Free Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Free

Read This: Encouraging Quotes And Sayings

A free public broadcast license is a privilege.
~By Bart Gordon ~

Before anything else, we need a new age of Enlightenment. Our present political systems must relinquish their claims on truth, justice and freedom and have to replace them with the search for truth, justice, freedom and reason.
~By Friedrich Durrenmatt ~

That's why I like fast film. It gives you more freedom to light more naturally.
~By Conrad Hall ~

I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty.
~By Woodrow Wilson ~

When others stood idly by, you and your families gave your all, in defence of a risen people and in pursuit of Irish freedom and unity.
~By Gerry Adams ~

In this era of the global village, the tide of democracy is running. And it will not cease, not in China, not in South Africa, not in any corner of this earth, where the simple idea of democracy and freedom has taken root.
~By Paul Tsongas ~

I don't get anything for free. I pay for all my beauty treatments.
~By Jennifer Lopez ~

Our ideals of freedom, set forth and realized in our Constitution, are our greatest export to the world.
~By Robert Byrd ~

With one man, there was a freedom and liberation. That was with Michael Hutchence, my partner in life.
~By Kylie Minogue ~

Punk has always been about doing things your own way. What it represents for me is ultimate freedom and a sense of individuality.
~By Billie Joe Armstrong ~

While we may be of different faiths, we have a strong sense of faith, family, community. We hold the values of freedom and human rights very high and I think that those are all a part of a very strong quilt that binds us together.
~By Robert Menendez ~

WikiLeaks is designed to make capitalism more free and ethical.
~By Julian Assange ~

All that money stuff was so strange; all it ever meant to me was freedom from worry. I'm happier now than I've ever been but I still wish I had that money.
~By Dana Plato ~

I read the Life magazine articles about free love and free dope in California. At age 20 I drove to Los Angeles.
~By Glenn Frey ~

The system that enables the most people to earn the most success is free enterprise, by matching up people's skills, interests, and abilities. In contrast, redistribution simply spreads money around. Even worse, it attenuates the ability to earn success by perverting economic incentives.
~By Arthur C. Brooks ~

If I had children, I would be very selfish. I wouldn't be out doing things. But by not having kids, it makes me freer to travel the world and talk about things I feel are important.
~By Linda Blair ~

We are too quick to put labels on things. It is my profession. I get up and paint. Everyone wants to put a label on it, but I am a free spirit, so I fight against that.
~By Geoffrey Holder ~

In our passage from the Cape of Good Hope the winds were mostly from the westward with very boisterous weather: but one great advantage that this season of the year has over the summer months is in being free from fogs.
~By William Bligh ~

When I think of a merry, happy, free young girl - and look at the ailing, aching state a young wife generally is doomed to - which you can't deny is the penalty of marriage.
~By Queen Victoria ~

I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally.
~By W. C. Fields ~

I can't work completely out of my imagination. I must put my foot in a bit of truth; and then I can fly free.
~By Andrew Wyeth ~

Louis Freeh said on national TV that actionable intelligence could have allowed us to stop the hijackings.
~By Curt Weldon ~

This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
~By Elmer Davis ~

The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.
~By William O. Douglas ~

Since stepping down as laboratory director in 1999, I have devoted an increasing fraction of my time to international issues. I am involved with energy, environment, and sustainability issues, particularly as they involve new energy sources free of greenhouse gases.
~By Burton Richter ~

Freedom has no history.
~By Andrew Cohen ~

Rosa Parks was the queen mother of a movement whose single act of heroism sparked the movement for freedom, justice and equality. Her greatest contribution is that she told us a regular person can make a difference.
~By Marc Morial ~

I was never able to convince myself that there was a cost-free alternative course, as from 1961, or that any of the different strategies since proposed, especially those involving stronger military action, would have made sense.
~By William P. Bundy ~

Nearly 100,000 sex offenders remain unregistered, and are moving freely about the country; the risk that they may strike again grows every day.
~By Bob Ney ~

The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
~By John Stuart Mill ~

Freedom is a system based on courage.
~By Charles Peguy ~

Freedom is not an ideal, it is not even a protection, if it means nothing more than the freedom to stagnate.
~By Adlai E. Stevenson ~

