Ideas Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Ideas

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It can have its effect only through the intervention of God, inasmuch as in the ideas of God a monad rightly demands that God, in regulating the rest from the beginning of things, should have regard to itself.
~By Gottfried Leibniz ~

Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.
~By Victor Hugo ~

The unphilosophical majority among men are the ones most helplessly dependent on their era's dominant ideas.
~By Leonard Peikoff ~

Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.
~By Marie Curie ~

We have to do a film parody for Comic Relief. We can't decide which film to parody at the moment. Any ideas welcome, but not Spiderman owing to costume being too tight.
~By Dawn French ~

The world moves, and ideas that were once good are not always good.
~By Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

We wanted to be as expansive as possible to make sure we didn't preclude some good ideas.
~By John Poindexter ~

I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products.
~By Marcel Duchamp ~

Love is blind. My politics has been, too. I think you can fall in love with ideas, and you can fall in love with people. It's a very subjective experience. And I'm loyal to that experience.
~By Robert Wyatt ~

Our relationship to reality and to our experience is all based upon the ideas in our mind that we're always trying to live up to.
~By Andrew Cohen ~

The most important political task facing the out-of-power party - the Democrats for now - is creating a villain to run against. It's certainly easier than developing some grand new ideas or policies on which to campaign.
~By Pat Sajak ~

Ideas must be put to the test. That's why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas. There is often a huge difference between an idea and its realisation. I've had what I thought were great ideas that just didn't work.
~By Andy Goldsworthy ~

Abroad, they have covered pretty much all subjects, explored every possibility, every twist. So similarities between ideas you have and those filmed abroad are quite possible.
~By Ajay Devgan ~

I just wanted to do this all Australian film and we didn't want to give creative control to overseas 'cause whoever comes on my sets, whether you're sweeping the floor or an actor, it doesn't matter who comes up with the ideas, it's a collaboration.
~By Yahoo Serious ~

The people who oppose your ideas are inevitably those who represent the established order that your ideas will upset.
~By Anthony J. D'Angelo ~

Ideas are more powerful than people.
~By Jim DeMint ~

Ideas are a capital that bears interest only in the hands of talent.
~By Antoine Rivarol ~

Man associates ideas not according to logic or verifiable exactitude, but according to his pleasure and interests. It is for this reason that most truths are nothing but prejudices.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

Silence, exile, cunning and so on... it's my nature to keep quiet about most things. Even the ideas in my work.
~By Don DeLillo ~

Unfortunately, bureaucratic problems at the federal level are causing many other small Washington companies to be denied federal funding that would help transfer their ideas from their laboratories into our homes and hospitals.
~By Jay Inslee ~

Then I came in twice a week - for my own enjoyment as well as to be a guide. And then we started to apply some of the splinters of the ideas back into the piece.
~By Siobhan Davies ~

In the globalized world that is ours, maybe we are moving towards a global village, but that global village brings in a lot of different people, a lot of different ideas, lots of different backgrounds, lots of different aspirations.
~By Lakhdar Brahimi ~

The air of ideas is the only air worth breathing.
~By Edith Wharton ~

Half of the secular unrest and dismal, profane sadness of modern society comes from the vain ideas that every man is bound to be a critic for life.
~By Henry Van Dyke ~

From my own being, and from the dependency I find in myself and my ideas, I do, by an act of reason, necessarily infer the existence of a God, and of all created things in the mind of God.
~By George Berkeley ~

Fundamental progress has to do with the reinterpretation of basic ideas.
~By Alfred North Whitehead ~

People, and especially theologians, should try to familiarize themselves with scientific ideas. Of course, science is technical in many respects, but there are some very good books that try to set out some of the conceptual structure of science.
~By John Polkinghorne ~

Good ideas are the backbone of good government.
~By Brian Schweitzer ~

Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old - old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don't. In both cases we have to DO something.
~By Rush Limbaugh ~

The danger is that if you have a bunch of ideas that you forget to use.
~By Adrian Lyne ~

Most women seem to be required to pit themselves against men in dramatic situations, and the men got to pit themselves against ideas or God.
~By Judy Davis ~

Over the years, a number of other intriguing experimental ideas and areas of investigation have been the objects of my attention, and I have devoted some time and effort to exploring the inherent possbilities.
~By Frederick Reines ~

