Fact Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Fact

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Dissatisfaction with possession and achievement is one of the requisites to further achievement.
~By John Hope ~

Facts can be turned into art if one is artful enough.
~By Paul Simon ~

I had to tell about my colonic, which expresses the fact why I'm so neat today as opposed to a few years ago. I never knew that the weight made that much difference.
~By James Brown ~

As much preparation as I had made for the old man Salieri, gestures and so on, the fact is after sitting for hours, your movements are kind of slow.
~By F. Murray Abraham ~

I did start reading quite young but I was always read to by my parents, who are both actors. Bedtime stories from when I was about two/three to when I was about 15. In fact they didn't stop until I eventually kind of kicked them out of my bedroom.
~By Samuel West ~

A girl who is interested in becoming a model must first accept the fact that she is the product. She must be ready to deal with a lot of rejection.
~By Karolina Kurkova ~

The fact is that we like each other very much, and we of course see each other on stage all the time, but this means more time to spend together, and that's great. We couldn't be happier.
~By Bill Irwin ~

Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.
~By Brian Tracy ~

I would say in just about every investigation we have, there will be differences of opinion, where you have partial facts, as to what those facts mean.
~By Robert Mueller ~

In spite of all the yearnings of men, no one can produce a single fact or reason to support the belief in God and in personal immortality.
~By Clarence Darrow ~

But that in and of itself this past year was not a factor in what I did for the national team every time I stepped out there, or in training, or when I stepped out there in the WUSA.
~By Tiffeny Milbrett ~

In fact, in some ways, I actually feel much more confident about the quality of Carousel than I do about The Cottage Builder's Letter: probably because of its cohesive nature.
~By George Murray ~

I think it was in Moscow last year and I got changed for training the day before we played Moscow, but the fact is they actually wanted to do John's, me and John were next to each other and they did mine by mistake. John had done them I think. So yeah it is true.
~By Frank Lampard ~

If there is dissatisfaction with the status quo, good. If there is ferment, so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work. If man feels small, let man make himself bigger.
~By Hubert H. Humphrey ~

Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.
~By Norman Borlaug ~

In fact, I wouldn't really call this a Gospel album, I call it more an inspirational album.
~By Smokey Robinson ~

The Cube can seem alive as it heats up in your hand. The fact that each face of the Cube is made of three layers of three blocks has an important meaning.
~By Erno Rubik ~

As a matter of fact, I rarely ever play myself.
~By Frank Langella ~

Three conditions are necessary for Penance: contrition, which is sorrow for sin, together with a purpose of amendment; confession of sins without any omission; and satisfaction by means of good works.
~By Thomas Aquinas ~

In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope.
~By Peter Nivio Zarlenga ~

The fundamental laws necessary for the mathematical treatment of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty lies only in the fact that application of these laws leads to equations that are too complex to be solved.
~By Paul Dirac ~

With time, many of the facts I learned were forgotten but I never lost the excitement of discovery.
~By Paul Berg ~

It is said that desire is a product of the will, but the converse is in fact true: will is a product of desire.
~By Denis Diderot ~

Once a newspaper touches a story, the facts are lost forever, even to the protagonists.
~By Norman Mailer ~

I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?
~By Willie Nelson ~

As a matter of fact, we put it down because we wanted to be jazz pickers.
~By Charlie Rich ~

With only 2 percent of the world's proven reserves of oil, we in the United States can pump until we are blue in the face and it will not change the fact that we need more diverse and more secure sources of energy.
~By Zack Wamp ~

And, as a matter of fact, I am the chairman of the Amadou Diallo Foundation.
~By David Dinkins ~

Right now, it hasn't affected my music other than the fact that I don't have time to write any of it. That's no different from when I first started and I lived at home. I would play the guitar in the afternoon and then my mom or my dad would come home and I'd have to quit.
~By Paul Westerberg ~

Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.
~By Lewis Mumford ~

To die is as if one's eyes had been put out and one cannot see anything any more. Perhaps it is like being shut in a cellar. One is abandoned by all. They have slammed the door and are gone. One does not see anything and notices only the damp smell of putrefaction.
~By Edvard Munch ~

There are no facts, only interpretations.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

May this plain statement of facts prevail on the friends of the rising generation to interpose for their welfare; that the education of children may no longer be to parent and master a lottery, in which the prizes bear no proportion to the enormous number of blanks.
~By Joseph Lancaster ~

The fact must never be forgotten that no magazine publisher in the United States could give what it is giving to the reader each month if it were not for the revenue which the advertiser brings the magazine.
~By Edward Bok ~

