Games Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Games

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I think most people played both variants and regular games. It was a period when variants were very popular and there were a lot more variants being played at that time. Every week practically, it seemed someone would publish a new variant in a zine.
~By Fred Davis ~

I'm not making any excuses. I got my butt kicked in certain games.
~By David Wells ~

I got beat real hard and heavy in the Olympic Games in 1968 by a guy who swam an incredible race one time in his whole life, but he did it right at the right time. I'd like to be that guy now. Maybe that's what I'm going to have to pull out of my hat to make the Olympic team.
~By Mark Spitz ~

I also developed an interest in sports, and played in informal games at a nearby school yard where the neighborhood children met to play touch football, baseball, basketball and occasionally, ice hockey.
~By Steven Chu ~

I mean we all played as kids. You play games, you take on different characters, you imitate; the fun and the love of play has never left me.
~By Kevin Spacey ~

It's almost like these games are the modern day comic books, especially when you play Alone in the Dark. There's a real story that goes along with it and a movie seemed like the right kind of transition to make.
~By Christian Slater ~

In college, before video games, we would amuse ourselves by posing programming exercises.
~By Ken Thompson ~

Everybody wants you to do good things, but in a small town you pretty much graduate and get married. Mostly you marry, have children and go to their football games.
~By Faith Hill ~

Getting inside the mind of a terrorist wasn't difficult at all. Even as children, human beings fabricate elaborate revenge fantasies. We're not a particular species. Check out popular video games.
~By Alan Dean Foster ~

I think everybody has to be better, right from me out. Everybody has to step up their games for us to be successful here. I've been lucky to be on some good teams over the years and that's what it takes, everybody contributing night after night.
~By Ed Belfour ~

I spent my whole life trying to play the games males play.
~By Elisabeth Shue ~

Kids just don't read any more. They spend much more time with video games. It's just hard to get kids to read anything. Book sales have dropped dramatically, too. I think 90% of the books are bought only by 5% of the US population.
~By Stan Sakai ~

And, in nineteen seventy two Olympic Games I wasn't really going to be a star, and overnight I became a star.
~By Olga Korbut ~

The console games, as they come out with this new generation, will have a temporary advantage in price performance, but there are still many things you can do on a PC, more conveniently than you can do on a console machine.
~By Will Wright ~

If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead.
~By Erma Bombeck ~

I want to thank all the fans for their support over the years. Keep supporting the Knicks, we're moving in the right direction here and we will be exciting to watch and competing against the best in the NBA. Come back to the Garden for those exciting games.
~By John Starks ~

If you watch young children play, you will notice that they create games, characters, situations, whole worlds in which they immerse themselves with intense concentration.
~By Daniel Greenberg ~

Most games are lost, not won.
~By Casey Stengel ~

No matter how much you've won, no matter how many games, no matter how many championships, no matter how many Super Bowls, you're not winning now, so you stink.
~By Bill Parcells ~

I'm a games and theory kind of guy. I love puzzles, so it was fun dissecting Shakespeare's prose.
~By Neil Patrick Harris ~

It is in games that many men discover their paradise.
~By Robert Wilson Lynd ~

You know they're not going to lose 162 consecutive games.
~By Harry Caray ~

I'll be here in my home with three big screens. I'll be watching three games at a time, and when they're over, I'll look at three more.
~By Hayden Fry ~

Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives.
~By Paul Wellstone ~

I couldn't be happier about being a part of 'Hunger Games' and to play Katniss. I have a huge responsibility to the fans of this incredible book and I don't take it lightly. I will give everything I have to these movies and to this role to make it worthy of Suzanne Collins' masterpiece.
~By Jennifer Lawrence ~

Jake Green isn't just Jake Green. Jake represents all of us. The colour green is the central column of the spectrum and the name Jake has all sorts of numerical values. All things come back to him within the film's world of cons and games.
~By Guy Ritchie ~

I think my biggest break though came probably on Patriot Games because it was the biggest, longest second unit up to that point. It was like five months of shooting and a huge crew.
~By David R. Ellis ~

If I couldn't broadcast baseball games, I think I would make a good impression on people.
~By Mackenzie Astin ~

Sectional football games have the glory and the despair of war, and when a Texas team takes the field against a foreign state, it is an army with banners.
~By John Steinbeck ~

Primates will continue to play social games without the least insight into what is killing them.
~By Keith Henson ~

They say some of my stars drink whiskey, but I have found that ones who drink milkshakes don't win many ball games.
~By Casey Stengel ~

I love to play games. I really like football, and I also like to ride horses.
~By Mary-Kate Olsen ~

Also, after people play these Sim games, it tends to change their perception of the world around them, so they see their city, house or family in a slightly different way after playing.
~By Will Wright ~

I love Age of Empires and I play RTS games all the time, I respect what they've accomplished.
~By Sid Meier ~

