Expectation Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Expectation

Read This: Distrust Quotes And Sayings

I can't imagine going on when there are no more expectations.
~By Edith Evans ~

I no longer worry whether a painting is about something or not. I am only concerned with the expectation, from a flat surface, of an illusion.
~By William Scott ~

You know, the men go to tea houses with the expectation that they will have a nice quiet evening and not read about it the next morning in the newspaper.
~By Arthur Golden ~

Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.
~By Brian Tracy ~

We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

You're under pressure when you produce facts. You're working with facts in journalism, but you're under all kinds of formal constraints; there are expectations.
~By Denis Johnson ~

I mean, I'm 48 years old and I've been through a lot in my life - you know, loss, whether it be death, illness, separation. I mean, the failed expectations... We all have dreams.
~By Annie Lennox ~

We must rediscover the distinction between hope and expectation.
~By Ivan Illich ~

The people who don't like it tend to dislike it intensely. That's unfortunate, but not surprising when one deliberately goes against audience expectations.
~By John M. Ford ~

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
~By Leo Buscaglia ~

Even within the band, if I cannot manage to persuade the members of what I see to be the next course of action, how do you expect the group to deal with the expectations of thousands of people. It is not possible.
~By Robert Fripp ~

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.
~By Charles Kettering ~

The reason this country continues its drift toward socialism and big nanny government is because too many people vote in the expectation of getting something for nothing, not because they have a concern for what is good for the country.
~By Lyn Nofziger ~

This whole mission has surpassed all of our expectations.
~By Steven Squyres ~

If I had my way, if I was lucky enough, if I could be on the brink my entire life - that great sense of expectation and excitement without the disappointment - that would be the perfect state.
~By Cate Blanchett ~

The position that I take partly as a result of living in Asia is where you stop living according to your expectations and you become available to experience things as they are.
~By Martha Beck ~

I love the idea of stepping out of the band situation into a solo world with no boundaries, no expectations, where nothing is out of bounds.
~By Tommy Shaw ~

A desert is a place without expectation.
~By Nadine Gordimer ~

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.
~By Ralph Marston ~

I'm excited, happy, nervous, anxious, all those feelings about playing for the Jets again. If I didn't have high expectations, I wouldn't come back here.
~By Vinny Testaverde ~

In the United States, though power corrupts, the expectation of power paralyzes.
~By John Kenneth Galbraith ~

I'd rather play here in this small bar and just do a good show. Because it's fun and there's no expectations, it's encouragement to be different, do something new.
~By Bill Kreutzmann ~

I believe that this is not only the view of the people on both sides of the Strait. It is also the common expectation of the US, Japan and the international community.
~By Chen Shui-bian ~

Americans have an expectation that the Postal Service will abide by its well-known, although unofficial, motto - a commitment to deliver.
~By John McHugh ~

I think some of the pressure comes from the expectations of other people. Like if your father played baseball, they expect you to be the big lifesaver or something when you play a sport.
~By Barry Bonds ~

I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine.
~By Bruce Lee ~

We cannot let our respect for the FBI blind us from the fact the FBI has sometimes come up short of our expectations.
~By Orrin Hatch ~

Our top priority is our troops, who are making the extraordinary effort to fulfill the mission they have been given. Democrats will work with this Administration to better define that mission and a realistic expectation of success in Iraq.
~By Jim Clyburn ~

I do believe we have to understand why reality turned out to be different than expectations and estimates. But you have more public service - certainly many of you - than I have ever had, and you recognize that this is not unusual.
~By David Kay ~

It's great being blonde - with such low expectations it's easy to impress.
~By Pamela Anderson ~

Life is largely a matter of expectation.
~By Horace ~

Life was very simple. My parents had come from the North of England, which is a fairly rugged, bleak, hard-working part of England, and so there was not the expectation of luxury.
~By Roger Bannister ~

So I try not to have any actual expectations for myself for any level of success or failure.
~By Gavin DeGraw ~

That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit.
~By Amos Bronson Alcott ~

People see you as an object, not as a person, and they project a set of expectations onto you. People who don't have it think beauty is a blessing, but actually it sets you apart.
~By Candice Bergen ~

