Freedom Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Freedom

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Freedom comes from strength and self-reliance.
~By Lisa Murkowski ~

Ironically, it is exactly because we are a city that embraces freedom, that welcomes everyone and encourages their dreams, that New York remains on the front lines in the war on terror.
~By Michael Bloomberg ~

Money buys many things... The best of which is freedom.
~By Mary Renault ~

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
~By Jim Morrison ~

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

Workers of France, it is for the freedom of the prisoners that you will go to work in Germany! It is for our country that you will go in large numbers!
~By Pierre Laval ~

One of the things that bothers me most is the growing belief in the country that security is more important than freedom. It ain't.
~By Lyn Nofziger ~

That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent.
~By Muhammad Ali Jinnah ~

The proletariat uses the State not in the interests of freedom but in order to hold down its adversaries, and as soon as it becomes possible to speak of freedom the State as such ceases to exist.
~By Friedrich Engels ~

I believe the Patriot Act strikes the right balance needed to protect our freedom and security.
~By Bill Owens ~

We have convinced over one billlion members of the Islamic faith that we are prejudiced against their religion, that we would deny them freedom of religion, that we want suppress their culture and invade their governments.
~By Theodore C. Sorensen ~

Civilization is the order and freedom is promoting cultural activity.
~By Will Durant ~

You, the foreign media, have been the companion of my people in its long and painful journey to freedom.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

Many have left their families to defend our freedom. We salute their bravery; we express our appreciation and support to their families. And we pray for their safe return.
~By Bob Taft ~

I made my own assessment of my life, and I began to live it. That was freedom.
~By Fernando Flores ~

Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

A trait which differentiated New York from European cities was the incredible freedom and ease in which life, including sexual life, could be carried on, on many levels.
~By Jerzy Kosinski ~

All the characters in my films are fighting these problems, needing freedom, trying to find a way to cut themselves loose, but failing to rid themselves of conscience, a sense of sin, the whole bag of tricks.
~By Michelangelo Antonioni ~

Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.
~By Robert Kennedy ~

Freedom is the right to one's dignity as a man.
~By Archibald MacLeish ~

We gain freedom when we have paid the full price.
~By Rabindranath Tagore ~

You cannot expect so much freedom in a land of 1.3 billion people.
~By Alex Chiu ~

The real movement of history, it turns out, is fueled not by matter but by spirit, by the will to freedom.
~By Gertrude Himmelfarb ~

As a 22-year Army Veteran who served in Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, and as a Civilian Advisor to the Afghan Army in Operation Enduring Freedom, I understand both the gravity of giving the order, and the challenge of carrying it out.
~By Allen West ~

The reality is that we are hated not because of our democracy, freedoms, and generous social security system; rather, we are hated because of our involvement in foreign conflicts and quarrels that were never our concern.
~By Amir Butler ~

Spirit borrows from matter the perceptions on which it feeds and restores them to matter in the form of movements which it has stamped with its own freedom.
~By Henri Bergson ~

Another hero was Tom Swift, in the books. What he stood for, the freedom, the scientific knowledge and being and engineer gave him the ability to invent solutions to problems. He's always been a hero to me. I buy old Tom Swift books now and read them to my own children.
~By Steve Wozniak ~

Liberty, freedom and democracy are very fuzzy words, but human rights is very specific.
~By Joichi Ito ~

We shall not yield to violence. We shall not be deprived of union freedoms. We shall never agree with sending people to prison for their convictions.
~By Lech Walesa ~

I don't like definitions, but if there is a definition of freedom, it would be when you have control over your reality to transform it, to change it, rather than having it imposed upon you. You can't really ask for more than.
~By Mark Knopfler ~

Freedom is not an ideal, it is not even a protection, if it means nothing more than the freedom to stagnate.
~By Adlai E. Stevenson ~

The sacrifices ordinary American men and women from communities large and small have been willing to make, often before they were past their teenage years, have secured our nation unprecedented freedoms and made us the world's bulwark of liberty.
~By Steve Buyer ~

Freedom cannot be given... It can only be taken away.
~By David Allan Coe ~

Perfect freedom is reserved for the man who lives by his own work and in that work does what he wants to do.
~By Robin G. Collingwood ~

We hold our heads high, despite the price we have paid, because freedom is priceless.
~By Lech Walesa ~

