Fashion Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Fashion

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Votes in federal elections are cast and counted in a highly decentralized and variable fashion, with no uniform ballots and few national standards.
~By Thomas E. Mann ~

Woman is fine for her own satisfaction alone. No man will admire her the more, no woman will like her the better for it. Neatness and fashion are enough for the former, and a something of shabbiness or impropriety will be most endearing to the latter.
~By Jane Austen ~

Fashion exists for women with no taste, etiquette for people with no breeding.
~By Queen Marie of Romania ~

He who goes against the fashion is himself its slave.
~By Logan Pearsall Smith ~

It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea that others come first and you come second. This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up. Others matter more than you do, so 'don't fuss, dear; get on with it.'
~By Audrey Hepburn ~

An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.
~By Pope Benedict XVI ~

Here Fashion is a despot, and no one dreams of evading its dictates.
~By Marguerite Gardiner ~

I think the responsibility lies with the fashion world as a collective. We have to demand more variety.
~By Kevyn Aucoin ~

That is the key of this collection, being yourself. Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.
~By Gianni Versace ~

Modern dancing is old fashioned.
~By Samuel Goldwyn ~

I'm like old shoes. I've never been hip. I think the reason I'm still here is that I was never enough in fashion that I had to be replaced by something new.
~By Harrison Ford ~

The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve.
~By Buddha ~

He is not a true man of the world who knows only the present fashions of it.
~By Woodrow Wilson ~

There has been a change in men's attitudes toward their clothes. Men are more aware of fashion; they're not afraid of it.
~By Calvin Klein ~

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.
~By Jean Cocteau ~

Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer.
~By Giorgio Armani ~

I'm not computer literate. I e-mail. I know how to get on the Web, but I haven't crossed over into the internet world. I'm old-fashioned, I guess.
~By Katie Holmes ~

In an age when the fashion is to be in love with yourself, confessing to be in love with somebody else is an admission of unfaithfulness to one's beloved.
~By Russell Baker ~

The fashions of the ages vary in this direction and that, but they vary for the most part from a central road which was struck out by the imagination of Greece.
~By Gilbert Murray ~

We at Chrysler borrow money the old-fashioned way. We pay it back.
~By Lee Iacocca ~

British fashion is self confident and fearless. It refuses to bow to commerce, thus generating a constant flow of new ideas whilst drawing in British heritage.
~By Alexander McQueen ~

So the president set out the policy guidance and said it had to take place in a multilateral fashion so that other countries in the region could be invested in the success of this process.
~By Mitchell Reiss ~

Women of the working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most. The average working man can support no more and and the average working woman can take care of no more in decent fashion.
~By Margaret Sanger ~

My dream was always to be a composer, but fashion came very easily.
~By Gianni Versace ~

The remoteness of my parents from the schools, so unfashionable today, was often painful for me, but I learned early to deal with an outside and sometimes hard world.
~By Martin Lewis Perl ~

I was partly old-fashioned and partly modern.
~By Eric Allin Cornell ~

When a popular phenomenon reaches the cover of 'Time,' it is already out of fashion.
~By Richard Holloway ~

Black Books adheres to a more old fashioned, traditional sitcom format, which I think works, because in its own way, it's quite theatrical.
~By Dylan Moran ~

To seek understanding before taking action, yet to trust my instincts when action is called for. Never to avoid danger from fear, never to seek out danger for its own sake. Never to conform to fashion from fear of eccentricity, never to be eccentric from fear of conformity.
~By Steven Brust ~

As we read the school reports on our children, we realize a sense of relief that can rise to delight that thank Heaven nobody is reporting in this fashion on us.
~By Joseph Priestley ~

A fashionable milieu is one in which everybody's opinion is made up of the opinion of all the others. Has everybody a different opinion? Then it is a literary milieu.
~By Marcel Proust ~

I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men.
~By Marlene Dietrich ~

In externals we advance with lightening express speed, in modes of thought and sympathy we lumber on in stage-coach fashion.
~By Frances E. Willard ~

You know, the fashion business is this legendary repository of young girls on their way to getting husbands. I really wanted to work.
~By Ali MacGraw ~

Because of the fashion, the young people don't have any access to the history of music, unless people like me revive it. There are very few people to revive it, because you can't earn any money doing it.
~By Bill Wyman ~

Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.
~By Vivienne Westwood ~

We too could wrest iron from the bowels of the earth and fashion it into ships and machines.
~By Jose C. Orozco ~