This is an exciting time. I believe we stand at the edge of a new age - a Golden Age - of freedom that will rival any of the great eras of world history because it will be the entire world itself that is changing.
~By Joe Lieberman ~

One thing, however, is sure, - that in all cases the effort should be to impose all the cost of repairing the wrong upon the doer of the wrong. This alone is real justice, and of course such justice is necessarily free.
~By Benjamin Tucker ~

Everyone needs a warm personal enemy or two to keep him free from rust in the movable parts of his mind.
~By Gene Fowler ~

I wish that they could have more freedoms to be able to come and play. I know that the only way that they can get out is by, you know, defecting to another country or whatever, or getting on a boat.
~By Rafael Palmeiro ~

I drew a picture on the back of a calendar in pencil. In those days they used to give out free calendars, I had no art paper, so I took whatever else I could.
~By Joe Shuster ~

To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.
~By James Monroe ~

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~By Denis Diderot ~

I was determined to achieve the total freedom that our history lessons taught us we were entitled to, no matter what the sacrifice.
~By Rosabeth Moss Kanter ~

If society fits you comfortably enough, you call it freedom.
~By Robert Frost ~

Ironically, now that my children are older and gone quite a bit, I find it harder to work when they're not around. Too much free time!
~By Alice Hoffman ~

There is a requirement to ensure the withdrawal takes place in a civilized manner. We will be able to show the world we deserve independence and freedom.
~By Mahmoud Abbas ~

President Reagan was a leader at a time when the American people most needed leadership. He outlined a vision that captured the imagination of the free world, a vision that toppled the Communist empire and freed countless millions.
~By Dennis Hastert ~

You freeze with the number of opportunities given to you and just decide to do nothing at all.
~By Sam Mendes ~

I think my first album opened a lot of doors for me to push the freedom of speech to the limit.
~By Eminem ~

School gives you the freedom to explore different philosophies, religions, aspects of yourself, and subjects.
~By Leigh Steinberg ~

America does not need gorgeous halls and concert rooms for its musical development, but music schools with competent teachers, and many, very many, free scholarships for talented young disciples who are unable to pay the expense of study.
~By Anton Seidl ~

The best artist has that thought alone Which is contained within the marble shell; The sculptor's hand can only break the spell To free the figures slumbering in the stone.
~By Michelangelo ~

No tribe unites with another of its own free will.
~By Arthur Keith ~

The historical debate is over. The answer is free-market capitalism.
~By Thomas Friedman ~

Freedom is the oxygen without which science cannot breathe.
~By David Sarnoff ~

It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusive, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.
~By Thomas Mann ~

Freedom of speech is always under attack by Fascist mentality, which exists in all parts of the world, unfortunately.
~By Lawrence Ferlinghetti ~

Spirit borrows from matter the perceptions on which it feeds and restores them to matter in the form of movements which it has stamped with its own freedom.
~By Henri Bergson ~

The American people need to know the truth. The American people need to see the truth. In a democracy, letting the people know the truth is the essence of what it means to be free.
~By Barbara Boxer ~

It I talked about Watergate, I was described as struggling to free myself from the morass. If I did not talk about Watergate, I was accused of being out of touch with reality.
~By Richard M. Nixon ~

An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose.
~By Langston Hughes ~

Russia is the only place where men and women can be free.
~By James Larkin ~

I liked it because it was such a dangerous script and showed just what human beings are capable of. Here was a movie in which Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, who always win in every movie they ever do, simply don't win. I felt that was outrageous for a commercial movie.
~By Kevin Spacey ~

We know from our own history that democratic institutions take decades to mature, and we know from past conflicts that freedom is not free.
~By Jim DeMint ~

Until we are all free, we are none of us free.
~By Emma Lazarus ~

You cannot parcel out freedom in pieces because freedom is all or nothing.
~By Tertullian ~

The essence of a free government consists in an effectual control of rivalries.
~By John Adams ~

The first of all commodities to be exchanged is labour, and the freedom of man consists only in the exercise of the right to determine for himself in what manner his labour shall be employed, and how he will dispose of its products.
~By Henry Charles Carey ~

You've got to learn the footwork, the positioning, how to box out, how to pass, how to shoot your free throws. All these things are necessary, not to be the No. 1 player in the world, but maybe you can play against him.
~By Oscar Robertson ~

