Holiday Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Holiday

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When Billie Holiday sings a song, I hear the song, but I always hear her and her truth.
~By Tom Wopat ~

The sea from Dunkirk to Dover during these days of the evacuation looked like any coastal road in England on a bank holiday. It was solid with shipping.
~By Douglas Bader ~

Every man who possibly can should force himself to a holiday of a full month in a year, whether he feels like taking it or not.
~By William James ~

I wrapped that Monday and started on my third episode for Miss Match on Thursday of that same week and we just wrapped yesterday cause it was split over the holiday.
~By Charisma Carpenter ~

I don't want to go to the Bahamas on holiday. I hate islands. I want to go to Brittany, where it's cold and raining, and there's nothing fancy about it.
~By Julie Delpy ~

Just as a puppy can be more of a challenge than a gift, so too can the holidays.
~By John Clayton ~

I listened to Billie Holiday a lot in order to learn to sing. She remains one of the extraordinary jazz singers. But my intent is to become my own voice, to be able to interpret these songs in my own way.
~By Madeleine Peyroux ~

I really only ever go on sun holidays so in my experience I prepare myself for the beach.
~By Lisa Snowdon ~

CBS started to confiscate our packages and mail as a safety procedure. A lot of packages that people send for the holidays and to our kids we can't open. A lot of times they are from overseas. It's very upsetting at times.
~By Hunter Tylo ~

The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to.
~By P. J. O'Rourke ~

November is Jewish book month, so Jewish Community Centers all around the country have book fairs where they invite authors and sell books in advance of the holidays.
~By Anita Diament ~

Retirement may be looked upon either as a prolonged holiday or as a rejection, a being thrown on to the scrap-heap.
~By Simone de Beauvoir ~

When I did Taming of the Shrew, I was very tired, and I decided to have a holiday and make a documentary.
~By Diane Cilento ~

Arbor Day is not like other holidays. Each of those reposes on the past, while Arbor Day proposes for the future.
~By Julius Sterling Morton ~

If we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday at a time of presidential inaugurals, this is thanks to Ronald Reagan who created the holiday, and not to the Democratic Congress of the Carter years, which rejected it.
~By David Horowitz ~

I have been keeping myself fit. I am going on holiday next week in the Mediterranean so that I can really unwind after the football season and have a rest.
~By David Ginola ~

The holidays are also a time when people freak out about their finances. If you don't want to spend the money, why not try some of the other options instead of killing a bunch of animals?
~By Christina Applegate ~

I started out Ice skating with Holiday On Ice and just got offered the part of R2 by chance.
~By Kenny Baker ~

I was trying to do Billie Holiday, because she was the voice to be heard at that time.
~By Ruth Brown ~

I was born in London in 1919. I first went to America in 1946 for a three-month holiday. Then I came back, worked here for almost a year sold up my home and went back on immigration in 1947.
~By George Shearing ~

A 'For Sale' sign in your yard during the holidays is like a 'kick me' sign. You are telling buyers you are a distressed seller.
~By Ray Brown ~

My father was in the civil service. I can remember standing in a bus shelter in the pouring rain, and that we were allowed candy floss at the end of the holiday if we had behaved.
~By Honor Blackman ~

I love to sing old Motown songs to myself, or some Patti Smith Edith Piaf or Billie Holiday. That gets me in the mood for singing.
~By Siobhan Fahey ~

I had done a fair bit of traveling during the holidays in my school days with my guitar and discovered that I could live on it. Admittedly, I traveled with a sleeping bag but I could always find somewhere to lay my head.
~By Jeremy Irons ~

There is an atmosphere about the picture theatre that speaks of entertainment and relaxation. The charming surroundings, good music, and the fact that each visitor is determined to enjoy a few hours of holiday all exert an influence on the mind.
~By Ivor Novello ~

Over the holidays, and even during filming, I realized that I actually like my body, even if it's not perfect according to the book. I just feel sexy. For the first time, I don't want to get rid of the curves. I just want to tone it up. My body is comfortable, and it's not unhealthy, so I'm going to rock with it.
~By Rihanna ~

I do not read SF as much as I used to. It's too much like a busman's holiday.
~By Jack L. Chalker ~

In our open society, we are inclined to give to the less fortunate for the pure goodness of giving. We open our home to those who are alone on this holiday to spread some warmth into the life of another.
~By Jeff Miller ~

I just feel - specifically about that holiday - why is it just one day that you have to tell the person that you love how much you love them? I think that is a little silly. I am much more the girl that likes the spontaneous.
~By Michelle Trachtenberg ~