You can never get all the facts from just one newspaper, and unless you have all the facts, you cannot make proper judgements about what is going on.
~By Harry S. Truman ~

We ought to affirm the fact that hundreds of thousands if not millions of Iranians are risking their liberty and even perhaps their lives to take a stand for the values upon which we have really founded this nation.
~By Mike Pence ~

The fact is that a car used by Gerry Adams and myself during the course of the Mitchell review was bugged by elements within British military intelligence.
~By Martin McGuinness ~

The quarrel of the sociologists with the historians is that the latter have learned so much about how to do it that they have forgotten what to do. They have become so skilled in finding facts that they have no use for the truths that would make the facts worth finding.
~By Albion W. Small ~

The fact is that all of us have only one personality, and we wring it out like a dishtowel. You are what you are.
~By S. J. Perelman ~

Those of us who actually were working in the region at the time will point out how strongly committed we were to supporting the democratic process and encouraging elections, in spite of the fact that a war was going on in several of these countries.
~By John Negroponte ~

I'm a car singer, in fact sometimes I pretend to take my dog out for a walk, and I'll just drive him around and start singin'.
~By Casey Abrams ~

When you decide to do this kind of music then you just accept the facts.
~By Gary Numan ~

We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.
~By Maxwell Maltz ~

The French want no-one to be their superior. The English want inferiors. The Frenchman constantly raises his eyes above him with anxiety. The Englishman lowers his beneath him with satisfaction.
~By Alexis de Tocqueville ~

I am not a piece of hash. I'm in charge of Factory Records. I think.
~By Tony Wilson ~

But last year there were 540,000 people, roughly, detained coming across the border illegally. Forty-five thousand of them came from countries other than Mexico, demonstrating the fact that Mexico itself now is a pathway into the United States for people all around the world, and we don't know what their intentions are.
~By John Cornyn ~

I am also a writer. That is a fact not known by the public in general.
~By Bob Kane ~

The fundamental evil of the world arose from the fact that the good Lord has not created money enough.
~By Heinrich Heine ~

Those jobs flee other states because of factors like excessive taxation, punitive regulation and frivolous lawsuits.
~By Rick Perry ~

I find linseed oil and white lead the most satisfactory mediums.
~By Edward Hopper ~

I think it's the fact that I do something different and that I actually have some success with it. That bothers a lot of people... especially comics.
~By Carrot Top ~

Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.
~By Arthur Conan Doyle ~

Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.
~By Bernard Baruch ~

And you know, almost in a perverse way, I wish it had been undue influence because we know how to correct that. We get rid of the people who, in fact, were exercising that.
~By David Kay ~

Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.
~By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~

When you're a little kid, you don't see color, and the fact that my friends were black never crossed my mind. It never became an issue until I was a teenager and started trying to rap.
~By Eminem ~

This crowd did not diminish through the whole of that cold, wet day; they seemed not to know what was to by their fate since their great benefactor was dead, and though strong and brave men wept when I met them.
~By Gideon Welles ~

Science is facts.
~By Henri Poincare ~

Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts.
~By Henry B. Adams ~

Another interesting field, which is my own, is cofactors, not only to the disease but also to transmission. I am still puzzled by the fact that you get more sexual transmission in some ethnic populations. One way to answer this is to look for genetic factors.
~By Luc Montagnier ~

Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.
~By E. L. Doctorow ~

I am not making spiteful assertions now but merely stating the facts-that, for instance, among Hungarian generals there is such a considerable percentage of men of German origin, who of course had, in most cases, to alter their names if they wanted to get anywhere.
~By Heinrich Himmler ~

The fact of the matter is that the most unexpected and miraculous thing in my life was the arrival in it of poetry itself - as a vocation and an elevation almost.
~By Seamus Heaney ~

The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.
~By E. M. Forster ~

Entertaining these opinions of the course to be pursued, I beg of gentlemen to look at the question, as I have done, in a calm review of facts and of principles.
~By Caleb Cushing ~

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

The fact that maybe I had some success playing G'Kar doesn't guarantee me three years later that I can still do it, so I have to keep my senses alive and still be working on it.
~By Andreas Katsulas ~

Hunger and sex still dominate the primitive mammalian side of human existence, but at the present time it looks as if humanity were within sight of their satisfaction. Permanent plenty, no longer a Utopian dream, awaits the arrival of permanent peace.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

To pass from estrangement from God to be a son of God is the basic fact of conversion. That altered relationship with God gives you an altered relationship with yourself, with your brother man, with nature, with the universe.
~By E. Stanley Jones ~

