Importance Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Importance

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Some pacifists have carried the sound idea of the prime importance of security too far, to the point of declaring that any consideration of disarmament is superfluous and pointless as long as eternal peace has not been attained.
~By Ludwig Quidde ~

Technological considerations are of great importance to architecture and cities in the informational society.
~By Kenzo Tange ~

To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

Churchill knew the importance of peace, and he also knew the price of it. Churchill finally got his voice, of course. He stressed strategy, but it was his voice that armed England at last with the old-fashioned moral concepts of honor and duty, justice and mercy.
~By Suzanne Fields ~

The importance to the nation of a generously adequate food supply for the coming year cannot be overemphasized, in view of the economic problems which may arise as a result of the entrance of the United States into the war.
~By David F. Houston ~

Professionally, I remember Cronkite as a kid growing up, and more so for me, the importance of Cronkite was not him sitting there at the anchor desk, but him out there doing things.
~By Ed Bradley ~

His impact would have been of transient memory and comparatively small importance, had not that impact occurred at a time and in a way to make it supply particulars from which momentous generalizations can properly be projected.
~By Robert Welch ~

Similarly, the problem of the rights of the state in the disposition of inheritances left by individuals presents social aspects of the first importance.
~By Rene Cassin ~

The importance of the river cannot be overstated in the history of the country, or the development of the nation.
~By Maurice Hinchey ~

Of course, nobody would deny the importance of human beings for theological thinking, but the time span of history that theologians think about is a few thousand years of human culture rather than the fifteen billion years of the history of the universe.
~By John Polkinghorne ~

My object will be, first, to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.
~By George Cuvier ~

It's hard to exaggerate the importance of preserving the financial integrity of Social Security.
~By Bill Delahunt ~

Celebrity gives us delusion of self importance.
~By Al Goldstein ~

For example, the Prime Minister earlier this year talked about the importance of the Arctic to our future. He's right. A hundred years from now, the strength of Canada is going to be coming from our resources in the Arctic.
~By Brian Mulroney ~

It's quite complicated and sounds circular, but we've worked out a way of calculate a Web site's importance.
~By Larry Page ~

People to whom nothing has ever happened cannot understand the unimportance of events.
~By T. S. Eliot ~

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a good teacher.
~By Temple Grandin ~

If a person goes to his job with a firm determination to give of himself the best of which he is capable, that job no matter what it is takes on dignity and importance.
~By Hortense Odlum ~

Our legislation addresses broadcasts over the public airwaves, but I hope the cable and satellite industries see the importance of this issue and voluntarily create a family tier of programming and offer culturally responsible products.
~By Charles W. Pickering ~

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.
~By Sun Tzu ~

Age is of no importance unless you are a cheese.
~By Billie Burke ~

But you have to understand that I consider myself a very modest artist, or whatever, and not of importance really at all - it is quite embarrassing to me to be asked my opinion about things. I am only a wee Scottish poet on the outside of everything.
~By Ian Hamilton Finlay ~

Good fiction reveals feeling, refines events, locates importance and, though its methods are as mysterious as they are varied, intensifies the experience of living our own lives.
~By Vincent Canby ~

It is seldom in life that one knows that a coming event is to be of crucial importance.
~By Anya Seton ~

All I know for certain is that reading is of the most intense importance to me; if I were not able to read, to revisit old favorites and experiment with names new to me, I would be starved - probably too starved to go on writing myself.
~By Penelope Lively ~

It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.
~By Thomas Huxley ~

What I have learned from my work up to now, is to try to be open, but also protect myself by not letting the good and the evil get too much importance.
~By Jane Campion ~

I have often noticed that a bribe has that effect - it changes a relation. The man who offers a bribe gives away a little of his own importance; the bribe once accepted, he becomes the inferior, like a man who has paid for a woman.
~By Graham Greene ~

The Nixon years were trying. They honed my judgment for everything I did later on. The experience also illustrated for me the importance of training young lawyers properly.
~By Fred F. Fielding ~

The biggest lesson I've learned by living abroad for the last four years is the importance of communication.
~By Hidetoshi Nakata ~

Those who served, and those who continue to serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard took an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and we can never forget the importance of their commitment to our Nation.
~By Robin Hayes ~

It is clear from all these data that the interests of teenagers are not focused around studies, and that scholastic achievement is at most of minor importance in giving status or prestige to an adolescent in the eyes of other adolescents.
~By James S. Coleman ~

