Health Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Health

Read This: Spring Quotes And Sayings

I have all this time between projects, and I'm not so sure that's a healthy thing. It's scary, because at 36 I'm woefully unqualified for anything else.
~By Jason Patric ~

From dear, dear Gloria Swanson, I learned how to live long, happy and free of health problems. I owe her my life.
~By Dirk Benedict ~

Our errors are surely not such awfully solemn things. In a world where we are so certain to incur them in spite of all our caution, a certain lightness of heart seems healthier than this excessive nervousness on their behalf.
~By William James ~

Government health care changes the relationship between the citizen and the state, and, in fact, I think it's an assault on citizenship.
~By Mark Steyn ~

Buildings designed with careful attention to aesthetics arouse and enlighten their occupants and that promotes their good health.
~By Robert Evans ~

Of course, it's hard to support full-time programmers, so we do get funds from a set of companies that are interested in the health of the Mozilla project and so are willing to support the people working for the Foundation as well.
~By Mitchell Baker ~

There's a way of dealing with hardships that are healthier than going out. That's what I've learned.
~By Lindsay Lohan ~

As a social good, I think privacy is greatly overrated because privacy basically means concealment. People conceal things in order to fool other people about them. They want to appear healthier than they are, smarter, more honest and so forth.
~By Richard Posner ~

However, many skilled medical volunteers are turned away because community health centers cannot afford to cover their additional medical liability insurance.
~By Tim Murphy ~

In other words we have marketed our way into this health crisis.
~By Frank Shorter ~

And it was back in the mid-1980s, and as I point out in a piece, that was when we are spending about eight percent of our gross domestic product on health care. And even then, we had the impression that so much of the excessive, aggressive medical treatment that took place at the end of life was not only unnecessary but it was cruel.
~By Richard Dooling ~

As patients and consumers, we are better informed today about our health care than any previous generation.
~By Patricia Hewitt ~

There is no question that managed care is managed cost, and the idea is that you can save a lot of money and make health care costs less if you ration it.
~By Charlie Norwood ~

After 16 months of teaching, consulting, fellowship, and special project activities on matters ranging from conservation to healthcare to international trade, Gov. Ventura appointed me to the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
~By David Minge ~

We want to make sure that we incentivize the health care system to be designed to provide you the best quality health care possible.
~By Valerie Jarrett ~

Jobs are disappearing from every sector of the economy, from engineering to health care workers, forcing hundreds of thousands of families into unemployment and low-paying jobs.
~By Jerry Costello ~

I like a man who can be a real friend, has a good sense of humor, a good pair of shoes and a healthy gold card.
~By Victoria Beckham ~

No company is preferable to bad. We are more apt to catch the vices of others than virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

It's incredibly difficult to keep a healthy body image in this business.
~By Courtney Thorne Smith ~

If Charlton Heston can have a constitutional right carry a rifle, why can't grandma have a constitutional right to health care?
~By Al Sharpton ~

I stand before you a totally healthy person.
~By Melissa Etheridge ~

This October, we renew the fight against domestic violence and abuse in America. Together, we can eliminate domestic violence from homes across the country and ensure that our children grow up in healthy, peaceful communities.
~By Lucille Roybal Allard ~

Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head, John Conyers, says he doesn't understand it. It'll be passed by Congress that has not read it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that's nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?
~By Rush Limbaugh ~

Folks, the most insidious part of this whole health care scheme is that all of these vast medical expenditures will become nothing more than government budget items. We individuals will no longer exist. The relationship between a government and citizen will change forever.
~By Rush Limbaugh ~

Women's health is one of WHO's highest priorities.
~By Gro Harlem Brundtland ~

Take all that is given whether wealth, love or language, nothing comes by mistake and with good digestion all can be turned to health.
~By George Herbert ~

A healthy old fellow, who is not a fool, is the happiest creature living.
~By Gerald Brenan ~

I was just then going through a healthy reaction from the orthodoxy of my youth; religion had become for me not so much a possession as an obsession, which I was trying to throw off, and this iconoclastic tale of an imaginary tribe was the result.
~By Laurence Housman ~

And let's be clear: It's not enough just to limit ads for foods that aren't healthy. It's also going to be critical to increase marketing for foods that are healthy.
~By Michelle Obama ~

Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

I basically believe the medical insurance industry should be nonprofit, not profit-making. There is no way a health reform plan will work when it is implemented by an industry that seeks to return money to shareholders instead of using that money to provide health care.
~By Diane Feinstein ~

All the arts in America are a gigantic racket run by unscrupulous men for unhealthy women.
~By Thomas Beecham ~