So, yeah, I can say I always set my expectations so high that I had a lot to live up to.
~By Johnny Bench ~

People should be allowed to document evidence of criminal wrongdoing. Where is the expectation of privacy if someone is conspiring to commit crime?
~By Linda Tripp ~

I don't have any expectations as an actor and being rich and famous is not my driving force.
~By James D'arcy ~

Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations... They now need more, and more expensive clerks even though they call them 'operators' or 'programmers.'
~By Peter Drucker ~

But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.
~By Isoroku Yamamoto ~

To be successful in real estate, you must always and consistently put your clients' best interests first. When you do, your personal needs will be realized beyond your greatest expectations.
~By Anthony Hitt ~

Walking into a show when I was 16, at that time when it was the No. 1 hit show, and replacing a character comes with so many expectations. I felt a lot of pressure with that.
~By Sarah Chalke ~

Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable.
~By Wendy Wasserstein ~

There's an expectation these days that novels - like any other consumer product - should be made on a production line, with one dropping from the conveyor belt every couple of years.
~By Donna Tartt ~

To meet the expectations of the majority of our people, and to open up new vistas of economic opportunity so that the aspirations of Nigerians can stand a fair chance of being fulfilled in a lifetime, there must be a truly committed leadership in a democratic Nigeria.
~By Ibrahim Babangida ~

It seems we always exceed even our own expectations-after a lot of hard work, though!
~By Roberta Williams ~

When you make a film like this, you must have the highest expectations of your audience. Having worked in situations where we have the lowest expectations of our audience.
~By Atom Egoyan ~

I think the media makes it tough to play in New York. There are so many papers and TV channels covering the Knicks and the expectations for the Knicks are so high.
~By John Starks ~

A man builds a house in England with the expectation of living in it and leaving it to his children; we shed our houses in America as easily as a snail does his shell.
~By Harriet Beecher Stowe ~

All earthly delights are sweeter in expectation than in enjoyment; but all spiritual pleasures more in fruition than in expectation.
~By Francois Fenelon ~

It's now expected of me that I will defy expectation, so I really generally seem to be free to write what I want.
~By Jonathan Lethem ~

Thus, after finishing high school, I started with high expectations and enthusiasm to study chemistry at the famous Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
~By Richard Ernst ~

There is no greater challenge than to have someone relying upon you; no greater satisfaction than to vindicate his expectation.
~By Kingman Brewster, Jr. ~

Dreaming is one thing, and working towards the dream is one thing, but working with expectations in mind is very self-defeating.
~By Michael Landon ~

One of the things that's influenced me musically was my experience at Brown University. I was surrounded by musicians that I really admired, and felt challenged to come up with music, lyrics, and recordings that stood up to the expectations of those musicians and myself.
~By Lisa Loeb ~

You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
~By Stevie Wonder ~

The first and most optimistic response was complete rational expectations econometrics. A rational expectations equilibrium is a likelihood function. Maximize it.
~By Thomas J. Sargent ~

Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation.
~By Elbert Hubbard ~

The expectations are that when this investigation is completed, Fitzgerald will make the appropriate decision, which is not to charge Karl with any criminal offenses.
~By Robert Luskin ~

At this level, the individual perceives the maintenance of the expectations of his family, group, or nation as valuable in its own right, regardless of immediate and obvious consequences.
~By Lawrence Kohlberg ~

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.
~By Marilu Henner ~

We will always tend to fulfill our own expectation of ourselves.
~By Brian Tracy ~

Reputation is fine but you have to keep justifying it. In a sense, it makes it harder because people's expectations of you are higher. So, you have to fulfill those expectations. Or, try to exceed those expectations. But, it becomes more difficult as time goes on.
~By Derek Jacobi ~

The difference between me and American-born actors is that I came here with the expectation of not being treated fairly.
~By Joan Chen ~

I think the President himself is a remarkably intelligent, decent, ethical man. I think he did very well, but I think the job builds up over expectations which all candidates contribute to including this President that simply cannot be fulfilled.
~By Lloyd Cutler ~

It's always good to have no expectations when you see a film. Then you can be pleasantly disappointed or surprised.
~By Bill Paxton ~

