Footsteps Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Footsteps

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I'm a big fan of Albert Brooks, Nichols and May. I'd like to follow in their footsteps and do comedy films.
~By Illeana Douglas ~

I cannot remember a time when the Golden Rule was not my motto and precept, the torch that guided my footsteps.
~By James Cash Penney ~

I tread in the footsteps of illustrious men... in receiving from the people the sacred trust confided to my illustrious predecessor.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

My father was my main influence. He was a preacher, but he was also a history and political science teacher, and since he was my hero, I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a teacher.
~By David Soul ~

Molecular collision dynamics has been a wonderful area of research for all practitioners. This is especially true for those who were following the footsteps of pioneers and leaders of the field twenty years ago.
~By Yuan T. Lee ~

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.
~By Matsuo Basho ~

Now that we are poor, we are free. No white man controls our footsteps.
~By Sitting Bull ~

Nor shall derision prove powerful against those who listen to humanity or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, for they shall live forever. Forever.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm.
~By William Cowper ~

He followed in his father's footsteps, but his gait was somewhat erratic.
~By Nicolas Bentley ~

I am a great admirer of Sen. Frist, who is a nationally known heart surgeon and well known in Nashville as a great family man who has dedicated his life to helping others and, in that regard, he has followed in his father's footsteps.
~By John Jay Hooker ~

My advice to someone to follow in my footsteps is to have patience. I've been doing this for twelve years.
~By Christina Milian ~

Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought.
~By Matsuo Basho ~

I was taking a nose dive somewhere between eleven and twelve because my sister had died and I was practicing something that siblings do which is follow in their footsteps and die as well.
~By Leo Kottke ~

I am not surprised that they show no intention to follow in my footsteps, although if I had a second chance myself, I would certainly try to repeat my present career.
~By Richard Ernst ~

And who knows? Somewhere out there in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the president's spouse. I wish him well!
~By Barbara Bush ~

There's a magical tie to the land of our home, which the heart cannot break, though the footsteps may roam.
~By Eliza Cook ~

Writing is no dying art form in America because most published writers here accept the wisdom and the necessity of encouraging the talent that follows in their footsteps.
~By Elizabeth George ~

I was sent to a school because my father was already aware that his days were numbered, and he was anxious for me to acquire a good education and follow in his footsteps.
~By Sigrid Undset ~

I watched what method Nature might take, with intention of subduing the symptom by treading in her footsteps.
~By Thomas Sydenham ~

Not every father gets a chance to start his son off in his own footsteps.
~By Alan Ladd ~

Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the president's spouse. I wish him well!
~By Barbara Bush ~

Work alone will efface the footsteps of work.
~By James Whistler ~

Then to have Brett come along and follow in the footsteps, it's so gratifying. I get as much enjoyment out of watching Brett play as I did of entertaining people myself.
~By Bobby Hull ~

A stair not worn hollow by footsteps is, regarded from its own point of view, only a boring something made of wood.
~By Franz Kafka ~

I demand that my books be judged with utmost severity, by knowledgeable people who know the rules of grammar and of logic, and who will seek beneath the footsteps of my commas the lice of my thought in the head of my style.
~By Louis Aragon ~

Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave.
~By Francis Scott Key ~

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July 26 ,2024
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