I believe that the high rates of property crime (and some of the increase in violent crime) are part of the price you pay for freedom.
~By James Q. Wilson ~

As one gets older one sees many more paths that could be taken. Artists sense within their own work that kind of swelling of possibilities, which may seem a freedom or a confusion.
~By Jasper Johns ~

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom.
~By Clarence Darrow ~

We can be proud of our record as an international beacon of liberty. From fostering democracies in Eastern Europe to the stabilization of Iraq and Afghanistan, we have been true to that calling and helped spread freedom to oppressed peoples everywhere.
~By Kay Bailey Hutchison ~

The Vietnamese people deeply love independence, freedom and peace. But in the face of United States aggression they have risen up, united as one man.
~By Ho Chi Minh ~

Freedom of religion is a principle that is central to our Nation's Declaration of Independence. Congress has taken this positive step to protect our freedom to express allegiance to America's flag and the ideals it represents.
~By Ron Lewis ~

Freedom is a muscle... you have to exercise it.
~By Roy Scheider ~

Freedom is a man's natural power of doing what he pleases, so far as he is not prevented by force or law.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

The theme is the theme of humiliation, which is the square root of sin, as opposed to the freedom from humiliation, and love, which is the square root of wonderful.
~By Carson McCullers ~

Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
~By Moshe Dayan ~

Sept. 11 represented a terrorist attack aimed at destroying everything that America stands for - our freedoms and our way of life.
~By John Whitehead ~

As people grow up and they want more freedom, it's on an individual basis, children want to have more freedom, you've got to allow that, so how do you balance it. I would say let it evolve, move as quickly or slowly as people would like to move.
~By Goh Chok Tong ~

Women are degraded by the propensity to enjoy the present moment, and, at last, despise the freedom which they have not sufficient virtue to struggle to attain.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft ~

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.
~By Robert A. Heinlein ~

I believe in a religion that believes in freedom. Any time I have to accept a religion that won't let me fight a battle for my people, I say to hell with that religion.
~By Malcolm X ~

Whether or not we establish freedom rests with ourselves.
~By Florence E. Allen ~

Ukraine is also successfully moving toward democracy and making progress expanding freedoms and rights to its people. We can help Ukraine achieve these goals and improve its economy by normalizing trade relations.
~By Vito Fossella ~

And Marx spoke of the fact that socialism will be the kingdom of freedom, where man realizes himself in a way that humankind has never seen before. This was an inspiring body of literature to read.
~By Albert Maltz ~

I wish that they had the freedoms like the Japanese and the Koreans and the Mexicans and everybody else that has that freedom to come over here and play the game, because I know Cuba has a very strong baseball history.
~By Rafael Palmeiro ~

I think the definition of an artist is not necessarily tied into excellence or talent; an artist is somebody who, if you took away their freedom to make art, would lose their mind.
~By Richard Price ~

It the British System is the most gigantic system of slavery the world has yet seen, and therefore it is that freedom gradually disappears from every country over which England is enabled to obtain control.
~By Henry Charles Carey ~

Freedom is a lonely battle, but if the United States doesn't lead it - sometimes imperfectly, but mostly with honor - who will?
~By Cal Thomas ~

It is clear that not in one thing alone, but in many ways equality and freedom of speech are a good thing.
~By Herodotus ~

Israel is a country that respects freedom - freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of worship.
~By George Pataki ~

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it.
~By John F. Kennedy ~

I hope my work has inspired young artists. I have always tried to maintain my freedom as an artist and I feel it is one of the main reasons I have been successful.
~By Frank Frazetta ~

I chose America as my home because I value freedom and democracy, civil liberties and an open society.
~By George Soros ~

For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein's regime is a better and safer place.
~By George W. Bush ~

I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom.
~By Simone de Beauvoir ~

Freedom is not an ideal, it is not even a protection, if it means nothing more than freedom to stagnate, to live without dreams, to have no greater aim than a second car and another television set.
~By Adlai Stevenson ~

The river flows at its own sweet will, but the flood is bound in the two banks. If it were not thus bound, its freedom would be wasted.
~By Vinoba Bhave ~

As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility.
~By Arnold J. Toynbee ~

If you allow one single germ, one single seed of slavery to remain in the soil of America... that germ will spring up, that noxious weed will thrive, and again stifle the growth, wither the leaves, blast the flowers and poison the fair fruits of freedom.
~By Ernestine L. Rose ~

Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom.
~By Friedrich Schiller ~

Hundreds of political prisoners still suffer in Tibetan prisons. Freedom of speech is not allowed in any sense. It is illegal to possess a photo of the Dalai Lama.
~By Joanna Lumley ~

Men are freest when they are most unconscious of freedom. The shout is a rattling of chains, always was.
~By David Herbert Lawrence ~

We must remain steadfast in our commitment to our troops, and to those fighting for a free and democratic Iraq because freedom makes our country and the world a safer place.
~By Chris Chocola ~

The State is the altar of political freedom and, like the religious altar, it is maintained for the purpose of human sacrifice.
~By Emma Goldman ~

We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than that only freedom can make security secure.
~By Karl Popper ~

Freedom requires no effort to enjoy but requires heroic efforts to preserve.
~By Richard G. Scott ~

In the beginning, we had a great deal of freedom, and Jerry wrote completely out of his imagination - very, very freely. We even had no editorial supervision to speak of, because they were in such a rush to get the thing in before deadline. But later on we were restricted.
~By Joe Shuster ~

War - hard apprenticeship of freedom.
~By Edward Everett Hale ~

There's also a sense of freedom. I was so obsessed by this problem that I was thinking about if all the time - when I woke up in the morning, when I went to sleep at night, and that went on for eight years.
~By Andrew Wiles ~

Rosa Parks was the queen mother of a movement whose single act of heroism sparked the movement for freedom, justice and equality. Her greatest contribution is that she told us a regular person can make a difference.
~By Marc Morial ~

Your determination, selflessness and courage have brought the freedom struggle towards its fulfilment.
~By Gerry Adams ~

No! on Human Rights and Freedom, on a subject that is as self-evident as that two and two make four, there is no need of any written authority.
~By Ernestine L. Rose ~

You cannot parcel out freedom in pieces because freedom is all or nothing.
~By Tertullian ~

The U.S. cannot impose freedom, security, and unity in Iraq by force.
~By Peter DeFazio ~

People do still cheer for the President. And some of the military audiences are more likely to cheer than others. I have seen him speak lately in front of groups like Freedom House, where the applause was a long time coming.
~By Gwen Ifill ~

The nation demands a movement which has written upon its banner the internal and external national freedom that it will act as if it were the spiritual, social and political conscience of the nation.
~By Franz von Papen ~

You have riches and freedom here but I feel no sense of faith or direction. You have so many computers, why don't you use them in the search for love?
~By Lech Walesa ~

Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man's attitude may be, that problem is hers - and before it can be his, it is hers alone.
~By Margaret Sanger ~

I try to give the media as many confusing images as I can to retain my freedom. What's real is for my children and the people I live with.
~By Sting ~

Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.
~By George W. Bush ~

God tolerates even our stammering, and pardons our ignorance whenever something inadvertently escapes us - as, indeed, without this mercy there would be no freedom to pray.
~By John Calvin ~

While we enjoy the benefits of living in the greatest democracy in the world, we must be ever conscious of the fact that none of the achievements or freedoms enjoyed in America would be possible without the price that has been paid for by our servicemen and women.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

As we look forward to freedom, the shining city on the hill and the best days of America lying ahead, it is the men and women in uniform who protect, defend and make us proud to whom we should look and give thanks every night.
~By Robin Hayes ~

I believe that being an actress or being involved in a movie has to be a life experience, otherwise why go for it? I have to change me, and I have to learn things, and I have to push me and my limits. By acting, I find a freedom inside of a prison in a way.
~By Juliette Binoche ~

Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?
~By Kurt Vonnegut ~

There's a glorious sense of freedom in comedy, just allowing myself to tell jokes, allowing myself to interrupt myself and tell old African folk stories that I made up - or didn't - and Jamaican stories.
~By Neil Gaiman ~

I believe in the freedom of God's sons and daughters.
~By Pat Buckley ~

To deny the freedom of the will is to make morality impossible.
~By James Anthony Froude ~

Get in the race car do what I do then go home. We don't have freedom to do anything anymore.
~By Tony Stewart ~

Death is the liberator of him whom freedom cannot release, the physician of him whom medicine cannot cure, and the comforter of him whom time cannot console.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

No slavery can be abolished without a double emancipation, and the master will benefit by freedom more than the freed-man.
~By Thomas Huxley ~

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July 27 ,2024
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