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.
~By Paul Rand ~

To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the great, singular power of self-respect.
~By Joan Didion ~

Don't show off every day, or you'll stop surprising people. There must always be some novelty left over. The person who displays a little more of it each day keeps up expectations, and no one ever discovers the limits of his talent.
~By Baltasar Gracian ~

They flooded liquidity in the marketplace but the mortgage rate is based much more on expectations of inflation. So if the average investor believes that there is inflation coming, they'll move that rate up.
~By Franklin Raines ~

I believe every chess player senses beauty, when he succeeds in creating situations, which contradict the expectations and the rules, and he succeeds in mastering this situation.
~By Vladimir Kramnik ~

The only other thing which I think is important is: Don't write a book or start a book with the expectation of communicating a message in a very important way.
~By Norton Juster ~

The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations.
~By Eli Khamarov ~

I was aware that there is an expectation that writers inevitably falter at this stage, that they fail to live up to the promise of their first successful book, that the next book never pleases the way the prior one did. It simply increased my sense of being challenged.
~By David Guterson ~

And indeed if you think you're a genius at something, what you achieve is very much according to your expectations; if you think you're no good, you're not going to get anywhere.
~By Diana Wynne Jones ~

Yes, disappointment over perceived unfairness, injustice, promises not kept, tends to go hand in hand with increasing prosperity. Expectations are dashed. What can I say!
~By Mary Douglas ~

Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.
~By Bob Beauprez ~

Checking the results of a decision against its expectations shows executives what their strengths are, where they need to improve, and where they lack knowledge or information.
~By Peter Drucker ~

I can establish the expectation of retributive justice. Have we done that? No.
~By Paddy Ashdown ~

I have absolutely no plans and no expectations of ever being a candidate again.
~By Al Gore ~

Confounding people's expectations was a way to maintain integrity.
~By Lindsey Buckingham ~

I hate to lull the audience into letting them think that something is something. It's always fun to defy expectations.
~By Martin Short ~

Future orientation is combined with a notion and expectation of progress, and nothing is impossible.
~By Alan Dundes ~

Based on history the expectations are simply the highest, it kind of could become a burden for you or it could be something that you are really proud of, you know so I take the second one.
~By Jurgen Klinsmann ~

Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations.
~By Edward de Bono ~

I want to top expectations. I want to blow you away.
~By Quentin Tarantino ~

An expectation is a future object, recognised as belonging to me.
~By Samuel Alexander ~

We all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes mismatches between old expectations and current realities.
~By Anne C. Weisberg ~

Nothing seems to come up to your expectations. But nothing I had heard about Hollywood was enough.
~By Conrad Veidt ~

Where is the expectation of privacy in the commission of a crime?
~By Linda Tripp ~

We will not fail your expectations of us as a new nation dedicated to peace, democracy, and freedom.
~By Shigeru Yoshida ~

Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.
~By Ryunosuke Satoro ~

Lucas attended a conference on rational expectations at the University of Minnesota in the spring of 1973. The day after the conference, I received a call from Pittsburgh.
~By Thomas J. Sargent ~

Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs.
~By William Howard Stein ~

I think that sometimes when they see me in a movie they expect me to be something nasty. I mean, I play a lot of villains and you show up and they think maybe... That's why it's good to defy expectations sometimes.
~By Christopher Walken ~

We are No. 1 worldwide by quite a margin on the client side and expanding, according to IDC and others, every single quarter. Our expectation is that the industry will consolidate and that more of our competitors will exit.
~By Kevin Rollins ~

My father and his brothers were all lawyers, so I think that the expectation was probably for me to grow up to be an attorney, but it never really fascinated me that much. I was more interested in building things.
~By Steve Case ~

Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.
~By Denis Waitley ~

I think I infuse the music with a new passion. Part of this is because I have fallen in love: I am in love with the New York Philharmonic. The chemistry has just been right. Beyond expectation.
~By Lorin Maazel ~

Under the Obama administration, TSA has been operating without an administrator for a year and a half. After the president's first two choices failed to meet expectations, a new administrator, John Pistole, was finally approved on Friday. Unfortunately, it will be the fifth administrator in eight years.
~By John Mica ~

Read This: Sarcastic Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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