Energy Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Energy

Read This: Expression Quotes And Sayings

The truest help we can render an afflicted man is not to take his burden from him, but to call out his best energy, that he may be able to bear the burden.
~By Phillips Brooks ~

The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
~By Aristotle ~

Nuclear energy is the scientific achievement of the Iranian nation.
~By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ~

We should restore a proper balance in environmental regulation and energy production that is based on common sense, not political agendas.
~By Mac Thornberry ~

The future of the world, dependent as it is upon atomic energy, requires more understanding and knowledge about the atom.
~By Willard Libby ~

The starting point for energy security today as it has always been is diversification of supplies and sources.
~By Daniel Yergin ~

For example, some stars put out large amounts of energy in the infrared part of the spectrum, so that this can produce a different relative magnitude rating than using light energy from the middle of the spectrum.
~By Charles Francis Richter ~

I had a financial page to write in the Mail on Sunday where I'd give tips on shares. I worked there for two and a half years. Nothing compares to the burst of energy felt on a newsroom floor when a big story breaks.
~By Adam Faith ~

I also want to thank Arizona citizens for their efforts at conserving energy last summer.
~By Jane D. Hull ~

That's the way I work and one day I won't have the energy to do it, so I think it's always good to make the most of your life and living as much as possible.
~By Marc Almond ~

High energy creates more energy, more energy, more energy. It kicks off synapses, I guess. It opens up your brain and you think of one thing after another thing, after another. You can really open yourself up comedically, which is fun.
~By Michael Keaton ~

Energy and persistence conquer all things.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

Look what venison does to a goofy guitar player from Detroit? I'm going to be 54 this year and if I had any more energy I'd scare you.
~By Ted Nugent ~

We depend on our rivers and dams for energy, transportation, irrigation and recreation and I will continue this year to fight for what's best for the Pacific Northwest.
~By Cathy McMorris ~

A man must drive his energy, not be driven by it.
~By William Frederick Book ~

You can only hate someone whom you have the capacity to love, because if you are really indifferent, you cannot even get up the enough energy to hate him.
~By Sri Chinmoy ~

Based on the laws of physics, the effect on temperature of man's contribution to atmospheric CO2 levels is minuscule and indiscernible from the natural variability caused in large part by changes in solar energy output.
~By Robert L. Scotto ~

I have lots of energy.
~By Julia Sweeney ~

I'm a workaholic. Before long I'm traveling on my nervous energy alone. This is incredibly exhausting.
~By Eva Gabor ~

I'd love to have another film to go on to. I'm in the mood to work. But I have to be patient, you know, to find that particular kind of project. Occasionally I'll write one myself if I can summon up the energy.
~By Peter Weir ~

Rocket scientists agree that we have about reached the limit of our ability to travel in space using chemical rockets. To achieve anything near the speed of light we will need a new energy source and a new propellant. Nuclear fission is not an option.
~By Wilson Greatbatch ~

Then I realized that to be really good at this requires a lot of energy and concentration and skill.
~By Ron Silver ~

You get involved with a character after spending a long time waiting, and this demands a lot of energy and concentration.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

Rather than proposing a forward-looking energy initiative, House Republicans continue to push Big Oil's tired old ideas, ideas that will do absolutely nothing to lower gas prices for the American consumer.
~By Jan Schakowsky ~

What is classical music if not the epitome of sensuality, passion, and understated erotica that popular music, even with all of its energy and life, cannot even begin to touch?
~By Lara St. John ~

Yet since the 1950s, little has been done to prepare for our country's current or future energy needs.
~By Cathy McMorris ~

Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing.
~By H. Stanley Judd ~

If we had a hydrogen economy worldwide, every nation on earth could create its own energy source to support its economy, and the threat of war over diminishing resources would just evaporate.
~By Dennis Weaver ~

It's a question of spreading the available energy, aerobic and anaerobic, evenly over four minutes. If you run one part too fast, you pay a price. If you run another part more slowly your overall time is slower.
~By Roger Bannister ~

In general, the objects in the universe that are very high-energy objects, or the processes that are high-energy processes, will radiate more in the short wavelength range towards the gamma rays or the x-rays.
~By Claude Nicollier ~

In music you have people exposing this very vulnerable part of themselves, and you also have the lifestyle is so fast that oftentimes people search for whatever the easiest way to feel relaxed in the midst of all of it, or the easiest way to have energy.
~By John Frusciante ~

Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind.
~By Bryant H. McGill ~

It's so logical and so simple. Fat is the backup fuel system. The role it plays in the body is that when there's no carbohydrate around, fat will become the primary energy fuel. That's pretty well known.
~By Robert Atkins ~

For far too long, America has been without a comprehensive energy plan, and today consumers are paying the price - literally - at the pump and in their heating bills.
~By Chris Chocola ~