I love writing about my job because I loved it, and it was a particularly interesting one when I was a young man. It was like holidays with pay to me.
~By James Herriot ~

I can only say the first thing that pops into my mind is I remember, years ago, seeing kind of a has-been country singer working - when I first moved to Nashville - in a bar in a Holiday Inn.
~By Jimmy Buffett ~

I loved Billie Holiday more than any other person other than myself on the stage. Yeah, I do.
~By Abbey Lincoln ~

Wal-Mart doesn't really care about your faith. Wal-Mart cares if you have money to spend, and it is going to be as generic as possible in exploiting the holiday season for every buck it can make.
~By Richard Roeper ~

After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working.
~By Kenneth Grahame ~

I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.
~By Fred Rogers ~

Who the hell wants fourteen pairs of shoes when they go on holiday? I haven't had fourteen pairs in my life.
~By Brian Clough ~

Of course, the idea of a six months' holiday is enough to make anyone laugh at anything, but I find that besides that I was a good deal harassed and run down, and I am glad to cut off from everything and start fresh. I feel miserably selfish about it all the time.
~By Richard H. Davis ~

I love oldies just kind of sweet, slinky, Fifties music. The slow stuff. And Billie Holiday.
~By Nastassja Kinski ~

Holidays in general breed unrealistic expectations. The minute you start wondering, 'is it going to be wonderful enough?,' it never will be.
~By Pepper Schwartz ~

When I came to England at the very beginning of commercial television it was easy for me because I was only doing one or two shows a week at most. It was really a holiday.
~By Richard Lester ~

A holiday is when you celebrate something that's all finished up, that happened a long time ago and now there's nothing left to celebrate but the dead.
~By Abraham Polonsky ~

The truth is the Super Bowl long ago became more than just a football game. It's part of our culture like turkey at Thanksgiving and lights at Christmas, and like those holidays beyond their meaning, a factor in our economy.
~By Bob Schieffer ~

I'm so depressed. Christmas is the worst of all. Holidays are terrible, worse than Sundays. I get melancholia.
~By David O. Selznick ~

Holidays are the best. I couldn't imagine being from a small family.
~By Kim Kardashian ~

I grew up in the 1950s and '60s, when it was almost a holiday when a black act would go on Ed Sullivan.
~By Al Sharpton ~

A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

I don't want to spend the next two years in Holiday Inns.
~By Walter F. Mondale ~

Christmas is a holiday that persecutes the lonely, the frayed, and the rejected.
~By Jimmy Cannon ~

I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays.
~By Henny Youngman ~

In spite of holidays when I was free to visit London theatres and explore the countryside, I spent four very miserable years as a colonial at an English school.
~By Patrick White ~

Christmas is the antithesis of Thanksgiving. Christmas is pretty much a man-made holiday.
~By John Clayton ~

I wanted to play piano in restaurants in the south of France. I went there on holiday once and I saw this guy playing in an old tuxedo. He was all disheveled, with a whisky glass on the piano. I thought that was the coolest thing. So what's happened to me with 'Twilight' isn't really what I'd planned.
~By Robert Pattinson ~

A systemic cleansing and detox is definitely the way to go after each holiday. It is the key to fighting high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and other health-related illnesses.
~By Lee Haney ~

I've just finished my next collection, Possible Side Effects, and I'm now working on a collection of holiday stories as well as a memoir about my relationship with my father.
~By Augusten Burroughs ~

We usually use that mostly on the weekends because we have access to the range during the week. But I can tell you a number of times they have had a training holiday at Fort Benning, so nobody trains, and to drag him in is like pulling teeth.
~By Nancy Johnson ~

There is no racial or ethnic involvement in Thanksgiving, and people who may be very distant from the Christian system can see the beauty and the positive spirit that comes from the holiday.
~By John Clayton ~

I have the ability to sing with emotion and feeling, but if you say I sound like Billie Holiday, that's cool. Let's look at who Billie was: she was this person, this singer, this beautiful diva who could move the audience with the slightest gesture of her hand.
~By Erykah Badu ~

Since I'm always working, my best holiday memories are definitely when I can just go home and spend time with my family.
~By Chris Brown ~

One of the wonderful things about this glorious holiday trip I'm on is that I'm in public with people. It hasn't been inclined... I don't know - something to do with the death of my wife. It's inclined to make me isolated.
~By Jeremy Brett ~