I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.
~By Bill Gates ~

Road racing at the moment because it's still so new to me. I like the fact that they are longer and teamwork is important. I guess the same is true for track, it's just that I have used track this year as a training device to improve my sprinting in road racing.
~By Mark-Paul Gosselaar ~

There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.
~By Maya Angelou ~

The supreme satisfaction is to be able to despise one's neighbor and this fact goes far to account for religious intolerance. It is evidently consoling to reflect that the people next door are headed for hell.
~By Aleister Crowley ~

Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy, not a scientific fact. Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever believe it. Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory.
~By Jimmy Swaggart ~

But Hale's warning the President about going to Dallas was that there was great infighting among the members of the Democratic party and the Democratic stars in the state and he didn't want the President to become involved in a factional disagreement.
~By Lindy Boggs ~

Now, an embryo may seem like some scientific or laboratory term, but, in fact, the embryo contains the unique information that defines a person.
~By Todd Akin ~

Those who forget good and evil and seek only to know the facts are more likely to achieve good than those who view the world through the distorting medium of their own desires.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

Truly, the challenges we face are not Democratic challenges or Republican challenges. In fact, they are not political challenges at all; they are fiscal challenges, and educational challenges, and the challenges of figuring out how to take care of each other.
~By Christine Gregoire ~

I think it is very difficult today to have a reasoned public discourse on any controversial subject. Certainly, election years present a complicating factor.
~By John Poindexter ~

Americas are, for a variety of reasons, the most adept at producing the kind of entertainment that delivers easy satisfactions.
~By Todd Gitlin ~

Your generous part in my liberation is taken by the world for the revelation of the fact, that the United States are resolved not to allow the despots of the world to trample on oppressed humanity.
~By Lajos Kossuth ~

You have to look at the fact that Hip Hop is under attack. It's not just Hip Hop but Black people, Latino people and all people are under attack for different things.
~By Afrika Bambaataa ~

The product of the artist has become less important than the fact of the artist. We wish to absorb this person. We wish to devour someone who has experienced the tragic. In our society this person is much more important than anything he might create.
~By David Mamet ~

Strictly speaking, there are no real substitutes for sexual satisfaction.
~By Dashiell Hammett ~

If God wishes to reveal the love that he harbors for the world, this love has to be something that the world can recognize, in spite of, or in fact in, its being wholly other.
~By Hans Urs von Balthasar ~

I can't let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days.
~By Gerhard Schroeder ~

If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all.
~By Joey Adams ~

And it took me about 11 years to get a record deal, and I just had to work around and come to terms with the fact that what I was doing was going to be different, and I just had to wait until somebody was ready to jump on the bandwagon.
~By Lee Ann Womack ~

But that's not enough: To maintain energy security, one needs a supply system that provides a buffer against shocks. It needs large, flexible markets. And it's important to acknowledge the fact that the entire energy supply chain needs to be protected.
~By Daniel Yergin ~

The reason I took Early Edition - besides the fact that I liked it - was that it enabled me to start a production company in New York City. It's a low-budget film company to produce and direct movies.
~By Fisher Stevens ~

Indeed, we must foster cost-saving competition. And that means joining the marketplace of other industrialized countries - not just for the manufacturers who sell drugs, but for consumers as well.
~By Olympia Snowe ~

I can't tell you too much about it because I'm not even meant to tell you that I'm in it. In fact, I might never work again now that I've been talking to you. I'm not in it for very long, let's put it that way.
~By Jason Isaacs ~

The primary factor is proportions.
~By Arne Jacobsen ~

The fact is, it was a big show. We were a part of that show. Everybody watches for different reasons. There were some people who were tuning in that day to see what was going on with other characters.
~By Matthew Ashford ~

We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge.
~By Alan Turing ~

The fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill; to end the bailouts; cut spending; and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things.
~By Mitch McConnell ~

Instead of explaining the sober facts of mechanics and electricity, I want to say a few words about the debt which we owe to youth; and with your permission I shall consider you as representing here not only the academic youth of Sweden nor even of Europe but also of America.
~By Felix Bloch ~

I was well aware of the fact that once you appeared in Doctor Who as something else, you were ruled out for the part of the Doctor: that was a kind of well known thing in the business.
~By Colin Baker ~

This nation's elected leaders owe all Americans the duty of formulating an Iraqi policy based on sound analysis of the actual facts.
~By Charlie Gonzalez ~

Democrats are going to proudly run on the fact that we turned the economy around. It was our policies under President Obama's leadership through the Recovery Act, through investing in the automobile industry.
~By Debbie Wasserman Schultz ~

Read This: Justification Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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