It is not in the world of ideas that life is lived. Life is lived for better or worse in life, and to a man in life, his life can be no more absurd than it can be the opposite of absurd, whatever that opposite may be.
~By Archibald MacLeish ~

You have to really be courageous about your instincts and your ideas. Otherwise you'll just knuckle under, and things that might have been memorable will be lost.
~By Francis Ford Coppola ~

The visible things that have come from the group have been the Plan 9 system and Inferno, but I hasten to say that the ideas and the work have come from colleagues.
~By Dennis Ritchie ~

When I began writing science fiction in the middle '60s, it seemed very easy to find ideas that took decades to percolate into the cultural consciousness; now the lead time seems more like eighteen months.
~By Vernor Vinge ~

There are rhythmic ideas which sometimes only work up to a point. In writing there are moments when it just comes off the page, it's not just a collection of notes.
~By Harrison Birtwistle ~

Certainly since then many people have taken a lot of those ideas and ridden them for years and years and made careers out of them. Part of that is willingness to do the kind of work that I wasn't willing to do. Get into a van and cover the country.
~By Arto Lindsay ~

Not only has this subject been long associated with the ideas of thinking men over the ages but its practical importance is attested to by the huge resources of men and material thrown into this type of work.
~By Robert Hofstadter ~

Mr. Speaker, I agree with those who say that the Global War on Terrorism is actually a Global War of Ideas and that terrorism is one of the tactics used in that War.
~By Mac Thornberry ~

I have dreamed in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind.
~By Emily Bronte ~

Today, our economy is about an economy of ideas.
~By Patrick J. Kennedy ~

The internet has become such a great tool not just for chefs but for everyone. The net has given everyone the tools to see and almost experience new and different ideas.
~By Graham Kerr ~

No idea is isolated, but is only what it is among all ideas.
~By Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel ~

The function of genius is to furnish cretins with ideas twenty years later.
~By Louis Aragon ~

Ideas are infinite, original, and lively divine thoughts.
~By Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel ~

You ask me if I keep a notebook to record my great ideas. I've only ever had one.
~By Albert Einstein ~

Working with (new collaborators) and letting people in to try new melodies and new lyrical ideas was very hard.
~By Gwen Stefani ~

We're trying to run a 21st century society and economy with 19th century Darwinian, competitive, crude ideas.
~By Susan George ~

Film provides an opportunity to marry the power of ideas with the power of images.
~By Steven Bochco ~

I've managed to dodge the curse. Not all my family have. Of course, music helped me - music is all about civilization, about something worthwhile. It's all about ideas.
~By Gordon Getty ~

There's no field of music which doesn't have good ideas.
~By Robert Wyatt ~

You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.
~By Shirley Chisholm ~

One reason people get divorced is that they run out of gift ideas.
~By Robert Byrne ~

All the good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.
~By Grant Wood ~

I don't have ideas so much as there are things which constantly evolve... there are various threads or layers, if you like, which change.
~By Harrison Birtwistle ~

Just once in a while let us exalt the importance of ideas and information.
~By Edward R. Murrow ~

There is a very remarkable inclination in human nature to bestow on external objects the same emotions which it observes in itself, and to find every where those ideas which are most present to it.
~By David Hume ~

Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.
~By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~

A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering.
~By Freeman Dyson ~

There is a firm, clear commitment to provide resources and ideas to enable us to organize the Afghans towards starting the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction.
~By Lakhdar Brahimi ~

No ideas and the ability to express them - that's a journalist.
~By Karl Kraus ~

I will commit myself to making this state an even greater place to live, work and raise a family. I intend to reach out from border to border to hear first-hand from our citizens about their thoughts, concerns and ideas for our state.
~By Dave Heineman ~

Dressing up is inevitably a substitute for good ideas. It is no coincidence that technically inept business types are known as 'suits'.
~By Paul Graham ~

British fashion is self confident and fearless. It refuses to bow to commerce, thus generating a constant flow of new ideas whilst drawing in British heritage.
~By Alexander McQueen ~

The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret of outward success.
~By Henry Ward Beecher ~

Its limitations are those of the physical universe: it won't let you play with some really wild ideas that aren't possible, but are fun to speculate about.
~By Stanley Schmidt ~

Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
~By Albert Einstein ~

True, the initial ideas are in general those of an individual, but the establishment of the reality and truth is in general the work of more than one person.
~By Willard Libby ~

