Friend Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Friend

Read This: Rejection Quotes And Sayings

I remember I read this harsh review about my show, and one of my friends told me that this was the exact same stuff people said about Madonna. And it's like, she didn't care. Madonna just came out and was herself. I respect that a lot.
~By Britney Spears ~

Friendship can only exist between persons with similar interests and points of view. Man and woman by the conventions of society are born with different interests and different points of view.
~By August Strindberg ~

If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.
~By Charles Bukowski ~

My first experiences of academic friendship made me smile in after years when I looked back on them. But my circle of acquaintances had gradually grown so large that it was only natural new friendships should grow out of it.
~By Georg Brandes ~

I love singing - singing is what I'm famous for doing. Now it's turned into things I am famous for doing - like having rows with my mum or about my boyfriend, so it does get irritating.
~By Charlotte Church ~

I've never been out with any of the cast of Coronation Street. We're all very close friends so it's very much a professional attitude.
~By Richard Fleeshman ~

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace.
~By John F. Kennedy ~

A heart makes a good home for the friend.
~By Yunus Emre ~

Often, I went in love with some friends in school. And, no, I suffered. Only later, things went better.
~By Andrea Bocelli ~

I see my friends, my family, my cousins work all day long for very little money, and if I have this problem of not being able to wall on the streets, it's not a big deal.
~By Olivier Martinez ~

At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.
~By Barbara Bush ~

Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings.
~By Jean de la Bruyere ~

If one could be friendly with women, what a pleasure - the relationship so secret and private compared with relations with men. Why not write about it truthfully?
~By Virginia Woolf ~

I said, wouldn't it be nice, instead of having these women fight with each other over men, which seems to be more of a cliche, wouldn't it be wonderful if they were the true comrades and it took these men much more time to infiltrate their friendships.
~By Jennifer Beals ~

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
~By Charles William Eliot ~

She didn't break his heart, but I feel like a man is supposed to be a man, he ain't supposed to be all involved in that. That's why she got sisters and friend for. Just show up with the ring and act right.
~By Mike Epps ~

I can rock out anything. I mean, I can rock out a little 'Time After Time'. I can do a little 'Grease Lightning'. It depends on the mood, but we do go karaoke, my friends and I in Los Angeles, and it's a lot of fun.
~By Kristen Bell ~

Alas, I am a woman friendless, hopeless!
~By William Shakespeare ~

I think the qualities I look for in a girl I'd like to be my girlfriend would be the way Lindsay's character is before she becomes a plastic. Very real.
~By Jonathan Bennett ~

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
~By Charles R. Swindoll ~

If our nation goes over a financial Niagara, we won't have much strength and, eventually, we won't have peace. We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors. Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security. That is not, as our military friends say, a 'robust strategy.'
~By Mitch Daniels ~

All the details of the life and the quirks and the friendships can be laid out for us, but the mystery of the writing will remain. No amount of documentation, however fascinating, can take us there.
~By V. S. Naipaul ~

I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
~By Frances Farmer ~

It's extremely seldom that anybody wants me to change what I've written about them. Generally I portray them in a good light, if they're friends.
~By Harvey Pekar ~

It is not necessary to have enemies if you go out of your way to make friends hate you.
~By Frank Dane ~

He was a great patriot, a humanitarian, a loyal friend; provided, of course, he really is dead.
~By Voltaire ~

Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.
~By Joseph Addison ~

Boyfriends have to understand me and my needs. They have to know what I want out of my life and about my strict regime. I go to bed at 10pm and not later. I separate my professional and private lives.
~By Anna Kournikova ~

I have never made a friend from whom I could not separate, and I have never made an enemy that I could not approach.
~By Tancredo Neves ~

Look at Christ, my dear friend: His life was divine through and through, full of self-denial, and He did everything for mankind, finding His satisfaction and His delight in the dissolution of His material being.
~By Mikhail Bakunin ~

I love being with my family, my friends, and my boyfriend.
~By Monica Keena ~

I have a lot of friends and fans in Canada and as a matter of fact I met a fan from there that came down to my office. It was nice and we took pictures and had a nice talk.
~By Larry Holmes ~

I have never appreciated a quiet moment with a friend as much, a quiet moment with a book and I think part of that is my obsession with being older and time going faster and it's become increasingly sweeter for me.
~By Candice Bergen ~

He makes no friends who never made a foe.
~By Alfred Lord Tennyson ~

Be friendly to everyone. Those who deserve it the least need it the most.
~By Bo Bennett ~