We're going to do something that's really unprecedented in the industry by launching the console in all three major markets for the same holiday. It's never been done before.
~By J Allard ~

This is such a special summer holiday for me. I haven't known myself so relaxed in years.
~By Kylie Minogue ~

All holidays can be good times.
~By John Clayton ~

The second trial was a fair trial. I do not call it a second trial. I call it a fair trial, as opposed to the first trial, which was an unfair trial, a Roman holiday.
~By Sam Sheppard ~

It's like your children talking about holidays, you find they have a quite different memory of it from you. Perhaps everything is not how it is, but how it's remembered.
~By Denis Norden ~

April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom, holiday tables under the trees.
~By E. Y. Harburg ~

I went to America on holiday when I was 17 and, before I knew it, I'd been signed up by an agency and had these obligations I didn't understand, but which I couldn't say no to. This industry chose me. But I did choose to make it fulfilling.
~By Elle Macpherson ~

If you think Independence Day is America's defining holiday, think again. Thanksgiving deserves that title, hands-down.
~By Tony Snow ~

That's what the holidays are for - for one person to tell the stories and another to dispute them. Isn't that the Irish way?
~By Lara Flynn Boyle ~

I also hate those holidays that fall on a Monday where you don't get mail, those fake holidays like Columbus Day. What did Christopher Columbus do, discover America? If he hadn't, somebody else would have and we'd still be here. Big deal.
~By John Waters ~

Orphans, dead parents, lonely children at Christmas, morose spoken word recordings, everything you love about the holidays. Move the turkey over so you can fit your head in the oven.
~By April Winchell ~

I ignore Hallmark Holidays. And this comes from a guy who has sold a million Opus greeting cards.
~By Berke Breathed ~

I went out every single night so I was never alone with my stepfather. At 12, I stopped going on holiday with them. The times I was alone with him I always made sure I was all covered up.
~By Christine Keeler ~

I have the biggest sweet tooth. After the holidays, I gotta start working out.
~By Devon Werkheiser ~

I have had a holiday, and I'd like to take it up professionally.
~By Kylie Minogue ~

I know the history of the record business so well because I followed Billie Holiday into the record studios. It was so primitive compared to the sophisticated business today.
~By Tony Bennett ~

With all of the holiday cheer in the air, it's easy to overlook the ingredients in the foods. Ingredients such as salt, sugar, and fat - all of which leads to diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, heart disease, and cancer.
~By Lee Haney ~

I have been determined for the past couple of years to move away from all those Holiday programmes.
~By Jill Dando ~

But to make a holiday record that involves favorite American songs and then also get to sing about Jesus birth, it just seemed like a real easy, subtle way to combine a couple of things that I love.
~By Amy Grant ~

I thought the Billie Holiday comparison was beautiful. I think, Wow, what a wonderful, creative, helpful spirit. She's someone who wanted to help others by sharing her emotion. That's what I do, too, so I think that's a great comparison.
~By Erykah Badu ~

I saw why people died and how they died. I saw gunshot wounds and liver failure. It was a good learning experience, so I came regularly on weekends and holidays.
~By Michael Baden ~

Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log.
~By Ellen DeGeneres ~

Passover and Easter are the only Jewish and Christian holidays that move in sync, like the ice skating pairs we saw during the winter Olympics.
~By Marvin Olasky ~

I said I didn't want to spend most of my life in Holidays Inns, but I've checked and they've all been redecorated. They're marvelous places to stay and I've thought it over and that's where I'd like to be.
~By Walter F. Mondale ~

One could make money and get a career going with a low-budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you.
~By John Carpenter ~

My favorite holiday spot has to be New York, on the St. Lawrence River. Without a doubt that area there is perfect for me. Very, very spacious. It's nice.
~By Tom Felton ~

Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.
~By Dave Barry ~

There are a lot of Grinches out there that would like nothing better than to take any references to religion out of the holiday season.
~By Ernest Istook ~

I knew there was something I had to do yesterday. I couldn't remember what it is. I can't figure it out. I know it's a holiday. I know I don't have a meeting. It's very confusing.
~By Jennifer Beals ~

My feelings are those of a schoolboy getting in sight of the holidays. Or more seriously, my feelings are perhaps those of a matador who has decided not to enter the bull ring.
~By Geoffrey Fisher ~

Billie Holiday I never met, but I love her music.
~By Nichelle Nichols ~

In August most of Europe goes on holiday.
~By Tony Visconti ~

I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what, never again.
~By Tim Vine ~

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July 27 ,2024
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