It has taken a great deal of energy, which has not been so difficult to summon as the necessary patience to wait, simply wait much of the time - until my instincts assured me that I had assembled my materials in proper order for a final welding into their natural form.
~By Hart Crane ~

When I work, I try to eat as much vegetarian as possible. When I do Cupid, I eat vegetarian because I need the energy. I've got those wings on my back.
~By Karl Urban ~

Information comes through to me in 3 basic ways seen, hearing, and feeling the energy of the person that's crossed over. In which it is a symbolic type of language.
~By John Edward ~

The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation.
~By Charles Horton Cooley ~

We can get more energy out of the north slope of Alaska; we have available the ability to make ourselves less dependent on those uncertain sources of supply from the Middle East. And it's important we do that.
~By John W. Snow ~

The State Energy Program, it provides grants to States and directs funding to State energy offices. The States use these grants to address their energy priorities, program funding to adopt emerging renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies.
~By Rosa DeLauro ~

A living cell requires energy not only for all its functions, but also for the maintenance of its structure.
~By Albert Szent Gyorgyi ~

Ethanol and biodiesel allow people to burn a cleaner form of energy.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

The modern artist... is working and expressing an inner world - in other words - expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces.
~By Jackson Pollock ~

Finally, treat domestic energy production as the economic necessity it is and the job creator it can be. Drill, and frack, and lease, and license, unleash in every way the jobs potential in the enormous energy resources we have been denying ourselves.
~By Mitch Daniels ~

At first I missed it, but it was the amazing energy thing that happened during shows, when a lot of people were like Yay Yay Yeah! I missed that for a while. But I don't miss the regular and the business side of that whole thing.
~By Bill Kreutzmann ~

Ethanol has reduced our nation's dependence on imported energy, created thousands of jobs, reduced air pollution, and increased energy security. And renewable fuels cost less at the pump. It is a growth fuel that fuels opportunities for millions of Americans.
~By Lane Evans ~

We all need to look into the dark side of our nature - that's where the energy is, the passion. People are afraid of that because it holds pieces of us we're busy denying.
~By Sue Grafton ~

I think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy.
~By Al Gore ~

He that has energy enough to root out a vice should go further, and try to plant a virtue in its place.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

I was really glad to meet Jane Clark because it did give me an insight. I couldn't imagine what kind of woman she was. I was hugely impressed by her energy, straightforward nature and enthusiasm for life.
~By Jenny Agutter ~

My biggest worry is I'm running out of time and energy. Thirty years ago I thought 10 years was a really long time.
~By Dean Kamen ~

Electric cars aren't pollution-free; they have to get their energy from somewhere.
~By Alexandra Paul ~

France generates a significant part of its energy requirements from fission reactors and these have achieved a perfect safety record. We build ours all differently.
~By Wilson Greatbatch ~

I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever.
~By Mao Zedong ~

The biggest challenge has been simulating a tornado with wind machines and dirt and debris. Right when you walk on the set, you feel the energy of a tornado. But the hardest thing is trying to get dialogue out in all of that.
~By Mark-Paul Gosselaar ~

Crime is naught but misdirected energy.
~By Emma Goldman ~

I felt devalued and disrespected. The energy behind it felt disingenuous and motivated by corporate profit.
~By Lisa Bonet ~

I've been dating younger men since my 20s, When I was 29, I dated someone 21... younger men are just more fun. I like their energy. I've always been kind of young for my age.
~By Dana Delany ~

Since 1850, burning of fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas has increased 100 times to produce energy as the world has industrialized to serve the world's more than 6 billion and growing population.
~By John Olver ~

For purposes of action nothing is more useful than narrowness of thought combined with energy of will.
~By Henri Frederic Amiel ~

Stable energy prices and enhanced national security will only come when we increase domestic energy resources, which was accomplished today with the opening of ANWR.
~By Kenny Marchant ~

In terms of weapons, the best disarmament tool so far is nuclear energy. We have been taking down the Russian warheads, turning it into electricity. 10 percent of American electricity comes from decommissioned warheads.
~By Stewart Brand ~

Strict conservation of energy in the elementary process had thus been confirmed also by a negative experiment.
~By Walther Bothe ~

If the assumptions used in calculating energy are changed, then this seriously affects the final result, even though the same body of data might be used.
~By Charles Francis Richter ~

At a time when we are dealing with unpredictable suppliers of energy abroad and higher gas costs at home, the decision to increase domestic energy exploration is integral to a balanced, common sense energy policy.
~By Randy Neugebauer ~

I don't believe in perfection. I don't think there is such a thing. But the energy of wanting things to be great is a perfectionist energy.
~By Reese Witherspoon ~

I will work for energy policies that recognize oil won't last forever.
~By Roscoe Bartlett ~