I think the sense of community that exists with all the characters - that's the answer. The fact that they have found a family in their friends. It does give some depth and meaning to their lives.
~By Randy Harrison ~

We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

We can be thankful to a friend for a few acres, or a little money; and yet for the freedom and command of the whole earth, and for the great benefits of our being, our life, health, and reason, we look upon ourselves as under no obligation.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

I've got many close friends, but there's an awful lot about friendship that is not demonstrative in my case.
~By Warren Christopher ~

It's a tough time my friends. We need to make sacrifices to ensure our troops have the tools they need in order to get the job done. This budget will help us win the War on Terror.
~By Dennis Hastert ~

We paid off our debts, we learned some, made friends and returned in 1950 with a larger view of life. I had, however, no home, no income of any kind and no prospects whatsoever.
~By James W. Black ~

Eminem is more like a friend. And I'm also a fan on Eminem.
~By Obie Trice ~

I'm kind of a dork. I don't have much game. I'm not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble, having dinner with a couple friends, going to see a movie, or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons.
~By Wentworth Miller ~

It's one thing for the people in the industry to know who you are, because they've heard about you earlier. I have friends calling me from the Christian bookstore because there's a poster on the wall. It's just weird.
~By Stacie Orrico ~

I fell in love with Scotland and made good friends here, so I stayed after graduating with Honours in Chemistry.
~By Steve Blake ~

No one leaves an old friend unless they are ashamed.
~By Julian Casablancas ~

The Framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution. But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny.
~By Hugo Black ~

I left the table where there were important people and had lunch with my husband and a few friends. The reception was organised in my honour, so it was rather amusing.
~By Nana Mouskouri ~

Nikki lives around the corner from me and I see him all the time. We talk a lot, and of course we're still friends. That was our baby, Motley Crue, we put that band together.
~By Tommy Lee ~

Then I got together with my brother and a friend and we decided to play dates. The more we played, the more we wanted to do it. And it got to a stage where we wanted to do it all the time.
~By Ray Davies ~

Avon is a unique place to work; we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company; 46 percent of our officers are women.
~By Andrea Jung ~

A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.
~By Charles Darwin ~

I used to get quite upset that I'd make friends with a guy or a girl and then within the space of three years we'd move and go and live somewhere else, and you'd have to say goodbye to that person.
~By Dominic Monaghan ~

It is always safe to learn, even from our enemies; seldom safe to venture to instruct, even our friends.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

As a Republican, I voted with President Clinton consistently in our efforts to bail out our European friends in Kosovo to stop genocide. I am proud of those votes. I am proud of President Clinton for that.
~By Gordon Smith ~

It was all that stuff about taking your parents' car when you're 13, sneaking booze into rock shows and ditching school with your friends. I could relate to that as a former teenager, rather than as a present parent.
~By Donal Logue ~

Players come and go, good friends, players who performed well. You can't control that.
~By Mats Sundin ~

He who throws away a friend is as bad as he who throws away his life.
~By Sophocles ~

Meg Ryan is a beautiful and courageous woman. I grieve the loss of her companionship but I've not lost the friendship. We talk all the time and that was what our connection was about. She has a wonderful mind and we just like a chat.
~By Russell Crowe ~

Sometimes it was difficult to make friends and be social in school because I was always practicing while other kids were getting together and doing things. But it just made me closer to my family, and I realized that they would always be there no matter what.
~By Nancy Kerrigan ~

The most important thing is to follow your instinct and get involved with some friends who have similar tastes and aspirations and like music as much as you do.
~By Mick Taylor ~

If you tell people your ambitions, they usually laugh at you. When I told my girlfriends when I was 12 that I was going to Hollywood, they all laughed. And here I am!
~By Helen Reddy ~

There's people outside our house; you get followed by photographers; you can't go out and have a cup of coffee with a friend without someone coming up to you.
~By Jack Osbourne ~

I would want my legacy to be that I was a great son, father and friend.
~By Dante Hall ~

Only solitary men know the full joys of frienship. Others have their family; but to a solitary and an exile, his friends are everything.
~By Willa Cather ~

Because I have sixty years of being a professional composer, conductor, musician, whatever, and you develop a lot of friendships and you get involved with a lot of sort of long-term commitments and obligations.
~By Gunther Schuller ~

A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.
~By Robert Hall ~

For all that has been said of the love that certain natures (on shore) have professed for it, for all the celebrations it has been the object of in prose and song, the sea has never been friendly to man. At most it has been the accomplice of human restlessness.
~By Joseph Conrad ~