If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you.
~By Paul Bryant ~

I haven't played a chess match for several decades. At one point I lost most of my chess games. Then I realized many of my competitors were memorizing the best moves and I was unwilling to do this.
~By John Harsanyi ~

Twenty games is the magic figure for pitchers - .300 is the magic figures for batters. It pays off in salary and reputation. And those are the two things that keep a ballplayer in business.
~By Warren Spahn ~

My main point in this regard was to compete for my country and my people and to receive the support of the entire Cuban society, to carry my flag in whatever competition I was in, the Olympic Games, Pan-American Games.
~By Alberto Juantorena ~

The experience of creating my adventure games was, other than marrying my husband and bringing into the world my two sons, the most fulfilling, wonderful experience I ever had.
~By Roberta Williams ~

It's a weird scene. You win a few baseball games and all of a sudden you're surrounded by reporters and TV men with cameras asking you about Vietnam and race relations.
~By Vida Blue ~

I deleted all the games from my computer. I spent days trawling the Internet. I started slowly.
~By Mary Garden ~

I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.
~By Kobe Bryant ~

The London Games will be designed for the athletes and we will provide them with the very best venues and the very best conditions to pursue their sporting dreams in London.
~By Sebastian Coe ~

Right now, more people enjoy movies, music, television and movies than they do video games.
~By J Allard ~

Love is all fun and games until someone loses an eye or gets pregnant.
~By Jim Cole ~

This circus games aspect has existed since the beginning of my career.
~By Placido Domingo ~

To be on television and have my nieces and nephews see me, and seeing them wear my shirt to the games and be proud, it's so sweet. Sometimes it feels like it's just a dream.
~By Sue Wicks ~

That's what I do now: I lead and I teach. If we win basketball games from doing that, then that's great, but I lead and teach. Those are the two things I concentrate on.
~By Mike Krzyzewski ~

South Koreans who have seen and praised the mass games should remember the hardship of tearful children. Teachers drive them hard with curses and orders to repeat and repeat. When the children return home in the evening, they can hardly walk.
~By Kim Il sung ~

The Olympic Games of the Modern Era began in 1896 in the city of Athens.
~By Bill Toomey ~

Games sometimes can reveal things. To watch someone in movement, unconscious movement, can be very stimulating and revealing, whether they win or not.
~By John Turturro ~

We played soccer a lot with our friends and at school. We weren't on an official team or anything, but we'd definitely be up for it in gym or in after-school pickup games where we live.
~By Mary-Kate Olsen ~

What I was proud of was that I used very few parts to build a computer that could actually speak words on a screen and type words on a keyboard and run a programming language that could play games. And I did all this myself.
~By Steve Wozniak ~

The letters were universally complimentary, and we designers loved hearing that our games were being enjoyed, but if they weren't sending us a picture of their screens most of those writers would have spent their time playing the game rather than writing letters.
~By David Crane ~

You'd go in, read the script once for timing and then you would sit around and play games. The sound effects people would come in and we would do a dress rehearsal so they could get the effects and the music cues in place. Then you would wait until you went on the air.
~By Dick York ~

We're just going to come out and play. We know that we're supposed to win all the games, but if we don't, we just have to take the next game and focus on what we did wrong in the game before and just try to do better at the next game.
~By Shaquille O'Neal ~

Video games are so popular these days, getting the opportunity to star in one is something special. More people should do it.
~By Carrot Top ~

Probably the best part of my life has been watching the kids play their games.
~By Jerry Kramer ~

The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games.
~By Eugene Jarvis ~

I'm blown away by the graphical detail of today's games. I can't imagine that it's going to get any better, but it's just going to continually progress and soon we'll be living in that world.
~By Christian Slater ~

It's all fun and games 'till someone loses an eye, then it's just fun you can't see.
~By James Hetfield ~

If I wasn't dyslexic, I probably wouldn't have won the Games. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily... and I never would have realized that the way you get ahead in life is hard work.
~By Bruce Jenner ~

I vividly remember bowling 20 + games a day, 2 or 3 times a week.
~By Joe Tex ~

A lot of rookies hit the wall after 50 or 60 games.
~By Andrew Bogut ~

We cannot and will not ban the creation of violent video games. But, we can prevent the distribution of these disturbing games to children, where their effects can be negative.
~By Herb Kohl ~

We have drained common sense out of our politics. The more we focus on tactics and games, the more good people check out and give up.
~By Deval Patrick ~

That's what you work all season for, to get into the playoff games, and you don't want to blow it.
~By Ray Nitschke ~

Don't matter what they throw at us. Only angry people win football games.
~By Darrell Royal ~

Working with Sturges was like working with a guy who wanted to have a party all the time. He was very serious about his work, but in between shots, he was fun and we would play games.
~By Eddie Bracken ~