Newborn screening is a public health intervention that involves a simple blood test used to identify many life-threatening genetic illnesses before any symptoms begin.
~By Lucille Roybal Allard ~

Taste is the fundamental quality which sums up all the other qualities. It is the nec plus ultra of the intelligence. Through this alone is genius the supreme health and balance of all the faculties.
~By Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont ~

In all honesty my cake was baking when I met Al - I had made up in my mind already to get physically healthy. He refreshingly was on his own journey so it was almost as if we walked together.
~By Star Jones ~

It is not government's job to mandate responsibility on our behalf. We have the intelligence and good sense to make wise consumption choices for ourselves and our children. It is up to us to do what is best for our health and our children's health.
~By Michael Crapo ~

We had to go all through the night thinking that our baby was dead. When God showed him to us, he wasn't dead, he was sucking his thumb. God had him safe and sound. He is a miracle. He is so healthy, so perfect, and God has really, really blessed us.
~By Barbara Mandrell ~

We all want more information available when making health care decisions for ourselves and our families.
~By Dan Lipinski ~

The real fight is about what should be in the marketplace and what should not. Should education be a marketable commodity? Should healthcare?
~By Susan George ~

The government can access these funds but only following approval by the parliament to support our budget requirements and investments in infrastructure development, education, public health, and so on.
~By Jose Ramos Horta ~

I look forward to working with our leadership team to advance the causes of smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating terrorism, and providing affordable health care, among other issues.
~By Howard Coble ~

Each and every day health centers provide high-quality primary and preventive care to our constituents.
~By Jan Schakowsky ~

Medical professionals, not insurance company bureaucrats, should be making health care decisions.
~By Barbara Boxer ~

Mr. Speaker, our Nation must no longer be complacent about underage drinking and its alarming consequences. We must bring this national public health crisis out of the shadow and into the bright light of a national priority.
~By Lucille Roybal Allard ~

The current lack of a national standard for operators of medical imaging and radiation therapy equipment poses a hazard to American patients and jeopardizes quality health care.
~By Charles W. Pickering ~

One always has the idea of a stupid man as perfectly healthy and ordinary, and of illness as making one refined and clever and unusual.
~By Thomas Mann ~

Productive achievement is a consequence and an expression of health and self-esteem, not its cause.
~By Nathaniel Branden ~

We all recognize that in recent decades, many important achievements have helped create a cleaner, healthier environment, yet our national needs in environmental health are not being fully met.
~By Samuel Wilson ~

As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to save your soul; when death is immanent what can you do?
~By Chanakya ~

There is a healthy fraternal rivalry, but nothing serious and we both have been looking for a project to do together. I guess he may direct me in a project some day.
~By Mackenzie Astin ~

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.
~By Buddha ~

I want kids to have a chance to dream of becoming something like I did in my life, and when you're living in a home that's dysfunctional and unhealthy that way, you don't dream like that.
~By Picabo Street ~

Recent demonstration projects have shown that with some Federal support, a little funding can go a long way toward ensuring that low-income children have access to good oral health care.
~By Michael K. Simpson ~

One could say that in case of need, every normal and healthy woman is able to hold a position. And there is no profession which cannot be practiced by a woman.
~By Edith Stein ~

It is tragic that, under a pro-choice administration and a Democratic majority in Congress, harmful anti-choice policy will be the price American women will pay for health care reform.
~By Nancy Northrup ~

Great allowances ought to be made for the petulance of persons laboring under ill-health.
~By Samuel Richardson ~

Music when healthy, is the teacher of perfect order, and when depraved, the teacher of perfect disorder.
~By John Ruskin ~

Smoking is the now the principal avoidable cause of premature death in Britain. It hits the worst off people hardest of all. Smoking is one of the principal causes of the health gap which leads to poorer people being ill more often and dying sooner.
~By Frank Dobson ~

My experience as a school nurse taught me that we need to make a concerted effort, all of us, to increase physical fitness activity among our children and to encourage all Americans to adopt a healthier diet that includes fruits and vegetables, but there is more.
~By Lois Capps ~

Give a man health and a course to steer, and he'll never stop to trouble about whether he's happy or not.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

Years ago nobody was elected on the economic ticket. It was either the education platform, or it was health or it was other issues. It is only recently that economic values have superceded every other human value.
~By Anita Roddick ~

I feel a lot healthier when I'm having sex. Physically. I feel all these jitters when I wake up in the morning. Just energy jitters. I take vitamins, I work out every day. When I'm having sex, I don't have that.
~By Alyssa Milano ~

People in their 70s can still have incredible lives. Health is the most important thing.
~By Calvin Klein ~

The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. This fact is well-documented.
~By Eddie Bernice Johnson ~