It is wonderful what strength of purpose and boldness and energy of will are roused by the assurance that we are doing our duty.
~By Walter Scott ~

Time is the most precious element of human existence. The successful person knows how to put energy into time and how to draw success from time.
~By Denis Waitley ~

With millions of family wage manufacturing jobs lost since 2001, we need an energy bill that takes bold action to tap into American ingenuity in order to lead the world in new clean energy technology, rather than playing catch-up to the Japanese, Danish, and Germans.
~By Jay Inslee ~

The scientists who do climate research understand that much of the ever increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere since 1850 must be attributed to burning those fossil fuels to produce the energy that drives industrialization.
~By John Olver ~

Comics? Honestly, that's more a matter of nostalgia for me. I think most of that energy has gone to my love of literature and my love of film.
~By Jonathan Lethem ~

I don't quite have the energy for extra curricular activities. I have to pace myself a little bit more.
~By James Young ~

It is energy - the central element of which is will - that produces the miracle that is enthusiasm in all ages. Everywhere it is what is called force of character and the sustaining power of all great action.
~By Samuel Smiles ~

I always recommend a sensible diet, including lots of carbohydrates and avoiding too much fat. Dancers don't need different fuel from other people - they just need more of it because they use more energy.
~By Deborah Bull ~

At first, when I got bad press and people would talk bad about my family or something like that, I would get really upset, but now it's just not worth my energy.
~By Hilary Duff ~

Love is an energy which exists of itself. It is its own value.
~By Thornton Wilder ~

The progressive movement against the war of occupation in Iraq is a reason for hope, as is resistance to free trade agreements in Latin America. Those are moments that we have to celebrate: that people still find the resolve and energy to resist.
~By Danny Glover ~

Once you get that two-way energy thing going, everyone benefits hugely.
~By James Taylor ~

Hurricane Katrina exposed the harsh reality that we have been skating on thin ice when it comes to this country's energy concentrations on the Gulf Coast.
~By Pete Domenici ~

I don't know what I would have done without believing in God. His support gives me power and energy to continue to be optimistic, to smile, not to be depressed. Sometimes, if things are not going so well, I don't cry. I say maybe it's meant to be.
~By Ofra Haza ~

Worse there cannot be; a better, I believe, there may be, by giving energy to the capital and skill of the country to produce exports, by increasing which, alone, can we flatter ourselves with the prospect of finding employment for that part of our population now unemployed.
~By Joseph Hume ~

The image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy.
~By Ezra Pound ~

I do believe we're all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other.
~By Harvey Fierstein ~

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
~By Martha Graham ~

The provisions contained in this plan will ensure that the United States has the infrastructure necessary to meet energy needs through future decades, easing dependence on unpredictable foreign oil markets, and creating thousands of new jobs for American workers.
~By Ron Lewis ~

Hydrogen holds great promise to meet many of our future energy needs, and it addresses national security and our environmental concerns. Hydrogen is the simplest, most abundant element in the universe.
~By Dan Lipinski ~

At age 77, I need the help of someone with more energy than I can now summon to finish a book.
~By Anne McCaffrey ~

Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy. There is never any justification for things being complex when they could be simple.
~By Edward de Bono ~

Indeed, as the above calculation indicates, to take full advantage of the memory space available, the ultimate laptop must turn all its matter into energy.
~By Seth Lloyd ~

The U.S. now imports over half of its oil supply from the Middle East. This dangerous dependence on foreign energy sources is an issue of national security.
~By Kenny Marchant ~

Texas has long been known as the nation's largest energy producer, but we are equally proud of our distinction as the nation's leading energy innovator.
~By Rick Perry ~

Americans are also feeling the effects of soaring energy prices at the gas pump. The double burden of these added expenses will be far too much for many families.
~By Russ Carnahan ~

The crowd gives us so much energy and we are able to really feed off of it. Hitting those shots and having the crowd go crazy helps boost our confidence. We love our fans.
~By Steve Nash ~

We have no hope of solving our problems without harnessing the diversity, the energy, and the creativity of all our people.
~By Roger Wilkins ~

Well, I think I've made 44 films and only like four times I've played real characters I'm just drawn to people who have a pioneer spirit, this extraordinary energy and commitment to their cause.
~By Liam Neeson ~

My energy to sing, I get it from my singing. Singing was not a reason to make a living. This is the only thing I wanted to do.
~By Nana Mouskouri ~

Taking risks gives me energy.
~By Jay Chiat ~

There is no genius in life like the genius of energy and industry.
~By Donald G. Mitchell ~

I've been doing Pride and Prejudice all summer, so suddenly the chance to be holed up with a bunch of marines is quite attractive, and probably a necessary dose of male energy.
~By Rosamund Pike ~

Read This: Anger Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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