Fashion is all about happiness. It's fun. It's important. But it's not medicine.
~By Donatella Versace ~

Fashion is the science of appearances, and it inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be.
~By Edwin Hubbel Chapin ~

The way one approaches a wilderness story is to fashion a quest - find something that you are truly interested in finding or discovering.
~By Tim Cahill ~

I'll probably be 80 years old and still performing. Music is like fashion, it changes. But some things will always be the same.
~By Toni Braxton ~

There is a breed of fashion models who weigh no more than an abridged dictionary.
~By Dave Barry ~

And an integrated life is one where you're able to fit the different pieces of your life together in seamless fashion.
~By James Collins ~

Old-fashioned ways which no longer apply to changed conditions are a snare in which the feet of women have always become readily entangled.
~By Jane Addams ~

I majored in fashion design in school, and I have always wanted to design my own line of clothing, jewelry, and stuff like that; so this was just a step for me in that direction.
~By Diana Ross ~

The most important thing is story-telling. It's as singular and old-fashioned as that.
~By David Soul ~

Oh, never mind the fashion. When one has a style of one's own, it is always twenty times better.
~By Margaret Oliphant ~

I have never gone out of fashion. And do you know why? Because I never sought it. When you don't seek it, it's always with you.
~By Bonnie Tyler ~

I'm a risk taker and I've always been like that, especially when it comes to fashion.
~By Christina Aguilera ~

The old series of sittings with Mrs. Piper convinced me of survival for reasons which I should find it hard to formulate in any strict fashion, but that was their distinct effect.
~By Oliver Joseph Lodge ~

I don't know if it's a movement, but the only thing new that's happening is that I think music and art and video and fashion are all kind of thrown into one big ball that's on television, and people see that all the time - you see a fusion of all those things.
~By Stephen Sprouse ~

No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. She will not want new fashions nor regret the loss of expensive diversions or variety of company if she can be amused with an author in her closet.
~By Mary Wortley ~

I've always worn jewellery but for a time it went out of fashion. Like grungy and punk bands didn't wear jewellery because it was stupid.
~By Tom Jones ~

People in the fashion industry have used the press a lot more than people in the film industry, because you have nothing to sell except for the image: The image is everything.
~By Elle Macpherson ~

And it's sort of an old-fashioned ER, in that it's very much about the medicine, and how these people cope. There's very little about the personal lives of the characters.
~By Laura Innes ~

I hate going to the gym and doing it the old-fashioned way. I hate anything that's too straightforward, too routine, too familiar. I get bored really, really quickly.
~By Rihanna ~

Stories about Diana's fashions, about possible rows between Charles and Diana, these were meat and drink.
~By Andrew Morton ~

It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.
~By Anatole France ~

We are now integrated into American society and I don't like the word fashionable, because fashionable means that it's going to pass. It's not like that anymore.
~By Antonio Banderas ~

Maybe if they all could he combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things.
~By Stephen Sprouse ~

I don't want to be the Hollywood girl... I'm Southern and old-fashioned.
~By Jaime Pressly ~

That is simply that Marxism has been tremendously fashionable in our time, so it has infected a very large number of major institutions in many countries of the world. So I suppose that we shouldn't be too surprised that it should infect the church as well.
~By Jeane Kirkpatrick ~

If there was a distraction I'd get up and jump out the window. I was quite out of hand. In schools like that I don't think they expect that girls are going to behave in such an outrageous fashion.
~By Diane Cilento ~

It's been a long time since I've written old-fashioned sword and sorcery; I'm hoping it's like riding a bicycle.
~By Lynn Abbey ~

It is only in the act of nursing that a woman realizes her motherhood in visible and tangible fashion; it is a joy of every moment.
~By Honore De Balzac ~

Anyone interested in the world generally can't help being interested in young adult culture - in the music, the bands, the books, the fashions, and the way in which the young adult community develops its own language.
~By Margaret Mahy ~

I've had lengthy discussions with European farm leaders. It is clear they have an agricultural strategy to support their producers and gain dominance in world agricultural trade. They're gaining markets the old-fashioned way - they're buying them.
~By Kent Conrad ~

The story I am writing exists, written in absolutely perfect fashion, some place, in the air. All I must do is find it, and copy it.
~By Jules Renard ~