Man, if I made one million dollars I would come in at six in the morning, sweep the stands, wash the uniforms, clean out the office, manage the team and play the games.
~By Duke Snider ~

I play PC and Xbox games at home, and I just got a PSP as a birthday present.
~By Uwe Boll ~

I hope we can build our offense and go out there and win games.
~By Jamal Lewis ~

Also at the top of the list was my three day appearance on 'Press Your Luck'. In addition to the intense competition of each of those games, it slowly started to dawn on me in the minutes between tapings that I was winning some serious money.
~By Randy West ~

Baseball hasn't forgotten me. I go to a lot of old-timers games and I haven't lost a thing. I sit in the bullpen and let people throw things at me. Just like old times.
~By Bob Uecker ~

I don't bat an eye at stuff like that. I've had my share of wins. If I worried about the games I should have won, it would probably drive me crazy. It was a fun game to pitch in.
~By Roger Clemens ~

The Olympic Games is the ultimate level of competition.
~By Russell Mark ~

Money is not everything. My ambition was football itself, not the money I'd make from it. If that brings me and my family a more comfortable lifestyle, then that's fine. But I don't spend my time between games and training sessions thinking about figures.
~By Alessandro Del Piero ~

Nevertheless, the mode, the justification, and all the games involved in this war were dishonest.
~By Dario Fo ~

Do we settle on a regional team because we can go to its ballpark and see its games on television? Or do we choose a team as our favorite because it has an especially appealing player, a Barry Bonds or an Ichiro?
~By John Thorn ~

Our approach to making games is to find the fun first and then use the technology to enhance the fun.
~By Sid Meier ~

Win or lose, I've been fortunate to be able to pitch deep enough into games to get decisions.
~By Dontrelle Willis ~

I was a catastrophe at Science and Games, but the good thing about Quaker schools is that they encourage you in those subjects for which you show an aptitude.
~By Richard Rodney Bennett ~

I did pretty well at the Sydney Olympics, but those were my first Games.
~By Marion Jones ~

Most of the games don't let you focus too much on the cheerleaders, but I've been watching these girls.
~By Lawrence Taylor ~

My personal life is the same. At the end of the day, this is just a job. I love what I do, and it's a great job. But it's like my alter ego. There's Chris Brown the singer. And there's Christopher Brown, the down-home Tappahannock boy that plays video games and basketball and hangs out.
~By Chris Brown ~

I want to express my deepest apology to the athletes, the people of Salt Lake City in Utah and the millions of citizens worldwide who love and respect the games.
~By Juan Antonio Samaranch ~

This independent report clearly indicates that while we may differ among ourselves in government about what to spend money on, we have one of the most reliable and non-political processes for agreeing on how much money there is. We don't play games with the numbers.
~By Ruth Ann Minner ~

A player is said to have the opposition when he can place his King directly in front of the adverse King, with only one square between them. This is often an important advantage in ending games.
~By Howard Staunton ~

Take a look at your natural river. What are you? Stop playing games with yourself. Where's your river going? Are you riding with it? Or are you rowing against it? Don't you see that there is no effort if you're riding with your river?
~By Frederick Carl Frieseke ~

When I signed a contract, I was here to play 162 games.
~By Eddie Murray ~

There are one-hundred fifty-four games in a season and you can find one-hundred fifty-four reasons why your team should have won every one of them.
~By Bill Klem ~

No, I do not want to sacrifice four days for two games. My time is too valuable to do that.
~By Anatoly Karpov ~

It certainly is dangerous that there are only a few clubs left in Europe that can afford to pay millions. At the end of the day however, the spectators decide the rates of pay - by watching the games and consuming the goods and services advertised on sports TV programmes.
~By Angela Merkel ~

I may play some exhibition games so I don't want to quit the game of chess completely. I just decided and it's a firm decision not to play competitive chess anymore.
~By Garry Kasparov ~

Yeah, that's what kind of, we get the idea a little bit yeah, because other people from different countries also try as hard as they can to get a medal or a gold medal in the Olympic Games. And you know, if they can work hard, we can work hard as well.
~By Inge de Bruijn ~

It's still fun to come to games, and it's still fun to be in the Seattle crowd.
~By Steve Largent ~

I can shoot pool, and I can play ping-pong. I'm pretty good at those games.
~By Thelonious Monk ~

I think video games and that stuff should be as violent as possible, but age-appropriate. It should be realistic. When it's not realistic you run into kids running around shooting people and not realizing the consequences.
~By Darren Aronofsky ~

This is a war universe. War all the time. That is its nature. There may be other universes based on all sorts of other principles, but ours seems to be based on war and games.
~By William Burroughs ~

I live in L.A., so I go to basketball games. But I love baseball.
~By Penny Marshall ~

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July 26 ,2024
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