I'm supposed to be the director of a television company, but I've only ever seen that company as a vehicle for making the kind of programmes we wanted to make, getting our ideas on the screen.
~By Rory Bremner ~

When our minds as people normally starts to wrap around things, we start to attach all these ideas to it that really aren't that necessary to the core of it, if you just experience it and kind of go through it.
~By Josh Holloway ~

We're all so clogged with dead ideas passed from generation to generation that even the best of us don't know the way out.
~By Peter Weiss ~

Ideas are great arrows, but there has to be a bow. And politics is the bow of idealism.
~By Bill Moyers ~

It is money, money, money! Not ideas, not principles, but money that reigns supreme in American politics.
~By Robert Byrd ~

I welcome the Democrats' ideas on Social Security. I think it is very important to make a bipartisan reform.
~By Jack Kingston ~

Mental states of every kind, - sensations, feelings, ideas, - which were at one time present in consciousness and then have disappeared from it, have not with their disappearance absolutely ceased to exist.
~By Hermann Ebbinghaus ~

Thinking is hard work. One can't bear burdens and ideas at the same time.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

We had to do the same thing here. To top that sequel was quite a task. Mike had a couple of good conceptual humour and character ideas, which got me back into it.
~By Jay Roach ~

Words are but the signs of ideas.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

I've always been very interested in the struggle for human rights, not just here but abroad, and I wanted to be an inside player in that struggle. I wanted to make the laws reflect our ideals and ideas in this democracy that is America.
~By Leah Ward Sears ~

I believe scientists have a duty to share the excitement and pleasure of their work with the general public, and I enjoy the challenge of presenting difficult ideas in an understandable way.
~By Antony Hewish ~

I have learned to respect ideas, wherever they come from. Often they come from clients. Account executives often have big creative ideas, regardless of what some writers think.
~By Leo Burnett ~

A lot of times Mick will play me different things, or I'll listen to a cassette, and out of twenty ideas or whatever, I'll find two or three that are just blowing me away, and we'll start working on them right away.
~By Lou Gramm ~

Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act.
~By Andre Malraux ~

Students need to learn how to think critically, how to argue opposing ideas. It is important for them to learn how to think. You can always cook.
~By Charlie Trotter ~

I believe in nurturing creativity and offering a haven for creators, enabling them to develop their ideas to the fullest. With more and more talented creators being drawn to Cirque in an environment that fulfills them, these are ideal to continue developing great new shows.
~By Guy Laliberte ~

Ideas are cheap. Always be passionate about ideas and communicating those ideas and discoveries to others in the things you make.
~By Charles Eames ~

I failed to fulfill what should have been an interesting role. I couldn't take their formula and bring what I had, my humor, my ideas, and make it my own.
~By Dianne Wiest ~

Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
~By Donatella Versace ~

The idea that you earn things - that you earn respect, that you earn income, responsibility. the vote, punishment... these ideas are anathema to the liberal mind.
~By Dennis Prager ~

Acting school was summer camp, and I needed concentration camp. I had so many different ideas swirling between culture and how to tie things together.
~By Ajay Naidu ~

There are MAYBE 30 years worth of ideas out there... watch for the feature version of ER in about 25 years... Hollywood has become hopelessly chained to the bottom line.
~By Bruce Campbell ~

You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it.
~By Neil Gaiman ~

All ideas grow out of other ideas.
~By Anish Kapoor ~

The intercourse between the Mediterranean and the North or between the Atlantic and Central Europe was never purely economic or political; it also meant the exchange of knowledge and ideas and the influence of social institutions and artistic and literary forms.
~By Christopher Dawson ~

To describe and explain my ideas is to lose them.
~By Marino Marini ~

If we are to survive, we must have ideas, vision, and courage. These things are rarely produced by committees. Everything that matters in our intellectual and moral life begins with an individual confronting his own mind and conscience in a room by himself.
~By Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. ~

I have come up with very creative ideas that really didn't work with the song I was currently composing.
~By Ken Hill ~

I just like to have the ideas. Other people can help see them through.
~By Amy Sedaris ~

What matters to me is that I do what I think is right and I see, I'm a numbers guy, that's my attitude. I know we have a debt tsunami coming, we are bankrupting this country and I'm in a position where I can actually advance ideas to prevent that from happening. That's exactly what I should be doing.
~By Paul Ryan ~

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October 23 ,2024
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