People have told me about organized crime in the fashion industry, but I can't talk about that. I'm looking to stay alive.
~By Calvin Klein ~

I'm not trying to stay in the same place and I'm not trying to compete with what's currently in fashion. That would be dishonest. But, at the same time, I'm different and the music reflects that to some degree.
~By Eddie Money ~

My son has followed fashion since he was a punk. He and I agree that fashion is about sex.
~By Vivienne Westwood ~

I got that experience through dating dozens of men for six years after college, getting an entry level magazine job at 21, working in the fiction department at Good Housekeeping and then working as a fashion editor there as well as writing many articles for the magazine.
~By Judith Krantz ~

Nothing earth-shattering has happened in men's fashion. How much can you do with men's clothes?
~By Calvin Klein ~

I hate the terminology of "costume" because my clothes are not costumes at all. I think they're high fashion, avant-garde, and more couture, definitely, and yes, some of my pieces are not particularly wearable, but I wouldn't say they're costumes, I'd say they're more couture.
~By Christian Siriano ~

People think I'm trying to make a fashion statement because I never wear a bra. It's really that I'm a tomboy at heart.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

Law is vulnerable to the winds of intellectual or moral fashion, which it then validates as the commands of our most basic concept.
~By Robert Bork ~

It is necessary to make virtue fashionable.
~By Jose Marti ~

I'm one of those old-fashioned homosexuals, not one of the newfangled ones who are born joining parades.
~By Nathan Lane ~

When cowardice is made respectable, its followers are without number both from among the weak and the strong; it easily becomes a fashion.
~By Eric Hoffer ~

I like to think of myself as being fashion-conscious without being a slave to fashion.
~By Annni-Frid Lyngstad ~

The dead and past stories that I have told again in divers fashions, are not set down without authority.
~By Marie de France ~

Stick to the basics, hold on to your family and friends - they will never go out of fashion.
~By Niki Taylor ~

I don't hold that everybody has to love fashion. Some people like gardening.
~By Steven Cojocaru ~

Totem poles and wooden masks no longer suggest tribal villages but fashionable drawing rooms in New York and Paris.
~By Mason Cooley ~

You cannot fashion a wit out of two half-wits.
~By Neil Kinnock ~

In difficult times fashion is always outrageous.
~By Elsa Schiaparelli ~

He helped make Living Things even more crazy than I wanted it to be. He added old-fashioned piano and classical folk music - that weird otherworldly vibe - all these elements got onto the record.
~By Matthew Sweet ~

When I was five my parents bought me a ukulele for Christmas. I quickly learned how to play it with my father's guidance. Thereafter, my father regularly taught me all the good old fashioned songs.
~By Tony Visconti ~

Fashion for the most part is nothing but the ostentation of riches.
~By John Locke ~

I'm an old-fashioned guy... I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porch, looking at a lake or something.
~By Johnny Depp ~

If the work of art is to continue pursuing the vision of both being in and of the world but nevertheless in some fashion being more than just one more object to the mounting clutter, this is the specific point, I think, where this must be assured.
~By Brian Ferneyhough ~

That thing, 'You must stay together for the kids', is out of fashion but is right. It's not arguing parents that children don't like, it is having one parent.
~By Iain Duncan Smith ~

May we agree that private life is irrelevant? Multiple, mixed, ambiguous at best - out of it we try to fashion the crystal clear, the singular, the absolute, and that is what is relevant; that is what matters.
~By May Sarton ~

Fashion is made to become unfashionable.
~By Coco Chanel ~

Fashion is like the ashes left behind by the uniquely shaped flames of the fire, the trace alone revealing that a fire actually took place.
~By Paul de Man ~

It's not very hip to consider the plight of single women who yearn for something so old-fashioned as men.
~By Suzanne Fields ~

I probably belong to a type of composer of songs who keeps thinking about melody... I am old fashioned.
~By Toru Takemitsu ~

Kindness is always fashionable.
~By Amelia E. Barr ~

I love making people laugh and feel good, and that's awesome and special for me to be able to do that, but there really is nothing like kicking ass whether it's on a major scale, or whether it's in more of a dramatic fashion. Being physical and taking care of business the old-fashioned way is something that I love doing.
~By Dwayne Johnson ~

I'm often called an old-fashioned modernist. But the modernists had the absurd idea that architecture could heal the world. That's impossible. And today nobody expects architects to have these grand visions any more.
~By Thom Mayne ~

Read This: Youth Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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