one's breast is a difficult task. It cannot be achieved through pure personal effort. It can be done only by God's grace.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

But thanks to the efforts, the initiative of the United States and of the several countries from the world, from Europe, including Turkey, it ended within a few weeks.
~By Bulent Ecevit ~

I think that the quality of all bands is steadily improving and it is a pleasant thought to me that perhaps the efforts of Sousa's Band have quickened that interest and improved that quality.
~By John Philip Sousa ~

Ironically, the Canadian naval vessels, aircraft and personnel in the Persian Gulf I mentioned earlier who are fighting terrorism will provide more support indirectly to this war in Iraq than most of the 46 countries that are fully supporting our efforts there.
~By Paul Cellucci ~

In an effort to eliminate the possibility of any rival growing up, some monopolists would sacrifice democracy itself.
~By Henry A. Wallace ~

We are aware that in 2005 our efforts to preserve the stability and prestige of the Republic of Bulgaria in the area of foreign policy, and our efforts to attain fully our strategic goals will be mostly contingent upon the way we address our domestic priorities.
~By Georgi Purvanov ~

But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.
~By Adam Schiff ~

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July 27 ,2024
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