We do not have a functioning market in the true sense of the word in health care. That's a layer of transparency that's sorely needed in America.
~By Paul Ryan ~

American families, families back home in Minnesota, know only too well that out-of-pocket expenses for health care have been rising at an astonishing rate.
~By Jim Ramstad ~

The avian influenza found in mainland British Columbia poses no significant threat to human health.
~By John Clifford ~

By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America!
~By Tom Allen ~

I used to be hung up on my figure, but it's a waste of time. I don't believe in diets. Have four pints one night, be healthy the next.
~By Sophie Ellis Bextor ~

I have worked to expand the health care debate beyond the current for-profit system, to include a public option and an amendment to free the states to pursue single payer.
~By Dennis Kucinich ~

Nurses are an integral component of the health care system, and it is important that we recognize the over 2.7 million registered nurses for the significant work that they do.
~By Nathan Deal ~

Financial literacy is an issue that should command our attention because many Americans are not adequately organizing finances for their education, healthcare and retirement.
~By Ron Lewis ~

Domestic discretionary spending on education and health care and the environment has been growing at 2 to 3 percent a year. He says we have to rein it in, but he ignores the spending category that is the big spike in the budget.
~By John Spratt ~

A healthy environment is essential to a livable Oregon and a strong economy.
~By Ted Kulongoski ~

You can never turn the clock back and, since we're talking about mental health, I would stress that.
~By Peter Shilton ~

The dual scourge of hunger and malnutrition will be truly vanquished not only when granaries are full, but also when people's basic health needs are met and women are given their rightful role in societies.
~By Gro Harlem Brundtland ~

Let's face it, in America today we don't have a health care system, we have a sick care system.
~By Tom Harkin ~

The infrastructure for linking environmental health and public health is not working as well as it should.
~By Samuel Wilson ~

We've had Town Hall meetings, we've witnessed election after election, in which the American people have taken a position on the President's health care bill. And the bottom line is the people don't like this bill. They don't want it.
~By Eric Cantor ~

But the fact of the matter is that all scientific evidence would show, based upon what we know about this disease, that muscle cuts - that is, the meat of the animal itself - should not cause any risk to human health.
~By Ann Veneman ~

All I need to do to stay healthy is look at my three boys.
~By Tracey Gold ~

My age and health will never allow me to realize the dream of art I've been pursuing all my life.
~By Paul Cezanne ~

The health care system is really designed to reward you for being unhealthy. If you are a healthy person and work hard to be healthy, there are no benefits.
~By Mike Huckabee ~

Of course the EU and member states must work to ensure that people moving from one country to another understand their obligations and their rights in areas like health, road safety and further education.
~By John Bruton ~

Many soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from serious, long-term, physical and mental health problems, due to their service. It is unconscionable to cut the already limited health care benefits available to these brave men and women.
~By Mark Dayton ~

If it's really so wonderful that both partners have to work to make a living to pay for their house, for health insurance, someone is obviously going to get the short end of the stick.
~By Eric Braeden ~

Each State has its own health insurance mandates, and some of them are good, but there are about 1,800 of them all across the Nation, including provisions for acupuncturists, massage therapists, and hair replacements.
~By Timothy Murphy ~

To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
~By Gustave Flaubert ~

Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway, and the pharmaceuticals are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs.
~By Phyllis Schlafly ~

Over the holidays, and even during filming, I realized that I actually like my body, even if it's not perfect according to the book. I just feel sexy. For the first time, I don't want to get rid of the curves. I just want to tone it up. My body is comfortable, and it's not unhealthy, so I'm going to rock with it.
~By Rihanna ~

All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principles of equal partnership.
~By Ann Landers ~

Those who enjoy their own emotionally bad health and who habitually fill their own minds with the rank poisons of suspicion, jealousy and hatred, as a rule take umbrage at those who refuse to do likewise, and they find a perverted relief in trying to denigrate them.
~By Johannes Brahms ~

Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.
~By Johnny Carson ~

People who shop in health food stores never look healthy.
~By Amy Sedaris ~

But to say that Sarah Palin and the tea party movement is responsible for vandalism or threats is just a way to dismiss the American people and, and their dissatisfaction with this health care bill.
~By Laura Ingraham ~

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
~By Jiddu Krishnamurti ~

Illegal immigration is crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems.
~By Timothy Murphy ~

A mutual and satisfied sexual act is of great benefit to the average woman, the magnetism of it is health giving. When it is not desired on the part of the woman and she gives no response, it should not take place.
~By Margaret Sanger ~

The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet.
~By Virginia Foxx ~

Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits.
~By William Hazlitt ~

Read This: Forgetfulness Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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