If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
~By Joseph Addison ~

Well, I had said to my friends, it's going to be good, but I bet it's going to be cheesy in a way. And I didn't think that at all. It's so good and was just so funny.
~By Brittany Snow ~

An incinerator is a writer's best friend.
~By Thornton Wilder ~

To me a real patriot is like a real friend. Who's your real friend? It's the person who tells you the truth. That's who my real friends are. So, you know, I think as far as our country goes, we need more people who will do that.
~By Bill Maher ~

My encounters with racism are sort of second-hand situations where I might be standing around with a group of white friends and someone makes a comment that they wouldn't make at my family reunion.
~By Wentworth Miller ~

With my friends, I don't feel pressure to be someone other than who I am.
~By Judith Guest ~

The manic pursuit of success cost me everything I could love: my wife, my three children, some friends I would have liked to grow old with.
~By Sammy Davis, Jr. ~

If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.
~By Charlotte Bronte ~

I am an old, old friend of Aaron Sorkin's, who is the executive producer and writer. He had been talking about doing a political show for a long time and I had been interested in it for a long time. The moment I became available, he called me last year and asked me if I wanted to do it and then I just had to audition for the powers that be, and I got it.
~By Bradley Whitford ~

A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.
~By William Penn ~

I hate the whole race. There is no believing a word they say, your professional poets, I mean there never existed a more worthless set than Byron and his friends for example.
~By Arthur Wellesley ~

The Temple will not be completed until every living stone is there. And then what? The next thing will be that which our Masonic friends make so much of, and which we make so much of namely: the glorification of the temple.
~By Charles T. Russell ~

Personally, I'd never seen a graphic novel. I knew they existed because friends of mine like Jonathan Ross collect them and some very literate and intelligent people really rate the graphic novel as a form.
~By Stephen Fry ~

When the strong box contains no more both friends and flatterers shun the door.
~By Plutarch ~

But, I think that the reason I responded to this book, sort of paradoxically, is that it starts out like The Big Chill, sort of. Four friends, who are not quite happy with their life, and every year they get together for a week and look for some comfort from each other.
~By Lawrence Kasdan ~

A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

In 1980, I moved to Chicago, and I recorded demo tapes for my friends' bands, and in 1981, the first Big Black record - the first thing I did that was an actual record.
~By Steve Albini ~

Finally, fighting for gay rights, speaking out in various places and making friends, men and women, was great.
~By George Weinberg ~

I missed my home - like the physicality of my home, I missed my friends and my family mostly and just hanging out and being in your home country - culturally it feels right and that is what I miss.
~By Orlando Bloom ~

It pays to know the enemy - not least because at some time you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend.
~By Margaret Thatcher ~

My friends always said that I should be a comedienne - I was named my class clown.
~By Sally Kellerman ~

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.
~By Orson Welles ~

It was a struggle treating Claude Rains as my lover, but we were friendly. It was no great love affair.
~By Gloria Stuart ~

But I believe in fair trade, and I will tell you, I have many, many friends heading up corporations, and people that do just business in China, they say it's virtually impossible. It's very, very hard to come into China. And yet, we welcome them with open arms.
~By Donald Trump ~

God, my parents, my wife. I don't have a lot of friends, because I'm always moving around. I don't drink, so I don't hang out in bars. But they've been very big in my life. Because they have helped to encourage me.
~By Herschel Walker ~

From the time I was very young, maybe five or six, I thought a lot about being an actress. I didn't tell my friends about my ambitions, though, especially when I got older, because I thought they would not receive them well. I never talked about what I wanted to do.
~By Louise Fletcher ~

Writers seldom choose as friends those self-contained characters who are never in trouble, never unhappy or ill, never make mistakes and always count their change when it is handed to them.
~By Catherine Drinker Bowen ~

I use the language I use to my friends. They wouldn't believe me if I used some high-flown literary language. I want them to believe me.
~By Adrian Mitchell ~

Working with people, the musical part is one thing but the personal part is totally different and just as critical. If the friendship is there and it's a lasting friendship, then it will take care of itself.
~By John Mayall ~

That's the great thing about having your friends around you. I've known these guys forever. I really enjoy their company just as people. You couldn't ask for a better work environment.
~By Drew Carey ~

Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness.
~By Chanakya ~

There were times I used to go to parties when I was, you know, like 15-, 16-years-old, and I'd always bring my guitar, and all my friends would be like, sing one of the Smokey songs. And everything I sang was his music, and I could sound just like him.
~By Teena Marie ~

Read This: Hindsight Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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