It is proclaimed by the great leaders of that party, by its political conventions, by its ministers of the Gospel, and by every other means they have of giving currency and importance to the declaration, that it is its mission to abolish slavery in the Union.
~By John H. Reagan ~

The mystique associated with the bomb, the role that scientists played in it, and its general importance could not fail to impress even a six-year old.
~By Sidney Altman ~

Influenced by him, and probably even more so by my brother Theodore (a year older than me), I soon became interested in biology and developed a respect for the importance of science and the scientific method.
~By Frederick Sanger ~

Looking ahead, I believe that the underlying importance of higher education, of science, of technology, of research and scholarship to our quality of life, to the strength of our economy, to our security in many dimensions will continue to be the most important message.
~By Charles Vest ~

While I recognize the great value and importance of prescription drugs and strongly support a continued U.S. focus on pharmaceutical research and development, our nation's seniors cannot be asked to subsidize the drug costs of other wealthy industrialized nations any longer.
~By Michael K. Simpson ~

Through Kurt I saw the beauty of minimalism and the importance of music that's stripped down.
~By Dave Grohl ~

Being closer to the genesis of this whole period, it captured the importance of the concept of making contact and accurately depicted the paranoia of the time. It's an excellent film.
~By Dwight Schultz ~

But what is of great importance to me is observation of the movement of colors.
~By Robert Delaunay ~

Being selected Most Improved was a special individual award because when I speak to young people I always try to tell them the importance about it's not where you start but where you end up.
~By Kevin Johnson ~

The destiny of our society is yours to make and you have a vastly greater importance to the world than we do.
~By Polykarp Kusch ~

They know the importance of their mission and of America's commitment to combating and defeating terrorism abroad, and they know that they are making a real difference in bringing freedom to a part of the world that has known only tyranny.
~By John Boehner ~

For, usually and fitly, the presence of an introduction is held to imply that there is something of consequence and importance to be introduced.
~By Arthur Machen ~

A toothache, or a violent passion, is not necessarily diminished by our knowledge of its causes, its character, its importance or insignificance.
~By T. S. Eliot ~

In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes.
~By Julius Caesar ~

It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.
~By Katherine Mansfield ~

It's the level that allows us each to live our own chosen lives. But I notice not everyone agrees with the primary importance of that level, and I try to account for how they don't.
~By Robert Nozick ~

The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress; therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.
~By George Washington ~

Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.
~By John Adams ~

As governor, I learned the importance of having an agenda.
~By John Engler ~

With the increasing importance of standards for system-level objects such as COM and CORBA, it is particularly important that the C++ bindings to those be clean, well documented, and simple to use.
~By Bjarne Stroustrup ~

I mean, this whole digital revolution is really eroding the director's importance on a movie because, number one, just from a practical standpoint, with floppy disks and the ability to put all of the film onto a disk, more people have access to the movie.
~By John Frankenheimer ~

I don't attach importance to great speeches or philosophy.
~By Jacques Santer ~

No tools have yet been met with in any of the gravels occurring at the higher levels of the valley of the Seine; but no importance can be attached to this negative fact, as so little search has yet been made for them.
~By Charles Lyell ~

I understand the importance of bondage between parent and child.
~By Dan Quayle ~

By and large, the critics and readers gave me an affirmed sense of my identity as a writer. You might know this within yourself, but to have it affirmed by others is of utmost importance. Writing is, after all, a form of communication.
~By Ralph Ellison ~

Just once in a while let us exalt the importance of ideas and information.
~By Edward R. Murrow ~

The global importance of the Middle East is that it keeps the Far East and the Near East from encroaching on each other.
~By Dan Quayle ~

Don't minimize the importance of luck in determining life's course.
~By Alex Trebek ~

The one thing I would like more credit for is being part of a movement which involves recognising the importance of plot and asserting that books of literary worth could be written that had plots.
~By Scott Turow ~

Because when God heals a body, that is temporal; but when God saves a soul, that has eternal importance.
~By Benny Hinn ~

It is well for us that we are born babies in intellect. Could we understand half what mothers say and do to their infants, we should be filled with a conceit of our own importance, which would render us insupportable through life.
~By Augustus Hare ~

It's absolutely of no importance who or what V was under the mask. He isn't a who or a what, he's an idea. The thing is, you couldn't continue it. Now and then the idea of a sequel has been raised, in vague forms, but I think it would be a bad idea. The story's finished.
~By David Lloyd ~

As problems like identity theft become more prevalent, now more than ever, Americans need to take their financial health seriously - and this information is of the utmost importance.
~By Ruben Hinojosa ~

Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
~By George Washington ~

The degree in which a poet's imagination dominates reality is, in the end, the exact measure of his importance and dignity.
~By George Santayana ~

The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.
~By Thomas More ~

Most of the results of using technical bugging devices were of little importance for my service. It may have been different in counter-intelligence, where bugs in flats, etc., were used to obtain a lot of information about what counter-intelligence was interested in.
~By Markus Wolf ~

It's pointless to be critical of your stuff once it's done. I don't spend a lot of time agonising over it. It's of no importance once it's finished.
~By Paul Simon ~

If you're sitting in your minivan, playing your computer animated films for your children in the back seat, is it the animation that's entertaining you as you drive and listen? No, it's the storytelling. That's why we put so much importance on story. No amount of great animation will save a bad story.
~By John Lasseter ~

It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of importance, it lasts so short a time.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

Japan's experience suggests the importance of assessing the sustainability of price stability over a fairly long period, which many central banks have emphasized in recent years.
~By Toshihiko Fukui ~

U.S. assistance provides the Jordanian government needed flexibility to pursue policies that are of critical importance to U.S. national security and to foreign policy objectives in the Middle East.
~By Richard Armitage ~

The high food value of field beans and the shortage of supply due to the light yields of 1915 and 1916 render them of great importance in the regions to which they are adapted.
~By David F. Houston ~

It is of great importance to note these meteors, even the small ones, as very little is yet known of them; and every observation, if carefully made, will some day help to show what they are.
~By William John Wills ~

Absent scandal, a federal judge can serve for decades on the bench, underscoring the importance of appointing judges who have a proper understanding of their constitutional role.
~By Paul Weyrich ~

I am inclined to attach some importance to the new system of manufacturing; and venture to throw it out with the hope of its receiving a full discussion among those who are most interestedin the subject.
~By Charles Babbage ~

To photograph is to confer importance.
~By Susan Sontag ~

Nothing of any importance can be taught. It can only be learned, and with blood and sweat.
~By Robert Anton Wilson ~

The proportion between the velocity with which men or animals move, and the weights they carry, is a matter of considerable importance, particularly in military affairs.
~By Charles Babbage ~

The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country. But it is being buried as collateral damage in a war whose battles include political correctness and ideological orthodoxy.
~By Juan Williams ~

Every man, when he comes to be sensible of his natural rights, and to feel his own importance, will consider himself as fully equal to any other person whatever.
~By Joseph Priestley ~

We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted.
~By Napoleon Hill ~

Those who believe in the importance of serving others should lead the way by fighting against the temptation we all have, and maybe especially as we age, to close in upon ourselves.
~By Marvin Olasky ~

Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.
~By Elsa Schiaparelli ~

I always knew the importance of it, since I was three or four years old my mother used to feed me wine and water. I grew up with wine as liquid food.
~By Robert Mondavi ~

I came here as a practical man, to talk, not simply on the question of peace and war, but to treat another question which is of hardly less importance - the enormous and burdensome standing armaments which it is the practice of modern Governments to sustain in time of peace.
~By Richard Cobden ~

As a member of Congress, and a parent, I understand the importance of ensuring that families are able to provide a meaningful and proper burial for their loved ones.
~By Jon Porter ~

Moreover, the abundance of chemical compounds and their importance in daily life hindered the chemist from investigating the question, in what does the individuality of the atoms of different elements consist.
~By Johannes Stark ~

Both in thought and in feeling, even though time be real, to realise the unimportance of time is the gate of wisdom.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

Research is of considerable importance in certain fields, such as science and history.
~By Fred Saberhagen ~

Intellectuals are people who believe that ideas are of more importance than values. That is to say, their own ideas and other people's values.
~By Gerald Brenan ~

The best thing about lying in bed late is that you learn to distinguish between first things and trivia, for whatever presses on you has to prove its importance before it makes you move.
~By Max Lerner ~

It is only natural that for any statesman at the helm of any government the question of his country's security should be a concern of the utmost importance.
~By Eisaku Sato ~

You are indebted to you imagination for three-fourths of your importance.
~By David Garrick ~

Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.
~By Isak Dinesen ~

The first professional play I ever saw was The Importance Of Being Earnest, and I just fell in love.
~By Kim Cattrall ~

I had passed through the entire British education system studying literature, culminating in three years of reading English at Oxford, and they'd never told me about something as basic as the importance of point of view in fiction!
~By Philip Pullman ~

I think we Americans, of all people, understand the importance of a good, legal, constitutional framework as the basis of political life.
~By Paul Bremer ~

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July 27 ,2024
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