To be free in an age like ours, one must be in a position of authority. That in itself would be enough to make me ambitious.
~By Hannah Arendt ~

President Obama insists he's a free-market guy. But you have to wonder whether he understands how a free economy really works.
~By Fred Barnes ~

One thing's for sure, in the war between freedom and fear, our side is going to have better t-shirts.
~By Dave Winer ~

A lot of people out there pay good lip service to the idea of personal freedom... right up to the point that someone tries to do something that they don't personally approve of.
~By Neal Boortz ~

From too much love of living, From hope and fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives for ever; That dead men rise up never; That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea.
~By Algernon Charles Swinburne ~

I agree with the many who consider freezing all sorts of weapons systems a first step in a realistic disarmament policy.
~By Alva Myrdal ~

I regard freedom of expression as the primary right without which one can not have a proper functioning democracy.
~By Lord Hailsham ~

The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon.
~By Angelina Jolie ~

If the child is left to himself, he will think more and better, if less showily. Let him go and come freely, let him touch real things and combine his impressions for himself.
~By Anne Sullivan Macy ~

The United States did not keep its promise to help us fight for freedom and it was in the same fight that the United States lost 50,000 of its young men.
~By Nguyen Van Thieu ~

Worrying that banning flag desecration would inhibit free speech reveals a misunderstanding of the flag's fundamental nature.
~By Adrian Cronauer ~

At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote.
~By Emo Philips ~

There are incalculable resources in the human spirit, once it has been set free.
~By Hubert H. Humphrey ~

Not in sorrow freely is never to open the bosom to the sweets of the sunshine.
~By William Gilmore Simms ~

The main reason he wanted to be a recording artist was because it gives you much more freedom in your writing. You only have to please the artist and the artist is you so you can be more daring and experimental.
~By Cynthia Weil ~

Some books leave us free and some books make us free.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

We managed to put together a compilation that had some creativity to it. In the meantime I was listening to the free radio stations and I noticed that during their war coverage they were playing these songs born out of the Vietnam War that were all critical of the soldiers.
~By Joni Mitchell ~

I never had any childhood, for the word means sunshine and freedom from care. I had a starved and pinched little childhood, as far as love and merriment go.
~By Frank Leslie ~

We need international support so that our people live a life of normality, of dignity, of liberty and freedom. I hope that our cry for freedom may be heard.
~By Mahmoud Abbas ~

Freedom is fragile and must be protected. To sacrifice it, even as a temporary measure, is to betray it.
~By Germaine Greer ~

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.
~By Martin Luther King, Jr. ~

My feeling about him is that the America that we have today, the freedoms we enjoy and the privileges we have, are really the reflection of Abe Lincoln's convictions, his vision, and his toughness.
~By Gregory Peck ~

How many times have you been on the freeway and had someone fly by you at 100 mph then end up two cars ahead of you at the off ramp? What's the point?
~By Mark Harmon ~

Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people.
~By Charlie Chaplin ~

Mum used to hide love letters from my boyfriends and put me down. Now I understand that she was a Polish immigrant forced to settle in Chicago. She was jealous of the freedom life gave me.
~By Ruby Wax ~

To aid life, leaving it free, however, that is the basic task of the educator.
~By Maria Montessori ~

Most importantly, nothing has happened to change my conviction that freedom and the love of liberty remain the essential defining attributes of our national character as a people.
~By Ibrahim Babangida ~

Countries are well cultivated, not as they are fertile, but as they are free.
~By Charles de Montesquieu ~

I set about seeking a thread, a theme, a style, in the realm of legend. Something that might allow me to give free rein to my juvenile sense of romanticism and the beautiful image.
~By Leni Riefenstahl ~

There is no pressure on me, I can take a lot of risks in the coming weeks. I feel free to ski the way I decide on race-day because the overall title was not my main target this winter.
~By Hermann Maier ~

To compel the nation with challenge the traditional American doctrine of freedom of the seas, every man and every ship in the navy is solemnly pledged.
~By Josephus Daniels ~

The awakening of the people of China to the possibilities under free government is the most significant, if not the most momentous, event of our generation.
~By Woodrow Wilson ~

We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.
~By Muhammad Ali Jinnah ~

Without freedom of the press, there can be no representative government.
~By Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ~

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July 27 ,2024
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